Akeeeta 15 - 11 July 2013

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Akeeeta 15 - 11 July 2013

#1 Post by sc0ttman »

Akeeeta 15
Akita-b15, for the EeePC


For Atom based EeePCs:

Download: akeeeta-15-atom.tar.gz
77mb, md5: f4d2928e3adf780d64aebaa52458d020

For Celeron based EeePCs:

Download: akeeeta-15-celeron.tar.gz
77mb, md5: 48db833a828ec90f9ea800cef5c80056

NOTE: to avoid corrupt downloads, you *might* have to download the files above using the wget command..
In the terminal:

Code: Select all

cd /root/Downloads
wget http://akita.scottjarvis.com/akeeeta-15-atom.tar.gz

On first boot:
- you'll probably want the 'intel' video driver for the correct 1024x600 resolution
- acpid will popup messages which might screw up the display of xorgwizard
- camera, bluetooth, wifi, etc should all be enabled by default

You must rename any savefile you create: remove the dash (-) from the middle of the name.
For example, change 'eee-save.2fs' to 'eeesave.2fs'. If you don't do this, it won't be found!


- added eee-control..
- added bluetooth (bluez, dbus, etc) .. not tested
- added webcam-viewer.. uses xawtv (in repo) or vlc, whatever is installed
- updates in pwireless2.. the connect btn will also now reset-dhcp at the end to get ip more reliably
- fixes(?) for zdrv.. in initrd.gz.. for always running depmod
Akeeeta 15 is a lightweight linux desktop OS for EeePCs

There are separate versions for Atom and Celerons based netbooks,
Make sure you get the right one for you netbook!
How to Install:

1. Extract the .tar.gz archive, which you've done. Nice one.

2. Copy to folder 'akeeeta' to the root of your boot device (hard drive, usb, etc).

3. Then add the relevant boot codes to your bootloader.
For example, for grub4dos, something like this:

Code: Select all

title Akeeeta 15\nBoot Akita for EeePCs (sdaX)
	  find --set-root --ignore-floppies /akeeeta/initrd.gz
	  kernel /akeeeta/vmlinuz  pmedia=atahd psubdir=akeeeta pfix=ram
	  initrd /akeeeta/initrd.gz

To do:

- fix toggle performance/powersave modes using Fn+SPACE.. how?
- go straight to desktop with correct video driver (help!)
- still need to fix panscreen, scalescreen in eee-control ...how? puppeeees xrandr wont work either!
- dri enabled...?
- get a devx ... its online somewhere!

Last edited by sc0ttman on Thu 11 Jul 2013, 21:45, edited 6 times in total.
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#2 Post by ally »


awaiting the celeron build.....

what devx are you looking for? have puppeee...

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#3 Post by sc0ttman »

not sure ally... will test akita_devx-b15.sfs with akeeeta first, if that's a no go, not sure, .... but akeeeta is based on akita15, but with the kernel from puppeee 1.0 ..

so i'm assuming using the same devx as regular akita, but a different kernel header pet would be the correct thing to do....???? anyone?
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#4 Post by sc0ttman »

- added download for celeron based Eee PCs..
- re-uploaded the atom download... had a bad download, want to be safe..

EDIT: seem to be getting bad downloads & wrong checksums here when downloading either .tar.gz through the browser... not sure why.. testing with wget now..

OK, wget works fine...
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#5 Post by sc0ttman »

Note, i do not intend to maintain this long term, but will release a bugfix release,
if anyone wants it... the following is already fixed:

- updated to xorg 7.5, DRI enabled by default,
- fixed finding of save files: will find any *eee*save.*fs files
- fixed Fn+f7: toggle screen on and off
- fixed force update during boot, fixes other things
- fixes in connecting to wifi networks first time
- fixed re-connect wifi on reboot
- set Pwireless2 as defaultconnect - it's the only wifi manager that works really well for me (after some updates!)
- fixed search for samba shares
- fixed: removed unneeded xorg drivers
- added auto re-connect to samba shares on reboot
- larger fonts (updated global font size to 84)
- fixed Fn+space, toggle power modes: added libcpufreq

Still to do, would really appreciate some help, if possible:

- hide adcpid messages at boot
- fix panscreen and scalescreen in eee-control
- fixes in Pwireless - it may report not connected even when you are!
[b][url=https://bit.ly/2KjtxoD]Pkg[/url], [url=https://bit.ly/2U6dzxV]mdsh[/url], [url=https://bit.ly/2G49OE8]Woofy[/url], [url=http://goo.gl/bzBU1]Akita[/url], [url=http://goo.gl/SO5ug]VLC-GTK[/url], [url=https://tiny.cc/c2hnfz]Search[/url][/b]
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#6 Post by Arefacti »

seems to me great !

But I don't know how install it.. (I'm not very capable..)

Is it possible to make an iso ?

Thanks to read me.
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#7 Post by Volhout »

Have been using puppeee (1.0 and later), but abandoned it after jemimah left the scene. I notices slacko 533 did well on my eeePC1005HA.
fyi: puppeees xrandr worked fine in puppeee. Is very handy on the 1024x600 screen since many prgs are defaulting to 1024x768.

Will try this one tonight...
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#8 Post by Arefacti »

Ok, that's right : I try it with this method :

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 67&t=54826

But not so great that I thought.

For example, wifi don't work for me on a asus eeepc 1000H.
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#9 Post by sc0ttman »

Arefacti wrote:Ok, that's right : I try it with this method :

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 67&t=54826

But not so great that I thought.

For example, wifi don't work for me on a asus eeepc 1000H.
Akeeeta should have exactly the same wifi support as Puppeee 1.0..

Could you post some error logs from PupDiag or PupKview..?
[b][url=https://bit.ly/2KjtxoD]Pkg[/url], [url=https://bit.ly/2U6dzxV]mdsh[/url], [url=https://bit.ly/2G49OE8]Woofy[/url], [url=http://goo.gl/bzBU1]Akita[/url], [url=http://goo.gl/SO5ug]VLC-GTK[/url], [url=https://tiny.cc/c2hnfz]Search[/url][/b]
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#10 Post by Volhout »

puppeee 1.0 did not have good support for RA3090 wireless chip used in 1001HA (maybe also 1000H). You had to blacklist some Ralink drivers, and add the RT3090 one. This was fixed in puppeee 4.3, but that never came out of beta (and used frisbeee)
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Successfully loaded on Atom N570 EeePC

#11 Post by LoboGrande »

It took me a while but I got Akeeeta 15 running on my Asus 1015 EeePC. Still haven't got it connected via wireless yet but I'll keep plugging away at it. Can't seem to get it to recognize the save file either even after renaming it, Any suggestisons?

BTW my wireless controller is ACI AR9285. My display controller is the Intel N10.
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Still no connectivity joy!

#12 Post by LoboGrande »

I guess the Atom N570 is just too new for the Akita kernel. I haven't had any luck with it recognizing the ethernet connection either. Any suggestions?
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Connectivity success!

#13 Post by LoboGrande »

How's this for bizarre. I finally got connected wifi with Network Wizard of all things but it will only do it under the Windows partition and not the Linux partition. It also won't load the eeesave file under the Linux partition. It will load the one under Windows. I've got Precise 5.3.3 loaded under my Linux partition. Any thoughts?

Also Google Chrome 7 is crashy with this N570 cpu.
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Re: Connectivity success!

#14 Post by sc0ttman »

LoboGrande wrote:How's this for bizarre. I finally got connected wifi with Network Wizard of all things but it will only do it under the Windows partition and not the Linux partition. It also won't load the eeesave file under the Linux partition. It will load the one under Windows. I've got Precise 5.3.3 loaded under my Linux partition. Any thoughts?

Also Google Chrome 7 is crashy with this N570 cpu.
No idea there, that's weird. I will soon get around to uploading an updated version, but not for a while.. In the meantime, I'll upload the latest initrd.gz soon...
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