Light-Debian-Core-Live-CD-Wheezy + Porteus-Wheezy

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#281 Post by sklimkin »

Hi fredx181, nice job!

Hastily made ​​the ISO-image.
It is loaded, running, I liked it.
But I didn't find randr (xrandr) or something like that.
In Debian-wheezy repository missing grandr.
lxrandr - installable, but not working.
I install a minimum xrandr, I did so:

Code: Select all

apt-get update
apt-cache search xrandr
apt-get install x11-xserver-utils
apt-get clean

xrandr // this outputs possible screen resoltions
xrandr --output default --mode 1152x864 //or for example:
xrandr --output default --mode 1280x1024
All very well - thank you!

My handmade ISO with isoliux has in isolinux.cfg:
LABEL PortDeb-Live
MENU LABEL 1 Portdeb create automaticly /portdeb/debian/changes folder for changes
linux /vmlinuz
initrd /initrd.xz
append noauto copy2ram from=/ changes=/debian/

and so on ...

Code: Select all

root@debian:~# uname -a
Linux debian 3.9.11-porteus #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Jul 22 23:09:06 UTC 2013 i686 GNU/Linux
And now the 2 main questions:
1. as made ​​initrd.xz? in what ways are Debian initrd.img and initrd.xz
2. as made ​​vmlinuz? It is unchanged Debian vmlinuz, or ...?

I want to understand: will be able - whether the ordinary user (for example I) to repeat production of these modules?.
Toni wrote:
I also hope this project will be taken to the end with your help.
The project is now in a phase where "small" improvements will require a lot of work and time. It happens always - this is normal.

IMHO: While it is not necessary to separate the two developments (Tony and Fred) on 2 different topics, time and later developments show.

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#282 Post by saintless »

sklimkin wrote:lxrandr - installable, but not working.
Hi, Sergey,

lxrandr needs x11-xserver-utils to work but the only file it needs from the package is xrandr. Download my last version and copy /usr/bin/xrandr file in /usr/bin in your system. Then lxrandr will work without x11-xserver-utils

Cheers, Toni
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#283 Post by sklimkin »

Hi Toni !
I know about it. I wrote it for other users who can not copy a file into the system, but are able to use apt-get
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#284 Post by fredx181 »

Thanks for positive replies on porteus-wheezy!

Hi Toni
Permanent home for Porteus-Wheezy if Fredx agree:
I do :)
Good that you put the readme also there.
I thought maybe it would be good that I make later a porteus based version but for the rest exactly as yours, if you agree.
That is; when it's "finished", lots of work to be done.
You mentioned lately that when using script in/etc/profile.d there were errors (respawning to fast) and won't start.
How did you solve that?
Now I have some commands in /etc/rc.local and it works but I like to have it empty.
Putting those commands in a script in profile.d gave me the same error. (mount and symlink commands).

Hi sklimkin,
And now the 2 main questions:
1. as made ​​initrd.xz? in what ways are Debian initrd.img and initrd.xz
2. as made ​​vmlinuz? It is unchanged Debian vmlinuz, or ...?
Before I try to answer I need to say that my way of making it work was partly by experimenting, trial and error.
So some things cannot be explained, maybe I was just lucky ;)

initrd.xz and vmlinuz are from Porteus v2.1, so are the kernel files in /lib/modules.
Tried to make it work with original Debian kernel files and vmlinuz, no way, don't know why.
Maybe porteus kernel is very special (here comes my limited knowledge in)
If someone can shine a light on this, would be great.
For chain of scripts starting with "linuxrc" from initrd.xz (can be read in /mnt/live/linuxrc) I modified a lot.
First init script (linuxrc) will run, then debian takes over (simply said)
Part of last lines from linuxrc:

Code: Select all

echo "[1m""live system is ready now - starting Debian""[0m"
cp -f /union/sbin/init /bin
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    pivot_root /union  /union/mnt/live
    exec bin/chroot . /mnt/live/bin/init "$@" <dev/console >dev/console 2>&1
/bin/chroot was missing so created symlink chroot to busybox.
If not changes=/... specified on boot options or fails for some reason linuxrc creates file /mnt/live/etc/nochanges.
If changes=EXIT:/...specified on boot options it creates file /mnt/live/tmp/changes-exit
The file /mnt/live/etc/homedrv shows drive and folder from where it boots (e.g. /mnt/sda3//portdeb//debian)
These are some starting points other scripts can find.
Chain for changes:
When creating savefile with gui first time without changes "/tmp/savefile.txt" will be created.
In case of boot option changes=EXIT:/...
Logout from menu, restart (or shutdown) then wmreboot (or wmpoweroff) question to save or not > save2flash > snapmergepuppy > debian shutdown process
In case of boot option changes=/.. without EXIT) the session is already saved (overlay)
These scripts are all in /usr/bin
Original porteus uses the "cleanup" script at shutdown but I did not in this setting.
Tell me if something specific you want to know more, maybe I didn't understand some from what you asked for.

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#285 Post by saintless »

Hi, Fredx,
It will be great if you rebuild the last wheezy version with porteus boot and kernel. :) But still much work to do till then as you say.
fredx181 wrote:You mentioned lately that when using script in/etc/profile.d there were errors (respawning to fast) and won't start.
How did you solve that?
My situation was this one:
Downgraded and original initrd.img does not have the same boot folder location. I needed to be sure the boot folder will be remounted RW no matter which initrd.img will be used. I thought the script you gave me will do the job:

Code: Select all

if [ -d /lib/live/mount/medium ]; then
mount -o remount,rw /lib/live/mount/medium
if [ -d /live/image ]; then
mount -o remount,rw /live/image
But it ends with resapwing too fast message.

If I try to remount only one mount point it works in /etc/profile.d

Code: Select all

mount -o remount,rw /lib/live/mount/medium
Haven't test this but now I think it may work. if you don't use one script with all commands but separate scripts for every command it may solve the problem with respawing too fast message.
Or may be this in the script with multiple commands will work:

Code: Select all

set -x
My solution to this:
I removed the remount script from /etc/profile.d and I added this command in downgraded initrd.img (/scripts/live - near to the end where the real /live/image mounting happens.):

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mount -o remount,rw /root/live/image
This way with downgraded initrd.img wheezy remounts rw /live/image and I don't get error message it can't find /lib/live/mount/medium because /etc/profile.d is empty. There is /scripts/remount-rw script. If someone want to use the original initrd.img this script can be start manual or added in /etc/profile.d
Since downgraded initrd.img is the default then /live/image will be mounted rw without warnings and errors and this is good enough solution for light-wheezy.

Cheers, Toni
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#286 Post by fredx181 »

James C wrote:I made the default 100 mb savefile (changes.dat) from the menu entry but was unable to reboot....error message about not enough space on the device.
Deleted savefile,rebooted and then made a 500 mb savefile when the exit dialog appeared........rebooted fine.
Not sure if it's the same problem but i found something that needs fixed:
After creating savefile from menu first time boot and you shutdown later it prompts for creating (again) savefile while it's already made.
Will try fixing soon.
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#287 Post by sklimkin »

Hi Fred !
Excuse me for being meticulous (perseverance).
1. difference in size initrd: original Porteus v2.1 have 692 KB, you have 2 MB
2. difference in the content of a initrd: you have a new DIR initrd/unioncp - 3.8 MB
Therefore, such questions arise: how it's done and how to replicate this result.
The reason is that Porteus it is not Slackware not SUSE, not Debian.
And if for some reason they stop updating the kernel, then the user it would be a disaster.

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#288 Post by saintless »

I think this is good, small and easy to setup volume control:

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apt-get install volumeicon-alsa
It supports scroll mouse control.
One more small step to the puppy look wheezy made with apt-get.:)
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#289 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Sergey
You are absolutely right!
Completely forgot to mention.
Well this is one of the things I said already, try this, try that, get very frustrated, try something again, and suddenly it works, but don't ask me exactly why :?

Let me explain:
First I tried with the original initrd.xz from porteus (but made already changes in linuxrc, like change every name porteus to debian, modified also the changes setup,e.g. very important was line 340:
echo " $m changes-exit"; mount -no remount,add:1:/memory/images/changes-exit=ro+wh aufs /union
where is the addition "ro+wh" instead of ...(don't remember)
To know all changes I made, you better compare with original porteus linuxrc, to much to remember for me.
Now about the directory unioncp I newly added (thats why initrd is larger):
At first I couldn't get sound working, alsa was installed, so something missing?
Copying etc and lib (except modules) taken from original debian initrd.img to the root filesystem (/union) made it work.
Starting from line 425 in linuxrc:

Code: Select all

echo $i"Copying files from original debian initrd..."
echo ...
cp -a /unioncp/. /union/.
Sorry to dissapoint you , can't reproduce all i did.
But if you have more questions, I'll be happy to try.

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#290 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Toni
I'll try your suggestions for scripts in profile.d.
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#291 Post by sklimkin »

Good humor in the early response and quite serious and understandable explanations in its continuation.
Thank you Fred !


Russian version Porteus - byv author sfs from team

Porteus - based on Slackware.
Minimalistic modular. Integrated network boot.
Binaries available Porteus 2.0 with Razor, KDE 4.9.5, Xfce4.10 (Thunar 1.6.2) and LXDE (only 64), 32 - and 64-bit architectures.
Kernel 3.8 nonPAE. Network manager. There Kiosk Edition
More about initrd

Homemade Russian iso
[Read more]
Added Russification of PaulBy and updates from developers on 25.04.13
From itself - the core 382-pf PAE, configs mc, htop, webdav, sudo, pfs-tools
Remaining problems: Russ. in the console
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#292 Post by fredx181 »

Thank you Sergey

The ideal situation would be to find:
-- a debian expert who is willing to work together with a porteus expert on this project.
-- a porteus expert who is willing to work together with a debian expert on this project.
And they both fit together on updating kernel and everything.
Would be a nice distro.
Well... just dreaming a little :lol:

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#293 Post by anikin »

A couple weeks ago, Porteus released version 3 with kernel-3.12.4.
I have transplanted this kernel to Debian Wheezy:

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root@debian:~# uname -a
Linux debian 3.12.4-porteus #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Dec 11 21:38:23 Local time zone must be set-- i686 GNU/Linux
It boots to the desktop, (an astoundingly fast boot) but kernel modules don't get loaded. The screen resolution is off, no network, lsmod shows an empty window. I think, I did everything as per your discussion above, but something is definitely missing - what exactly, I wonder.
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#294 Post by fredx181 »

Hi anikin

I don't know, but maybe if you describe exactly what you did.
It could be that you need to replace the firmware folder in /lib from porteus 3 in wheezy.
btw, is there an advantage using this kernel?

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#295 Post by anikin »

Stupid me, I completely forgot about the modules folder, let alone firmware! All is good now, thank you Fred.
btw, is there an advantage using this kernel?
Not that I know of, except some positive mentions I heard and Daniel Robbins (creator of Gentoo/Funtoo) thinks it's excellent.
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#296 Post by fredx181 »

anikin wrote:Stupid me, I completely forgot about the modules folder, let alone firmware!
Ahh.. very nice, good to know it's possible.
Probably will be in my next version, now just uploaded iso with small fix.

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#297 Post by fredx181 »

Hi all
Porteus-Wheezy.iso uploaded with small fix.
- When creating savefile with gui from menu there will be no question anymore to create savefile again at shutdown (it's already created)
If running from cd: For the first two options:
When folder "debsave" exists on ext2|3|4 partition changes will be saved there (do not use NTFS or FAT)

Porteus-Wheezy.tar.gz is removed, is iso now. ... sp=sharing

Toni, can you do the same in Porteus-wheezy folder?

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#298 Post by sunburnt »

Toni; mcewanw suggestion of Volume Icon looks very good, and he`s probably right on retrovol.

big_bass; The thing that caught my eye was:
Volume id: Pussy
Volume set id:
Publisher id: sickgut
Like James C, I`m slowly beginning to feel better. What little time I`ve spent doing much has
been with my children for the holidays. I apologize for not contributing for a few weeks now.

It looks like slimkin has a shutdown panel working. One more of the essentials taken care of.

# Anyone know of a good low-resource slide-out panel.? Preferably that can do transparent.?
Rather than having drive icons on the desktop, a panel is better in a lot of ways.
# Or maybe could have the task-bar left-docked, and add drive icons to the top of the task-bar.
A left-side task-bar displays many task buttons without the usual copping and overlapping.
Task-bar, top to bottom: Desktop buttons, Drive buttons, Task buttons, Tray items, Menu button.
# Tint2, Xfce panel, and Lxde panel look good, now which will do the above with low deps.

# Any thoughts or suggestions guys.?
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#299 Post by nooby »

fredx181 I am out of luck dowloading your file
two programs complain about the server and
certificate and that they fail to do virus search
on the iso It fails to download due to this.

I've set Flashgot to disable and it still thinkit is
the king of downloads that rule over my computer.

Now I have deleted it and will reboot and hope
that helps.
Last edited by nooby on Tue 31 Dec 2013, 08:52, edited 1 time in total.
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
not an ideal solution though
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#300 Post by saintless »

Volume id: Pussy
Volume set id:
Publisher id: sickgut
:) Since my debian experience started with Sickgut's Pussy linux I use to make every debian iso from his one this way:
I open the iso with isomaster and replace the content of /live with new kernel, initrd.img and squashfs + replacing the content in /isolinux the same way. Generate new iso. It makes the iso bootable all the time. Creating iso from the folders is not always bootable. I don't know way.
Haven't even noticed the ID's till now. If someone feels this as a problem download the iso again. It is fixed with empty id now.
BTW my signature here has a link with the same word to Sickgut's thread. If someone does not like to post here because of my signature, sorry, I will not change it. I respect Sickgut's choice of a name for his distro.

This reminds me Sickgut is inactive too long in the forum. I have an outbox message to him unopened for months... Hope he is ok.

- have fun and don't worry. We do not have to rush too much. It is New Year.

Fredx - done. The old tar archive is removed. If you need other files to upload like selfmade packages, instructions, etc. Just give download location here.

Happy New Year to all :)
Cheers, Toni
Last edited by saintless on Tue 31 Dec 2013, 09:22, edited 5 times in total.
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