New, August 2013 Gmail problems for Opera

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New, August 2013 Gmail problems for Opera

#1 Post by DemostiX »

Google's newly imposed editing page and java scipt causes Puppy, , even to pegging a Thinkpad t42 CPU to overheating.

I do know the problems are lesser or absent in a Mozilla browser. I doubt they are particular to Slacko, and wonder if they would be common to all 'nix. I suppose increased traffic thru buffers is part of the problem, as saving to the Google server is far more frequent than in the earlier Gmail edit window. Accidental combination key strokes cause cut-n-paste incidents that are then hard to recover from. Hi-lighting for cut and paste is also sometimes impossible to do or lagged so much as to seem impossible.

Where is the incompatibility and let down? It is serious enough to force me to change editors or even browsers.

Please take all this as curiosity, not a rant.

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#2 Post by ardvark »


A shot in the dark here but which Radeon chipset does your system use? From what I understand, sometimes the open source driver can cause overheating, although I don't know if this is the case with your system.

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I don't know about Puppy but Ubuntu has methods to deal with overheating. Someone would need to chime in with Puppy's method (of making the same adjustments.)

If your chipset is newer, perhaps installing the fglrx driver might be a possibility, if you haven't already. This wouldn't apply to the Radeon 7500, as AMD/ATI, from what I understand, didn't write a driver for this chipset. :(

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#3 Post by Wognath »

DemostiX, if you're talking about "Compose Mail" in Gmail, I can't use the new one either--too slow, although I haven't noticed overheating. The basic html view works much better for me:
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#4 Post by DemostiX »

I see from the post I copied to the next paragraph, found with a search of recent WWW stuff, that this seems a generalized problem with Google's imposed email message composer. The odds the author is using Opera and Puppy Linux are minimal. I've had all the problems he / she complains of. Sure, I can minimize the problems by keeping my compositions and replies real short. < smile> Thanks all for the suggestions. Opting out of the default Gmail screen to "basic HTML" seems the solutions. Just like using a Puppy. Thank-you, Puppy developers and Forum participants.

"This "SIMPLER" gmail compose forced me to get a new speedier, more powerful computer sooner than I was planning on buying one.

And guess what? It didn't make a bit of difference. Take your "SIMPLER" and shove it up both of your two OO's. Or should I say 00, as in two zeros.

"My biggest gripe about the new compose, is the buggy CURSOR, I am unable to smoothly place my typing cursor in the exact spot where i want it to be, sometimes I can't place it in a particular spot at all. The cursor disappears often and i can't find it, I resort to clicking dozens of times trying to locate it. Typing this right HERE on this groups page, I'm having no problem with the cursor, but in gmail it's crudely designed and aggravating and causes me to lose my train of thought while composing a draft, which makes it completely worthless.

Also whenever I try to highlight a word to edit it or delete it, the whole fricken page gets HIGHLIGHTED in blue.

Fix this BUGGY, frustrating garbage already, or at least bring back the option to temporary revert back to the old compose."

So, it is HTML mode for me unless and until Google changes the amount of computing power need to Compose text."
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#5 Post by Q5sys »

DemostiX wrote:I see from the post I copied to the next paragraph, found with a search of recent WWW stuff, that this seems a generalized problem with Google's imposed email message composer. The odds the author is using Opera and Puppy Linux are minimal. I've had all the problems he / she complains of. Sure, I can minimize the problems by keeping my compositions and replies real short. < smile> Thanks all for the suggestions. Opting out of the default Gmail screen to "basic HTML" seems the solutions. Just like using a Puppy. Thank-you, Puppy developers and Forum participants.

"This "SIMPLER" gmail compose forced me to get a new speedier, more powerful computer sooner than I was planning on buying one.

And guess what? It didn't make a bit of difference. Take your "SIMPLER" and shove it up both of your two OO's. Or should I say 00, as in two zeros.

"My biggest gripe about the new compose, is the buggy CURSOR, I am unable to smoothly place my typing cursor in the exact spot where i want it to be, sometimes I can't place it in a particular spot at all. The cursor disappears often and i can't find it, I resort to clicking dozens of times trying to locate it. Typing this right HERE on this groups page, I'm having no problem with the cursor, but in gmail it's crudely designed and aggravating and causes me to lose my train of thought while composing a draft, which makes it completely worthless.

Also whenever I try to highlight a word to edit it or delete it, the whole fricken page gets HIGHLIGHTED in blue.

Fix this BUGGY, frustrating garbage already, or at least bring back the option to temporary revert back to the old compose."

So, it is HTML mode for me unless and until Google changes the amount of computing power need to Compose text."
I've been using HTML mode every since their latest redesign as well. It's what Im recommending to everyone.
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#6 Post by starhawk »

I have thunderbird... woke up this morning not wanting to work :( every message I send just pops up with "connection to SMTP server timed out" :( :( :(

Back to yahoo till they fix it, which makes me batty because yahoo's the one spambots hacked, twice...

grrr argh.

EDIT: was a little thing called an antivirus program that was mucking things up... I'm still on the dark side (meaning, in this case, Win7)... :oops: :oops: :oops:
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