Boot problem Puppy 1.0.3.

Booting, installing, newbie
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Joined: Sat 16 Jul 2005, 18:15
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Boot problem Puppy 1.0.3.

#1 Post by CrowDaddy »

Puppy 1.0.3. I downloaded this and burned the iso, but this
puppy won't boot. Here is the on screen message:
loading isolinuz
Disk error 76, AX=427A, drive 9F (drive 9F is my dvd/cd-rw recorder)

I compared this puppy's files with my (works great!) Puppy 0.9.0 and I
see no difference except boot msg, which my working puppy doesn't have
and shouldn't, and goofy.16. also not found on my working pup. Otherwise,
the only differences are small variations in size.
Is there anything I can do besides start over with another download?
All advice would be appreciated.
(As a by-the-way, there is some possibility that the cd itself may be bad.
I bought one of those 70 cds for $10 bargains and I figure about 10 of them so far have been garbage. I did burn the iso twice, with a bad cd in mind, but no change.)
Linux User #336564
Bruce B

#2 Post by Bruce B »

Lots of ways to do things. I don't burn Puppy CD-ROMS very often, because I run off the HD with an Option 2 install. No reason to have the CD-ROM.

Last night I installed version 1.0.4 and it just took a few minutes to install.
  • 1) I downloaded the .iso file

    2) mounted the .iso file

    3) copied image.gz, vmlinuz, usr_cram.fs to an ext3 partition on hdc5

    4) added entries in grub's menu.lst for the new version

    5) well that's it
Posts: 8
Joined: Sat 16 Jul 2005, 18:15
Location: Michigan

#3 Post by CrowDaddy »

Thanks for the speedy and excellent reply. I was hoping to
make a live cd of this one too; I have two Linux distros on
my harddrive, but we'll see. The truth is I don't need any of
this, but Puppy is so much fun and so smart, I can't seem to
leave it alone.
Linux User #336564
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