Need on-screen keyboard with mouse functions

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Great Work by SFR

#41 Post by mikeslr »

Hi standard7452,

Yes. Really great work by SFR. No doubt with some encouragement and aiding and abetting by greengeek.

Add the following, per the xvkb site:
"Automatic Click
Set on/off of the automatic click feature and the delay before automatic click is activated. If this feature is set, xvkbd will work as if left mouse button is clicked when mouse pointer is moved on a button and stays long enough. You may want to set Jump Pointer? to OFF to avoid auto-repeating."

I haven't quite figured out how best to use magoo perhaps because I think Magoo-MK129 is broken. (Will email author). But in any event, geany text editor can be run mouseless. I've given up efforts to include WordPerfect for Dos via dosemu since, to make it compatible with Linux apps its native file format could not be used (readable only by LibreOffice, maybe OpenOffice) and if docs are saved as mere text it has little to recommend it over geany.
"A" Magoo modified to substitute geany and other "mouseless" apps would be a very useful interface for this project.
I'm still trying to figure out how to customize xvkb's interface so as to group the most commonly used letters of the alphabet in a pattern of close-proximity to reduce the necessary mouse movement and delay between desired letters. While xvkbd has built in functions to assignments for special keys, they don't handle "standard" keys. However, xvkbd itself must because in addition to the standard "US" keyboard, you can select already available keyboards as diverse as Dvorak or Korean. [The onscreen key must have a label indicating what letter will be sent to the target application, or function called, and "pressing" the key so labeled must have the desired effect]. I'll write to Tom Sato, xvkbd's creator, as soon as I've thought out a keyboard layout using xvkbd's design rather than the rectangular one of the previous illustration.

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Re: Great Work by SFR

#42 Post by greengeek »

mikeslr wrote: I'll write to Tom Sato, xvkbd's creator, as soon as I've thought out a keyboard layout using xvkbd's design rather than the rectangular one of the previous illustration.
I think it's a great idea to have an alternative layout of keyboard - those who do a lot of typing might find a real productivity boost if the keyboard had all those "couplets" that you listed on it. Why type one letter at a time when you could do it two at a time?

Maybe even a list of several alternative keyboard layouts? One for maths, one for science, etc etc

And please pass on my thanks for xvkbd - it's neat!
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#43 Post by standard7452 »

Words cannot express how grateful I am that all of you did this.

I showed my friends this, and they couldn't believe what they saw.

Frankly, I cannot believe what I see.

With a few adjustments to XVKBD everything is done to allow a user to access a computer via a single switch.

You guys could make a fortune billing a government agency with this solution, FYI.

I spend a lot of time trying to help those with disability access a computer. I just don't think its fair that the most vulnerable people need to pay the most.

To me, that is not in the spirit of using a computer or accessing information.

All I can say, is that I am SO impressed you guys have done so much.
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#44 Post by starhawk »

standard7452 wrote:I just don't think its fair that the most vulnerable people need to pay the most.



I see this in so many ways, every single day.

Then again, like far too many people -- I am the 99%.
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#45 Post by standard7452 »

starhawk wrote:
standard7452 wrote:I just don't think its fair that the most vulnerable people need to pay the most.



I see this in so many ways, every single day.

Then again, like far too many people -- I am the 99%.
Well after trying everywhere ( I even put up a $1000 bounty on it was the PUPPY people who came through first (no reward)--and I kind of knew it would be.

I am just so impressed with all of you it gives me goosebumps and tears to my eyes...thank you.
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#46 Post by starhawk »

Hey -- help is what we're here for. That's the purpose of this forum. It's as close as you'll ever get to a Puppy call center :D

Besides, what the government can't or won't do, the rest of us kinda have to pick up and deal with, instead. Especially when it's something that the government /should/ do. Even more so when it comes to things like a social safety net, that ensures that people like those you work with can get along OK in life, or that people like me don't go to bed hungry or homeless.
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Thank you standard7452

#47 Post by mikeslr »

Thank you, Will, for devoting yourself to the care of others, for having the good sense to use the only traits by which man actually distinguishes himself from other animals --the joint abilities to co-operate in the use of individual talents and the expectation that we will at least try. And thank you for giving us tinkerers something worth doing.

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#48 Post by ETP »


A pet with a later version of Xvkbd (3.2) can be found here: ... 7ef936a699

The manual is located here:

It works well with Magoo (Netbook) V6, not requiring any extra libs. It is not clear from the manual, but in order to get the “Word Completion
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Status Assessment and Wishlist: Assisting Disabled

#49 Post by mikeslr »

Hi All,

Word Completion:
From the manual there apparently is a module for the user to change the word completion dictionary from the default /usr/share/dict/ to something else. Someone (sorry, not me – my skills aren't adequate) should be able to co-opt a dictionary –say the one used by Abiword-- converting its format, if necessary, and include it by default in an xvkbd pet.

Word completion and automatic scrolling –preferably both-- may be essential in order for our solution to become bearable. I can see why Standard7452 suggested Onboard or GOK. Xvkbd can be set so that if the mouse is NOT moved for a specified period of time it will generate a keypress sending the “letter
Tentative xvkbd Keyboard based on keypress frequency
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Re: Status Assessment and Wishlist: Assisting Disabled

#50 Post by greengeek »

mikeslr wrote:Would it be possible to include in either NavBar or Radar6 a routine to automatically move the cursor if no button were pressed?
Interesting idea. That might be a useful "backstop" in case the user is locked into a problem they can't clear, or has maybe lost sight of the cursor.
ETP wrote:A pet with a later version of Xvkbd (3.2) can be found here: ... 7ef936a699
The manual is located here:
Thanks ETP. I have just trialled Precise 5.5 with your suggested xvkbd 3.2 and it seems to work well. I also trialled it with SFR's new version of radar and navbar and they look like a good combination

Precise 5.5 download here: ... se-5.5.iso

(new versions of radar and navbar with enhanced visibilty attached)
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Assisting Disabled

#51 Post by ETP »

Word Completion:
From the manual there apparently is a module for the user to change the word completion dictionary from the default /usr/share/dict/ to something else. Someone (sorry, not me – my skills aren't adequate) should be able to co-opt a dictionary –say the one used by Abiword-- converting its format, if necessary, and include it by default in an xvkbd pet.

The “word
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Regards ETP
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Abiword & Arthra -- Wordprocess, Dictionary & Thesaurus

#52 Post by mikeslr »

Hi All,

I've just started exploring ETP's Magoo Pup. Nice. I haven't as yet installed xvkbd, Nav or Radar but unless they create conflicts, I am no longer concerned about finding a mouseless wordprocessor and less concerned about generating a dictionary for xvkbd. Once launched from Magoo's Pad, Abiword can --as far as I tested-- be run entirely mouseless. It includes its own spell-check dictionary.
If there is a need for something greater, some time ago sikpuppy created a pet of Arthra which includes Wordweb and functions even when off-line. It's still available from here: ... 204#361204. I have used that version without a problem in every puppy I've explored (Slackos, Exprimos, Lupus, Precieses) since and it works fine in Magoo. [A version is available via PPM in Saluki and Carolina]. Just a couple of notes about it, not really any complaints: After starting Arthra the first time it stays resident after it's closed leaving an icon on the taskbar. It can be called by clicking that icon or by pressing Ctrl-Alt-w. Not sure if that can be reassigned, but if not it should not be run with Opera, or Opera's Hot-keys should be reassigned. Opera thinks that means "Close this Tab" as I can attest having to type this for the second time. In Abiword, you can use Ctrl-f to find a word (or part of a word) or if already found, Shift-directional-keys to select it. Ctrl-c copies it to the clipboard. Thereafter pressing Ctrl-Alt-w reopens Arthra which provides synonyms and words associated with the selected word.
Although the advice on the Artha link above suggest some modification of Seamonkey may be required (and tells how) I've never had to do that.
I strongly recommend that sikpuppy's pet be mirrored somewhere.

Last edited by mikeslr on Sat 30 Mar 2013, 14:59, edited 1 time in total.
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More Thoughts

#53 Post by ETP »

Hi All,

I am rapidly coming to the belief that this project will merit the production of a dedicated pup with its own name to distinguish it from the 1300 odd others that exist.
Testing and the target hardware should reveal upon which core pup it should be based.

Can you give us some idea of the type and specification of the hardware that is likely to be used including if possible, the likely monitor sizes and resolutions?

With regard to a name (If you all agree) I will kick things off by suggesting a few. I propose however that the final choice of name should be made by Will and his friends.
  • Accessibility Pup.
    Assistentia Pup.
    Assistive Pup.
    Pup Assist.
Should Will opt for something like “Klingon Pup
Last edited by ETP on Mon 01 Apr 2013, 07:22, edited 1 time in total.
Regards ETP
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#54 Post by greengeek »

I was thinking about the idea of making a .pet of radar, navbar and xvkbd and calling it "ParaPet"

(I don't know how to make a .pet yet tho'....)

(and in any case maybe paraplegics need such functionality less than quadraplegics would... I guess I don't really know )
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Re: Assisting Disabled

#55 Post by greengeek »

ETP wrote:Can I ask that you download the MK-129 pet from my server and test it in Precise 5.5? (The copy on the forum was corrupt)
Hi ETP, I just gave it a quick trial on my 1024x768 Toshiba laptop and found that it somehow took away the ability for radar to stay on top of other windows. I have no idea why this is happening though. (I didn't have this problem when previously testing radar on Magoo netbook version). If I get a chance I will do some more indepth testing, but I'm getting limited computer time at the moment.
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#56 Post by greengeek »

SFR has kindly made some further adjustments to radar and navbar to make it possible to alter the transition speed from "choose action" to "choose direction". (EDIT : What I actually meant is that there is now an adjustable delay when displaying the first choice of each menu - allowing the eye more time to adjust before cycling through the rest of the choices).

Also - the new navbar allows a choice of 8 direction arrows (as per original) or 4 arrows (ie: no diagonal arrows). Some users may prefer the simpler visual appearance of the 4 arrow version.
(see attached new versions)

I have trialled this new adjustability within navbar and think it may suit some users to have slower transition settings and also the 4 arrow display, which I find easier on the eyes especially when tired or distracted. It might suit users who need more time to make their choices or to switch their vision from the work window to the navbar window.
My preferred settings to get this slower behaviour would be:

Code: Select all

ROLL_DELAY=1.0			     # Delay for direction/action
FIRST_POS_DELAY=1.0			# Extra delay for first direction/action (0 = none)   # (it will be accumulated with ROLL_DELAY)


ARROWS=4					# Amount of 'arrows': 4 (↑→↓
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navbar 4 arrow.png
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Last edited by greengeek on Sun 31 Mar 2013, 18:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: More Thoughts

#57 Post by Ted Dog »

[quote="ETP"]Hi All,

I am rapidly coming to the belief that this project will merit the production of a dedicated pup with its own name to distinguish it from the 1300 odd others that exist.
Testing and the target hardware should reveal upon which core pup it should be based.

Can you give us some idea of the type and specification of the hardware that is likely to be used including if possible, the likely monitor sizes and resolutions?

With regard to a name (If you all agree) I will kick things off by suggesting a few. I propose however that the final choice of name should be made by Will and his friends.
  • Accessibility Pup.
    Assistentia Pup.
    Assistive Pup.
    Pup Assist.
Should Will opt for something like “Klingon Pup
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Pets and Pups

#58 Post by mikeslr »

Hi All, Hi greengeek,

For testing whether a combinations pets conflict with each other, or anything else on the system, it's best to first create an SFS. Pets override libraries, and their removal doesn't re-install an over-written library. If there's a problem, you have to start with a new SaveFile and rebuilt your system. SFSes only establish priority of libraries in the "merged/layered" file system. Unloading an SFS eliminates any conflict. Consequently, for testing I recommend you use RHS's PaDS, ... 7ea00e07ce. It's an easy to use GUI.
Once you're certain their isn't a conflict, you could use petmaker, or sfs2pet, ... 5c0a80f0e0. I've never used sfs2pet. What I do is create a directory with the name of the pet. Then I mount the SFS (Right-Click) the SFS and select view. SHOW Hidden files to make certain nothing is missed, and then drag-and-drop all files into your pet folder. Unmount the SFS. Move up one level so that your folder appears as a folder. Open a terminal and type dir2pet. A GUI will walk you thru pet creation.
The above works unless you're creating a pet from scratch: that is including file (configs, libs, etc.) which weren't already included in a pet or SFS. In that case, petmaker should work. But test the pet on a clean SaveFile. I recall some reports of problems. Best to create pets manually once you familiarize yourself with linux file structure. Takes longer, but is safer.
Regarding a dedicated pup: I agree with ETP. Eventually we should put together one so that anyone can have an "assistance Puppy" OOTB, with onscreen keyboard & navigation running on bootup. St. Bernard? Labrador? Recommend based on Slacko, if possible. Although I generally prefer Ubuntu builds --I think I understand them better-- Slackware with its more conservative approach may be better for older hardware. And I think we'd want the system to be able to run on inexpensive (=old) laptops. Alternatively, one of the Long-Term-Support Ubuntus. But I think we're getting ahead of ourselves. Too many pieces of the puzzle yet unsolved.

Last edited by mikeslr on Sun 31 Mar 2013, 18:09, edited 1 time in total.
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#59 Post by Ted Dog »

We should base it on a woof default build and NOT a offshoot of another distro. The reason is these functions are small in size or would be when complete and if mainlined into standard build methods require very little maintenance ongoing.


I choose Wary since its for older hardware.

However initially I think a Magoo build makes the most logical choice to introduce it as a ready to go radar :wink: puppy. With better hosting needed.
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#60 Post by starhawk »

Wary's pretty stable stuff, and runs on just about anything. It gets my vote as well.
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