NVIDIA Legacy drivers not working properly.

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NVIDIA Legacy drivers not working properly.

#1 Post by TheNH813 »

First of all, sorry if thius topic exists, no searches on GuckDuckGo, Bing, Google, AltaVista or the forums itself brought it up with any combination the terms NVIDIA Legacy, 96, Puppy Linux, Linux, PUP package, PET Package, SFS Package, ForceWare 96.43 or GeForce 4 MX 440. If this isthe wrong section or ther topic exists, please move this thread or delete it and tell me to post there. I just want to play Minecraft and other heavily OpenGL accelerated games. Minetest and Nexuid use SDL or older OpenGL versions and work great. I need OpenGL 1.2.X and 2.5.X working. Puppy Linux is my favortie Linux along with CrunchBang (also very fast low RAM usage 80MB to boot). Crunchbang fails to star X, no matter what config I use. I switched to Puppy on this PC running off my internal HDD with a 20GB 4fs (yes I know higher the 1.8GB is bad, but so far no problems). Please help, this and a issue with CUPS are the only things keeping Puppy from being perfect for my PC.

Series: GeForce
Specific Model: GeForce 4 MX 440
RAM: UNKNOWN, but I think its 128MB or 256MB,
Interface: AGP8X
GPU Architecture: NV17
Power usage: Less than 50W (I I remember right, it uses no PCIE Power cables).
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#2 Post by ardvark »


I'm wondering if a better card using newer drivers might be the better option here, considering what you want to do. If your PSU can handle the load, perhaps a card like this one that can use the 173 legacy drivers. These can be found in the PPM and I've never experienced a problem using them. :)

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Maybe I should upgrade.

#3 Post by TheNH813 »

I have a 500W PSU (A higher end Rosewill, with 5 year warranty.) which should DEFINITELY be enough, also I did not know that a decent GPU was so cheap. It usually gets close to 100FPS on windows though, so I was thinking it would be even better on Linux LOL. It worked fine on Ubuntu until Unity was releases which causes wierd color glitches everywhere so I had to install Gnome classic. I could compile the driver from NVIDIA, but my luck with kernel modification is practically 0. I guess I should upgrade, considering its 12 years old, but I was just wondering if a Pentium 4 2.4GHZ would slow it down, because any lag in any game has to do with the CPU being overloded. It usually idles at 3-13% and games make it stay at 100% continuously. I just dont want to upgrade to find out that nothing is faster than it was before because the older board (2003 D865GBF) and CPU (Intel P4 dual MMX Dell custom thingy). Thanks for finding a card that actually has AGP though, I really dont think a PCIE card would even work. I will check this item out on NewEgg (if its there) and see what kind of hardware (MB+CPU) it requires to work properly. Thank you for the help, I believe you helped me come to a decision that has been bothering me for over a year LOL. Thanks for helping so fast, I am really impressed by this forum!!!
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#4 Post by TheNH813 »

Its cheaper on NewEgg and will work great, thanks! http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6814130452 Also, it acutally has a newer pixel shader unlike my current card which crashes when enabling FSAA, MSAA or FXAA higher than 2X. NewEgg also recommended a 4GB ram stick by Kingstn that was only $36! I guess I found a hidden deal when looking that GPU up. Better graphics and performance, here I come!

Incase you want a 4GB DDR3 RAM stick for $36 heres the link!
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6820239312
WOW I might get two for that price, usually I cant find RAM that cheap!
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#5 Post by ardvark »

You're welcome, glad I could help. Let us know how everything works when you get it installed. :)

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