Danish language pack

For efforts in internationalising Puppy and solving problems in this area
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Karl Godt
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#21 Post by Karl Godt »

I dont know : My simple "./configure" gettext msgfmt compiles maans ascii .po without problems :
bash-3.2# /usr/local/bin/msgfmt screeny.po
So Puppy gettext might be compiled with --disable-øl --without-beer --without--aquavit --enable-grumpy --follow-ubuntu --force-utf8 --giveus-herring ??
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Karl Godt
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#22 Post by Karl Godt »

OK hurtigloopen :

Code: Select all

read -p "/Path/To/The/Program.po : " programpo
echo "$programpo"
[ "$programpo" ] || { echo "Need filename.";exit 1; }
[ -e "$programpo" ] || { echo "'$programpo' does not exist. Not enough beer intus?";exit 1; }
[ -f "$programpo" ] || { echo "'$programpo' is not a regular file. Sorry need more beer"'!';exit 1; }
[ "${programpo##*\.}" = 'po' ] || { echo "'$programpo' is not a .po file. Fill up the fridge maybe?"'!';exit 1; }

echo "Checking '$programpo' for html errors .."


MPDBNOT=`echo "$MPDB" |tr -d '[[:blank:]]' |tr '\n' '|' |sed 's%^|*%%;s%|*$%%'`

echo -e "\\033[0;39m";
sleep 3s
defaulttexteditor "$programpo"

while [ "$RETVAL" != 0 ] ; do
while read P; do
echo "P=$P'"
[ "$P" ] || continue;
#P1=`echo "$P" | sed 's%\(.\)%\.\*\1\.\*%g'`; ##doesn't work for me
P1=`echo "$P" | sed 's%\(.\)%\1\.\*%g'`;
echo "P1=$P1'"
echo -e "\\033[1;31m"
grep -n -o "$P1" "$programpo" | grep -v "$P" | grep -vE "$MPDBNOT" && {
echo -e "\\033[0;39m"
$(echo "$MPDB")
[ "$RETVAL" != 2 ] && RETVAL=0
[ "$RETVAL" = 2 ] && continue

until [ "$RETVAL" = 0 ] ; do

dirnamepo=`dirname "$programpo"`
basnamepo=`basename "$programpo" .po`
echo -e "\\033[1;31m"
msgfmt --strict -o /tmp/"${basnamepo}.mo" "$programpo"
if [ $? = 0 ] ; then ##alright..
echo -e "\\033[1;32m""Enough liquor intus"'!'"Well done"'!'"\\033[0;39m"
cp --remove-destination /tmp/"${basnamepo}.mo" "$dirnamepo"
echo "Urgs... Something went wrongodongo .. Please edit '$programpo'"

until [ "$RETVAL1" = 0 ] ; do

echo "S0: Session completed. Have a nice day"'!'
exit $RETVAL1
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#23 Post by maans »

Hi Karl & L18L

I appreciate your help very much :D :D

I just needed to know that I should replace the text-content type to UTF-8 to make it work!

I've updated the langpack_da-20130409.pet with a translated Screeny script.

Before I did that - I made a quick remaster where I replaced the initrd file with one that had been translated by lang2initrd (usr/sbin) - and I tried to make it startup with danish as default.

i copied profile, codemap and fontmap from /etc in the remaster process - but I didn't know how to make it choose the right timezone as default....

Would you happen to know what file I should copy/edit to set Europe/Copenhagen as default?

I also need to translate the big puppydialog which starts up after the quicksetup - however I don't know what it is called and therefore I can't find it in the loong list of translatable scripts.

Do you happen to know what it is called?

Last question in this post:
My remaster shows a save-icon on the destop even if it's run in live-mode - and it's not translated - as it wasn't present in the destop-strings file...
1) It shouldn't be there in the first place
2) When there *is* a savefile it should show up - and should be translated to ("gem")...

Sorry if I'm asking too much in one post, however you both seem to be very experienced with Puppy and I guess you can answer these questions without too much effort?! 8) :D

precise_da-5.4.3.iso (ca. 160 Mb) md5sum:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

Save-icon in live-mode - Why?
(53.5 KiB) Downloaded 360 times
What is this dialog called??
(64.71 KiB) Downloaded 363 times
wrong timezone as default...
(30.48 KiB) Downloaded 356 times
Last edited by maans on Wed 10 Apr 2013, 13:10, edited 1 time in total.
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startup with your language as default.

#24 Post by L18L »

maans wrote:...startup with danish as default.

i copied profile, codemap and fontmap from /etc in the remaster process - but I didn't know how to make it choose the right timezone as default....

Would you happen to know what file I should copy/edit to set Europe/Copenhagen as default?...
I suggest
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#25 Post by L18L »

maans wrote:...I also need to translate the big puppydialog which starts up after the quicksetup - however I don't know what it is called and therefore I can't find it in the loong list of translatable scripts.

Do you happen to know what it is called?...
... and don't forget to create a danish menu2png
and put it into /usr/share/doc/help/da/
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save icon

#26 Post by L18L »

maans wrote:Last question in this post:
My remaster shows a save-icon on the destop even if it's run in live-mode - and it's not translated - as it wasn't present in the destop-strings file...
1) It shouldn't be there in the first place
2) When there *is* a savefile it should show up - and should be translated to ("gem")...

Sorry if I'm asking too much in one post, however you both seem to be very experienced with Puppy and I guess you can answer these questions without too much effort?! 8) :D

Don't worry.
Karl is very much more experienced than me with scripting and compiling.
And my experience with live-mode is zero.

I only know /etc/rc.d/PUPMODE
My PUPMODE is 12.
I have never seen that icon. :roll:
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#27 Post by L18L »

please test new momanager
http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... h&id=66493

Save as /usr/sbin/momanager
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Karl Godt
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#28 Post by Karl Godt »

The icon is created by /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit :
############ MISC DESKTOP STUFF ##################
[ .. ]

Code: Select all

#save button on desktop when booted from flash drive...
if [ $PUPMODE -eq 3 -o $PUPMODE -eq 7 -o $PUPMODE -eq 13 ];then #pup_rw is tmpfs.
 if [ "`cat /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin | grep "save2flash"`" = "" ];then
  echo '<icon x="768" y="128" label="save">/usr/sbin/save2flash</icon>' >> /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin
  cat /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin | grep -v '/pinboard' > /tmp/PuppyPin-CPY
  cp -f /tmp/PuppyPin-CPY /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin
  echo '</pinboard>' >> /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin
That code alters the PuppyPin file .
Live PUPMODE number is 5 .
I am wondering how it managed to show that way . Maybe you followed the advise of L18L to use a save-file but on USB drive and your PUPMODE was 13 that time .
PUPMODE number 12 is for frugal on normal internal HDD .
That differs in the way /tmp directory is managed :
In 13 /tmp is a mount point with tmpfs filesystem in ram
and in 12 /tmp is a folder inside the save-file.

Remaster is really tricky if it involves /etc folder and /root like it does in these cases .
I remasterd a lot in the end of the year 2010 and a lot because everytime there had been things missing .
So I am not "The Expert" when it comes to remaster but I know some hidden files that should be left out ( ie /etc/.XLOADED ) .

Thats it for now. Had a day off today :)
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save icon on desktop

#29 Post by L18L »

maans wrote:...My remaster shows a save-icon on the destop even if it's run in live-mode - and it's not translated - as it wasn't present in the destop-strings file...
I see it now in your precise_da 8)
as for translation:

try to add it to /usr/share/sss/desk_strings/desk_strings.da
under [_root_Choices_ROX-Filer_PuppyPin]:


Hope that helps
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#30 Post by maans »

Hi Karl
Karl Godt wrote:Maybe you followed the advise of L18L to use a save-file but on USB drive and your PUPMODE was 13 that time .
PUPMODE number 12 is for frugal on normal internal HDD .
That differs in the way /tmp directory is managed :
In 13 /tmp is a mount point with tmpfs filesystem in ram
and in 12 /tmp is a folder inside the save-file.
Exactly what i did!
I'm really impressed that you found a possible reason why this happened!

Thanks a lot :D

Cheers Måns Mårtensson
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Re: save icon on desktop

#31 Post by maans »

Hi L18L
L18L wrote:add it to /usr/share/sss/desk_strings/desk_strings.da
under [_root_Choices_ROX-Filer_PuppyPin]:

Great - I'll do that for the next PET version..
Thanks a lot :-)

Cheers Måns Mårtensson
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#32 Post by maans »

Hi again

Sorry for spamming this thread with questions for (almost) every script I attempt to translate, however I keep running into trouble.

This time it's the shutdownconfig which is the problem.
If it's not too much of a hazzle could you please look into the translation and maybe pinpoint the error(s).... (I think (hope) it's a new type this time...) :

Cheers Måns Mårtensson
po &amp; txt
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#33 Post by maans »

Hi again

I installed L18L's momanager hack:

official (momanager) language packs

It seems that it now will compile a mo file from my script...?!

No error messages..

GREAT - (just have to check if it works in the shutdown process - I guess it does..


Cheers Måns Mårtensson
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Re: momanager

#34 Post by maans »

Hi L18L
L18L wrote:please test new momanager
http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... h&id=66493

Save as /usr/sbin/momanager
Sorry didn't see this post untill now - however I saw your contribution and it seems that it solves some of the compiling problems all by it self...


Great to be called a puppian btw - makes me feel welcome. (and "barking up the right tree" - for once) thanks - and woof woof :D

Cheers Måns Mårtensson
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Karl Godt
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#35 Post by Karl Godt »

Dette gør ikke null, Måns ! That does'nt matter , Maans !

If You use geany text editor, it seems that to go to
Document > Set Encoding > Unicode > Unicode UTF-8 makes these resembling error messages
sh-3.00# msgfmt shutdownconfig.po
shutdownconfig.po:22:10: invalid multibyte sequence
shutdownconfig.po:69:31: invalid multibyte sequence
msgfmt: too many errors, aborting
go away .

Now there is still a tiny thing left :
sh-3.00# msgfmt shutdownconfig-utf8.po
shutdownconfig-utf8.po:454: end-of-line within string
msgfmt: found 1 fatal error

which is missing a ' " ' double quote at the end of line 453 :
old.po wrote:msgid ""
"You can now choose to save the personal session files to a file, named '${DISTRO_FILE_PREFIX}save.2fs'. Your choice will be remembered at next bootup.\n"
"NOTE: You cannot choose to save the session to the entire partition ${xPDEV}, as Puppy is installed into a sub-directory '${xPSUBDIR}'. If Puppy had been installed at '/', not in a folder, then you would have the option of saving the session to the entire partition (assuming that the partition does not have any other distro installed in it) which has the advantage of all the free space in the partition available for your session files."
msgstr ""
"Du kan nu vælge at gemme de personlige session-filer til en fil, der hedder '${DISTRO_FILE_PREFIX}save.2fs'. Dit valg vil blive husket ved næste opstart. \n
"BEMÆRK:. Du kan ikke vælge at gemme sessionen til hele partitionen $ {xPDEV}, da Puppy er installeret i en under-mappe '${xPSUBDIR}'. Hvis Puppy var blevet installeret i '/' og ikke i en mappe, så ville du have mulighed for at gemme sessionen til hele partition (forudsat, at partitionen ikke har en anden distro installeret på sig), som får udbytte af al den ledige plads på partitionen til dine sessionsfiler. "
newer.po wrote:msgid ""
"You can now choose to save the personal session files to a file, named '${DISTRO_FILE_PREFIX}save.2fs'. Your choice will be remembered at next bootup.\n"
"NOTE: You cannot choose to save the session to the entire partition ${xPDEV}, as Puppy is installed into a sub-directory '${xPSUBDIR}'. If Puppy had been installed at '/', not in a folder, then you would have the option of saving the session to the entire partition (assuming that the partition does not have any other distro installed in it) which has the advantage of all the free space in the partition available for your session files."
msgstr ""
"Du kan nu vælge at gemme de personlige session-filer til en fil, der hedder '${DISTRO_FILE_PREFIX}save.2fs'. Dit valg vil blive husket ved næste opstart. \n"
"BEMÆRK: Du kan ikke vælge at gemme sessionen til hele partitionen $ {xPDEV}, da Puppy er installeret i en under-mappe '${xPSUBDIR}'. Hvis Puppy var blevet installeret i '/' og ikke i en mappe, så ville du have mulighed for at gemme sessionen til hele partition (forudsat, at partitionen ikke har en anden distro installeret på sig), som får udbytte af al den ledige plads på partitionen til dine sessionsfiler."
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Danish language pack

#36 Post by L18L »

maans wrote:...Sorry for spamming this thread with questions for (almost) every script I attempt to translate, however I keep running into trouble...
Dette gør ikke null, Måns !

These questions and hopefully the answers may help
- other translators
- the writer of momanager for dummies
- further development

All open questions have been answered now, thank you Karl :D
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Karl Godt
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#37 Post by Karl Godt »

Yup always these tipsies :D And the posts that show up while you still copy and paste from geany to the browser :lol:
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#38 Post by maans »

Dear L18L & Karl Godt

Thank you for all your help :D :D :D

Latest Danish languagepack (Seneste sprogpakke): langpack_da-20130415.pet

Code: Select all

Featuring danish translations of:
Inkscape Light
All categories, menus, submenus, all standard desktop files + some addtional ones..
etc etc etc.

This is how far I could take it this time... If you want to participate/contribute or report bugs/bad language - please do so via: humamamm at gmail dot com.

Cheers Måns Mårtensson

*Thanks to L18L :D
Last edited by maans on Mon 15 Apr 2013, 20:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Danish language pack

#39 Post by L18L »

well done :)
here is a small contribution I have found on the web...
and let momanager built the tgz file.
Danish for
NoteCase hold styr på noter
needs update
(2.87 KiB) Downloaded 518 times
Danish for
Osmo personlig organisator
is up to date
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#40 Post by maans »

Hi L18L

Thanks a LOT :D :D

I've updated the package above with your files and cleaned the languagepack from files that aren't translated yet - help-htmls etc... and a couple of dirs that were in the former compilation - I don't know why - eg. jre 1.7.1

Cheers Måns Mårtensson
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