AbiWord 2.9.4: Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right doesn't work

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AbiWord 2.9.4: Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right doesn't work

#1 Post by Omega »

I use Puppy Precise 2.7.1 with AbiWord 2.9.4 and I have the following problem:

In most text editors and word processors that I know (for example MSWord, Leafpad, Geaney etc.) the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+{Cursor Left} or Ctrl+Shift+{Cursor Right) is used for word left/right extension.

That means, for example, if you have the word "hello" and the cursor is right behind the "o" and you press Ctrl+Shift+{Cursor Left} the whole word "hello" is marked. If you press again the next word to the left is marked too and so on.

This does not work in AbiWord.
I make extensive use of this shortcut so that's really bothering me.

I'm new to (Puppy) Linux and I'm not accustomed to dealing with config scripts etc.
Is there an easy (beginner friendly) way to fix this?

PS: I have downloaded and installed the Native Language Suport Pack for the German language (don't know if this has something to do with it). In Leafpad it works like expected so it's probably Abi-related and not a system fault.

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Re: AbiWord 2.9.4: Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right doesn't work

#2 Post by Leon »

Omega wrote:That means, for example, if you have the word "hello" and the cursor is right behind the "o" and you press Ctrl+Shift+{Cursor Left} the whole word "hello" is marked. If you press again the next word to the left is marked too and so on.

This does not work in AbiWord.
I make extensive use of this shortcut so that's really bothering me.
I noticed the same problem in Dpup Wheezy and itoccurred in all programs.

The cause was in file /root/.xbindkeysrc.

I renamed the file





and the problem has gone.

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