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#1 Post by RSH »


I'm using Grub4DOS to boot my systems.

To prepare a program to be used when any other boot loader is used, I do need menu.lst files to examine.

I do need the header and bottom plus at least two different entries to compare.

Would you please send me your menu.lst (snippet) for other boot loaders than Grub4DOS?




A short description of your setup would be fine as well.
[b][url=]LazY Puppy[/url][/b]
[b][url=]RSH's DNA[/url][/b]
[url=][b]SARA B.[/b][/url]
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#2 Post by amigo »

The only other bootloader with menu.lst files is grub legacy. Any syntax used in a legacy grub menu.lst will work with grub4dos, but not the other way around -grub4dos has new features which are not supported by grub legacy.

Here's my complete menu.lst (from a somewhat-patched grub legacy):
# GRUB configuration file '/boot/grub/menu.lst'.
# generated by 'grubconfig'. Wed 11 Oct 2006 10:22:38 AM CEST
# The backup copy of the MBR for drive '/dev/hda' is
# here '/boot/grub/mbr.hda.1349'. You can restore it like this.
# dd if=mbr.hda.1349 of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1

# Linux Grub
# -------------------------
# /dev/fd0 (fd0)
# /dev/hda (hd0)
# /dev/hdb2 (hd1,1)
# /dev/hda3 (hd0,2)

# +-------------------------------------------------+
# | 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024
# ----+--------------------------------------------
# 256 | 0x301=769 0x303=771 0x305=773 0x307=775
# 32K | 0x310=784 0x313=787 0x316=790 0x319=793
# 64K | 0x311=785 0x314=788 0x317=791 0x31A=794
# 16M | 0x312=786 0x315=789 0x318=792 0x31B=795
# +-------------------------------------------------+

# Start GRUB global section
timeout 10

# 'default' sets the menu entry to boot by default if the timeout entry is used above

default 3

#color light-gray/blue black/light-gray

# 'foreground' means the color of the main upper left faces of all letters
# and the big text rectangle that has all our operating system titles in
# it in our GRUB menu.
# for medium blue image
# foreground = DDDDDD
# maroon
foreground = 800000

# 'background' sets the colors used in the lower-right 'shadowing' for all
# the letters and the big rectangle around our operating system titles and
# most importantly the hilite (selection) bar that we shift up or down
# with our arrow keys to select an operating system to boot.
# dark blue? for medium-blue image
# background = 000060
# gray
background = 808080

#The 'shade' command toggles the shadows to the right-lower side of the rectangle and font.
#shade 0 turns off the shadow effect
#shade 1 turns on the font shadows
shade 0

# 'border' gives us a chance to set a color for any parts of the screen
# not used by the GRUB menu.
# You can pick any colors out of the sixteen color chart here,
# black000000 green008000 silverc0c0c0 lime00ff00
# gray808080 live808000 whiteffffff yellowffff00
# maroon800000 navy000080 redff0000 blue0000ff
# purple800080 teal008080 fuchsiaff00ff aqua00ffff
# lime
# border 00ff00
# black
border = 000000

# GRUB's viewport command is for controlling the postion and size of the
# rectangle that the text fits inside in the GRUB Menu when we use a
# splashimage. (only available in Graphics mode).

# for example,
# viewport 0 0 66 16
# gives a small rectangle in the upper left of the screen.

# for example,
# viewport 3 3 80 30
# means you will have the largest rectangle in the middle of the screen

# for example,
# viewport 11 6 80 30
# gives you a large rectangle in the lower right of the screen

# The syntax for viewport is like this,
# viewport x0 y0 x1 y1

# The numbers seem to range between,
# viewport 0-11 0-6 66-80 16-30

# x0 sets the left-right positioning for the left side of the rectangle.
# In my tests the smallest number I could set for this parameter was 0 and the largest was 11,
# although sometimes a number less than 11 had to be settled for, depending on the other parameters.

# y0 sets the up and down position for the rectangle.
# 0 entered here makes the rectangle appear as close as possible to the top of the monitor.
# The number 6 was the largest number I could get it to accept, which made the rectangle lower.

# x1 can be in the range from 66-80 and sets the width of the rectangle.

# y1 can be a number in the range between 16 and 30 and sets the height for the rectangle.

viewport 3 2 77 22

# End GRUB global section

#splashimage (hd0,0)/grub/slackware.xpm.gz
splashimage (hd0,0)/grub/robin.xpm.gz

#0 Linux bootable partition config begins
title KISS-NEW on (/dev/sda2) K-
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz-kiss- root=/dev/sda2 ro vga=normal quiet nomodeset
# Linux bootable partition config ends

#1 Linux bootable partition config begins
title KISS-NEW on (/dev/sda2) K-3.0.4-5
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz-kiss-3.0.4-5 root=/dev/sda2 ro vga=normal quiet nomodeset
# Linux bootable partition config ends

#2 Linux bootable partition config begins
title KISS-NEW on (/dev/sda2) K-3.0.4-i586-6
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz-kiss-3.0.4-i586-6 root=/dev/sda2 ro quiet init 4
# Linux bootable partition config ends

#3 Linux bootable partition config begins
title KISS-NEW on (/dev/sda2) K-3.0.21-i586-2
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz-kiss-3.0.21-i586-2 root=/dev/sda2 ro quiet init 4
# Linux bootable partition config ends

#4 Linux bootable partition config begins
title KISS-NEW on (/dev/sda2) K-3.7.6-i586-1
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz-kiss-3.7.6-i586-1 root=/dev/sda2 ro quiet init 4
# Linux bootable partition config ends

#1 Linux bootable partition config begins
# title Absolute-11.0 bootsplash on (/dev/hda2) GUI Login K-
# kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz-ide- root=/dev/hda2 ro vga=normal
# Linux bootable partition config ends

#0 Linux bootable partition config begins
# title KISS-2 on (/dev/hda2) vmlinuz-huge-smp-
# kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz-huge-smp- root=/dev/hda2 ro vga=normal
# initrd (hd0,0)/zenwalk-initrd.splash
# Linux bootable partition config ends

#1 Linux bootable partition config begins
# title KISS-2 on (/dev/hda2) vmlinuz-e2c-
# kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz-e2c- root=/dev/hda2 ro vga=normal
# initrd (hd0,0)/zenwalk-initrd.splash
# Linux bootable partition config ends

#2 Linux bootable partition config begins
# title KISS-2 on (/dev/hda2) vmlinuz-e2c-
# kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz-e2c- root=/dev/hda2 ro vga=normal
# initrd (hd0,0)/zenwalk-initrd.splash
# Linux bootable partition config ends

#3 Linux bootable partition config begins
# title KISS-2 on (/dev/hda2) vmlinuz-2.6.32
# kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz-2.6.32 root=/dev/hda2 ro vga=normal
# initrd (hd0,0)/zenwalk-initrd.splash
# Linux bootable partition config ends

#3 Linux bootable partition config begins
# title K-
# kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz- root=/dev/hda2 ro vga=normal
# Linux bootable partition config ends

#4 Linux bootable partition config begins
title KISS-NEW on (/dev/sda6) K-
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz-kiss- root=/dev/sda6 ro vga=normal
# Linux bootable partition config ends

#4 Linux bootable partition config begins
title KISS-NEW on (/dev/sda6) K- nomodeset
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz-kiss- root=/dev/sda6 ro vga=normal quiet nomodeset init 4
# Linux bootable partition config ends

#3 Linux bootable partition config begins
title KISS-NEW on (/dev/sda6) K-3.0.21-i586-2 new
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz-kiss-3.0.21-i586-2 root=/dev/sda6 ro quiet
# Linux bootable partition config ends

#4 Linux bootable partition config begins
title KISS-NEW on (/dev/sda7) K-
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz-kiss- root=/dev/sda7 ro vga=normal quiet nomodeset init 4
# Linux bootable partition config ends

#4 Linux bootable partition config begins
title KISS-NEW on (/dev/sda6) K- KMS
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz- root=/dev/sda6 ro video=i915:modeset=1
# Linux bootable partition config ends

#4 Linux bootable partition config begins
title KISS-NEW on (/dev/sda6) K- NEW
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz- root=/dev/sda6 ro video=i915:modeset=0
# Linux bootable partition config ends

#4 Linux bootable partition config begins
title KISS-NEW on (/dev/sda6) K-
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz- root=/dev/sda6 ro vga=normal
# Linux bootable partition config ends

#4 Linux bootable partition config begins
title KISS-10.0 bootsplash on (/dev/hda6) GUI Login K-
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz-ide- root=/dev/hda6 ro vga=normal
# Linux bootable partition config ends

#5 Linux bootable partition config begins
title KISS-
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz- root=/dev/hda6 ro vga=normal
# Linux bootable partition config ends

#6 Linux bootable partition config begins
title KISS-
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz- root=/dev/hda6 ro vga=normal
# Linux bootable partition config ends

#7 Linux bootable partition config begins
title KISS-
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz- root=/dev/hda6 ro vga=normal
# Linux bootable partition config ends

title --- For help press 'c', type: 'help'
root (hd0,0)

# Change the colors.
title Change to OS/BS colors
color magenta/blue black/magenta

# Install GRUB to a floppy:

title install GRUB on (fd0) floppy drive and reboot. Password: danger
pause You requested to install GRUB onto MBR. We highly recommend you NOT to do so, basically for two reasons: 1. For some non-MS-compatible boot loaders(in case you might be using), the install is INDEED dangerous and may cause your whole disk(and all your operating systems on it) unaccessible. 2. Even if you are using(in MBR)an MS-compatible boot loader such as LILO and GRUB, you may encounter problems like hard-disk-boot-failure when you move or delete the /boot/grub/stage2 file, or even when disk defragmentation operations are made. Press any key to continue...
pause A password prompt will confirm that you want the operation anyway. Press any key to continue...
password danger
pause This will install GRUB in (fd0)/boot/grub/ to floppy drive A. Press any key to begin...
root (fd0)
setup (fd0)
pause GRUB install OK! Press any key to reboot your machine...

Code: Select all

I don't do anything very fancy in there, like re-mapping, etc, nor even chainloading. Still, there are a couple of entries there which may provide some 'futter' für deine Experimente...
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#3 Post by CatDude »

Hello RSH

  • Acer Aspire 5552
    AMD Athlon II X2 P340
    ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250
    4 GB DDR3
    15.6" HD LCD
    DVD-Super Multi DL
    320 GB HDD, partitioned up like this:

    Code: Select all

    sda1		= ntfs = 14GB 	= PQSERVICE
    sda2		= ntfs = 100MB	= SYSTEM RESERVED
    sda3		= ntfs = 128GB	= Acer (main Win7 partition)
    sda4		= Extended
    sda5		= ext3 = 5GB
    sda6		= ext3 = 5GB
    sda7		= ext3 = 20GB
    sda8		= ext3 = 20GB
    sda9		= ext3 = 5GB
    sda10		= ext3 = 10GB
    sda11		= ext3 = 50GB
    sda12		= ext3 = 40GB
Puppies are scattered across most of the ext3 partitions

GRUB was installed to the root of sda10 (/boot/grub is also here)
which is loaded via EasyBCD which was installed in :twisted: Win7 :twisted:

I try not to 'visit' any of the first 3 partitions if i can help it. :wink:

Attached is a copy of my legacy GRUB menu.lst (remove the fake .gz)
which contains 38 entries.

remove the fake .gz
(11.88 KiB) Downloaded 522 times
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#4 Post by RSH »


Thank you CatDude and amigo for your replies and the menu.lst example.

Regarding to this: /boot/grub/menu.lst

Are there any other locations used for the menu.lst?

What else is used by boot loaders to present a boot menu to the user?


[b][url=]LazY Puppy[/url][/b]
[b][url=]RSH's DNA[/url][/b]
[url=][b]SARA B.[/b][/url]
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Karl Godt
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#5 Post by Karl Godt »
for example . Puppy puts it on top of /, but as written there, can be put into /boot/extlinux/ .

Am currently running a machine that uses Grub4dos. Will attach a german setkey attempt menu.lst, when I change the machine .
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#6 Post by amigo »

Possible valid paths:

Code: Select all

If you run across grub stuff from the old redhat the sources are patched to name the file 'grub.cfg' IIRC.

grub4dos is a radically-patched fork of legacy grub
grub4dos uses /menu.lst in the toplevel, I think.

grub legacy distributed by suse/opensuse, mandr(ake|iva), LFS, and others may have options patched in which may not be available in 'stock' versions or other 'brand' versions.

That grubsuperbootdisc is another like grub4dos in that it is a *radical* departure from the original sources.

All other boot loaders use a completely different way of setting up a system. Even grub2 is different from grub-0.97. To accomplish the same (or close) behavior with any other bootloader the boot-menu entries (and paths/names) have to be 'translated' into that other system.

You could download old binary rpms/debs of grub and pull default/example conf files from them.
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#7 Post by James C »

Here's one of mine.....

timeout 10
color cyan/blue white/blue
foreground ffffff
background 0639a1

gfxmenu /boot/grub/message

title MEPIS at sda1, newest kernel
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 nomce quiet splash vga=788
initrd /boot/initrd.img

title MEPIS at sda1, kernel 2.6.36-1-mepis-smp
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.36-1-mepis-smp root=/dev/sda1 nomce quiet splash vga=788
initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.36-1-mepis-smp

kernel /boot/memtest86+.bin

title Puppy Linux 432 ( install in sda5
root (hd0,4)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda5 pmedia=atahd nosmp acpi=force

title antiX 13 at sda7, kernel 3.7.10-antix-smp
root (hd0,6)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-3.7.10-antix.3-486-smp root=/dev/sda7 nomce quiet nosplash xres=auto nouveau.noaccel=1
initrd /boot/initrd.img-3.7.10-antix.3-486-smp

title Puppy Linux 528.005 ( install in sda10
root (hd0,9)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda10 pmedia=atahd nosmp acpi=force

title Puppy Precise 5.6.1 frugal in sda2 (3.2.44)
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
kernel /pup01/vmlinuz pfix=fsck pdev1=sda2 pmedia=atahd psubdir=pup01 nosmp acpi=force
initrd /pup01/initrd.gz

title Puppy Exprimo 5.X. frugal in sda2
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
kernel /pup02/vmlinuz pfix=fsck pdev1=sda2 pmedia=atahd psubdir=pup02 nosmp acpi=force
initrd /pup02/initrd.gz

title Puppy Slacko 5.5.70 frugal in sda2
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
kernel /pup03/vmlinuz pfix=fsck pdev1=sda2 pmedia=atahd psubdir=pup03 nouveau.noaccel=1 nosmp acpi=force
initrd /pup03/initrd.gz

title Puppy Exprimo 5.X.15 frugal (2.6.39) in sda2
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
kernel /pup04/vmlinuz pfix=fsck pdev=1=sda2 pmedia=atahd psubdir=pup04 nosmp acpi=force
initrd /pup04/initrd.gz

title Puppy Wary 5.5 frugal in sda2
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
kernel /pup05/vmlinuz pfix=fsck pdev1=sda2 pmedia=atahd psubdir=pup05 acpi=force
initrd /pup05/initrd.gz

title Puppy Wheezy frugal in sda2
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
kernel /pup06/vmlinuz pfix=fsck pdev1=sda2 pmedia=atahd psubdir=pup06 nouveau.noaccel=1 nosmp acpi=force
initrd /pup06/initrd.gz

title Puppy Slacko 5.5 frugal in sda2
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
kernel /pup07/vmlinuz pfix=fsck pdev1=sda2 pmedia=atahd psubdir=pup07 nosmp acpi=force
initrd /pup07/initrd.gz

title Puppy Sensei 001 frugal in sda2
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
kernel /pup08/vmlinuz pfix=fsck pdev1=sda2 pmedia=atahd psubdir=pup08 nosmp acpi=force
initrd /pup08/initrd.gz

title Puppy Linux 394 frugal
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
kernel /pup09/vmlinuz pmedia=satahd psubdir=pup09
initrd /pup09/initrd.gz

title Puppy Raring frugal in sda2
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
kernel /pup10/vmlinuz pmedia=atahd pfix=fsck pdev1=sda2 psubdir=pup10 nouveau.noaccel=1 nosmp acpi=force
initrd /pup10/initrd.gz

title Puppy Precise frugal in sda2
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
kernel /pup11/vmlinuz pmedia=atahd pfix=fsck pdev1=sda2 psubdir=pup11 nosmp acpi=force
initrd /pup11/initrd.gz

title Slax 7.0.6
root (hd0,1)
kernel /slax/boot/vmlinuz ramdisk=1 vga=866 root=/dev/ram0 rw perch,xmode
initrd /slax/boot/initrfs.img

title Lucid Retro 525 frugal in sda5
rootnoverify (hd0,4)
kernel /retro525/vmlinuz pfix=fsck pdev1=sda5 pmedia=atahd psubdir=retro525 nosmp acpi=force
initrd /retro525/initrd.gz

title Slacko Retro 533 frugal in sda5 (
rootnoverify (hd0,4)
kernel /slackoretro/vmlinuz pfix=fsck pdev1=sda5 pmedia=atahd psubdir=slackoretro nosmp acpi=force
initrd /slackoretro/initrd.gz

title Puppy Precise 5.6.9 frugal in sda5 (3.2.48)
rootnoverify (hd0,4)
kernel /pup16/vmlinuz pfix=fsck pdev1=sda5 pmedia=atahd psubdir=pup16 nosmp acpi=force
initrd /pup16/initrd.gz

title Puppy Racy 5.50 in sda8
rootnoverify (hd0,7)
kernel /pup12/vmlinuz pfix=fsck pdev1=sda8 pmedia=atahd psubdir=pup12 nosmp acpi=force
initrd /pup12/initrd.gz

title Puppy Precise 3.7.2 in sda8 (3.7.2) Pemasu
rootnoverify (hd0,7)
kernel /pup14/vmlinuz pfix=fsck pdev1=sda8 pmedia=atahd psubdir=pup14 nosmp acpi=force
initrd /pup14/initrd.gz

title ThinSlacko 5.5.04 in sda8
rootnoverify (hd0,7)
kernel /pup13/vmlinuz pfix=fsck pdev1=sda8 pmedia=atahd psubdir=pup13 nosmp acpi=force
initrd /pup13/initrd.gz

title Carolina Linux 005 lite in sda8
rootnoverify (hd0,7)
kernel /lina/vmlinuz pfix=fsck pdev1=sda8 pmedia=atahd psubdir=lina nosmp acpi=force
initrd /lina/initrd.gz

title Puppy Raring in sda8
rootnoverify (hd0,7)
kernel /pup15/vmlinuz pfix=fsck pdev1=sda8 pmedia=atahd psubdir=pup15 nosmp acpi=force nouveau.noaccel=1
initrd /pup15/initrd.gz

title DSL-frugal-base-norestore (hda8)
root (hd0,7)
kernel /boot/linux24 root=/dev/hda8 base norestore
initrd /boot/minirt24.gz

title DSL-frugal-toram-mydsl-restore (hda8)
root (hd0,7)
kernel /boot/linux24 root=/dev/hda8 toram mydsl=hda8 restore=hda8
initrd /boot/minirt24.gz
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#8 Post by sunburnt »

Hi RHS; The other main boot config. files are the ones used by the "sys" series boot loader.
Look at Puppy`s isolinux.cfg, it, syslinux, extlinux, and pxelinux config. files are all the same.

Code: Select all

default puppy
display boot.msg
prompt 1
timeout 50

F1 boot.msg
F2 help.msg
F3 help2.msg

label puppy
kernel vmlinuz
append initrd=initrd.gz pmedia=cd
Few other boot loaders are used any more.
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#9 Post by Ibidem »

amigo wrote:Possible valid paths:

Code: Select all

If you run across grub stuff from the old redhat the sources are patched to name the file 'grub.cfg' IIRC.

grub4dos is a radically-patched fork of legacy grub
grub4dos uses /menu.lst in the toplevel, I think.

grub legacy distributed by suse/opensuse, mandr(ake|iva), LFS, and others may have options patched in which may not be available in 'stock' versions or other 'brand' versions.

That grubsuperbootdisc is another like grub4dos in that it is a *radical* departure from the original sources.
grub4dos looks for

Failing any of those, you get a command line.
You can load a new config file with
configfile <FILE>
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