Problem Shutting Down Puppy2.10 from hard disk

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Problem Shutting Down Puppy2.10 from hard disk

#1 Post by nonyeb »

I'm new to puppy linux.I've copied the main files vmlinuz,initrd.gz,pup_210.sfs and pup_save.3fs to a linux partition on my hard disc and got grub to boot them with no problems.
When I shutdown or reboot however from JWM it ends up going back into JWM after running some scripting.I did the same thing with puppy 2.01 and it does reboot/shutdown with no problems.
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#2 Post by GuestToo »

if you kill X (you can press ctrl+alt+backspace if you like), then type reboot or poweroff, does it shut down properly?
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#3 Post by nonyeb »

I've done some more investigation.It will reboot if there are no ntfs partitions mounted.You see I've been going across to an ntfs partition which ofcourse I've mounted with the mount tool.I then close the mount tool.Later on I just try and shutdown I don't manually unmount the ntfs partition when I've finished. Is it a requirement of puppy that you have to manually unmount ntfs partitions before shutting down?
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#4 Post by GuestToo »

Puppy should unmount any mounted drives and file systems, but i don't think it always works properly

if you unmount them yourself before you shut down, you are sure they are unmounted

i reboot by clicking a script that unmounts all my drives first
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#5 Post by nonyeb »

Thankyou I'll just remember to do it manually then.By the way is there any way to get a file manager other than rox started when you mount a partition with the mount tool.I've been using xfe so far because I need to see a tree to navigate around.It would be nice to have that started instead of rox.
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#6 Post by GuestToo »

you could try editing /usr/lib/mut/mut.tcl
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