Got git gutless

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Got git gutless

#1 Post by VK6FUN »


I'm trying to install git into precise 5.5 using puppy package manager.

ubuntu-precise main universe multiverse, puppy-precise-official and puppy-common official are the configured repositories.

I installed git-core and then tried to run git config. i got

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bash:  git:  command not found
So then I installed git-all. same result.

Pfind shows that some executables were installed to /usr/lib/git-core but none of them work. git-gui and gitk fail because there is no wish.
The massive load of dependencies demanded by git-all includes apache, emacs and a mountain of other junk I don't want.

A pile of empty directories were installed to /usr/share/doc but thats about it.

Where is that git?
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#2 Post by nilsonmorales »

[b][url=]My blog |[/url][/b][b][url=]| Github[/url][/b]
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#3 Post by VK6FUN »

Thanx I'll try it. where did you find it?
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#4 Post by mikeb »

In my case I got Git from the slackware repositories via a Gftp bookmark.. it was small and to the point with no hairy dependancies. Debian/ubuntu do tend to want to include the Out house sink.

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#5 Post by VK6FUN »

Thanks that file worked perfectly.
Unfortunately it took a lot of heavy plumbing work to remove that Out house sink, more like a $*#@ng swimming pool..!!

now do you have a similar pup for cmake? The rubbish I installed from the ubuntu repository also contains no executable.

Is it possible some puppy script is removing them?
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Karl Godt
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#6 Post by Karl Godt »

What do you want to achieve ?

If you want to compile something,
it should not be too difficult to fetch the source and compile git and cmake for your wishes . > Search > click source link .
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#7 Post by mikeb »

Cmake I got from slackware too... try gftp bookmark...


or in a browser ... ackware/d/

d for developement binaries...older repo might be fine too unless the sources demand otherwise.

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#8 Post by VK6FUN »

OK Karl I'm happy to fork this thread into what I'm trying to do but I would like to understand what is going on with package manager and ubuntu.

I'm trying to get my rtl2832u dongle to do SDR with gnuradio and some other recent releases. Radio hams love the bleeding edge O_<

usually with puppy i download the devx sfs and most things eventually build.
To satisfy dependencies I first look in the puppy repositories. Then I come here because I know many obscure answers and dotpups are found only here. If I can't find the answers here I go ahead and download the source and compile it myself.
If I find out that the repositories are useless I will skip step one altogether and save myself a lot of time and effort.

meanwhile I boot up win7 and run SDR# which is free, simple to install and is sheer radio magic.
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#9 Post by mikeb »

you're welcome :D

G6 cant remember... signing off...
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Karl Godt
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#10 Post by Karl Godt »

bash-3.00# git --version
git version

Code: Select all

bash-3.00# mkdir git
bash-3.00# cd !$
cd git
bash-3.00# git clone git://
Initialized empty Git repository in /root/git/gnuradio/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 94689, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (16929/16929), done.
remote: Total 94689 (delta 76795), reused 93997 (delta 76380)
Receiving objects: 100% (94689/94689), 28.41 MiB | 249 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (76795/76795), done.
bash-3.00# ls
bash-3.00# cd gnuradio/
bash-3.00# cmake .
CMake Error: Prevented in-tree build. This is bad practice.
bash-3.00# cmake ../gnuradio
WARNING: This project requires version 2.6 of CMake.  You are running version 2.4.6.
[ .. ]
tar xZf cmake-
cd cmake-
make install
mv /usr/bin/cmake /usr/bin/cmake-2.4.6
Now the garabage starts ..

Finally needs Boost and that is a horror (at least for me) ..
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Karl Godt
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#11 Post by Karl Godt »

Now got boost 1.33.1 and 1.37 to compile cos least should be 1.35 and still a bunch of dependencies missing - one is Qt4 .

Could only make the documentation LOL

Giving up .
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#12 Post by VK6FUN »

Thanks for having a go!
You've taken some pain for me there.
I'll let you know if I make some progress.
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#13 Post by mikeb »

Ah thats why I passed my RAE but never got a license...
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#14 Post by VK6FUN »

hey mikeb if you still got the RAE certificate you just have to give ofcom some money and you'll have a forest of wire and aluminium on your roof in no time.
I don't believe it ever expires. otherwise if you have to start again theres this
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#15 Post by mikeb »

Hmm yes sounds familiar but dredging into my memory I did once get a callsign so must have had a license but the one I remember was G6BWD but not 100% that was it. It does not come up and I have a vague recollection of once a license was obtained it had to be renewed or the whole lot expired.
Indeed I never got the hang of morse as originally i was after an A license so a B was of little interest at the time.

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#16 Post by VK6FUN »

afaik the AOCP never expires once attained. Not sure abt G-land.

the rtl2832u costs just ten to fifteen bux and is a 21st century crystal set-on-steroids capable of receiving anything from 24MHz to 1850MGz.

This impressive bandspread includes broadcast FM, Air Band, Mobile Phones, emergency services, aircraft radar, satellite you name it.

being just a receiver it requires no license.

The USB dongle has an antenna connector.It supplies two out-of-phase IF data streams and your software does the rest.

These things will become more common as people start to see their power.

check it out here

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#17 Post by 666philb »

hi VK6FUN,

both git and cmake are in the precise devx.sfs.

if you're interested in gnuradio, pemasu compiled one for upup raring..... you can follow the thread here ... &start=150

the gnuradio package for raring puppy is here
Bionicpup64 built with bionic beaver packages
Xenialpup64, built with xenial xerus packages
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#18 Post by mikeb »

If its any use I posted cmake 2.4.8 here... I used it to build marble.

cute radio, beats the one I built in a matchbox I made as a kid and sneaked into school :D

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#19 Post by Mercedes350se »

I took the easy way out and loaded lubuntu 13.04 and gqrx.
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