Many problems using, remastering Puppy 4.3.1

Booting, installing, newbie
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Re: The how to

#81 Post by linuxcbon »

No, don't compile, I didn't ask that. I cannot follow what you are doing, it goes in all directions. I let other people help you.
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#82 Post by Kogije »

I'm not sure what else to do.
I only have the one Video Driver that is already compiled and it is already installed.

I just tried following the instructions for using getnividia and it complained about a missing glibc.
I tried installing it from a pet and it crashed the Puppy.

I re-installed but this time I went with a Frugal Install instead of a full install because of all the suggestions before on doing so.

I HATE working with the Frugal install.

I wouldn't mind so much if there was a reliable way to save what I did, however,
I just spent 5 hours letting it update the PPM database only to have to do it all over again because IT NEVER ASKED ME TO SAVE when I rebooted.
It just didn't give me the option.
Sometimes it saves automatically before I reboot/shutdown.
Sometimes it asks me to save before I reboot/shutdown.
Sometimes it never gives me an option to save when I reboot/shutdown.

Frugal seems to be a nightmare to work with.
However, it may be an Ideal format when I get this done. As long as I can MAKE THE SAVE FILE READ ONLY so it won't be changed.
If I can make it RESTORE THE SAVE FILE from an alternate location.

I will work on that later.
For now it looks like I need help making this Video Driver compile.
Last time I used
Maybe I need to switch to an earlier version that might not have a glibc problem?
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#83 Post by green_dome »

what glibc does the 'getnvidia' package complain about?
what is the glibc version of the puppy you are trying to compile a nvidia driver in?

Code: Select all

ldd --version
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#84 Post by Kogije »

It didn't say what glibc it wanted.

I'm checking right now what is on there... 2.11.1

I tried putting a newer one on before and it crashed.
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#85 Post by green_dome »

Sounds like TNT cards will not work in Lupu.
link | link
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#86 Post by Kogije »

I've seen stuff in Forums with Lupu 5.28 using them

Apparently getnvidia 7.0 will run on here, but, it wants my Pupsav file to be larger than 512 MB.

How do I make it bigger?

Okay, I figured it out, now it's 1 Gig.

I hear there is a limit of 1.8 Gig :( This may be a problem later!
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#87 Post by green_dome »

filesize limit on pupsave file?
I have a few pupsave files that are several gigabytes in size and I have not run into any apparent problems, though I am no expert.

link to discussion about pupave file size.
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#88 Post by Kogije »

well, it tried building a driver, but it is downloading the wrong video driver from nvidia

It is trying to build a 310.40 Driver and I need a 71.86 Driver


there is a nvidia-glx-304.51.sfs file that I don't know what to do with ???

I have the that I need downloaded

I'm not sure what I need to do.

I think maybe I need to just compile my own driver without using getnvidia.
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#89 Post by green_dome »

According to this post, it would be difficult to use 'getnvidia' to compile an older driver.

It would seem, when an older driver is needed, compiling your own may be the better way.
These instructions helped me to an extent. I do not have a Riva TNT card to test on.

'' does not appear to contain 'nvidia-xconfig'. I am not sure how much that may hinder installation.

Code: Select all --extract-only
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#90 Post by Kogije »

I'm not sure either, but it looks like you are on the same page I am...

I already had the files mentioned in those instructions and printed out the Instructions earlier starting at Step 4

Before I try compiling the Driver I'm going to restore my backup of the Frugal Install to what it was before I tried using getnvidia 0.7... I probably do not need to do this, however, I'm sure the Environment will be much cleaner if I do.

It's the unknown variables that have been killing me in getting everything installed properly...

On a Side Note...
When I did the Frugal Install I skipped running alsaconf
I just added my alsa.conf file that I had made before into /etc/modprobe.d/

Now when I run glxgears I get

260 frames in 5.0 seconds
260 frames in 5.0 seconds
257 frames in 5.0 seconds
260 frames in 5.0 seconds
262 frames in 5.0 seconds
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#91 Post by CatDude »

Hello Kogije

I think you are wasting your time with Lupu-5.11

So, why don't you try using another Puppy version ?

For example, this: wary-500.iso
then chuck this at it:
and see how it goes.

If it all works out OK, then continue with getting Firefox etc running in it.

It's going to take all of ten minutes to find out (if you do a frugal install)
and do not update the PPM

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#92 Post by Kogije »

I would have to update the PPM before putting the libgl's in place which needs to be done before using the nvidia pet

and I'm much more familiar with Ubuntu so Lucid is really my best choice.

Aside from the Video everything else installs okay

If I go to wary-500 I would need to find a different version of dbgl, WINE and VLC :(


I'm not sure the alsa.conf I wrote would be compatible with wary-500.
I would probably need to run alsaconfig to get Audio working and that's not good.
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#93 Post by Kogije »

It doesn't want to compile, I just get an error :(

Could it be that I need to use a DOTconfig file?

Okay, this is what I'm doing

On a fresh Install of lupu-511.iso (Lucid Puppy 5.1.1)
I installed the Mesa libgl and got glxgears working
I installed libstdc++
I opened Terminal and did uname -r which tells me I have Kernel
I got kernel_src- and lupu_devx_511.sfs and mounted those in Boot Manager
Then I got for my Graphics Card (32MB Nvidia Riva TNT2) and put it in Root
I exited X to Console and did ./
I accepted the Terms
Then I get an Error
If you are using a Linux 2.6 kernel, please make sure
you have configured kernel sources matching your kernel
installed on your system.
Maybe I should try using in there instead.
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#94 Post by CatDude »


On the previous page of this thread,
green_dome posted this:
green_dome wrote:Sounds like TNT cards will not work in Lupu.
link | link
Did you actually read those links :?:

Just in case you never, here is the relevant bits:
The first link:
01micko wrote:..I have a compatible card too. Unfortunately the old TNT cards are not supported since Xorg 7.4. This something out of our hands since Lupu is designed for the latest Ubuntu compatibility :cry:
The second link:
01micko wrote:...If you need that driver for the latest Lucid Puppy 520 (or any Lucid 5X) it is I'm afraid not possible.

The reason is the Xorg developers dropped support for these older graphics cards, it is unfortunate. :(

I tried to compile it myself and did much research but to no good, sorry.

The best you can do is use Xorg_high in Lucid puppy or see if Wary Puppy works on your machine. I do know that that driver works :) (nvidia proprietary)

Now, bearing those in mind,
think about this:
Mick Jagger wrote:You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes well you just might find
You get what you need
Which roughly translated into puppy-speak, means:
I think you are wasting your time with Lupu-5.11

So, why don't you try using another Puppy version ?
:wink: :wink:

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I know

#95 Post by Kogije »

I read the links, but they were both fairly old and things change.
I also found a working although I think it may be for wary.

I don't need this Puppy to do everything, just Video Playback with Audio (320x240 would be fine), Internet (with working Flash and Java) and the ability to run some old DOS games (one of which requires a Windows 95 Installer so I need WINE Working.)

I have tried several Versions of Puppy (mostly it has been suggested to switch to a newer version, but, newer versions go into Kernel Panic at boot because of a lack of CPU support.)
Puppy 4.3.1 dead ended for 3 reasons:
1 was I couldn't get WINE working correctly.
2 was I couldn't get the Mesa Utils to work. (I think I have that figured out now.)
3 was the Audio didn't work correctly. (I have that figured out for Puppies that no longer use etc/modprobe.conf)
Lighthouse Pup 4.43 lacked the Internet Support I needed and was very slow from too much eye candy.

That said,
I may eventually try another Puppy Version if I reach a complete dead end with this one.

Wary might be good if I can Find a k2.6.35.7 or am I wrong in thinking that the k2.6.35.7 is newer than k2.6.31.14?

Okay, I finally did reach a dead end. Time to try Wary...
I'm thinking 5.5
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Wary 5.5

#96 Post by Kogije »

Okay, I switched to Wary 5.5 with K2.6.32.59

The Video is working and with a lot of work I got the Audio working as well.

I'm going to back it up before I start installing the Apps.

Installed and Working so far:
*Firefox 5.0b2
*Java 1.7u13
*DBGL 0.68
*DOSBox 0.73
*WINE 1.4.1

Note: The Video Playback with Flash is a bit choppy, I'm not sure why!
I made a profile for Dig Dug in DBGL and when I run it the Audio is Chirpy,
also the game lags a bit... I don't understand why it has so much trouble
emulating a 4MHz game. It's also Emulating a sb16 which is just plain stupid
since I have a sb16 in the system.
Looks like I have to Install DOS on this system :(
Also, WINE is installed but is complaining about Gecko Packs, I put the one
from PPM in there, but it didn't help, probably because it's for an older
version of WINE. I need the Gecko working.

I still need:
Open Office (I found some Instructions how to Install this, I'll see how it goes.)
XBMC (I just found a copy of XBMC for Puppy so VLC is history.)

Okay, the clock at the bottom of the desktop is a 24 hour clock.
How do I change it to a 12 hour clock?
Last edited by Kogije on Tue 16 Apr 2013, 23:25, edited 1 time in total.
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#97 Post by green_dome »

What version is the Gecko package in the Wary PPM?
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#98 Post by Kogije »
I am pretty sure it is suppose to work with the
but I installed 1.4.1
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#99 Post by green_dome »

The Gecko packages can be downloaded from here: ... e%20Gecko/

The relevant .cab or .msi file can be placed in:
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#100 Post by Kogije »

Okay, I got wine_gecko-1.4-x86.msi from there and put it in

Supposedly this is the version that I need.

It no longer complains about the missing Gecko pack, however
it still doesn't work

I resolved a problem with not being installed

It still complains about:

Storage Share Mode not Implemented
Can't Find Matching Timezone Information in the Registry for bias 480
Could not load wine-gecko

There are other pets that are listed where I downloaded WINE from that I did not install but,
it isn't complaining about them.
I have them downloaded but not installed, not all of them are the same version as what is listed as I could not find the older version.
The ones I found are:

Should I install these anyway or
just the ones that are the right version and keep looking for the older ones
or do I not need them?

I'm trying to get WINE working well enough to Install (and possibly run)
a game that was made for Windows 95 and has both Windows and DOS
The Installer requires a Windows 95/98 environment but once installed it can be run from DOS.
Also, the game has a PvP online mode.
If I can run it from WINE that would be great, if not I plan to install DOS 7.1 as a second boot option in Grub.
Either way works.
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