MusherZero's First Java Mush :)

For groups of packages that don't all fall under the same category
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MusherZero's First Java Mush :)

#1 Post by musher0 »

Hello, Puppyists.

A fellow member complained that it was not worth installing a java JRE for only one
app, so this is my reply. (Ah, what you'd do to annoy a fellow member...) :lol:

I think this first collection is not so bad, I've covered a few categories, but
that's always relative.

Since it's late here, I'll be brief:
The versions should be pretty much up to date. They were packaged in a unique sfs in
upup-racy-, and bear the name, but it shouldn't matter in the boot manager.
For the boot manager, it's only ONE (1) sfs, and that's what matter. We're
limited to six.

I suspect they'll work in any recent Puppy, since all necessary libraries
are contained in the java JRE.

Speaking of which, you need a recent java JRE to run these apps.

There is a short description of the contents in the picture below.

If you have suggestions for improvements, complaints, threats of going to
the Censorship Board :wink: , annoying java apps specially for me or
generally for Puppy forum members :) , requests for removals or
substitutions, etc., leave a note?

(As I said, its late here, forgive my cavalier style.)

You can download the collection from:
for the next 60 days (counting from the date of this message).



Edit, Aug. 31, 2013, 3 p.m. Ottawa time.
The download URL now downloads version java_pack, version 2a. I
corrected some of launch scripts and added PhotoBlender to the group.
Everything loads fine now through the menu.

A discussion on this java pack has been started (in the French Puppy forum) at ... 178#723178
You're welcome to join, or to just leave your post below, of course.


I believe all programs listed are GPL or public domain. If not, please let me know, I'll find a proper substitute. Thanks.
(31.29 KiB) Downloaded 440 times
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