
For stuff that really doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Puppy
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#1 Post by kooliepup »

Sweden removes “Ungoogleable
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#2 Post by splot »

Well this may not be ungoogleable, but this was the most recent topic about google so I'll put this here.
So what if we're evil: "We're going full steam
ahead, no matter what happens with the settle-
ment." —Dan Clancy, Google Books executive.
from http://book-grab.com/

Some of you would already know about this, but I only stumbled on it today.

"So what if we're evil" hmmm.
They are starting to make MS look like Cinderella.
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#3 Post by linuxcbon »

google, facebook, yahoo etc., they have your data, so they have money and power, that's simple.
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#4 Post by amigo »

Yeah, google has been more dangerous than MS for a long time now.
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