PeasyDisc CD/DVD/BR Tools

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Re: This is an outstanding utility!

#21 Post by rcrsn51 »

Henry wrote:Being able to use a decent terminal display instead of the small and inflexible rxvt is a vast improvement. You can really see what's going on.
Here is a PeasyDisc package that contains the sakura terminal. It has been modified to use sakura instead of rxvt.

To configure sakura, run it from the command line and right-click anywhere in its window.
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Re: This is an outstanding utility!

#22 Post by Henry »

rcrsn51 wrote:Here is a PeasyDisc package that contains the sakura terminal. It has been modified to use sakura instead of rxvt.
Good - give everyone a good terminal!
Incidentally I did a S&R on the new version, replacing sakura with terminal (or defaultterminal if that's set.). But I don't want to risk complications in future versions so better not. I'm a minimalist, but an extra terminal I think I can handle,
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PeasyDisc using LH64 602 beta 2

#23 Post by Jim1911 »

Hi rcrsn51,

Per your suggestion on the LH thread, I gave PeasyDisk a try but got weird results. I tried to burn the LH iso and you can see the files that were burned to the blank CD on sr0. No idea how, I just dropped the iso onto PeasyDisk. The copy was so fast I knew it had to be wrong. (image 1)

Since this was so weird, I uninstalled PeasyDisk using PPM and reinstalled the pet and tried again. This time it appears to work properly. The only difference is that I changed burn speed from max to 4 which works well for my burner. (image 2)

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#24 Post by rcrsn51 »

The "Burn Speed = max" setting is the same as providing no speed to the device and letting it pick its own speed.

Apparently your burner doesn't work this way - it needs to be explicitly given a burn speed.

So save that speed in the settings file.

Are you sure that you used a blank CD the first time?
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#25 Post by rcrsn51 »

Henry wrote:Perhaps we could have a row of tabs across the top ...
Done! See PeasyDisc v1.3 above.
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#26 Post by Henry »

rcrsn51 wrote:
Henry wrote:Perhaps we could have a row of tabs across the top ...
Done! See PeasyDisc v1.3 above.
Thanks. As before I have also done the following to use the Xfce terminal:
1. Open /usr/sbin/peasydisc in a text editor.
2. At Line 4, insert Code:
touch /tmp/
chmod 755 /tmp/
3. Do a Search and Replace. Change all instances of "rxvt -e sh" to "terminal -e". There are eight of them.
4. Save and exit.
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DVD RW info problem

#27 Post by otropogo »

Have just installed 1.4 in lupuplus-5 and tried blanking an Imation 4XDVD-RW with it.

I allowed it to run at the "max" setting, and it seemed to complete without issue.

However, when I opened the disk in Pburn 4.05 (since PeasyDisc has no "info" function), it showed only 4.25 GB free, instead of the usual 4.37 (IIRC).

I then tried mounting the disk with Pmount, and it opened sr0 as a blank folder, which I've never experienced before.IIRC, blanked DVDs are not usually mountable in Puppy. It would appear that the disk has been reformatted UDL/DLA, and now I wonder whether it can be used to burn an iso.

I just tried to drag and drop a file into the opened sr0 folder, and that failed with a "read-only filesystem" message.


PS. although pburn's info functions are often confusing and misleading, such a function is potentially useful. Would it be possible to add it to PeasyDisc?

Update: Have just burned a Linux LiveCD on the blanked(?) disk above using peasyDisc 1.4, and noted a warning at the outset of the iso burn:

Warning: already carries isofs

So it would seem that Pburn's graph showing used space on the "blanked" disk is correct.

The burn continued without further incident, and the LiveCD booted (but wouldn't work because of monitor resolution issues I couldn't fix).

My question is, did the PeasyDisc iso burn function complete the blanking process before burning the iso, or did it somehow manage to make a bootable disk on the free portion?

I looked at the terminal text carefully, but was unable to copy it - a burn log would be handy - but I saw nothing to shed light on this question.
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Re: DVD RW info problem

#28 Post by rcrsn51 »

Thanks for testing.
otropogo wrote:Have just installed 1.4 in lupuplus-5 and tried blanking an Imation 4XDVD-RW with it.
The "DVD-Fast" blanking procedure just writes a hidden dummy file to the root of the disc which effectively hides all previous content.

Unlike CD-RWs, you don't need to blank a rewritable DVD before reusing it. I have only tested this with DVD+RWs and I was assuming that DVD-RWs work the same. But I may be wrong. I will need to get some.
I then tried mounting the disk with Pmount, and it opened sr0 as a blank folder, which I've never experienced before.IIRC, blanked DVDs are not usually mountable in Puppy.
That's because the above blanking procedure put a bit of filesystem on the disc.
I just tried to drag and drop a file into the opened sr0 folder, and that failed with a "read-only filesystem" message.
Of course. Open PeasyDisc's Advanced tab and use the Write procedure there.
although pburn's info functions are often confusing and misleading, such a function is potentially useful. Would it be possible to add it to PeasyDisc?
What information would you like to see?
Warning: already carries isofs
That's because you ran the blanking procedure.
My question is, did the PeasyDisc iso burn function complete the blanking process before burning the iso, or did it somehow manage to make a bootable disk on the free portion?
It simply overwrote the bit of dummy data written by the blanking procedure. But like I said, you didn't need to blank the DVD before burning the ISO.

[Edit] Having done some reading about DVD-RWs, I am now surprised that your burn actually worked.

[Edit] OK. I think I understand what happened. Because your DVD-RW disc had previously been used in Pburn, it was already in "Restricted Overwrite" mode. So it worked correctly in PeasyDisc.

However, a virgin DVD-RW is in "Sequential" mode. So it would need an initial formatting that switches it to "Restricted Overwrite". Then it would work.

I have added an option in v1.5 that does this.
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can't copy data disk in 1.4/can't burn ripped iso

#29 Post by otropogo »

I just got a new CD program disk in the mail, and want to make a backup. So I tried to do this on the fly with Peasydisk first, but coulnd't find any way with the options provided.

I then tried ripping the CD to make an ISO, and that seemed to go without problems. However, when I lengthened the name, I couldn't drag and drop it into the burn field.

After I shortened the name, it was accepted, and I started the burn. But a failure error was displayed in the terminal almost immediately (a logging option would have been helpful), so I did a screen save. I'm afraid the text is Greek to me...

Yet, the mystery continues. I looked at the disk in Pburn, and saw that it had been written after all. I then found that it would mount in Puppy, and it's content seems to match the original in folders, files, and byte count. The iso, however, is shown as using 444MB of disk space in the "properties" window whereas the two CDs hold only 263MB.

I should add that I was unable to copy the disk with the on-the-fly option in Pburn 4.05.
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#30 Post by rcrsn51 »

The Rip function uses the dd command to make an image of the CD. If it makes an ISO that is much larger than the original, that would suggest that there is something different about the disc - possibly how it was finalized.

There is another way to copy the CD.

1. Mount the CD.
2. Run PeasyDisc and select Make an ISO.
3. Use "/mnt/sr0" as the source folder.
4. Burn the ISO.
I looked at the disk in Pburn, and saw that it had been written after all.
I don't understand that. The burn process only ran for 3 seconds.

See the next post.
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#31 Post by rcrsn51 »

I was able to reproduce your exact error by trying to burn the ISO over top of the original disc.

I suspect that you didn't have the correct Optical Drive set for the burn phase of the operation.
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#32 Post by rcrsn51 »

PeasyDisc v1.6 introduces a tool for building DVD slideshows. Look for it under the Video tab. You give the program a set of JPEG images and it glues them into an MPEG video. You can then optionally burn the video to DVD.

Things to note:

1. You must also install the attached below.

2. Slideshow Builder uses /usr/bin/dvdauthor, but the version in Wary is broken. Get a working version from another Puppy like Lupu.

3. If you plan to run the slideshow on a computer screen or through a digital projector, you may get better results using the SLIDESHOW.VOB instead of the DVD disc. There may be a difference in aspect ratio between the two. Or experiment with 4:3 versus 16:9 mode to find the best display for your output device.

Please test. I would like to know how it works with different DVD players and TVs, particularly PAL systems and widescreen displays.

Here is a quick recipe.

1. Under Basic, set up an Output Folder.
2. Go to Video.
3. Set the Seconds per Frame.
4. Click New to start a new project.
5. Select a JPEG file and click Add.
6a. Repeat Step 5 for all files in the slideshow.
6b.These files will remain in the project folder until you click New again, so you can add more files in another session.
7. If you want an audio track, select an MP3 file.
8. Click Build.
9. Click View. Locate the SLIDESHOW.ISO and SLIDESHOW.VOB files.

See the discussion here about using PeasyDisc to create a YouTube clip of an audio track.

1. Set "Seconds per frame" to the length of the MP3. You can find its length by running the Check a Track function under Tools.
2. In "Add a JPEG image", select a background JPEG. Or make a blank JPEG under Tools.
3. Make the clip compatible with YouTube

Code: Select all

ffmpeg -i SLIDESHOW.VOB -vf scale=320:240 youtube.avi
Updated 2013-10-23
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#33 Post by rcrsn51 »

PeasyDisc v1.7 introduces support for burning large files with DVD and Blu-ray. There are several caveats. YMMV.

1. The burning tools growisofs and mkisofs need updating.

a. For 32bit Puppies , install the
b. For Fatdog (and other 64bit Puppies), install the
c. Non-Slacko Puppies also need a different mkisofs from the cdr-tools package. See the PETs below. Read the discussion here for an explanation.

2. Blu-ray burning uses the same tools as DVDs.

3. The first burn to a Blu-ray disc may end with an error message. Provided that the job got to 100%, the message is harmless.

4. Burning very large files from a USB hard drive can be problematic. If your USB system hiccups, the job may terminate prematurely. Use the cmp command to verify the burn.

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#34 Post by jamesbond »

Thanks rcrsn51. I'll get the updated dvdrw pet for 630.
Fatdog64 forum links: [url=]Latest version[/url] | [url=]Contributed packages[/url] | [url=]ISO builder[/url]
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#35 Post by greengeek »

I just had a need to grab a puppy iso off a CD that I burned a few years ago and could not remember how to do it (dd command perhaps??) so I tried Peasy cd tools but it doesn't have that option. Would it be difficult / valuable to add such a function?

What would that function be called? "Rip iso from disc" maybe?

EDIT :I did find the answer I needed here: ... d425f7d156
but I think it would still be a nice function to add in to peasy disc tools if poss.
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#36 Post by rcrsn51 »

greengeek wrote:What would that function be called? "Rip iso from disc" maybe?
Yes. It's already there, under the Advanced tab.
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#37 Post by greengeek »

Aaahhh yes. My usual problem of the brain disregarding half of what is directly in front of my nose.... (Sorry 'bout that :oops: )
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#38 Post by rcrsn51 »

PeasyDisc v2.0 is posted on Page 1.
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#39 Post by edoc »

I was referred to this thread.

Any chance of a version of PeasyDisc for Lighthouse64-602b, please?

I've been waiting for OpenShot but 2.0 isn't due for completion and release until December at the earliest - then has to be compiled for LH64.

Avidemux is available for LH64 doesn't want to play nicely.

[b]Thanks! David[/b]
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Re: PeasyDisc CD/DVD Tools

#40 Post by sheldonisaac »

rcrsn51 wrote:PeasyDisc is a collection of basic CD/DVD tools in one little package.
Good morning.
Do you feel like helping me with pBurn?
Please excuse; I realize this is not strictly about PeasyDisc.

Please see ... start=2055 ,
about 1/4 of the page from the bottom. In the pBurn thread under Multimedia.
I asked there about my problem with computer "hanging" after burning a data CD-RW.

I made reference to zigbert's thread under
Advanced Topics -> Cutting edge, called
"pBurn ask you to do ONE test-burn"
I happened across it, and somehow discovered my hanging/freezing problem.

Today, at 02:14 AM. zigbert said:
Do we know the burning command used in Peasydisc ?
Many thanks,

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