How to bypass xorgwizard during boot time?

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How to bypass xorgwizard during boot time?

#1 Post by anikin »

Hi all,
Help is needed in getting XorgWizard out of the boot process.
So that puppy boots exclusively as instructed by custom made Xorg.conf.
In theory it looks like a feasible task. Perhaps someone has done this before.
Thank you in advance.
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#2 Post by Flash »

It might help if you told us which version of Puppy, and if it's a frugal or full install.
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#3 Post by anikin »

Thanks Flash for your interest and correcting the heading. The original one was a bit murky. But I will change it once again to be more to the point.

I'm mostly interested in the very latest versions, because of my perverse obsession with kernel numbering. Installs are on an ext4 SD card, frugal, remastered, running from RAM (pupmode 5) - no save file. In a nutshell, I see no good reason for having xorgwizard on my system. I find it to be an irritating burden, that tries to alter my near perfect xorg.conf during the boot process and impose its own "median" settings. Let alone additional seconds it adds to boot time. I want my puppies bypass xorgwizard during boot and eventually remove it from the system.

Booting is pretty much a straightforward process, see here:
I'm striving for simplicity in my puppies.

Thank you.
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#4 Post by don570 »

Here's a thread for Pfix=nox

There's some code by forum member Kal

Full Installation
"...Pfix=nox doesn't work in full install because the code that interprets this only exists in initrd.gz, and full-install doesn't use initrd.gz. (In fact, all other puppy boot parameters will not work in full install)"
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#5 Post by disciple »

When you say xorgwizard, do you really mean it? It is the wizard that in the old days asked you questions the first time you started Puppy. But it was never supposed to run again unless you booted Puppy on different hardware. And I thought current Puppies didn't run it, but used Xorg's built-in automatic hardware recognition or whatever it's called. Are you actually complaining about that?
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#6 Post by anikin »

thanks for the link
I'm refering to:
however it seems, Barry has already implemented 'BOOT_DISABLEXORGWIZARD' in puppy, see this line in xorgwizard:

Code: Select all

#120723 BOOT_DISABLEXORGWIZARD variable in /etc/rc.d/BOOTCONSTRAINED. refer 3builddistro, also xwin.
and in woof:

Code: Select all

I want to do a raw, noobish test - remaster a pup with above and my own (and only one!) xorg.conf and see how it goes on first, OOTB boot.
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#7 Post by Karl Godt »

You could boot to cli with pfix=nox in full installations if you change the code in /etc/profile

Code: Select all

#want to go straight into X on bootup only...
 if [ ! -f /tmp/bootcnt.txt ];then
  touch /tmp/bootcnt.txt
  # aplay -N /usr/share/audio/
  dmesg > /tmp/bootkernel.log
  exec xwin
to something like

Code: Select all

#want to go straight into X on bootup only...
[ -f  /tmp/bootcnt.txt ] || {
cat /proc/cmdline | grep 'nox' || { 
touch /tmp/bootcnt.txt
dmesg >/tmp/bootkernel.log
exec xwin ; } ; }
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#8 Post by anikin »

Hi Karl,
No full install here, only pfix=ram, nothing else. I want to go to the desktop, not cli and get there without the help of xorgwizard. Do you know how other distros go to the desktop? Do they have xorgwizard too? The more I read into these scripts, the more confused I'am. See this line in /.profile and read further down, for example.

Code: Select all

#120221 moved this code here from /etc/profile, also take 'exec' prefix off call to xwin.
And see the picture below, I do not want all these xorg.conf files to be present. There will be 8 of them, when mine is added, whereas only one is needed. I want to throw out that garbage, but xorgwizard needs to read the whole bunch on boot.
(24.98 KiB) Downloaded 1160 times
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#9 Post by Karl Godt »

Tja, good question . the newish xorgwizard-automatic should in theory boot directly to desktop . It writes a xorg.conf .

As a crude idea i would create a xorg-always.conf and check if that file exists , so not to run any xorgwizard .

Code: Select all

Xorg -config file           specify a configuration file, relative to the
                       xorg.conf search path, only root can use absolute
Since there are several xorgwizards involved and the call to some xorgwizard in /usr/bin/xwin script occurs more than one time I think, it is no easy one-liner .

Lupu 5 had another direct to desktop aproach ,

Am currently running openSUSE-10.3 LiveCD with older Xorg(7.2) than Puppy-4.3(7.3) which booted directly into Xorg using the intel driver without problems with a newish 1920x1080 monitor . xorg.conf looks slightly different here .
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#10 Post by anikin »

Here's something more to consider: my recent remasters do not go to the desktop.
(see here: ... 025#716025)
As described in archwiki, the startup process is simplicity itself:
Start X at Login
No xorgwizards, no games with pupdeskflags, no issues. Just boot and shoot straight to the desktop. I downloaded alphaos and had a look at how simargl is starting up his OS. He's doing that exactly as described in the above links. Nothing more, nothing less. Moreover, his process is based on Barry's scripts. He has simplified them and judging by how fast alphaos starts, has done that excellently. I wish Barry, pemasu and micko had a more open-minded look at xorgwizard. What's the good of a wizard, if it prevents my remastered puppies from starting up? Why not implement, what simargl has already done and proven to work?
Last edited by anikin on Fri 09 Aug 2013, 19:31, edited 1 time in total.
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#11 Post by Karl Godt »

He's fake !
If I would live next to that "allah-fark"-smeagol .. he would take some time in hospital .

First it was that you want no X - now you want X .
«Give me GUI or Death» -- I give you [[Xx]term[inal]] [[Cc]on[s][ole]] .
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#12 Post by anikin »

I said I didn't want to go to cli, but directly to the desktop without a wizard. Can we avoid a clash of personalities and controversy in this thread? Startup is done differently in the above example, that was the point.
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#13 Post by Flash »

Who the hell is Smeagol? :?
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#14 Post by anikin »

The more I'm googling and reading into the subject, the more intolerant of xorgwizard I become.
Ditch it. Drop it. It does more harm than good:
1) It does not play by the book.
2) It is not documented. Very few people will ever understand how it works.
3) It steals Barry's valuable development time, that otherwise could have been put to better use.
4) It's a distraction and hurdle to innocent noobs like me, who want to learn how to customize their puppies.
5) Other Linux distros don't use it and are doing pretty fine.
6) There are 4 files pertaining to xorgwizard, that I'm aware of. In total they weigh in at 140K. (wrong, more have been discovered - 290 K already). That's no small amount of real estate being wasted, and for what?
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#15 Post by watchdog »

I think you need to hack the /usr/bin/xwin script. I had a look to it but I'm not a programmer and I can't suggest anything. If the problem was mine I would try to modify xwin script.

#16 Post by simargl »

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#17 Post by watchdog »

I am unemployed and just having nothing to do I tried a hack of /usr/bin/xwin. I builded a puppy_slacko_5.5.sfs modified in the following way:
1-Copy your desired xorg.conf in /etc/X11/myxorg.conf
2-As first line of /usr/bin/xwin script add a line as:

Code: Select all

cp /etc/X11/myxorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf
I booted in ram mode with the modified slacko sfs and it runs quicksetp at beginning but if you close it without savings the xorg.conf was the right one and keyboard, for example, was already set with my locale. When I boot in ram mode slacko I have not to pass through xorgwizard, so I don't know if this can help.

EDIT: I confirm: I have had success to bypass xorgwizard and country settings in Insidious Puppy which I took for my trial. Add at what said above that you must rename /etc/rc.d/ as /etc/rc.d/ and comment lines in /usr/bin/xwin relative to changed keyboards. It works here.
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#18 Post by anikin »

Hi watchdog,
that's a bit different from what I meant. Anyway, follow the link provided by don570 a few posts above and you can bypass it. I've had success, partial, because I can't figure out how to make it go to the desktop without typing 'xwin jwm'.
In a nutshell:
1) in root/.profile, I have this:

Code: Select all

#want to go straight into X on bootup only...
 if [ ! -f /tmp/bootcnt.txt ];then
  touch /tmp/bootcnt.txt
  dmesg > /tmp/bootkernel.log
  exec xwin
and this in:
2) etc/rc.d/rc.local:

Code: Select all

touch /tmp/bootcnt.txt
and boot to cli and type 'xwin' or 'xwin jwm'. Not as elegant as simargl's solution, but an elegant solution requires cooperation of someone with knowledge. So far, all we have is an exchange of pleasantries, the two knowledgeable guys have had here. I will post my results later on.
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#19 Post by Peterm321 »

annikin wrote: I've had success, partial, because I can't figure out how to make it go to the desktop without typing 'xwin jwm'.
I dispensed with "xwin" quite some time ago after it was modified to automatically update xorg.conf, I created a small script to start X:

Code: Select all

exec /usr/X11R7/bin/xinit /root/.xinitrc -- -br -nolisten tcp  dpms -allowMouseOpenFail  

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#20 Post by anikin »

Hi Peterm321,
can you please, provide more details:
1) where do I put this script
2) xinit is in /usr/bin, should I relocate/copy it to /usr/X11R7/bin
3) any other steps?

Thank you in advance.
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