pup2p? Anyone interested in an update?

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pup2p? Anyone interested in an update?

#1 Post by TheZenKitteh »

EDIT: See this post http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 306#695306

Awhile back when pup2p was new I used it, however it has become outdated (very outdated) and the developer seems absent.

My question is, is there any interest here for this to be updated/redone?

pup2p link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pup2p/
I2P link: http://i2p2.de

My thoughts:
If I decide to update it, I may just do an sfs file of the packages so that any puppy (maybe?) could use it with relative ease. Don't know for sure if I want to do a full remaster/update. As well it would be nothing like tails and may not even be the best setup for I2P use. I'm not qualified enough to secure a puppy enough to be similar to tails. However I could do an sfs I'm sure of I2P and some related applications.

If there is enough interest I may do something. So, would you have use for a puppy live with I2P and related apps?
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