Woof now in maintenance mode

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ASRI éducation
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Woof now in maintenance mode

#1 Post by ASRI éducation »

Une annonce de Barry est à prendre en compte.
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#2 Post by jabu2 »

Barry gave us quite detailed information (from his blog):

I don't plan to just suddenly pull the plug, rather just put Woof (and Puppy) in "maintenance mode" while a few things get sorted out.

"Maintenance mode" means that I will continue to work on Woof, but just focused on essential fixes, rather than any new features.

"Sorting things out", includes who will ....... be responsible for (various puppy matters).

I will likely keep my "hand in", doing some Puppy-related things.

Speculation about how all this will work out is not likely to be productive, altho specific proposals or options could be.

Those interested is using Puppy long-term, are reassured that BK will still "be around", and no doubt others will spring into action to take care of Puppy needs as they arise. Users need to be given confidence in their systems (which is the intention of this post).

Puppy has always been grass-roots / bottom-up in style.

The achievements in terms of usable systems and the momentum is such that any user can confidently go on using it; for the forseeable future, anyway.

Which is all anyone needs or can hope for?

Ready for testing here, thanks to all developers.

ATVB, amicalement,
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