Fatdog64-630rc1 (16 Oct 2013) [CLOSED]

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#141 Post by nooby »

don570 wrote:I downloaded Fatdog630 from

It took about half an hour.
Surprise them usually very fast. I dowloaded Slacko
165 mb the other day it took just a few seconds ???
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
not an ideal solution though
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#142 Post by kirk »


Sorry I don't remember the laptop you refer to. I have installed on Dell 13z, 14z, and Inspiron 3520. All with Windows 8 and secure boot enabled. Those are my wife's and kids laptops. The 14z gave me a problem, when booting from usb it would hang just after grub2, never found out why. Ended up disabling secure boot, then booting up using legacy mode, and installing to the harddrive. Then I re-enabled secure boot and all worked well. I've also booted on most of the laptops that the local walmart sells. Seems like about 7 out 9 worked there, that's without trying to work around any problems or disabling secure boot.
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#143 Post by nooby »

kirk wrote:nooby,

Sorry I don't remember the laptop you refer to. .... I've also booted on most of the laptops that the local walmart sells. Seems like about 7 out 9 worked there, that's without trying to work around any problems or disabling secure boot.

That is reassuring. Thanks. No hurry just wanted latest to be up to date
on this problem.

We have a lot of different brands here.
Here is a Sony Vaio that would be cool to buy now on Friday the 29 of Novembr when I am in Big City. Cost only 2990 SEK which is 454.77 USD

Very cheap for 14" Intel Pentium B987Dual core 4GB RAM mem
and 500GB Intel Graphics HDMI Ms Win 8 64 bit

I wish I knew it if works with FatDog. current version,
Last edited by nooby on Thu 28 Nov 2013, 12:17, edited 1 time in total.
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
not an ideal solution though
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#144 Post by L18L »

jamesbond wrote:L18L, attached is internationalised version of Xdialog. I will move the Xdialog binary to the main repo, but I will leave out the locale (and the docs) (otherwise it is unfair - all other apps have their locales excluded too :p). Its locale can be merged and bundled with the langpacks. What do you think?.
Locale files in langpack only is ok.

For the record:
Maintainer of languagepack can download from po directory of source and format it where xx is language code ex: es or it:

Code: Select all

msgfmt xx.po -o - > /usr/share/locale/xx/LC_MESSAGES/Xdialog.mo
If there is no po file for the language: download pot file to /usr/share/doc/nls/Xdialog/ and translate it using momanager.

By the way, as I have been installing my puppy langpack_de before Xdialog.mo has been immediately used.

The plan is: everyone uses puppy's langpack and one additional fatdog langpack. Any thoughts?
Xdialog --yesno
before and after
installing internationalised version of Xdialog
(8.81 KiB) Downloaded 646 times
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User Mode Linux (UML) Environment not working

#145 Post by laurentius77 »

I've installed User Mode Linux (UML) Environment (linux_uml and uml-utilities) from repository.
Trying to launch it using start-uml.sh in console, I receive these:

Code: Select all

start-uml.sh -v
Creating a throwaway vm
Core dump limits :
	soft - 0
	hard - 0
Checking that ptrace can change system call numbers...OK
Checking syscall emulation patch for ptrace...OK
Checking advanced syscall emulation patch for ptrace...OK
Checking for tmpfs mount on /dev/shm...OK
Checking PROT_EXEC mmap in /dev/shm/...OK
Checking for the skas3 patch in the host:
  - /proc/mm...not found: No such file or directory
  - PTRACE_FAULTINFO...not found
  - PTRACE_LDT...not found
UML running in SKAS0 mode
Adding 10186752 bytes to physical memory to account for exec-shield gap
ifconfig: bad address ''
route: resolving
Ctrl-C to shutdown.
System halted.
Is UML supposed to work in FD64-630 or just in 620 version?
Is there a way to having working in 630?
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#146 Post by Aung »

font size reduced from 12 to 10 to maintain similar appearance to previous versions

Where if anywhere in FD can I revert back to 12 size font to see what an original web page looks like.
Haven't used Doze since finding Puppy.
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#147 Post by L18L »

Aung wrote:font size reduced from 12 to 10 to maintain similar appearance to previous versions

Where if anywhere in FD can I revert back to 12 size font to see what an original web page looks like.
Haven't used Doze since finding Puppy.
Hope that helps:
seamonkey > edit > preferences > fonts
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#148 Post by jamesbond »


Where can I get the latest standalone momanager? I'm thinking to get it in to Fatdog's devx so it's easier for everyone who wishes to translate.
By the way, as I have been installing my puppy langpack_de before Xdialog.mo has been immediately used.
Excellent, this means that your idea of puppy base langpack + fatdog's one will work.
The plan is: everyone uses puppy's langpack and one additional fatdog langpack. Any thoughts?
I'm fine with the idea. I'll leave other translators to comment, though.

As for zarfy, I'm thinking of a good workable solution. Zarfy is one of the programs that are no longer maintained - others are hardinfo, xdialog, xarchivers, etc ... that do have irritating bugs that never get fixed because, well, nobody is at the helm anymore. Yet they are important programs. I don't like to maintain patches; so I'm thinking that perhaps I should upload a public source repository for these apps (ala Woof-CE). The thing is, I may not have the time to maintain them.

Is UML supposed to work in FD64-630 or just in 620 version?
It works in 630. Your problem is here:
ifconfig: bad address ''
route: resolving
Notice the IP address ends with 310 and 311? That won't work (IP address number can't exceed 254).
Where does this address comes from? It comes from your existing IP address (which I guess is, added by 100 (and the minus one).
How to fix it? Two choices:
- you can create a permanent uml-instance, then edit the "config" file, and change HOST_IP to something else (e.g. ... it can be anything as long as the first 3 numbers are the same as your real host IP adddress.
- you can edit /usr/bin/start-uml.sh and change HOST_IP near the top of the script to something else.
- of course, the third solution (which probably isn't a choice for you) is to make sure that the last number of your host IP address is less than 150.
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#149 Post by L18L »

jamesbond wrote:Where can I get the latest standalone momanager? I'm thinking to get it in to Fatdog's devx so it's easier for everyone who wishes to translate.
see link for momanager 5 post up that from today 11:08
jamesbond wrote:As for zarfy, I'm thinking of a good workable solution. Zarfy is one of the programs that are no longer maintained - others are hardinfo, xdialog, xarchivers, etc ... that do have irritating bugs that never get fixed because, well, nobody is at the helm anymore. Yet they are important programs. I don't like to maintain patches; so I'm thinking that perhaps I should upload a public source repository for these apps (ala Woof-CE). The thing is, I may not have the time to maintain them.
I have been starting to internationalize zarfy-0.1.0
However, I did not find out how to gettext the red marked items.

Anyhow I have attached the C files which I have changed.
Howto make pot file included as comment in zarfy.c

Code: Select all

*    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*    along with zarfy.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "zarfy.h"

 /*L18L added internationalization november 2013*/
#include <libintl.h>
#include <locale.h>
#define _(STRING) gettext(STRING)
/* generate portable object template zarfy.pot:
 * xgettext -L C --keyword=_ -o - callbacks.c draw.c xrr.c zarfy.c > zarfy.pot */ 
(36.09 KiB) Downloaded 567 times
to be merged with source 0.1.0
(10.29 KiB) Downloaded 359 times
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#150 Post by don570 »

The builtin Wacom driver allowed me to use my Wacom Bamboo tablet :lol:



While using Precise Puppy I tried to use Bootflash ( /usr/sbin/bootflash )
(written by Barry Kauler) to install fatdog 630 to a USB card reader
but it wouldn't complete. I tried twice to be sure. :cry:
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#151 Post by don570 »

Here's the latest bulldog finder that I've modified for fatdog
(because fatdog uses SendTo rather than OpenWith folder)

It searches for files using a right click menu
optional foreign locales
(5.04 KiB) Downloaded 584 times
find files with right click
(8.36 KiB) Downloaded 577 times
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Re: Fatdog64-630rc1

#152 Post by L18L »

L18L wrote:
jamesbond wrote:Where can I get the latest standalone momanager? I'm thinking to get it in to Fatdog's devx so it's easier for everyone who wishes to translate.
see link for momanager 5 post up that from today 11:08
The link to momanager is here: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... &start=143

This is the version which I am using at the moment to test my internationalisations.
No langpackFatdog_de.pet made for now.

Momanager has to be changed (by me) to use another name for langpack (langpackFD or langpackFatdog or ....)
...and make sure that files of eventually loaded base langpack are not included..

Translators can use it now just to make translations of course....
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#153 Post by L18L »


Please check this
Extract of fatdog64.pot sorted by message and my comment
to make it easier for translators

#: hwclockconf.sh:33
msgid “Cancelled"
msgstr “
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#154 Post by L18L »

Skripts of fatdog-control-panel-desktop internationalized
see README for details

Sound and Network should follow sooner or later to make control panel complete.

Thanks for downloading (7 times)
deleted now
because everything for control panel is
in http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... &start=164 now
Last edited by L18L on Thu 05 Dec 2013, 16:24, edited 1 time in total.
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#155 Post by Scotchialoo »

Even then doesn't be respond about a glibc -> http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 634#739634
And I will be waitng about a resolve to glibc...

UPDATE [3/12/2013]:

I looking at a /opt/glibc-2.18/ld.so.conf broke and After a /opt/glibc-2.18/ld.so.conf

Now I Working with a GCC Snapshot... (Because I can't even building with a 4.6.2 - I want to compile with a Newest packages...)
libslang.so.2 and libnewt.so.0.52 is not a Symbolic link.
[SECOND METHOD,after ld.so.conf]
(58.37 KiB) Downloaded 1048 times
Without ld.so.conf for /opt/glibc-2.18
(63.92 KiB) Downloaded 1016 times
Last edited by Scotchialoo on Tue 03 Dec 2013, 16:48, edited 2 times in total.
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#156 Post by jamesbond »

Sorry for the slow response, got busy with other things and got distracted with this: http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 952#740952 :D
I'm going to get back to it ... please bear with me :) Btw let's name the pot as "fatdog.pot" instead of "fatdog64.pot", so one day we can use it for FatdogArm too...

Thanks for the pets, I'll upload them to the contributor's repo.

For your earlier questions about chromium waterfall, sorry but I haven't got the chance to try it. As I suggested before, you can use the google-chrome sfs that kirk built - it runs nicely in 630r1 without the need to upgrade glibc. I may get around to test it but please don't hold your breath :lol:

For this question, I really don't understand what you're trying to say or do. I don't want to discourage you (experiment is a good thing) but as I have told you trying to update or build an app with a new glibc is *no trivial business*. Just because other distros make it look easy by providing a drop-in replacement for glibc, it doesn't mean you can easily do one yourself. You may also ask other knowledgeable people - like Ibidem, technosaurus, amigo - they are the experts when it comes to compiler intrinsics.

And as I have told you before, if all you need is a new glibc, you don't need to use a new version of new gcc. You can if you want, but then let's don't mix multiple problems together when one isn't solved yet - we'll get lost pretty quickly.

For whatever it is worth, the "errors" in your screenshots are just warnings; both are not fatal and can be ignored.
Fatdog64 forum links: [url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=117546]Latest version[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/ke8sn5H]Contributed packages[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/se8scrb]ISO builder[/url]
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#157 Post by jamesbond »

L18L, your momanager pet contains fixmenus. Fatdog uses a totally different fixmenus from Puppy (it is in fact the jwm_menu_create from technosaurus). Do you need that fixmenus in the momanager's operation? If yes then we'll in a jam. If not, I'll just drop it and insert the rest (the momanager and langpack-template) to devx.

Fatdog64 forum links: [url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=117546]Latest version[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/ke8sn5H]Contributed packages[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/se8scrb]ISO builder[/url]
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#158 Post by Scotchialoo »

jamesbond wrote: I have told you trying to update or build an app with a new glibc is *no trivial business*. Just because other distros make it look easy by providing a drop-in replacement for glibc, it doesn't mean you can easily do one yourself. You may also ask other knowledgeable people - like Ibidem, technosaurus, amigo - they are the experts when it comes to compiler intrinsics.
Only That's trouble is that's not compatible a "Forward" :/ (Backward is a for example: glibc 2.12)
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1110 ... s-of-glibc

"I have told you trying to update or build an app with a new glibc"
Or that's be what...? That's I will be downloaded a Source? If it's that's yes... When I will be migrate to another OS with a newest glibc... or I will be wait a another Distro with glibc 2.17... Or I will be try with a glibc... [Binary command - Portable from /opt will be works.]
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#159 Post by jamesbond »

Scotchialoo wrote: Only That's trouble is that's not compatible a "Forward" :/ (Backward is a for example: glibc 2.12)
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1110 ... s-of-glibc
Yes that's a problem. The problem is that the chromium was built with a newer version of glibc and therefore expects a newer version of glibc *even though it is unnecessary to do so*.
"I have told you trying to update or build an app with a new glibc"
Or that's be what...? That's I will be downloaded a Source?
Not asking you to download from source, in fact, I would discourage you to do so unless you want to experiment yourself. As I said earlier, I myself have never built chromium from source. What I suggested was to use the google-chrome sfs that kirk has created.
If it's that's yes... When I will be migrate to another OS with a newest glibc... or I will be wait a another Distro with glibc 2.17...
Well that's your choice. I'm sorry that Fatdog doesn't meet your needs.
Or I will be try with a glibc... [Binary command - Portable from /opt will be works.]
Ok, just for fun, I just tested myself now.
1. Build new binutils (2.23.2) - check.
2. Build new glibc (2.18 ) installed in /opt/glibc-2.18 - check
3. Glibc-2.18 working - check (run "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/glibc-2.18/lib /opt/glibc-2.18/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 /bin/busybox" shows busybox help messages)
4. Run chrome (LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/glibc-2.18/lib:/usr/lib64/seamonkey:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$(pwd) /opt/glibc-2.18/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 ./chrome --disable-setuid-sandbox --user-data-dir /tmp)
and we are greeted with error:
"./chrome: symbol lookup error: ./chrome: undefined symbol: gconf_entry_get_key".
5. So copy the libgconf and stuff from google-chrome.sfs
6. Re-run chrome above - now we've got the error:
--type=zygote: error while loading shared libraries: --type=zygote: cannot open shared object file
[14079:14079:1204/004740:ERROR:resource_bundle.cc(607)] Failed to load /opt/glibc-2.18/lib/chrome_100_percent.pak
7. Copy chrome_100_percent.pak to /opt/glibc-2.18/lib
8. Re-run chrome, now we've got the error:
--type=zygote: error while loading shared libraries: --type=zygote: cannot open shared object file
9. rm -rf /opt/glibc-2.18, delete /root/chrome-linux, and launch firefox/seamonkey instead (or google-chrome.sfs).
10. Result: happiness :wink:
Fatdog64 forum links: [url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=117546]Latest version[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/ke8sn5H]Contributed packages[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/se8scrb]ISO builder[/url]
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Chromium with Newest glibc on Old glibc

#160 Post by Scotchialoo »

jamesbond wrote:
Scotchialoo wrote: Only That's trouble is that's not compatible a "Forward" :/ (Backward is a for example: glibc 2.12)
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1110 ... s-of-glibc
Yes that's a problem. The problem is that the chromium was built with a newer version of glibc and therefore expects a newer version of glibc *even though it is unnecessary to do so*.
"I have told you trying to update or build an app with a new glibc"
Or that's be what...? That's I will be downloaded a Source?
Not asking you to download from source, in fact, I would discourage you to do so unless you want to experiment yourself. As I said earlier, I myself have never built chromium from source. What I suggested was to use the google-chrome sfs that kirk has created.
If it's that's yes... When I will be migrate to another OS with a newest glibc... or I will be wait a another Distro with glibc 2.17...
Well that's your choice. I'm sorry that Fatdog doesn't meet your needs.
Or I will be try with a glibc... [Binary command - Portable from /opt will be works.]
Ok, just for fun, I just tested myself now.
1. Build new binutils (2.23.2) - check.
2. Build new glibc (2.18 ) installed in /opt/glibc-2.18 - check
3. Glibc-2.18 working - check (run "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/glibc-2.18/lib /opt/glibc-2.18/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 /bin/busybox" shows busybox help messages)
4. Run chrome (LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/glibc-2.18/lib:/usr/lib64/seamonkey:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$(pwd) /opt/glibc-2.18/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 ./chrome --disable-setuid-sandbox --user-data-dir /tmp)
and we are greeted with error:
"./chrome: symbol lookup error: ./chrome: undefined symbol: gconf_entry_get_key".
5. So copy the libgconf and stuff from google-chrome.sfs
6. Re-run chrome above - now we've got the error:
--type=zygote: error while loading shared libraries: --type=zygote: cannot open shared object file
[14079:14079:1204/004740:ERROR:resource_bundle.cc(607)] Failed to load /opt/glibc-2.18/lib/chrome_100_percent.pak
7. Copy chrome_100_percent.pak to /opt/glibc-2.18/lib
8. Re-run chrome, now we've got the error:
--type=zygote: error while loading shared libraries: --type=zygote: cannot open shared object file
9. rm -rf /opt/glibc-2.18, delete /root/chrome-linux, and launch firefox/seamonkey instead (or google-chrome.sfs).
10. Result: happiness :wink:
Thanks. That's does be help ;D [Three Step.] - Busybox works. Even on a leafpad and geany. (LD_TRACE_LOADED_OBJECTS=1 - in Debugs will be works.)
But that's works only on a "Arch Linux" Method. [FatDog64 Compile with a Developent binutils will be shows a "Segmentation fault"...]
But in 9 Step That's command will be remove glibc-2.18 when I will be keep.
Even I have a same error in a "--type=zygote" a Four step ;D [More easy.]
I copyed a chrome_100_percent.pak to /opt/glibc-2.18 and will be help.
But that's one problem is a doesn't running... (When Command it's works. - But That's not started... Because That's depend a "murrine" and "equinox")
When I am going to find about a libgconf after a "Chromium started" [with Murrine and equinox theme.] - That's optional but That's not important on a Find Chromium runtime...
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