Is there another way to set wallpaper for the Rox desktop?

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#81 Post by recobayu »

hi all, i want to asking a question. when i use nathan wallpaper setter, i can see my current background in /root/.config/wallpaper/bg_img. but now, i use precise 571 and there is a new pwallpaper setter v1.2. i'm confusing, where is the location of my background's file (because, after choosing a picture and apply that, the file bg_img disappear). anyone know where is the file bg_img or something comfiguration like that?
fyi, i want to change the background in a session by gtkdialog and then when i close that gtkdialog, it's come back to the background before.
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#82 Post by sunburnt »

Hi recobayu; Nathan`s very nice Wallpaper app. has been taken out of a lot of the Puppy versions.
pwallpaper is pretty sad isn`t it?

It sounds like you may need to write your own wallpaper setter to do what you want.
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#83 Post by musher0 »

sunburnt wrote:Hi recobayu; Nathan`s very nice Wallpaper app. has been taken out of a lot of the Puppy versions.
pwallpaper is pretty sad isn`t it?

It sounds like you may need to write your own wallpaper setter to do what you want.
Well, for the time being, Nathan's wallpaper version 0.6.3 is still available here: ...
and here: ...

Works fine on my wary 5.5, too.

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#84 Post by recobayu »

I found it!

Code: Select all

cat /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin | grep backdrop | cut -d '>' -f2 | cut -d '<' -f1
and we get our current wallpaper background. Ok, thanks. :D
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#85 Post by sunburnt »


Code: Select all

grep backdrop /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin | sed 's#\</.*$##;s#^.*\>##'
The sed command has 2 parts, and it`s best to do the last part of the string first.
Also grep can read a file by itself, so the cat command is unneeded and wastes cpu cycles.
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#86 Post by L18L »

sunburnt wrote:Or...

Code: Select all

grep backdrop /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin | sed 's#\</.*$##;s#^.*\>##'
Really :roll:

It is faster (only 0.024 seconds instead of 0.046 seconds on my computer)...
... but it is false :wink:
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#87 Post by some1 »

I copy,pasted the snippets into a terminal.
The sed-code does not work as expected -
so sunburnt may want to explain,correct...
I do not know much about sed-but generally
act on the rox-files using awk.
But for now - whats wrong in the screenshot/the sed-code?

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#88 Post by Karl Godt »

Gnu and Linux are a worse piece of shit, worse than MicrobesWeak ..

Probably replace # by %

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#89 Post by sunburnt »

Really odd, I`ve used this code dozens of times, even the end only doesn`t work.

Code: Select all

grep backdrop /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin |sed 's#\</.*$##'
  <backdrop style="Stretched">/mnt/sda3/docs/pics/EndlessBlue_1680.jpg</backdrop>
And I know this should work... Should take the last tag off the line.
Grep is pulling the line, but sed is doing absolutely nothing with it.!

### ODDLY; Escaping the <> is not being accepted by sed.
# This works:

Code: Select all

grep backdrop /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin | sed 's#</.*$##;s#^.*>##'
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#90 Post by some1 »

parsing this:
# <backdrop style="Stretched">/usr/share/backgrounds/kandinsky_gugg_0910_24.jpg</backdrop>

Code: Select all

awk -F[\>\<] '/backdrop/{print $3}' /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin
Fieldseparators -literal/escaped:<>
print field 3 -the pathtowallpaper

@L18L may want to time this simple awk-command
By comparative reasoning about the snippets,cpu-cycles?:
: cat,grep,cut,cut
Count the bytecode - in this case awk will be smallest.

ASSUME that we want the contents of the third-last field

Code: Select all

awk -F[\>\<] '/backdrop/{u=NF-2;print $u}' /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin
ASSUME we want BOTH the style and the pathtowallpaper

Code: Select all

read -r style pic <<<$(awk -F[\>\<\"] '/backdrop/{printf "%s\n%s",$3,$5}' /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin)
echo "$style"
echo "$pic"
(Its probably faster/smaller bytecode to do something like ar=($(awk.......)),and echo the wanted array-elements in production-code - instead of calling read)
Note:style-output will be unquoted f.x Stretched
To grab the style WITH quotes try this awk-command:

Code: Select all

awk -F[\>\<\=] '/backdrop/{printf "%s\n%s",$3,$4}' /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin
Note: Using \n in the printf formatting works like a sort of output-delimiter,
allowing us to extract path with spaces and other unwieldy stuff.

Awk can be used in various ways to maul,rewrite,calculate and move things around in the PuppyPin.
sorry guys -
life seems to pass me by while I try to post

but thanks for the attention to the sed-issue.

grep backdrop /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin | sed 's#</.*$##;s#^.*>##'
WORKS at my place.

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#91 Post by L18L »

some1 wrote:.@sunburnt:Thanks
grep backdrop /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin | sed 's#</.*$##;s#^.*>##'
WORKS at my place.
...also at my place :D
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#92 Post by Karl Godt »

Code: Select all

sed 's#what#ever#' /path/to/file 
might not work with bash-3.2 . But should work with stock puppy bash 3.0.x
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#93 Post by sunburnt »

Karl; Explain why it might not work. Because of using # ?

Hi L18L

some1; You and technosaurus, the awk kings...

# Yeah, I was a bit surprised that sed didn`t like the escaped characters.
But that`s also my experience, inconsistent results from commands.
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#94 Post by seaside »

Some "bashing" also...(on behalf of technosaurus)

Code: Select all

 line=`grep backdrop /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin`
 remove_end=${line/<\/backdrop>/}  filename=${remove_end##*>} 
Probably faster than Awk but not enough to really matter.

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#95 Post by sunburnt »

seaside; Yes, I thought of that also, but it doesn`t seem to be much quicker.
I always use pure Bash when possible.

And... I don`t know why I didn`t think of this "sed all in one":

Code: Select all

time sed '/backdrop/!d;s#</.*$##;s#^.*>##' $a
First section: "/backdrop/!d" does "grep". This does "grep -v": "sed '/backdrop/d'"
# It`s almost twice as fast as most other methods as it only calls sed once.
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#96 Post by some1 »

Parsing for "backdrop" may not be quite prudent:
False positive:
1.NO wallpaper set -> NO wallpaper-backdrop-directive
2.a non-directive "backdrop"-string elsewhere in PuppyPin -as part of path.iconname,wjatever

Ok -in this - lets give grep the upperhand on awk:

Code: Select all

grep -m1 '<backdrop' /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin

Apropos awk:
The nice script provided by Stu91 contains a way of
awk-fieldseperatorspecfication,which may be somewhat handy
in handling escape characters:

I tend to do something like this,trying to rember characters which need to be escaped.

Code: Select all

 awk -F[\<\>]
a la Stu91:

Code: Select all

 awk -F"[<,>]"
--a method which will handle most characters as field-seperators
without the need of considering escaping.
However an escape is needed in this:

Code: Select all

awk -F"[<,>,\"]"
@seaside:Yeah - bashstringsops are speady .and very often ought to be used - instead of the usual strings-handling.

Edit: Ok - it took half a day for me to correct my sloppy path to PuppyPin
Being at it,NO grep but read and bashops may very well be a speedier construct:

Code: Select all

while read -r line: do
 [ ${#line} -ne ${#front} ] && found=1 && break
     #cnt=$(($cnt+1)) && [ $cnt -eq 2 ] && break
 [ $found -eq 1 ] && echo "${front##*'>'}"
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#97 Post by seaside »

Being at it,NO grep but read and bashops may very well be a speedier construct:
More no grep no sed-

Code: Select all

 while read line; do
  [ "${line/<backdrop/}"  == "${line}" ] && continue
  remove_end=${line/<\/backdrop>/}  filename=${remove_end##*>} 
done </root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin  
real 0m0.003s
user 0m0.003s
sys 0m0.000s

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#98 Post by technosaurus »

seaside wrote:... bashops may very well be a speedier construct:
I am not on Puppy right now, but this may work (not 100% on the syntax)

Code: Select all

BG=`cat /path/to/PuppyPin`          #because $(< /path/to/file) is a bashism
BG=${BG#*<backdrop*>}           #remove everything up to the bg file
BG=${BG%</backdrop*}             #remove everything after the bg file
Note: I use /path/to instead of $HOME/Choices/... or even worse /root/... because Puppy uses deprecated paths ... we should really have it in $HOME/.config/<rox dir>/default (where <rox dir> is the name of the rox dir that I cannot recall)... also note that Iguleder's fork of rox removes CHOICESPATH and many other superfluous things that Puppy doesn't need/use.
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#99 Post by sunburnt »


Code: Select all

# time (BG=`cat /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin`;BG=${BG#*<backdrop*>};echo ${BG%</backdrop*} )

real	0m0.006s
user	0m0.003s
sys	0m0.000s
Averages about the same time as my sed one-liner.
I know it`s not the direct path, but this keeps the time results consistent.

seaside; Couldn`t get yours to echo the /path/image
But yours is twice as fast as technosaurus`s and mine. Odd that looping could be faster, but here you are...
This works for me:

Code: Select all

time while read line; do [ "${line/<backdrop/}" == "${line}" ]&& continue; remove_end=${line%</*}; echo ${remove_end#>}; done </root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin
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grep and busybox grep

#100 Post by Karl Godt »

Code: Select all

time grep backdrop /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin | grep -o '>.*<'
real 0m0.007s
user 0m0.010s
sys 0m0.003s

Code: Select all

time busybox grep backdrop /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin | busybox grep -o '>.*<'
real 0m0.002s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.000s
# time (BG=`cat /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin`;BG=${BG#*<backdrop*>};echo ${BG%</backdrop*} )
seems not to work for me to give time values, just the filename , probably as # time ./script .
Karl; Explain why it might not work. Because of using # ?
Yes .
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