Chinese Language Pets

For efforts in internationalising Puppy and solving problems in this area
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Chinese Language Pets

#41 Post by icake »

Carolina 007 was first released on May 03, 2013
There were 3 more updates after the first release, the latest was rc4 on May 25, 2013

Major changes from carolina 006:
ISOMaster 1.3.9
yad 0.21.0
qtldialog4 0.8.4
mtpaint 3.44.13
added favorite menu
firefox 17.0.6
thunderbird 17.0.6
smplayer 0.8.5
pfind 5.11
pfilesearch 1.34
hotshots 1.1.1

Main attraction:
full set of LibreOffice (version, with word, spreadsheet, presentation, database
comes with Chinese fonts

Unsolved issue:
cannot play movies after installed Chinese Language pets, although music is working

Download address for carolina007 (343 mb):

I have made 4 Chinese Language pets for carolina 007:

Simplified Chinese pets: ... 3140544393
fcitx Input Platform: (10.3 mb)
SCIM Input Platform: (23.3 mb)

Traditional Chinese pets: ... 3140544393
fcitx Input Platform: (9.6 mb)
SCIM Input Platform: (19.8 mb)

Also revised are pdf user manual and change log, written in English, Simplified and Traditional Chinese
download addresses: ... 3140544393

Current shared Universal half-Chinese Language pets can run in carolina 007
download addresses: ... 3140544393
fcitx Input Platform: (7.8 mb)
SCIM Input Platform: (17.6 mb)
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Chinese Language Pets

#42 Post by icake »

I have made 2 new universal half-Chinese Language pets:

changes from version 7.1.0 to 7.1.3:
1. added "Remaster Puppy live-CD" in Start menu for lina007
2. revised remasterpup2 program to version 7.0.3

Also updated are the pdf user manual and change log
Please see the first posting in this topic for download addresses
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Chinese Language Pets

#43 Post by icake »

fatdog64 is a 64 bit puppy linux system and version 621 was released on May 9, 2013
key features include:

64 bit kernel 3.8.7
Seamonkey web browser and Mail
VLC Media player
Bit torrent client Transmission
office work: Abiword, Gnumeric Spreadsheet
editors: Geany, Seamonkey Composer, GIMP, Xournal, avidemux, Fotoxx
file sharing : Samba, FTP, HTTP
scanning : Xsane, Peasyscan
CD/DVD/Bluray burner : PBurn
remote connection clients : RDP, VNC, SSH

download address for fatdog64-621.iso (224 mb ):

I have made a half-Chinese Language pet for fatdog64 621 ( 7.5 mb). It has the SCIM input platform version 1.4.9 with 21 Chinese Input Methods
Half-Chinese Language pet enable you to display and input Chinese, the desktop remains in English. Please see the first message posted under this subject for download addresses

Due to technical problems, I still cannot get fcitx input platform to run nor get a full Chinese desktop for fatdog64 621. If anyone knows how, please let me know.
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Chinese Language Pets

#44 Post by icake »

With some twisting, I finally managed to get the fcitx input platform to run on fatdog64 621.

The half-Chinese Language pet (4.5 mb) is now available for download, it has fcitx version 4.2.0 with 4 Chinese Input Methods. Download addresses: fatdog64 iso (in previous message); half-Chinese pets (in first message of this subject).

fatdog64's support for non-English Language is very limited but it gives a taste of the 64 bit Puppy system.

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Chinese Language Pets

#45 Post by icake »

lighthouse64 is a 64 bit Puppy derivative system developed by Tazoc. The first released version was 5.11 in Jun 2011 and the latest is version 6.01 released on Mar 30, 2013.

key features of version 6.01:
Linux kernel 3.7.10 64 bit
desktop choices: iceWM, JWM, lxde, KDE, OpenBox
very rich menus: over 200 items, including Firefox browser, 5 editors, spreadsheet, media player, mail, wine
many additional applications from lighthouse website, with download speed up to 2 mb per second

lighthouse 64 601 comes in 2 iso versions, base (325 mb) and mariner (636 mb)
base has the basic system and mariner has the base plus:
flashplayer-plugin, google-chrome, openjava, kompozer, libreoffice, NLS_base, Thunderbird, Transmission, VLC, Wine, Xfce, Gvfs and Udisks

download address for these isoes:

I have done 2 half-Chinese Language pets for lighthouse64 601

fcitx input platform: (6.5 mb)
SCIM input platform: (12 mb)

Half-Chinese Language pets enable you to display and input Chinese, the desktop remains in English. Download addresses: please see the first message posted under this subject
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Chinese Language Pets

#46 Post by icake »

lighthouse 503 was the last 32 bit Puppy linux released by Tazoc on Feb 28, 2011. Since then, the author switched focus to the 64 bit system and no more updates were done on the 32 bit system.

It comes in 2 isoes, Base and Mariner, features are:
Base iso: (203 mb)
Kernel and Xorg-server 1.7.7
window managers: JWM, IceWM, LXDE, Openbox
Multimedia players: Audacious audio player, Mplayer, RealPlayer
image editors, Opera browser, GIMP 2.6, Wine, winetricks
Osmo Personal Organizer, Pburn, Pwidgets, Conky system monitor, Edit-SFS squash file editor
Gslapt Slackware package manager with .txz package support
Basic multi-user support with Add user, Password and Auto login wizards

Mariner iso: (694 mb) has Base iso plus
Xfce 4, Firefox, Java, LibreOffice, Mariner and VirtualBox SFS, plus Audacity, EudoraOSE and Sylpheed Pets

there are also 40 more additional sfs files available for download from the lighthouse download site. The download speed is up to 2 mb per sec

booting note
When booting from a GRUB bootloader, please add xforcevesa nomodeset to the kernel line in your menu.lst.

download addresses for lighthouse 503:

Because the setup of lighthouse 503 is quite different compared to the other Puppy systems, I have created 2 version-specific half-Chinese Language pets instead of update the universal half-Chinese pets. The names of these pets are:
fcitx input platform: (8 mb)
SCIM input Platform: (18 mb)

Half-Chinese Language pet enables Puppy to display and input Chinese, the desktop remains in English. Please see the first message posted under this subject for download addresses
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Chinese Language Pets

#47 Post by icake »

I have just uploaded a few more items in the public sharing folders (please see first post for the addresses):

a. half-Chinese Language pets for lighthouse64 515
fcitx input platform: (6.5 mb)
SCIM input platform: (12 mb)

b. Chinese Language pets for raring 5.6.94 (released 29 Jun 2013)
simplified Chinese
fcitx input platform: (11 mb)
SCIM input platform: (22 mb)
traditional Chinese
fcitx input platform: (10 mb)
SCIM input platform: (19 mb)
existing universal half-Chinese Language pets can handle raring 5.6.94 already

c. 2 pdf files:
user manual of the 32 bit Puppy Chinese Language pets
version change log of the 32 bit Chinese Language pets up to 7.1.4

I would also like to thank forum member don570 who pointed out 1 flaw that affects all my earlier Chinese Language pets (half-Chinese Language pets are not affected).
Because this flaw does not has an immediate impact on users unless modifications were done to /root/.config/, I do not plan to issue replacement pets immediately.
However if you are using the Chinese Language pets (universal half-Chinese pets are not affected) released prior to July 1, 2013 and want to make changes in the folder /root/.config/, please be careful.
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Chinese Language Pets

#48 Post by icake »

I have just uploaded for public sharing the first batch of Chinese Language pets for 64 bit puppy - lighthouse64 6.0.1 Base (please see the first posting of this subject for download addresses)
The LH64 Base system has 3 window managers: openbox, jwm and LXDE. For more information about the lighthouse64 6.0.1 system, please see posting on Jun 24, 2013 at the end of page 3 or the LH website:

The names of these pets are:
Simplified Chinese pets:
fcitx input platform: (8.0 mb)
SCIM input platform: (14 mb)

Traditional Chinese pets:
fcitx input platform: (7.3 mb)
SCIM input platform: (13 mb)
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Chinese Language Pets

#49 Post by icake »

I have just uploaded for public sharing the Chinese Language pets for Fatdog64 621 (please see the first posting of this subject for download addresses)
The Fatdog64 system is 1 of the 2 64 bit Puppy derivatives. For more information about the Fatdog64 621 system, please see posting on Jun 19, 2013 at the end of page 3 or the Puppy forum:

The names of these pets are:
Half-Chinese pets:
fcitx input platform: (4.3 mb)
SCIM input platform: (7.5 mb)

Simplified Chinese pets:
fcitx input platform: (5.5 mb)
SCIM input platform: (8.4 mb)

Traditional Chinese pets:
fcitx input platform: (5.2 mb)
SCIM input platform: (8.0 mb)

Known issues:
a. no Chinese input is available in fatdog64-621 terminals because I cannot get fcitx or SCIM to work in terminal
b. the fcitx half-Chinese Language pet is using zh_CN.UTF-8 locale because I cannot get fcitx to work in English locales
If anyone knows how to solve these 2 issues, please let me know.
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Chinese Language Pets

#50 Post by icake »

I have just uploaded for public sharing the Chinese Language pets for lighthouse64 602 Base (please see the first posting of this subject for download addresses)
lighthouse64 602 Base was released on July 1, 2013. New changes compared with previous version 601:

GIMP-2.8.4 Image Editor
Pidgin-2.10.7 Internet Messenger
Samba-4.0.5 share to Windows or Linux clients
Claws Mail 3.9.1 Lightweight and Fast GTK+ based Mail Client
Mozilla Firefox 22.0

More information about lighthouse64 602 Base and Mariner can be found here:
Base iso (257 mb) and Mariner iso (695 mb) can be downloaded here:

The names of the lighthouse64 602B Chinese Language pets are:

Simplified Chinese pets:
fcitx input platform: (5.4 mb)
SCIM input platform: (8.5 mb)

Traditional Chinese pets:
fcitx input platform: (4.9 mb)
SCIM input platform: (8.0 mb)

Half-Chinese pets:
the half-Chinese Language pets for lighthouse64 601 Base can handle 602 Base.

Known issues:
a. the SCIM half-Chinese Language pet uses zh_CN.UTF-8 locale because I cannot get SCIM to work normally in English locales
I found that after installed SCIM, if I start an application in terminal with GTK_IM_MODULE=scim XXX (XXX = geany, abiword, gnumeric, firefox etc), then SCIM can start in that application under en_US.UTF-8 locale. But I have not use this workaround method in the pet.
If anyone knows a better way to solve this, please let me know.
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Chinese Language Pets

#51 Post by icake »

I have just uploaded for public sharing 8 Chinese Language pets for 64 bit puppy - lighthouse64 6.0.2 (please see the first posting of this subject for download addresses)
4 of them are for Mariner and 4 are for Base
The LH64 Base system has 3 window managers: openbox, jwm and LXDE
Mariner has 4 window managers, openbox, jwm, LXDE and xfce4. It also has lots of applications including the full set of LibreOffice 4.0.
For more information about the lighthouse64 6.0.2 Base and Mariner systems, please see posting dated July 26, 2013 above or the LH website:

The names of these pets are (Mariner pets with 602M in names, Base pets with 602B) :
Simplified Chinese pets:
fcitx input platform: (5.4 mb) (5.4 mb)
SCIM input platform: (8.5 mb) (8.5 mb)

Traditional Chinese pets:
fcitx input platform: (5.8 mb) (5.7 mb)
SCIM input platform: (8.8 mb) (8.8mb)

Known issues:
when LH602 Mariner runs fcitx, the system becomes quite unstable and screen freezes very often. SCIM is much more stable.
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Chinese Language pets

#52 Post by icake »

I have just uploaded for public sharing 6 Chinese Language pets for lina lite 005 (please see the first posting of this subject for download addresses)

lina lite 005 was released on Dec 20, 2012, some hightlights:

is a stripped down distribution based on the Saluki/Carolina family
uses the non PAE 3.2.13-c kernel
xfce window manager
very minimal system with a base to build your own system using pets/sfs or customer builder
target audience is experienced users that desire their own customized system

more information about lina-lite 005 can be found on the forum:
lina-lite iso (87 mb) can be downloaded from

The names of these pets are:

Half-Chinese pets (modified to handle lina-lite)
fcitx input platform: (8.1 mb)
SCIM input platform: (17.6 mb)

Simplified Chinese pets:
fcitx input platform: (9.9 mb)
SCIM input platform: (22.2 mb)

Traditional Chinese pets:
fcitx input platform: (9.1 mb)
SCIM input platform: (18.9 mb)
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Chinese Language pets

#53 Post by icake »

I have just uploaded 4 pdf documentation files for public sharing. Please see the first posting under this topic for the download addresses

The names of these pdf files are:
64 bit and 32 bit Chinese Language pets user manuals, written separately in English, Simplified Chinese and Tradtional Chinese
1. 64bit.ChineseLanguagePetsBriefing_简介中文包簡介.2013Jul18.pdf (22 pages)
2. 32bit.ChineseLanguagePetsBriefing_简介中文包簡介.2013Jul18.pdf(37 pages)

64 bit and 32 bit Chinese Language pets change logs, written separately in English, Simplified Chinese and Tradtional Chinese
3. 64bit_中文包更改纪录_change_log_更改紀錄.2013Jul18.pdf(13 pages)
4. 32bit_中文包更改纪录_change_log_更改紀錄.2013Jul18.pdf(28 pages)
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Chinese Language pets

#54 Post by icake »

carolina 1.0 delta was released on July 22, 2013 (non-pae on july 24, 2013)

Key features:
Project developers: Geoffrey, elroy, and rg66
Xfce-4.10 window manager
PAE 3.2.13 kernel
full set of LibreOffice version, with word, spreadsheet, presentation, database

cumulative changes from 0.07 rc4:
-added gigolo 0.4.1 (connect to remote filesystems)
-updated yad to 0.22.1
-updated xfce composite editor to 0.2.0
-updated hotshots to 1.2.0b3
-added save-tools 2.1.1
-added ez-mnt 1.1
-added numlock
-added nomacs 1.4.0
-updated pac-tools to 1.1.1
-updated samba-tng-sfs to 1.8
-updated firefox to 17.0.7 ESR
-updated thunderbird to 17.0.7 ESR
-updated smtube to 1.7
-updated LibreOffice to
-updated ffconvert to 1.3.2
-added samba-tng-sfs Simple File sharing
-added "copy and move to" to right click menu
-updated pup-volume-monitor to 0.1.14
-updated HotShots to 1.2.0beta

carolina 1.00 can be downloaded from here (iso 366 mb):

I have created 4 new Chinese Language pets for carolina 1.0 and these were uploaded for public sharing. Download addresses can be found in the first posting of this subject.

The names of these pets are:

Simplified Chinese pets:
fcitx Input Platform: (9.9 mb)
SCIM Input Platform: (22.2 mb)

Traditional Chinese pets:
fcitx Input Platform: (9.1 mb)
SCIM Input Platform: (18.9 mb)

I have tested and confirmed that current shared Universal half-Chinese Language pets can run in carolina 1.0

also uploaded are 2 updated pdf documentation files, written in English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese:

Known issues:
After applying the Chinese Language pets, smplayer cannot play movies. Sound is still working and so you can listen to music.
I have successfully run gxine in Carolina 1.0 with the Chinese Language pets to play movies. However, I am not sure that the plugins are 100% freeware and so I have not incorporated these changes for public sharing.
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Chinese Language pets

#55 Post by icake »

upup precise 3831 was first released on Mar 19, 2013 by pemasu

key features:
kernel 3.8.3 non-PAE
ISA bus and sound card support
based on ubuntu packages
very large driver base
added PupControl, PupSysinfo and PupClock
updated Ati modem, Quickpet

precise- (168 mb) can be downloaded from: ... ecise3831/

I have created and uploaded 4 new Chinese Language pets for upup precise 3831 for public sharing. Download addresses can be found in the first posting of this subject.

The names of these pets are:

Simplified Chinese pets:
fcitx Input Platform: (13.1 mb)
SCIM Input Platform: (23.8 mb)

Traditional Chinese pets:
fcitx Input Platform: (12.7 mb)
SCIM Input Platform: (21.3 mb)

I have tested and confirmed that current shared Universal half-Chinese Language pets can run in upup precise 3831
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Chinese Language pets

#56 Post by icake »

dpup wheezy 3527 was first released on May 12, 2013 by pemasu

key features:
kernel 3.5.2 non-PAE
created by stable Debian 7.0 Wheezy packages
ROX-Filer file manager
Firefox browser
abiword and gnumeric

wheezy- (155 mb) can be downloaded from: ... heezy3527/

I have created and uploaded 6 new Chinese Language pets for dpup wheezy 3527 for public sharing. Download addresses can be found in the first posting of this subject.

The names of these pets are:

Half-Chinese pets:
fcitx Input Platform: (10.5 mb)
SCIM Input Platform: (19.9 mb)

Simplified Chinese pets:
fcitx Input Platform: (12.9 mb)
SCIM Input Platform: (23.5 mb)

Traditional Chinese pets:
fcitx Input Platform: (12.4 mb)
SCIM Input Platform: (21.0 mb)

Known issue:
dpup wheezy 3527 comes with abiword 2.9.2
However, I cannot get fcitx or SCIM to run in abiword 2.9.2
An easy solution is to downgrade abiword to 2.8.6 to enable Chinese input by fcitx and SCIM
That is why 2 special half-Chinese pets are created for dpup Wheezy 3527
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Chinese Language pets

#57 Post by icake »

upup raring 3991 was first released on July 20, 2013 by pemasu

key features:
kernel 3.9.9 non-PAE
created by ubuntu raring packages
Pburn 4.0.2
ROX-Filer file manager
abiword and gnumeric

raring- (180 mb) can be downloaded from: ... aring3991/

I have created and uploaded 6 new Chinese Language pets for upup raring 3991 for public sharing. Download addresses can be found in the first posting of this subject.

The names of these pets are:

Half-Chinese pets:
fcitx Input Platform: (12.5 mb)
SCIM Input Platform: (21.9 mb)

Simplified Chinese pets:
fcitx Input Platform: (15.1 mb)
SCIM Input Platform: (25.5 mb)

Traditional Chinese pets:
fcitx Input Platform: (14.3 mb)
SCIM Input Platform: (22.9 mb)

Known issue:
upup raring 3991 comes with abiword 2.9.2 and gnumeric 1.12.1
However, I cannot get fcitx or SCIM to run in abiword 2.9.2 or gnumeric 1.12.1
An easy solution is to downgrade abiword to 2.8.6 and gnumeric to 1.10.17 to enable Chinese input by fcitx and SCIM
That is why 2 special half-Chinese pets were created for upup raring 3991
Posts: 556
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Chinese Language pets

#58 Post by icake »

I have updated the raring 5.6.94 Chinese Language pets to version 7.2.0. Download addresses can be found in the first posting of this subject.

key changes:
-bug fixed of right click menu as pointed out by don570
-downgraded Abiword to 2.8.6 (from 2.9.2) and gnumeric to 1.10.17 (from 2.12.1) to enable Chinese input

For more information about raring 5.6.94, please see my posting dated July 4, 2013 or the discussions under:

The names of these 6 new Chinese Language pets are:

Half-Chinese pets:
fcitx Input Platform: (12.5 mb)
SCIM Input Platform: (21.9 mb)

Simplified Chinese pets:
fcitx Input Platform: (15.1 mb)
SCIM Input Platform: (25.5 mb)

Traditional Chinese pets:
fcitx Input Platform: (14.3 mb)
SCIM Input Platform: (22.9 mb)

Known issue:
raring 5.6.94 comes with abiword 2.9.2 and gnumeric 1.12.1
However, I cannot get fcitx or SCIM to run in abiword 2.9.2 or gnumeric 1.12.1
A quick and easy solution is to downgrade abiword to 2.8.6 and gnumeric to 1.10.17 to enable Chinese input by fcitx and SCIM
That is why 2 special half-Chinese pets were created for raring 5.6.94
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Chinese Language pets

#59 Post by icake »

Precise 5.7 was released by Barry on July 29, 2013

It has 2 versions, modern and retro.

Modern has kernel 3.9.11 PAE, i686, SeaMonkey browser, skips most analog modem, true-SCSI drivers, smaller iso.

Retro has kernel 3.2.48, non-PAE, i486, SeaMonkey and Opera (recommended for PC with less than 256 mb Ram). Its an extension of Wary targeted for older machines, with analog modem dialup and winmodems.

New applications:
PeasyGlue joining images
Pidgin chat client

For more information, please read the release notes: ... se-5.7.htm
iso download address (modern 155 mb; retro 200 mb) :

I have created and uploaded 4 new Chinese Language pets for Precise 5.7 to the public folders, please see first posting of this site for download addresses.

The names of these pets are:

Simplified Chinese pets:
fcitx Input Platform: (10.4 mb)
SCIM Input Platform: (21.1 mb)

Traditional Chinese pets:
fcitx Input Platform: (10.0 mb)
SCIM Input Platform: (18.6 mb)

Upgrades done in version 7.2.1
1. rewrite pup_event_frontend_d and fix bug to show partition label

I have tested and confirmed that current shared Universal half-Chinese Language pets can run in precise 5.7
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Chinese Language pets

#60 Post by icake »

Yesterday, an unnamed visitor pointed out the solution to run fcitx and SCIM for abiword and gnumeric under gtk3 of Wheezy and upup raring. This solution eliminates the need to downgrade abiword and gnumeric and also greatly reduces the size of the affected Chinese Language pets.
I have revised and uploaded 12 new Chinese Language pets for the 3 affected Puppy systems:
Dpup-Wheezy-3527; raring-5.6.94 and upup-raring-3991

3 Puppy systems X 2 input platforms (fcitx and SCIM) X 2 Chinese Languages (Simplified and Tradtiional) = 12 pets

These 12 pets:
1. were all named version 7.2.2. Please see posting no. 1 of this subject for download addresses.
2. include a bug fix to enable user defined partition labels to display below each desktop partition icons.

I have also uploaded version 7.2.2 of the universal half-Chinese Language pets for fcitx and SCIM input platforms to handle abiword and gnumeric under gtk3.

May I say thank you again to that unnamed visitor for pointing out the solution.
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