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#781 Post by nooby »

Ah food to know. We had such a guy some years ago him borrowing a lot?
Then I get why there is no thread here at murga.

I thought first that you made a version that you wanted to be more it's own thing using other channels and not using murga-linux forum as tjhe base?
Just my naive wild guessing. Now I know I where wrong about that. thanks for your understanding
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
not an ideal solution though
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#782 Post by Sage »

try and make money
Oh no, not another Yankie wannabe! They just don't get the message, do they! About time that nation ditched capitalism and taught Plato at school? Why is it that all the great philosopher throughout history sing the same song.

Good grief - he's a Brit. Told you Maggie was an utter disaster. Ronnies' legacy runs deep and wide over here. We're awash with Establishment chinless wonders of all political shades.
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One of yours

#783 Post by oligin10 »

Thanks for slamming the U.S. again. But he's one of yours this time. Guess everyone is their own person, doesn't really matter where you are from. Wish people would understand that instead of slamming my country. You don't see us slamming yours! Thanks, Rob
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#784 Post by Sage »

Comprehension problems again? I never miss an opportunity to point out the appalling mess our Establishment and Maggie have landed us in. As for Cameron & Osbourne, a more useless bunch of Etonian toffs you will look hard to find - totally worthless.
You don't see us slamming yours!
Not true - you just read the wrong garbage. I know your country; I've lived and worked there. How about you? I know both nations inside out, all their warts and pimples, the corrupt politicians, even more corrupt financiers, the gormless pen-pushers - time for the proletariat to rise up and crush the goons on BOTH side of the Pond.
In the meantime, read what is written, in toto, and exercise due diligence in your comprehension.
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#785 Post by rg66 »

It's a free open source distro, they can do what they want with it icons and all. But at the end of the day, we know who was responsible for it, elroy and Geoffrey.

The UK and USA have nothing to do with it no matter who repackaged it.

Can you really blame them for picking Carolina?
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#786 Post by oligin10 »

I do understand. Politics isn't Puppy. Focus should be on Puppy. Not our political views. They should be kept to ourselves unless in Offtopic posts. Just because I am a conservative who believes in the open market society I don't have to keep slamming leftwing socialists. Their opinion is theirs and mine is mine. They can live theirs and I won't slam them for their beliefs. It is funny how the most intolerant people I ever come in contact with are the liberals. Sorry to post this here, but I get tired of people putting politics into Puppy. And if someone wants to make money off Puppy, that is their right. But they surely should give credit where credit is due. Thanks, Rob
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#787 Post by Marv »

rg66 wrote:It's a free open source distro, they can do what they want with it icons and all. But at the end of the day, we know who was responsible for it, elroy and Geoffrey.

Can you really blame them for picking Carolina?
Not a bit, but why 4.0? :?

Not to forget its urmama Jemimah and yourself. Thanks to the whole lot of ye.

We all ride free in a sense on the broad backs of the developers, make subdistros and try to introduce them to as many people as we can. The fine line is most of us do it for the fun of it and because we believe in the soundness of it, and try to give back a bit when we can.

A broader question I think worth discussing here or somewhere is what we can all do to help prolong the run of Carolina. She's too good to let go even if wary/racey are scuppered.
Pups currently in kennel :D Older LxPupSc and X-slacko-4.4 for my users; LxPupSc, LxPupSc64 and upupEF for me. All good pups indeed, and all running savefiles for look'n'feel only. Browsers, etc. solely from SFS.
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Absolutely agree

#788 Post by oligin10 »

Absolutely agree with you Marv! Hadn't really messed with Saluki or Carolina til the other day. Still haven't tried all of them, but very impressed. Hope Carolina can be continued. Thanks to all who worked on this. Rob
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#789 Post by p310don »

Weighing in a little here...

Been on Saluki 021 for a long time now, very much like it, although I'm ready for a change...

Lina 0.0.7rc4 and Simplicity were both tested last night

Without doing an in depth test, only spent ten minutes on each, Lina is much much better, with better polish and finish.

Simplicity looks like it is made from an early Beta...

As to these guys wanting to make money from it, good on them, give it a go. It's a shame they don't credit Carolina on their website, but upon boot, it shows up as booting LinaLite, so they haven't hidden it well, and probably won't make much money.

Being that they're offering it for free anyway, what's the problem to ask for donations for their time in modifying and hosting?


#790 Post by elroy »

My two cents as far as Simplicity is concerned...more power to them.

Carolina is open-source, so there's no hard feelings as far as that goes. If someone can make a buck on it, then so be it. If they can't (and by the looks of the responses on their forum) then it probably isn't worth the buck.

If anything, it's flattering that someone finds it useful. But as far as giving credit is concerned, credit should go to jemimah. Because without jemimah's work on Saluki, Carolina (and 'lina-lite) wouldn't have been possible in the 1st place. It must be remembered that the only reason for Carolina coming to fruition was that Carolina was originally developed to fill the void that was left when jemimah chose to stop development on Saluki; had jemimah continued Saluki development, Carolina would never have come about. 'lina-lite was done as an offshoot to provide advanced users with a lighter version of Carolina that could be more readily customized to their needs.
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#791 Post by lvds »

Geoffrey wrote:
lvds wrote:Launch zsnes and test setting gamepad but the gamepad is not seen. Gamepad works fine under ubuntu so I know it's ok.
I've tested this and my gamepad/joy works fine with it
Hi Geoffrey,

yes I did it, but the gamepad is not seen and have no effects. What is your gamepad brand that you tested ?

What confuse me is that my gamepad works fine with others linux distros like ubuntus :?

Best regards


#792 Post by elroy »

Another thing concerning credits about present, all of the development is currently being done by rg66 and Geoffery. And they're doing a bang-up job. But it must be remembered that Carolina came to be because of jemimah's excellent work. And we can't be too full of ourselves without mentioning pemasu's help....Carolina-001 would've been dead in the water without pemasu's intervention. We can't forget that fact...without pemasu's intervention, Carolina would've been DOA.

Re: Where's Elroy?

#793 Post by elroy »

dennis-slacko531 wrote:May I ask where's Elroy? No biggie,just wanted to say hi. I've been telling people everywhere I go about Carolina. You know, it's easy and fast to download... As I recall, Elroy is some kind of boss of a gambling club in Nevada? Well, again I'm just saying thanks and I dig it very much. Thanks dudes.
Elroy is around. I've just been on a sabbatical. No, I'm not a "boss" in Vegas. I'm a "boss" in Minnesota in the Native-American "rob you blind" scene. Lol...if i type C-A-S-I-N-O it prints "rob-you-blind" apt...
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#794 Post by Sage »

Plagiarism is abhorred in academia. Equally, fraud - Piltdown Man, anyone? It's not the copying that upsets people but the failure to acknowledge the efforts of those that came before. This is such a case, aggravated by an inappropriate choice of baseline and not recognising that previous attempts to monetise free OSes have failed miserably. Sadly, with the advent of the InterWeb, the appearance of cut-and-paste PhD theses have blossomed, along with ghost scripted, paid-for tomes. Some aspects of our mutual societies seem to move in undesirable directions. Perhaps it always was so?

As for the 'politics', those espousing any of the Abrahamic faiths should revise Chapter two, be mindful of the seven deadly sins, notably greed, and be guided by the examples of the great prophets and philosophers . Others have their own codes to abide by. Each according to their needs, each according to their ability to pay/contribute. Capitalism moves apart the 'haves' and' have-nots'; winner-and-loser philosophies are doomed in the longer term. That fact has been recognised for millennia.

Whatever, Jemimah, Elroy, Geoffrey and rg66 should stand proud. We are grateful.
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#795 Post by Geoffrey »

lvds wrote:What is your gamepad brand that you tested ?

What confuse me is that my gamepad works fine with others linux distros like ubuntus :?
I'm using a Thrustmaster Firestorm Wireless Gamepad, it works OOTB
I really can't help you with your problem, maybe someone with a device the same as yours could test it.
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#796 Post by lvds »

Does anyone succeed at setting up double screens ? :?
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plop vbox

#797 Post by Dromeno »

The non-pae iso is indeed superb for old machines! But really old machines typically refuse to boot from usb. At another thread in the puppy forum member don570 pointed me to plop, which is a little tool which cooperates with grub4dos by adding built-in usb drivers, thus making it possible to still boot from usb devices.

other observation: virtualbox does not boot (perhaps it is becausee of the non-pae version, I do not know)
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double screens ok

#798 Post by Dromeno »

Double screen setting works overhere. I use a mirrored setting for laptop and tv (monitor), but just tried to define the monitor/tv as left of my laptop and it did work out fine.
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Carolina on my mind

#799 Post by Dromeno »

I just wanted to say once more that Carolina is my favorite waste of time for the moment. Luuuuuuuuuuuuvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv it!!!

if this distro ever makes it to a raspberry pi compatible OS it will blow everything away.

I also love the virtual keyboard. I can fully imagine that this would do fine on any rooted tablet. If there is anybody on the forum who owns a rootable tablet and wants to make a android/carolina dualboot... then please publish your findings at youtube.
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#800 Post by Dromeno »

A strange omission in many puplets is a balance slider in the audio control, equalizer or similar. Alsaplayer is one of the few players which offers it but it is not available yet for Carolina. But even if it was, it would not be a solution for movies etc.

So, is it possible to add some kind of system wide option for left/right audio channel control? Unfortunately I have no idea yet what kind of program you would need for that.

Ideally you would want to have control over left/right slider, l/r reverse or normal, or perhaps even loudness on/off - in short, the common settings which you can find on a real hardware amplifier
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