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#41 Post by amish »

sorry to hear it... nice job distinguishing good from bad soci- um, you know.

i have a friend... yeah sure, you might as well call him that, really really right wing guy that just *adores* captialism. he has a pretty cemented idea in his mind of what i think about this and that, so he's SHOCKED to hear me defend capitalism at all. but i think a balance between capitalism and something else is almost surely best for everyone. it REALLY IS good to reward someone for being inventive, working harder than anyone else, etc. etc. - but it's also nice to eat, even when ceo's get "inventive"/cheap and find ways to lay everyone off, cut costs by poisoning your food with deadly chemicals, and not hire anyone under 30 or over 45, since statistics say something about how they can increase the bottom line by being horrible to everyone below them.

but if every country had a wonderful balance between two or more ideas, what would the big nations accuse the little nations of as an excuse to bomb them? oh, right- we don't fight communists anymore- we fight terrorists now!

so the world really is ready for a balance between the advantages of one system and the advantages of another, and it's still pretty much free market (without monopoly crushing everything or all that nasty losing your life savings because you need surgery done.)

but we still, unfortunately, have politicians to do the right thing in every worst way possible. gotta leave something to fix in the next term...
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#42 Post by sunburnt »

( disorderly outburst removed )

In the 60s the U.S. & the U.S.S.R. each said they were a paticular political ideology.
Neither one was what they claimed to be... always be careful of self perceptions.
Social-ism & capitalism are both fine ideologies... USED & RUN PROPERLY.
For the good of the masses, NOT THE PRIVILEDGED FEW!
Social-ism & capitalism can complement each other, different working parts of the whole political structure.

For certain... the most advanced scociety & gov. we could make, would be a "democratic social-ism".
Capitalism is an economic thing, part of the gov. planning... but not it's focus.
Denmark seems to have a good take on how to handle a society with modern problems.

This flight idea is part of my statement of the 3 ways of dealing with govs.:

Put up (fight them & probably become a marter if your lucky)
Shut up (just sit there & take it... pretty much what we're all doing now)
Get out (leave to a kinder & better run country, small ones have less trouble)
Last edited by sunburnt on Tue 17 Oct 2006, 04:52, edited 1 time in total.
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#43 Post by amish »

This flight idea is part of my statement of the 3 ways of dealing with govs.:

Put up (fight them & probably become a marter if your lucky)
i've made some pretty loud (non violent, non destructive, essentially legal) public statements, not just loud in terms of yelling (no one would notice yelling in the south, just another street preacher) but no one cared. i mean in order for a difference to be made, you have to have more people being loud, to the point that it makes the national news. what we need is for the civil rights movement to swing forward again, but it's not looking good. people are way too complacent.
Shut up (just sit there & take it... pretty much what we're all doing now)

this doesn't benefit anyone but dictators. it doesn't benefit democracy, and it ultimately doesn't benefit a republic either. eventually tho, people give up. our loss.
Get out (leave to a kinder & better run country, small ones have less trouble)
i did, i was unable to stay. i kind of died on the trip back. i'll go back to gb, someday. it's messed up too, of course. i think it stands better odds than we do, has smarter people- maybe... and just as importantly, a passport from there is FAR, FAR more useful than the one i've got, in terms of being able to find a nice country to settle down and live your life in.

as for the editing... well, i kind of agree with you, but a little sugarcoating or hyphen inserting that gets the same message farther with less hassle... (unless you mean something else...) it's an evil you can debate the merits of. of course, that's not the problem. the problem is when everything is messed up, and no one says anything, or worse! they say "oh, it's fine, really!" yeah- hundreds of thousands of people dying for no reason at all is Not Fine Ever- nor is the other crap going on.
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#44 Post by sunburnt »

Agreed... a larger portion of the populace must see the obvious truth for real change to take place.

Someone posted that their grandmother would say that when folks are riled enough, change comes.
Truth it is... people just aren't squeezed hard enough to make them revolt.
The oligharchy knows when to ease up & appease the masses to keep them under control.
Like the gas prices going down just before the elections in November (the October surprise).
Yet earlier in the year the oil co. CEOs testified to congress that they don't control the oil prices!

Step back folks & come to see how contrived & manipulated our societies & lives really are.
Last edited by sunburnt on Tue 17 Oct 2006, 04:55, edited 1 time in total.
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#45 Post by amish »

sunburnt wrote:The forum is a shocker to me, as I've never incountered the likes of it before.
It kind of reminds me of some music I found that KKK skin-heads remixed with racial slurs.
You know... inserting words in peoples mouths that they would never said.
Seems a most deplorable way for anyone to behave publicly, almost childish!
yes it would be, although i really don't know what you're referring to, and i'm very curious... who edited what post? i think one guy put a - in his own post to make one word a little less... noticable... and i'm sure it was at least slightly tongue in in cheek. other than that i haven't seen anyone edit anyone else's post... did someone edit yours? help me out...
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#46 Post by rarsa »

There is a bot editing posts. changing some words with other offensive words.
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#47 Post by Pizzasgood »

It's not a bot, it's part of the forum. Flash enabled it to make some of the things spammers post show up as "poisonous crap" (did you think they were truly intending to post about poisonous crap?)

I don't know why he'd also set it to censor that system which involves the government paying everybody's bills with everyone else's money though. Sure, when taken to far it becomes poisonous crap, but in moderation it isn't too bad. I'm using federal aid to help pay for college, after all.
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#48 Post by Flash »

I've sent a PM to sunburnt asking for clarification. If I find out what is going on, I promise I'll let everyone know what it is. I didn't intentionally edit anyone's post, but as Pizza says, I've set the forum's word censor to substitute "funny" phrases in drugs and gambling spam. :)
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#49 Post by Pizzasgood »


The above should say s-o-c-i-a-l-i-s-m, but without the hyphens. I don't know if more than that is going on, but that's the main complaint.

I don't like that type of government, but it's not that deadly if you ask me....
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#50 Post by rarsa »

Well, that filter is not working.

It edited many of my posts changing words with "poisonous crap". They read quite offensive now and I wouldn't have the time to fix them.

I think that that filter has the wrong dictionary of words to change.

Based on the results I totally believe that that filter was ill conceived. I don't think it's just a coincidence that the political posts were affected. All the power to stop spam but not at the expense of legitimate posts.

Flash, I know that you didn't mean harm turning on that option but I would suggest you to turn it off until you understand how it works. Hopefully it didn't chante the actual posts, just how the forum displays them.
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#51 Post by Pizzasgood »

It's just the display. I checked by editing that last post and in the text-window it still showed the correct word.

I've played with that filter before on my own site, and it lets you choose and add/remove/edit everything yourself. All he'd need to do is look through it, find the words that wouldn't make sense to censor, and remove them. Pie.

EDIT: Ah, looks like it's fixed now. You'll see my post above no longer reads "poisonous crap", but instead "socialism".
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#52 Post by Flash »

Okay, it looks like it was my fault. The word c-i-a-l-i-s is part of socialism. I removed the wild card (*) from before and after the word in the word censor list and now socialism is not affected. Any more like that? :oops:
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#53 Post by amish »

Flash wrote:Okay, it looks like it was my fault. The word c-i-a-l-i-s is part of socialism.
ROFL- mystery solved! so now you know why tht system isn't more effective- insufficient marketing! Men: be the envy of all guys and the object of all womens' desire with New- SOCIALISM! (use as directed, see your doctor before using any new economic systems.)
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#54 Post by rarsa »

Flash wrote:Okay, it looks like it was my fault. The word c-i-a-l-i-s is part of socialism. I removed the wild card (*) from before and after the word in the word censor list and now socialism is not affected. Any more like that? :oops:
Good Catch!

ROFL too. This is how conspiracy theories are created!

So it was actually just a coincidence that the political posts were affected.

Such an inocent change had a very strong political connotation.
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#55 Post by Flash »

What took me so long to figure it out was that no one who complained about their posts being edited gave a link to any of the posts in question, and there just isn't time for me to read every single post all the way through. When Pizzasgood s-p-e-l-l-e-d out the word so the forum wouldn't censor it, I instantly saw my mistake. :lol:
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#56 Post by sunburnt »

This is great! I'd hoped it was something as simple as this.
And malperfoming filters are about as simple as you can get.
Being as getting them tuned right is more art than science, this event is a laugher!

:lol: :P :lol: :P :lol: :P :lol: :P :lol: :P :lol: :P :lol: :P :lol: :P :lol:

P.S I just looked at Flash's PM with the censor list of words, I had to laugh!
But I immediately see why it is as it is, spammers are a plague!

Pizzasgood; Take these words we using at face value, NOT what other people say about them.
The U.S.A. says it's a democracy (NOT), the U.S.S.R. said it was communist (NOT).

Socialism is a political system based on society (people = humanity).
Capitalism is a political system based on capital (money = greed).

Anotherwords... in a capitalism money is everything & everything else is crap.
If you think that this isn't what's going on in America... many would disagree.
A political system based on people & their needs is obviously what's needed.

They're just words, don't be afraid of words or lies said about the words.
In the final analisis. don't argue over words... argue about ideas & solutions.
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#57 Post by Pizzasgood »

I was more aiming for the joke involving "poisonous crap" than for deriding socialism in general. I'm no fan of my idea of a strong socialistic government (or a purely capitalistic government for that matter), but that doesn't mean I'm totally against it. Like I said, I'm not exactly paying for my education out of my own pocket. I'm in college partially due to the combined might of socialism (federal aid) and capitalism (scholarships are good for PR).

The trick is getting the right balance. I can't tell you what that balance is yet, because I haven't been around long enough to know what I'm talking about.

I do know that I'm all for socialism when it means helping children gain the opportunity to become productive adults. I'm against it when it means funding slackers or doing things for me when I could do them myself. I'll handle my own finances, thank you. And I'll learn from my mistakes, because I will make them.

But I never intended to get into a political discussion, so I'm going to shut up now. Otherwise I'll ramble on and on and on...
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