Comparing The Pups to each other and recently used distros

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Comparing The Pups to each other and recently used distros

#1 Post by stillusingthepup »

I'm in a rare philosophic mood, so I wanna do a brain dump here, if you don't mind. Of course, it would be cool if I got an answer to my boggle.

I love Puppy Linux mind you, but in trying the newer 5.x versions, I find frustration.

Racy is well-made and runs fast enough. But the lack of packages for it relegate it to a back-burner until y'all catch up. Same to be said with Wary. Good solution for old, old computing platforms, but few available packages make it undesirable to the world-at-large. Yes, it matters.

Best Puppy at this point? 5.2.8 Lucid. But I can't make SuperTux work on it. all I get is a flash of a startup and then nothing. Now. it IS cool that 5.2.8. functions on my AMD Dual Core Athlon 64 4200+ CPU. I don't exactly know how that it is working, but, hey, BONUS!

So, a balance of working versus crashing application packages would make Puppy a World Beater. And I like Puppy enough to wish that to be so.

Would I want to help? Sure. But I don't know enough about it all to serve as I'd like. What say you?
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More On Comparing The Pup

#2 Post by stillusingthepup »

Bear in mind I am comparing Puppy to Ubuntu, Mint, Bodhi and Slax. This because I use and like them.

Ubuntu, with it's cool "dock" is much like the MacOS I know and love. And it's packages, all zillion of them that I've added, work.

Mint because it is a traditional icons-on-the-desktop distro with a package center which features a shit-load-of-working packages.

Slax? Because it came in a 64 bit version that worked on this Athlon 4200+ 64 bit machine. I hate that it's tough to install. (Damn you, Tomas). But I like that it has package modules that mostly work, although I HAVE had combinations of packages crash my install on earlier Slax distros.

So, I ask Puppy to be more and better than it is now. Have Puppy-only packages that are tested to truly work, and not frustrate users. Y'up to it? Or am I asking too much?
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#3 Post by 666philb »

hi stillusingthepup,

i kinda disagree that lucid 528 is the best pup.... precise pup is the natural progression from lucid and has massive improvements in the PPM. more things work and it's quicker..... supertux works 'out the box' ....

hell of a lot quicker than mint to :)
Bionicpup64 built with bionic beaver packages
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#4 Post by scabz »

yeah i think precise 5.6.1 is better then lucid 5.2.8, i just started using precise 5.6.1 two days ago and like it a lot it can mount my udf dvd's without having to make a script to click on to do it.

i dont use the puppy package manager to get apps so can't say about that, i compile all my apps from source so all pets i install work and dont break anything. if you use precise 5.6.1 here is a link to my repo ... cise_5.6.1 just started compiling apps i use so its still small, all packages compiled in and work on precise 5.6.1. dependences are all in the repo just haven't posted any of my stuff yet.

Precise 5.6.1 it great to me, haven't had as many compiling problems compared to lucid 5.2.8
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Comparing The Pup

#5 Post by stillusingthepup »

You said "hi stillusingthepup,

i kinda disagree that lucid 528 is the best pup.... precise pup is the natural progression from lucid and has massive improvements in the PPM. more things work and it's quicker..... supertux works 'out the box' ....

hell of a lot quicker than mint too"

I have to go back, now and re-try it. When I tried it, GT Kam had changed and I could no longer upload my Nokia phone-cam photos. Strike one. And there were few packages available. Super-Tux wasn't one of them. I have this AMD64 PC, still a mystery as to why 5.2.8 works when it isn't 64 bit natively.

But I have a Bodhi that just upset me because the 64 bit version doesn't have kernel support for my CDMA Modem. Puppy ALWAYS has. I look for a fully working Linux distro so it's easier to push to people who don't like Windows. Some are older people, like me. Sigh.
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Comparing The Pups: Lucid and Precise

#6 Post by stillusingthepup »

"I have to go back, now and re-try it". And I have set up dual boot between Lucid and Precise. First problem: flashing X-server and short, annoying freezes of the cursor and activities.

Found out, by experiment, that the NVIDIA driver, in SFS form (another foreign concept to me right now) made the video anomaly stop. Had to have the courage and background to even try this as a fix. Noobs won't be able to. I want Puppy to be a noobs' Linux.

Next, I refreshed PPM, download took a bit. After the dust settled, still no Super Tux. Where you people getting it from?

Another problem, which frankly existed in Lucid too. I want Puppy to be more easy. Maybe that's no longer do-able? Be nice to have a lot more detailed problems research. Looks like the "Just Works" Puppy has passed into history?
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Comparing The Pups: Lucid and Precise

#7 Post by stillusingthepup »

OK, OK. Turns out I owe some folks here an apology. I have the flashing video/X-server thingie fixed. A little off-putting, but OK.

I had to write in "super tux" in the search box in PPM to find it. Dumb and difficult. Can you fix that? It hints at other issues not yet discovered.

For now, I'm ruefully satisfied with Precise. I can play Super Tux. That makes it worthwhile.
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Re: Comparing The Pups: Lucid and Precise

#8 Post by Jim1911 »

stillusingthepup wrote:". . .
Another problem, which frankly existed in Lucid too. I want Puppy to be more easy. Maybe that's no longer do-able? Be nice to have a lot more detailed problems research. Looks like the "Just Works" Puppy has passed into history?
For your 64-bit system you need to try TazOC's latest Lighthouse 64-602 B2 which has great "out of the box" selections. Be sure and read the entire release notes section and select the Mariner iso for the best selections.
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