myz puppy (minimal racy) updating

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myz puppy (minimal racy) updating

#1 Post by scsijon »

Version 1008 is the second beta release.
It's iso can be found at ... 3.1008.iso and is still only 87Meg. (90468353 bytes) MD5 is e8d09836a3f71c231de62796df0d595d
It's devx is at ... 3.1008.sfs and is also 87Meg (90767392 bytes) MD5 is 9caf52b8ee3f0dd8d6af824ec7261cb7

The only problem I know of that is left is the grub install problem and that is in hand with barryk as it is across the latest puppy dists.

I shall leave it here for the present and complete a release version when it has been sorted out.


myz1 is a racy 5.3.90 puppy that has had a 'few changes'.

The origonal myz was created as a 'test' back when I first started using woof2 and was a wary5 build to give me the confidence to build with woof2. It was never released, as I was less than confident it was stable enough to be released into the community. myz1 is an equivalent updated to the current racy 5.3.90 (5.4beta) I have created after updating my woof2 and having a 'few' problems that barryk has helped me sort out.

Theoretically the 'myz' series should be able to become either a User Workstation by adding User Applications and any missing libraries, or a Webserver by the addition of the available LHMP pet packages and any missing libraries.

Firstly, it is a seriously cutdown version of what you normally find in a Puppy, only a minimum of applications and libraries have been left in it. This means you can basically build your own racy by adding what you want and leave out what you don't normally use. Because of this, when adding applications via the PPM I would recomend that you ALWAYS check dependancies. Also it does not at myz1007 have the Firmware Modules added, these will be in the zdrv (I believe) when the second beta, coded myz1008 appears.
EDIT: myz1008 will no longer have the firmware modules as they don't zdrv and will make the base too big so myz1008 may not ocurr unless problems appear.

Secondly, I updated the kernel to 3.2.28-pae-i686-aufs-up to gain some of the extras available with the later 3.2 kernel. I have also used xy style compression and a zdrv file (built into the iso) to give you even more available memory after loading, by doing so a compressed myz1 sfs of 58.2Mb was created.

Thirdly, you will find the menu somewhat different in structure in that it has altered the primary menu by separating the Administration, and User Applications at the top level from the rest. In addition you will find the Development Tools now have their own submenu rather than being a part of the Utility menu group.

Version 1007 is a Beta and is the first public release.
It's iso can be found at ... 3.1007.iso and is 87Meg. (90193920 bytes) MD5 is d68ae4ab105e528c395a6237a15d2cb8
It's devx is at ... 3.1007.sfs and is also 87Meg (90705952 bytes) MD5 is 44aed4c11bb321540866bade19b68dcc

One of the things I would like tested please is updating the PPM, I have found that it is ocassionally appending the whole content of the Packages-puppy-xxxxx-official to the old one instead of replacing it, however I would like confirmation before I ask barryk for help. If you want to see what I mean have a look at the puppy4 one in PPM, applications are reocurring more than once and the Packages file is likewise.

Please DON'T ask me to add packages, etc. to it, that is not it's purpose. It's sole purpose is to give anyone a base on which to build their own Puppy Racy.

Version 1008 will be the second beta and should be out providing no major problems are found in about one week, Version 1009 will then be the pre-release if needed, with Version 1010 the final release with a Release date.
This last version will also have sufficent files from the woof2 build in a pet to enable others to 'do' their own.

Over to you to test and report.

ps I am back at mage2 next week for those wondering.
Last edited by scsijon on Sun 02 Jun 2013, 01:17, edited 6 times in total.
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#2 Post by KJ »

Good to see another "lite" option. Loads up nice .... added Icewm, Firefox and flash plus a few other things. No problems so far. PPM does have some issues. Got a few items repeated in Puppy5 too. Thanks .... KJ
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#3 Post by scsijon »

Thanks KJ, I take it it dissapeared after you updated the PPM?

I have also had a [confirmed] report that the grub installer doesn't work (just goes to a strange looking grub menu) and I am chasing that one down now.

I shall also have a look at the 5.9.90 and barry's blog to see if there is anything I should also fix.

Other than that, everything seems to be there and working so I shall build 1008 this weekend for my testers and anyone else interested.
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#4 Post by KJ »

I updated the PPM two more times and puppy4 still show 3 copies of items in "desktop" only. .... " All" and all other sections do not show repeats.. I am running a frugal install with grub4dos on a USB flash (ext2 formatted partition) with no boot problems. Just added a MYZ folder and added info into the menu.lst .... runs like a champ. Thanks again ... KJ
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#5 Post by scsijon »

I have just released myz1008.

The ppm problem I traced down to me reorganizing the site list (due to the ibiblio site problems) to use the australian aarnet as default and I added an extra space in a couple of places that had unforseen results.

The only problem left is the grub install problem and as this has also surfaced in barryk's wary updates i'm leaving it to him to fix that first.

I will therefore leave it at 1008 for now and revisit it to a final release when that has happened.


Also if a package doesn't start, try typing the name in a console/terminal screen, it should give you an idea of what is missing.

I shall still monitor this topic in case of further problems.
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myz 5.5.00

#6 Post by scsijon »

I'm going to build a new myz puppy that is built with the latest woof2 I have (02 April 2013), and matching with barryk's Racy 5.5 package versions, as the first step in making a 'eudev' version to enable testing and comparison.

Barry has a thread on his site relating to eudev for those interested, but basically udev which we all use now is being taken over and systemd'd, eudev is a fork of udev that will continue without systemd.

While I am at it I shall add (?now who was it's?) 'adrive' module into the woof2 myz puppy build, so an external application 'adrive.sfs' can be automatically loaded if present. It's a good addition to the standard I think.

I shall also add Petmaker 2.2 and update JWM and jwmconfig2 to the latest, but I don't plan on adding much more as I want it to remain small in itself and to be able to do quick fix turn arounds.

If anyone has a serious request for anything else to be added to the default set, I am willing to listen, but they will need to justify it robustly, and even then I may ask that it become part of the adrive sfs instead.

myz1's default packagelist is attached here if anyone wants to see what's there (rename without the fake .gz first).


8 june 2013
UPDATE: eudev won't be happening soon so i'm not considering using it for the new build. I will build a new myz with a latest woof2 soon as i'm considering using it as the base for a multi-server/multi-desktop puppy.
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