Text-To-Speech & Voice Interface for Puppy?

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#21 Post by mt0ne »

I have now entered the time of year officially described as "panic season".
Between now and Xmas I'll be working non-stop with little/no time for anything else...
:twisted: I shall return! :twisted:
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Ted Dog
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Re: Work

#22 Post by Ted Dog »

mt0ne wrote:I have now entered the time of year officially described as "panic season".
Between now and Xmas I'll be working non-stop with little/no time for anything else...
:twisted: I shall return! :twisted:
He He, as you get older and family kids are no longer kids, this time of year time just magically opens up. That young generation, with jobs, corp partys, kids 'talent' shows, shopping... are so over whelmed that we who served the time, lived that hectic life, before are free to send a card with a store gift card and be 'DONE' :P
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Side by side sounds

#23 Post by mt0ne »

I have figured out that the GNOME-Mplayer running music will run side by side with Pmusic doing the speaking as default media player :!:
speak clipboard is now firmly planted on my desktop and I can listen to any webpage with ctrl-a and not interrupt my tunes :D

AT LAST I can start taking in information at will!
I could use a pointer to where the speed control etc is for speech but hey, it's keeping me on my toes...
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Checking in

#24 Post by mt0ne »

Thought I would check in and update!
The frenzy of the season is about a week away from being over and I've been downloading and testing what I can in my spare time. (details to come later)
Along the way I came across an awsome webpage that had concise instructions for linking several different mud clients to several different screen-readers / TTS engines. BUT I CLOSED MY BROWSER AND LOST THE LINK!!!

It had a black backround and bold yellow text in the menu and as paragraph headers. If you see it please E-mail the link to mt0neg@gmail.com
it had script for linking espeak thru kildclient in perl, and underneath that it had instructions for similar procedure with festival / festvox! I was following them when I accendently closed chrome and flushed my history, I have since disabled that function... I think the reason I can't find it again is that I followed a secondary link to it and it may have been coded in frames so it's not showing up in google search... (tried and tried and tried and cried...)

On the good news side of things this thread has started showing up in google search pretty high up! Even when I use different machines/connections to search!

There IS A LOT of interest out there, especially in TTS + mud client searches! Lots of people are looking, but when they get their solution built, they AREN'T posting FOLLOWUPS... :evil:

In January I'll be reorganizing everything and distilling all that I've found into my first solid solution (hopefully) and will be testing on a fresh install of Obedient puppy (this time in secure mode with proper non admin status as default post build). In the mean time I'm still using the espeak 'speak clipboard script' and in kildclient I have a copy of clipboard.pm and it sorta works with
/use Clipboard
and an OnReceivedText hook
You'll need to set your line length pretty long though as multi-line chunks are still an issue as are blank lines right after good ones...
screen 300 35
with as small a font as your client will manage.

Although the 'speak clipboard' script is the most basic, it's been the most robust, it works in any window with CTRL+A and I can copy text into a text file for repeated listening. It is also the only solution I've found that doesn't cause things to hang until it's stopped talking. I have no idea why though...

In the mean time, I've been downloading and testing every linux speech system and screen reader I can find and as time allows, testing them.

While many linux projects rise and fall, I've been noticing a strange "Iced out" pattern with regard to voice interface and particularly TTS/screenreading projects... I'm begining to think someone out there has been quashing them.
I hope it's just me, but just in case I'm planning to develop my final solutions entirely from scratch...
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Ongoing war on TTS

#25 Post by mt0ne »

So I had the day off and figured I'd try again...
The problem with the puppy package manager is it installs things that I can't find...
and then if I do find them even with a console I can't get them to do ANYTHING. Look on the website of a linux project and you get install instructions (sometimes) but I can never find step 1
now that I've installed
I can't get any of them to do a THING, they have no docs for how to USE them and the scripts do nothing...
they give NO instructions for any command line thing to make them work...
works, but there's no information on how to use ANY other commands...
"How is the name of yasr 'Yet another screen reader' when I can't get anything but technosaurs' speakclipboard to acctually DO anything...

So like, where do I get this all powerfull linux knowledge that fills this painfull gap? I ~would~ RTFM, if I could find one...

Result day off wasted 16 hours, accomplished nothing, learned nothing and made no progress
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#26 Post by Trobin »

Could I ask what it is that you are trying to do?

I've read this tread three, or more, times and have no idea. Are you trying to get console applications to speak.

If so, then you need to install espeak, speech dispatcher, and yasr. Read through this thread:

http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 41&t=24571

Be warned, I ramble a lot through it.

If you can het Foksyfeyer from the link that mcewanw gave you then the above is done. Once installed.

But they are console programs and won't read windows (GTK) apps.

If you are trying to get windows apps speaking, well I don't know if anyone has successfully with puppy. At least not beyond the experimental stage.
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#27 Post by mt0ne »

Your absolutly right!
My ultimate goal is to have a speech engine up and running that will speak text piped in from all applications, encluding the desktop and voice command allowing me to "do everything".
and have 0 java on my machine... [personal hatred of java update badness left over from windows days]
An insanely tall order, I know...

But! I'm slowly making progress! OP V3 seems to have installed both festival AND Technosaurous' speak pets and can run them both! (OP2 seemed to balk at festival pup on my machine)
espeak (standard ppm package) gives -w (no sound) only error, I need to to some work there...

I also found


and now have a hotkey to speak selected text!
[For puppy users the hotkey controls are in Menu>Utility>PupControlPanel>Window Manager Settings>Keyboard Shortcuts ]
/root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal {or personal2 }
You'll need to click the eye to see hidden if you are using ROX...
look for
<!-- Key bindings -->
in that file and add
<Key mask="CS" key="z">exec:/usr/bin/talkit.sh</Key>
on a new line right below it.

save and exit
then in a terminal window type these lines

cat << eof > talk.sh
xsel | festival --tts --pipe
cmod +x ~/talkit.sh

install xsel in puppy package manager

and poof! CTRL-SHIFT-z will now speak selected text!
(even though we did this in the wrong order)

If you run into the error Linux: can't open /dev/dsp
echo "
(Parameter.set 'Audio_Command "aplay -q -c 1 -t raw -f s16 -r $SR $FILE")
(Parameter.set 'Audio_Method 'Audio_Command)
" >> ~/.festivalrc
fixes that!
(and I hope to have one just like that for espeak so the -w error goes away, not sure how technosaurous' speak works fine but espeak doesn't...)

The speech rate can be configured in /usr/share/festival/voices/english/kal_diphone/festvox/kal_diphone.scm
under the setting "Parameter.set 'Duration_Stretch" -- the lower the value the faster the speech rate.

Believe it or not "puppylinux.com" was a link on the site in haktip-10
I'll have to update my linux skill soon :twisted:

I have yasr installed but yasr seems to do NOTHING??
yasr --help = error
info =same
man -k yasr = deadend search 0 results...
it's in Pprocess manager a couple times but nothing seems to get it to speak...
Speech dispatcher hangs my puppy package manager but Gespeaker seems to have installed ok...
I seem to still be missing the go between part that pipes output to the speech from bash/urxvt ,

(also the desktop>urxvt settings thingy doesn't seem to be changeing forground or background values in console even after restart...)

on the mud front I have a thread at
http://www.kildclient.org/forum/viewtop ... f=3&t=4020
but it's still a work in progress, hopefully soon my now working tk bindings for perl will allow us to get a finished work.

I have so many partially working bits installed it's getting hard to keep track already, and it's only week 1 with the new distro...
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#28 Post by Trobin »

Speech dispatcher hangs my puppy package manager but Gespeaker seems to have installed ok...
I seem to still be missing the go between part that pipes output to the speech from bash/urxvt
How are you installing Speech Dispatcher, and with what version of Puppy?
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