Barry is calling it quits

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Barry is calling it quits

#1 Post by anikin »

Woof now in maintenance mode
Barry wrote:I started the Puppy Linux project in 2003, so I have been at it for ten years.
Enough, it is finally time to retire.

#2 Post by Jasper »

Hi BarryK,

Thank you for your unique and magnificent contribution to Linux and my very best wishes for your semi-retirement.
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#3 Post by musher0 »

Jasper wrote:Hi BarryK,

Thank you for your unique and magnificent contribution to Linux and my very best wishes for your semi-retirement.
I'll countersign that. :) All the best.

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#4 Post by Bert »

Jasper wrote:Hi BarryK,

Thank you for your unique and magnificent contribution to Linux and my very best wishes for your semi-retirement.

(But we've learned to mistrust you when it comes to retirement :lol:
Thanks for everything!)
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#5 Post by nitehawk »

Kind of hate to hear this, Barry. But good luck on all your future endevors. I know myself (and my four older but goodie computers) will make it OK,--as I've discovered the joy of fooling with and running some of the older versions of Puppy (fun, fun). And I know there will be others who will continue with versions and derivitives of Puppy as well. We'll be fine, Barry. You go blast off into the future of doing your wonderous things. Good luck, and best wishes. :)
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#6 Post by Karl Godt »

I am not sure what the maintenance mode might be .

Time for woof version 3 I think ..

Cleaning up is traditionally women's work , man have to bring the junk outside ..

But write 150-200 scripts yourself ....

But he's an old man , so ..

Personally I guess when these new Xorg like Wayland are stable out , we can expect further Puppies .

I hope that he does not come back with weird code while other coordinators like Whodoo , ttuuxxx , iguleder or technosaurus are active thus screwing their progresses .

Barry, I hope you don't take my words too personal .

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#7 Post by 6502coder »

To Barry - many thanks for a great little distro!

To all the posters who have hinted, implied, or flat-out asserted that they could do a better job as Benevolent Puppy Dictator than the man himself, now is the time: PUT UP or SHUT UP!


#8 Post by darry1966 »

6502coder wrote:To Barry - many thanks for a great little distro!

To all the posters who have hinted, implied, or flat-out asserted that they could do a better job as Benevolent Puppy Dictator than the man himself, now is the time: PUT UP or SHUT UP!
Yes it is impossible to fill Barry's shoes one can only take what he has created and have fun with it and share anything useful. I'll miss his many innovations, he is leaving a great legacy which we enjoy today.

Barry has given so much. Thank you Barry you are a great bloke.

I think the thing for me about Puppy is even the older Puppies can still be updated and still be useful more than any other distro, there is a fantastic versatility about Puppy no other distro has in its small modular design and simplicity.
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#9 Post by 8-bit »

Another big thank you to Barry!
And also, a thank you to all of the developers of the various Puppy versions.

If Barry's Blog is still accessible, comments to him could be left there also.
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#10 Post by Q5sys »

Thanks Barry for everything.
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#11 Post by ally »

not much I can add other than to offer my thanks


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#12 Post by rokytnji »

A wave and thanks from this biker in the desert.

You made it easy for me to learn and use computers when I was lost.
Enjoy the sun and shade and breeze and smells and sounds.

You have been a asset to humanity. Happy Trails Barry from Rok.
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#13 Post by starhawk »

As posted in a comment on his blog (made a new account, with a password I can't forget this time ;) )...
Godspeed, Mr. Kauler :)

Ten years is a long time to be doing something. Know that the 'something' you've been doing has touched many, many people in a very positive way. That makes you a *very* good person.

I only wish I was as good a person as you are... I ain't done squat because I have motivation problems and ADD (and a long, long list of other excuses ;) ).
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Barry is calling it quits

#14 Post by Monsie »


Maybe this time you can officially retire. Maybe consider the role of Chief Software Architect --like someone else who visits here on occasion. :wink: That way, you could stay active in an advisory capacity only, while the rest of us carry on with making your vision a reality... 8)

In any event, I hope you come back to visit now and then. It might give us a needed boost from time to time to make your presence felt.... but above all else, enjoy your retirement! :)

May there always be a bit of Puppy in all of us...

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#15 Post by oldyeller »

Hi Barry,

I want to say thank you and hope that what you have set your eyes on will all come to pass.

Thanks to you I have learned a lot about linux and puppy which is the best out there.


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#16 Post by koulaxizis »

Barry gave too much to the Linux community with his Puppy! And even if there are several skilled developers around here, i really hope that Puppy won't fade without its leader.

Furthermore, i'd like to wish to Barry best of luck and a happy retirement. And a big thank you for all these wonderful Puppy years...

Greetings from Greece,
Christos Koulaxizis
[b]Christos Koulaxizis[/b]
[i]Woof woof from Greece![/i]

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#17 Post by vovchik »

Dear Barry,

I thank you for creating that wonderful entity "Puppy Linux'" that. for me, made computing fun, rewarding and instructive again. I hope you enjoy your retirement and also hope that you will still keep an eye on your offspring....

With all good wishes and kind regards,
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#18 Post by tubeguy »

Barry you have had a sober and steady hand at the helm. Your work has always been appreciated and I am sad to see you stepping down. All the best and good luck with your future endeavours!
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#19 Post by »

Oh no! I hope Puppy will continue on. I have tried pretty much every distro I can get my hands on, and Puppy is just the best of the lightweight distros. It's very easy to set up, works well on a lot of different hardware, and has a lot of nice custom tools.

I understand the need to move on to other projects, though, so thank you and good luck.
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#20 Post by tallboy »

Dear Barry K.
Anybody can be replaced, there are plenty excellent workers around. But you are on a very short list of people, who successfully implemented ones own original ideas and visions into a practical, working concept. And that will be extremely hard to match. Happy retirement, for as long as it will last...

I have a favour to ask for, on behalf of all those that will continue the work with Puppy Linux: Can you please spend some time now and then, and review and update the documentation of your work with Puppy Linux? It is sadly becoming quite outdated, and what is presented as novel ideas to a possible new user, is not very up-to-date anymore, it's development history.
I mean, when you sit in front of the fireplace after walking the dog, nothing to do, and the only other option is watching the 59th rerun of Lucy Show, so perhaps...? :D

Respectfully Yours,
True freedom is a live Puppy on a multisession CD/DVD.
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