Upup Precise created by using up-to-date Woof

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#141 Post by don570 »

I was able to get my Netgear PCMCIA WG511 v2 set up via ndiswrapper
Did you get ndiswrapper from this thread or the previous thread?

Since ndiswrapper should be compiled specifically for the kernel used,
which is

Other versions of Puppy linux have gotten that card to work
with ndiswrapper specially compiled for the kernel in use.

Older ndiwrapper for k3.7.2 HERE

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Shutdown Problem

#142 Post by sszindian »

mark41844 wrote:
Then some how during power off, the system hangs with message “Precise OS is shutting down
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#143 Post by mark41844 »

don570 wrote:
I was able to get my Netgear PCMCIA WG511 v2 set up via ndiswrapper
Did you get ndiswrapper from this thread or the previous thread?

Since ndiswrapper should be compiled specifically for the kernel used,
which is

Other versions of Puppy linux have gotten that card to work
with ndiswrapper specially compiled for the kernel in use.

Older ndiwrapper for k3.7.2 HERE


I believe ndiswrapper already been compiled in for Precise I just issued command below in the directory with my wifi card window driver, remove and plug in the card again then the light on my wifi card just came on.

Code: Select all

ndiswrapper -i  mrv8335.inf 

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#144 Post by mcewanw »

pemasu wrote: So install libdvbpsi7_0.2.2-1 with PPM and you should get dvb tv working with vlc also.
Thanks pemasu. That worked.
github mcewanw
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request for a barebone

#145 Post by lvds »

Hi Pemasu (and all)

Many thanks for you hard work ! I'm looking for a trimmed version kind of a barebone so I could build a pupplet ubuntu compatible from your base. Do you already have one ? or please can you build one ?

Also, it's been a long time I've not played with woof, and before asking here I thought to myself I would try to woof a barebone conform to your work but I fail... Are you using woof or woof2 ? Is there a template somewhat you could give me so I put it into woof and get the same result hours later ? From what I read you made adjustements after the woof built, so a barebone or sort, from you would be best (and I promise to do my homework on woof :oops: ) so I will be sure the pupplets will get the same hardware compatibility than upup already have. Please :-)

Many thanks in advance
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#146 Post by pemasu »

Well.....It could be possible to create woof build just like I have done it. Some of my tuning, would need small woof hacks, but they are only for theming, backgrounds, jwm - gtk-themes. And for fonts..

Otherwise.....if I would upload my pets which the woof would see, then you could create the Upup Precise.
Why I havent done that. I would need to update my uploaded pets, they would take space, and atm I try to restrict my uploads as much as possible.

I could upload my used woof files to create Upup Precise...and anyone could create it. But....there are not so many woof builders. Updating the files and pets...would take time and observation.

And....there is already Precise Puppy which you can create from existing stuff. If you know how to woof build, then it is not that difficult to modificate it.

I believe I dont have time and dedication to upload and update online my different woof built distros. I more or less like to woof, modificate and create than be maintainer.

Anyway...if you have spesific questions about woofing...I will answer as much as I can. I can also upload needed pets....temporary...though.
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#147 Post by starhawk »

I *think* I've got the right thread -- I am using an install of Upup Precise from an ISO which claims to be "Upup Precise 3.8.2" but I can't find a dedicated thread titled as such.


I'm using that version of Upup Precise on a Pico-ITX board with an internal GMA500 graphics "solution" from Wintel. The BIOS for this board is designed such that it will actually override the resolution selection in xorgwizard. I'm looking for a workaround that will let the OS basically tell the BIOS to go screw with respect to that one misfeature, as the BIOS doesn't have a "don't argue with the OS" setting. Of course there's a Windblows driver which eliminates the problem... but I'm not putting XP on this wee beastie -- that defeats the point entirely of why I got it!

Full details in a dedicated issue thread, here --> http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=86232

EDIT: sorry, poor wording. Fixed.
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#148 Post by lvds »

pemasu wrote:Well.....It could be possible to create woof build just like I have done it. Some of my tuning, would need small woof hacks, but they are only for theming, backgrounds, jwm - gtk-themes. And for fonts..
Yes, exactly what I was talking about :-) I noticed the changes here and there and it gives a very clean result, I like it and it really improves the desktop. Many little changes here and there and it gives an excellent result 8)
pemasu wrote:Otherwise.....if I would upload my pets which the woof would see, then you could create the Upup Precise.
Why I havent done that. I would need to update my uploaded pets, they would take space, and atm I try to restrict my uploads as much as possible.
I didin't know about your bandwidth issues, or is it a storage space problem ? If it is space only, I can help and store the files elsewhere.
pemasu wrote:I could upload my used woof files to create Upup Precise...and anyone could create it. But....there are not so many woof builders. Updating the files and pets...would take time and observation.

And....there is already Precise Puppy which you can create from existing stuff. If you know how to woof build, then it is not that difficult to modificate it.

I believe I dont have time and dedication to upload and update online my different woof built distros. I more or less like to woof, modificate and create than be maintainer.

Anyway...if you have spesific questions about woofing...I will answer as much as I can. I can also upload needed pets....temporary...though.
ok, see, I would like to get a ubuntu based puppy with non pae kernel and all drivers like yours because it gave me great results on all computers I tested. Then I want to apply trinity desktop or the latest KDE4 (that is two different woof), the binaries are available and there are special repos with gpg pubkeys for TDE, and the KDE4 is available from other ubuntu repos, so my problem is I didn't understand how to ask woof to build like this. Even though this is all Qt related I will need the Gtk changes you did because some programs rely on it. Maybe this is not the right thread and If you need we can move this chat to somewhere else because I don't want to disturb (in this case just tell me where you want to continue on). Many thanks for your help, I'm grateful to learn from your experience.
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#149 Post by pemasu »

lvds. Yeah this thread is not the right for guiding to the woof process. For example pm posts would be better as a starter. You could pm to me what are the obstacles, do you know how to add rows to the DISTRO_SPECS and is there other repository adding needs....like launchpad repositories...and so on...
Uploading my used woof files....so that they wont interfere with new woof download is the simplest process. I can upload them as tarball and also my 3builddistro patch which modifies that script so that it is capable to add my hacks.

Woofing goes along spesific steps. We need to start from the beginning and from the first obstable.

I dont know how severe is my upload restriction. I use smokey01.com site, granted by smokey01. There was urgent need to delete a lot stuff. The host maintainer was satisfied and I dont know what is the status now. Because of that and because I just have access to smokey01.com site...I try to be very cautious now what I upload. I remove my previous builds because of the same reason. To preserve the storage space.
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#150 Post by starhawk »

Pemasu, did you see my post, right above lvds's most recent post?
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#151 Post by pemasu »

Starhawk. Yes I saw. I usually dont comment much if I dont have anything to say. I do minimize the need to post that way.

I have modesetting_drv.so support in Upup Precise. Now you have problem with bios and also with the attached monitor. You got bios update which helped partly. You dont get the wanted resolution still with your monitor.
I suppose you would need help with your bios or consultation with the modesetting_drv.so developers.

There isnt much I can do in your problem. I believe you would need some spesific hacks which are way over my capabilities.
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#152 Post by starhawk »

Well, someone pointed me in the direction of xrandr -- my screen is displaying the wrong way at the right resolution now. Just have to get this frequency bunkem sorted out and I'll have a display that's just right.

There's a link to a pic in my thread... ;)
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#153 Post by don570 »

someone pointed me in the direction of xrandr
I believe it's called Xorg wizard.
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#154 Post by starhawk »

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#155 Post by pemasu »

I have simple graphical gui included in Upup Precise, called grandr...for included xrandr.
I havent had much need to use it, but some people have used grandr to set external monitor.

It shows also the available resolutions....what there are available.
It does not save the configurations though...you need include xrandr parameters somewhere from where they are executed each time X boots up.
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#156 Post by 666philb »

hi pemasu,

upup precise is one of the few puppies that has suspend working properly for my acer netbook.

Is this because of programs you've added? if so which ones? or is it to do with your kernel compile?

i'm asking because i'ld like to add it to other pups

Bionicpup64 built with bionic beaver packages http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=114311
Xenialpup64, built with xenial xerus packages http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=107331
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#157 Post by pemasu »

I have laptop tools pet, which I add to builds. I just switch apps to use the distro compiled versions.

Suspend in my builds uses acpitool, xbindkeys, scripts in /etc/acpi.

Basically acpitool is the one which suspends in console:
acpitool -s

Other stuff just modifies what the comp do before suspending and after waking up and create Fn + Zz function button support. I will check my pet and I can upload it to the smokey01.com.

I am atm out of my comp now. A little busy and not home now. I will do the upload probably tomorrow when I am back.
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hungarian edition

#158 Post by kros54 »

This is a very good puplet! Thanks!
I made the Hungarian edition.
Small differences, for example, install is openJDK-pet.
Download: ftp://puppylinux.hu/puppylinux/ISO/precise3831-HU.iso
Hungarian forumthreed:
http://puppylinux.hu/phpbb3/viewtopic.p ... 9551#p9551
(30.48 KiB) Downloaded 1255 times
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New Seamonkey by Barry

#159 Post by kros54 »

Barry wrote on his blog in SeaMonkey browser.
The new Seamonkey with which it was replaced in uPupPrecise3.8.3.1 in the old version. (Hungarian edition.)
Actually faster! Tell a Friend!
Download: http://distro.ibiblio.org/quirky/pet_pa ... recise.pet
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What am I missing for compiling a pet in upup 3.8.3 ?

#160 Post by Puppyt »

Hi pemasu and other gurus,
dog with a bone at the moment, so I hope I'm not diluting your thread overmuch with my message.
After long last I've taken 666philb's advice and have shifted from Lupu528 to Precise383 to get a range of research applications going, including "CowLog2.0" http://cowlog.org/download. So now I've frugal-insalled UpupPrecise383, downloaded and installed Python2.7.3 and for the latest Python-qt4, Python-sip debs + dependencies via PPM (all but sip-api-8.1*, but I don't know if I really need to source it out and include it/re-point it).
CowLog is working fine, using mplayer, although I can't get it to also see VLC2.1 properly - the latter downloaded via quickpet.
Anyways, I've downloaded both the devx and the QTlibs (for VLC) as SFS', but my attempts to right-click compile a pet for CowLog2 keeps dropping out. Am I missing a crucial step in this process somewhere? I'm doing this for menu entries, production/maintenance of a research-based puplet for Linux noobs etc etc.
I really want to get this right, as I've been badgering the forum for a few years now with CowLog requests (starting waaaay back with gposil!). If I can't get it sorted, I'll be pestering the PrecisePuppy forum til 2017 with updated requests on the latest pets/sfs' from debs of CowLog, Zotero, R, and Docear. Some pointers please!
Puppyt (the moppet)

* oo-er. After a shutdown and reboot i have these missing dependencies reported: imlib2 PyQt4 Python 2.7.3 sip-api-8.1 - even though CowLog etc is functioning fine with the first 3 libraries(?) certifiably installed. Dud calls somewhere? How might I weed out those mis-cued links? I see Upup Raring has the Python issue un-boaconstricted recently - should I jump ship ;)
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