Barry Kauler announces his retirement from Puppy

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Re: Barry Kauler stepping down.

#121 Post by jpeps »

mrpete wrote: And this is all I'm really trying to say.. I think tablets and small devices have great uses. Their a part of the computer world and that's not going to change. But since most of us on the forum have such a rich past in the PC field and with technology(which one has to emit.
Let's hope that there will continue to be a body of interested users that continue to support Puppy in its current mission.
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Barry's Retiring: We must get organized. Tomorrow.

#122 Post by mikeslr »

I've just returned from a two week vacation. Before leaving, I had written most of this post but, it being unfinished, had not posted it. Perhaps that is just as well. We are a species designed to react quickly when we perceive a problem. Then fatigue sets in. And after that, having a short attention span, we move on to the next problem or event which attracts our interest, even if the first, more important, problem remains.

Barry K has announced his retirement. Again. And I am l moved to do something.

As I see it, we have four choices:

(1) We can form an action committee, kidnap, hold Barry K prisoner and only feed him if he works on Puppy. While I'm not intimate with Australian Law, as a former Assistant Prosecutor in a country having Common Law origins, I suspect there may be some rough edges to this choice.
(2) Quickly abandon ship for some other distro or android before others catch on. Having explored many other distros, and having some familiarity with android, I doubt whether pursuing this option would prove emotionally satisfying.
(3) Do nothing. Vanity, Vanity, all is Vanity... Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Or perhaps the immortal Barry K will change his mind. Or some other savior will arise. But I am of the persuasion who believe Human Life has purpose even if it is we who must identify that purpose. For me, that purpose is to mend the World, if only a little if only a little is the extent of our ability. Puppy, in its own way, serves that purpose. While at first blush this sounds of sound and fury, yet recently I have seen some of our members –and perhaps not the most talented among us-- come together to use the potential inherent in Puppy to make life a little more bearable for those suffering severe disabilities: a task the “Big Distros
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#123 Post by starhawk »

mikeslr -- VERY well thought-out and VERY well written, SIR.

If you are as wise as that on a regular basis, perhaps you should apply for the position of Puppy's Next Guiding Light -- and I mean that quite seriously.

everyone else -- don't tl;dr ("too long; didn't read") past that post of his. READ IT. He's got a good point in almost every sentence. I mean that quite seriously as well.
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Re: Barry's Retiring: We must get organized. Tomorrow.

#124 Post by jpeps »

mikeslr wrote: But I am of the persuasion who believe Human Life has purpose even if it is we who must identify that purpose. For me, that purpose is to mend the World, if only a little if only a little is the extent of our ability. Puppy, in its own way, serves that purpose.
What is this thing called “Puppy
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#125 Post by sunburnt »

What StarHawk Said.

jpeps; For Puppy as it currently is, I agree with you.

#126 Post by darry1966 »

Very nice Mikesir It pretty much goes along with my own thinking I sincerely continues - Tablets will be an interesting development for puppy.

Puppy is unique with its size, and consider the number of tools developed for it over the years like makepet, unpacker drag'n'drop from Slaxerpup etc, not bad for a small distro - the number of alternatives is shrinking though porteous is pretty cool.

I try other distros they just lack what I need I always come back to Pup.
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#127 Post by partsman »

@ mikesLr
WELL SAID :wink:
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#128 Post by jpeps »

darry1966 wrote:Very nice Mikesir It pretty much goes along with my own thinking I sincerely continues - Tablets will be an interesting development for puppy.
Very interesting. Will you be providing the apps?

#129 Post by darry1966 »

Very interesting. Will you be providing the apps?[/quote]

Well you talk about them a lot so I might ask you the same cos I thought they according to you were replacing the desktop.

You pretty much said Tablets were the future so I guess it's your baby go for it.
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#130 Post by jpeps »

darry1966 wrote: Well you talk about them a lot so I might ask you the same cos I thought they according to you were replacing the desktop.

You pretty much said Tablets were the future so I guess it's your baby go for it.
Tablets are filling another niche..I said that PC's and desktops will be here for some time. Mobile devices are not the future, they're the present.
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#131 Post by Iguleder »

Let's not forget the sad story of Fuduntu and SolusOS. We must be realistic and careful when we define the distro goals, especially in terms of available resources and how future-proof our solutions are.

For example, JWM and ROX-Filer are not future-proof, because they depend on X.Org (yes, GTK+ 2.x doesn't support Wayland). Also, as these deceased distros show, using GNOME 2.x is not a good option either, because of systemd. Moreover, supporting old hardware is becoming increasingly hard, because of KMS and old drivers that won't be ported over to Wayland.

I agree with mikelsr and I think having a community distro is the way to go, while there's a group of developers who work on infrastructure common to all community builds (i.e Wayland support in Woof or a replacement).
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#132 Post by jpeps »

Iguleder wrote:
I agree with mikelsr and I think having a community distro is the way to go, while there's a group of developers who work on infrastructure common to all community builds (i.e Wayland support in Woof or a replacement).
It's difficult to even reach consensus on what to adopt, much less find the resources (e.g coordinated teams of developers) for rewriting all the software.
“Fuduntu has reached an impasse,
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#133 Post by tronkel »

Yes, at the moment we need to think realistically and not dream about goals that are nice to contemplate, but that are not really practical to implement given the available resources.

How about taking a minimalist Debian Server Stable install and using that to master a system that has as many puppy characteristics as are feasible.

Sure, it wouldn't be a "real" Puppy Linux as such, but it might make a great little platform for up-and-coming developers to hack around with. Only include stuff like JWM, Rox ,MTpaint, Abiword etc. so that the footprint stays as small as possible. At least the Puppy philosophy would live on even without the true Puppy core being there. Out of the box it would have native Debian package management as well as Debian stability and flexibility without having to use Woof etc. Why re-invent the wheel anyway? Nobody does it better than Debian. (OK, Arch is also a thought maybe).

Also a bolt hole away from the often-criticised Ubuntu ecosystem in the minds of many Linux users.
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#134 Post by Iguleder »

jpeps wrote:re: systemd. I notice that even a large distro like Ubuntu hasn't enabled it by default. They also chose to boycott the developments in Gnome. Does puppy need to adopt Wayland?
Yes, I think Puppy has to, because we don't have the resources to fork X.Org or develop our own replacement (i.e Mir), unlike the Canonical-backed Ubuntu.
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#135 Post by jpeps »

Iguleder wrote:
Yes, I think Puppy has to, because we don't have the resources to fork X.Org or develop our own replacement (i.e Mir), unlike the Canonical-backed Ubuntu.
looks doable
 I'm not deluding myself that any general purpose desktop Linux distribution will stop shipping X as we know it or as a Wayland client anytime soon. Nor should they, there will still be X applications to run and people expect that from a Linux desktop.
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#136 Post by James C »

From Phoronix.....
While the Mir Display Server and the Wayland protocol are widely viewed as the next-generation display technologies for Linux systems, there's already been delays with Mir and Wayland hasn't yet been widely adopted. Even if/when Mir and Wayland manage to lift off, the X.Org Server won't suddenly die and will be supported for years to come.

Many are excited about Wayland and Mir, but still these new display systems present new demands on the Linux desktop stack in terms of graphics drivers and acceleration, there's issues with non-Linux operating systems, legacy X applications continue to need to be supported, and there will be enterprise Linux distributions that still need to maintain X support for years ... px=MTQ3NjI
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#137 Post by mafur »

tronkel wrote:How about taking a minimalist Debian Server Stable install and using that to master a system that has as many puppy characteristics as are feasible.
If you change that much will the result still be Puppy, or just another Debian spin? Then, name Puppy for a final product as one from group of Linux distributions doesn't have connection with what it suppose to do. That is not catchy name like Mint, Ubuntu, Arch or Slackware.
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#138 Post by oldyeller »

No matter which way it goes to call it Puppy Linux will need Barry to approve it, Since Puppy Linux is copyrighted.

People may see things that need change or improvements, But puppy is one of a kind and no other linux is close to its uniqueness.
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#139 Post by anikin »

mafur wrote:That is not catchy name like Mint, Ubuntu, Arch or Slackware.
Or, like "mafur"?

The clown is back under a new identity.
But the accent, the trolling pattern and BS talking remain just the same.

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#140 Post by starhawk »

I was thinking he sounded rather familiar. *sigh* Hi, simargl :evil:

Since you clearly have the sense to figure out what you like and what you don't like -- and having established that Puppy is firmly in the second category -- could you kindly please just leave, so we can all have some peace (you included)...? PLEASE...?

Maybe you and that dude I can't remember the name of, whotsizface who had the falling out with John Murga, could get together and form a Puppy Users Hate Group or something...?
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