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turbopup kernel panic on PI 133Mhz

#641 Post by sindi »

Tried booting turbopup with loadlin on a 133Mhz 1997 laptop,
upgraded to RAM 64MB and HD 3GB.

Since there is no CD boot or USB, I transferred the files
there via network (using Basiclinux 3.5 from two floppy disks).
Kernels 2.2 and 2.4 worked with BL. Windows 98 worked.

Kernel panic not syncing (after setting up layered file system).

I think this means my hardware is not supported. I got the same
error message with wary 5.5 on a 400MHz or 900MHz laptop.

What puppy versions would work in 64MB RAM on a PI (possibly
without X, and full install)? Which have 2.4 kernel?
Puppy 4.1.2 worked on a 233MHz Thinkpad but that is P55C and this
is probably P54C. I want to use it as a internet radio with mplayer
compiled for P54C.

#642 Post by Dewbie »

sindi wrote:
What puppy versions...have 2.4 kernel?

Some of these do.
(Read the top post over here.)
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#643 Post by James C »

To add to Dewbie's post.....

Puppy 1.09 (k-2.4.27) and earlier have a 2.4 kernel. Puppy 2.00 moved to k-

Dewbie's first link looks to have most of the earlier versions.
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Turbopup sfs corrupted causing kernel panic

#644 Post by sindi »

I tried to transfer the 100MB sfs file via network and it kept messing up (screen full of messages about superblocks) at about 29MB. Apparently the one time I got it all, it was also no good (I checked md5sum). 64MB RAM might be a problem (and 96MB swapfile). Maybe something in the file?

I tried burning the iso to CD but my usual computer stopped recognizing its CD-ROM drive again.

A 29MB barebones 2.10 transferred but does not boot with loadlin. Neither it nor 1.09 can find its sfs file. No CD boot possible. I would prefer turbopup anyway.

How have other people installed puppy without USB or bootable CD?

This was supposed to be an internet radio. I got the original radio working by noting that the network port on the wireless router was bad and using wifi instead.

The crystal cs4232 sound on the 133MHz Omnibook is so far unusabl e (with OSS in Basiclinux installed from 2 floppies) but worked with Win95 before the drive died. How can I determine IRQ, dma, and io without reinstalling Win95? I can download programs under 30mb or run from floppy.
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Re: Turbopup sfs corrupted causing kernel panic

#645 Post by greengeek »

sindi wrote:How have other people installed puppy without USB or bootable CD?.
One method is to swap the HDD to another machine which has a working CD drive and load puppy to the HDD then swap the HDD back to the original machine.

With regard to getting puppies to work in low spec systems it might be worth sending a PM to forum member 'tommy'. I have seen several very good posts from him detailing useful info. (I did make a list of his relevant posts but can't find it at the moment...)
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Turbopup network wizard not finding cards

#646 Post by sindi »

On my third attempt I transferred the sfs file via a CD (using an older linux).
First - wireless transfer (300KB/sec) produced a corrupted file.
Second - wired transfer (750KB/sec) produced error messages as 29MB.
Third - fixed my 'no hdc' problem with mknod /dev/hdc. I have no idea why the computer lost /dev/hdc in two versions of puppy linux. /dev/hdc does not exist despite dmesg finding hdc. Then bulrned turbopup to CD.

Total memory 60.5MB. Free memory 1.5MB.
I added 96MB swap. Would need full install.

Xvesea 800x600x16 worked perfectly.

The wizard could not find smc, pcnet, or orinoco pcmcia cards nor when I manually inserted the modules (with network wizard or directly with modprobe) did it detect any interfaces. Basiclinux works fine with all the cards. Anyone know the fix for Puppy 4.2?

I spent hours trying to make OSS sound work in Basiclinux. ALSA sound (legacy, cs4232) worked perfectly with Turbopup. I found nothing relevant in /etc/modules.conf (where it says things get appended). Where are the ioport and irq and dma settings stored for legacy cards? [/quote]
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Turbopup network wizard not finding cards

#647 Post by sindi »

This was a uplicate posting. I use lynx because the older versions of graphical browsers won't let me go to specific
pages. (Links browser won't even let me log in). I can't find a way to delete duplicate postings in lynx.
Last edited by sindi on Fri 07 Feb 2014, 14:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Turbopup mostly working now

#648 Post by sindi »

I rebooted and it took 15 min to set up the layered file system. 57MB RAM used of which 37MB is now cache, or 20MB actually used (including by top).

Sound is very stable but was muted. Zmixer fixed that. Alsamixer I think requires an up arrow to increase volume and my up arrow is not working. Or it may be what keeps loading up to 8 copies at a time of Mtpaint.

(In Basiclinux OSS sound stops working after a while with DRQ/IRQ error and I have to unplug power and battery and reboot to get it back).

pccardctl ident cannot find any cards in either pcmcia slot. pccardctl ls shows that both slots have bridges. This keeps it from being a radio.

Lots of people had trouble with pcmcia cards in puppy. I will solve this.
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Puppy 1.07 uses older pcmcia - how to boot it?

#649 Post by sindi »

Puppy 1.07 and 2.17 won't boot for me with loadlin. They can't find their sfs files despite looking in the right partitions. I burned a CD of 1.07 and am using it on another computer with CD boot and it has kernel 2.4 and the older pcmcia setup similar to the one from 1999 that works with my Omnibook.

I attempted to install Smart Boot Manager to the MBR so as to boot the Omnibook from CD. (Usually it installs to floppy disk but I have swappable floppy or cd drives). It requires cwsdpmi.exe. There are instructions for installing to hard drive to be tried earlier in the day.

Any other ideas of how to boot with loadlin or another boot manager?
Maybe they would find their sfs files on the CD?

1.07 (with three dialup modem programs) is supposedly the last puppy to use OSS (which did not work so well in Basiclinux for sound). 1.09 has ALSA sound. Thanks to whoever collected and preserved these older versions.
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Puppy 1.07 works where 4.2 fails pcmcia

#650 Post by sindi »

Puppy 1 and 2 can't find their sfs files with loadlin so I found a way to boot from CD on a computer 1;2c1;2c
that boots only from FD or HD but has a CD-ROM drive, swappable with floppy drive.

I installed "smart boot manager", to the hard drive. Normally I would install to floppy drive but
you can't have floppy and cd in at the same time.

Search on sbminst linux, download smbinst for linux and the tgz package of help files.
Read index.html (or the Czech or Chinese versions if preferred). I put this all in /sbm.

To install to MBR of hda in English with backup.
sbm -t us -d /dev/hda -b sbm-bak.dat

The last part lets you uninstall it from MBR and restore original MBR.
If using lilo, put lilo in hdax not hda.

This computer needs the power plug pulled to behave properly on next boot - otherwise sound does not
work and also boot with sbm fails (isolinux: Disk erro 0c, AX=42C8, drive E0).

Power on, eventually you get a boot menu. Arrow down to CD-ROM, Enter.

Puppy 1.07 booted giving me five choices (including no APCI, no save file).

I chose keyboard and Xvesa, changed from 640 to 480.

With ROX-filer, 60MB RAM used, 34MB cached. Without ROX 59MB used. About 25MB usage, on first boot.
It made a 256MB pup001 in hda1 ? mounted on /root (for saving to). Turbopup used slightly less RAM
after setting up a layered file system. I will experiment with lilo and maybe full install.

Wired network setup wizard worked perfectly.

I found no sound setup. I manually inserted all the modules that had worked in Basiclinux since this
is also OSS sound. It worked.

There are two mixers to adjust this faint sound. With ALSA, sound was by default set to zero but
here it is mid-range. I can use my P54C mplayer after upgrading glibc (with a deb package, to 2.11.3
or at least 2.3.6). Or probably gxine would work but takes more memory and takes longer to start up.

1.07 is the last version with OSS, 1.09 last version with 2.4 kernel (which uses the older pcmcia,
and .o.gz modules instead of .ko). Older pcmcia worked for me in Basiclinux with 2.4 kernel.

No small browser included so I ssh'ed to sdf.org to use lynx.
Had to first rxvt -fg white -bg black to be able to view it properly.
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Re: Puppy 1.07 works where 4.2 fails pcmcia

#651 Post by greengeek »

sindi wrote: boot from CD on a computer 1;2c1;2c
Hi sindi,, what does the 1;2c1;2c thing mean?
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stray symbols on my 5500CT and misc

#652 Post by sindi »

The 12;c12;c is a strange artifact related to this hardware and lynx and is on the subject line 1;2c1;2c
because I forgot to proofread.

Booting from CD-ROM on a computer that normally boots only from hard drive and maybe floppy drive,
with smart boot manager.

My DELL C400 boots only from hard drive, NIC, or proprietary FD or CD (don't have those) could use a
boot manager for USB boot, but SBM I don't think handles USB boot, as it is from the year 2000.

Misc related to Omnibook 5500CT:

Turbopup up arrow does not work on this keyboard (in X), tho it works with DOS and puppy 1.07
In an rxvt END acted like HOME in 1.07. Strange keyboard with no right Ctrl key.

(In 1.07) I typed Alt-F2 to switch to a real terminal, got a blank screen, and had to pull the plug.
I edited inittab to put # in front of the tty2 line. (The tty1 line is used for booting to X, auto
root login - I should add that to tty2 on other computers to save logging in as root).

A 266Mhz Compaq 335CDS has the same problem. Thinkpad 700e has scrambled colors in the terminal.
Same solution - be sure not to use the terminal.

I may try to simply exit X (can't start without it using SBM/1.07 boot menu) to save CPU because
mplayer online uses close to 50% average of cpu time, and cuts out some (especially when you do
anything else CPU intensive like type in an rxvt). Offline it uses almost no CPU. I investigated
using mpg123 instead (there is a way to use it with wget }) but mpg123 is just a symlink to gxine
which does not work with P54C. (Don't know if mpg123 even works with it).

1.0.7 booted from CD looks for pup100 in /hda1 (main directory) by default. You cannot copy it from
/hda3, it ignores it and makes a new one. You cannot put it in a subdirectory. But you can during
boot tell it which partition to look in. Simpler to use the default and go wash dishes while it
boots (after choosing CD-ROM with sbm). Perhaps SBM will also default to first item on the list
(Ctrl-U to move it up).

I could not get 1.07 to boot with loadlin. It could not find init.
2.10 barebones with lilo would not run without first finding a save file.
Turbo and other puppy 4's have the most boot options - loadlin and lilo both work.

I have not tried grub. It is probably too new to recognize the hardware.
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Up arrow not working in Xvesa on DELL 2200.

#653 Post by sindi »

Xorg works properly, 16-bit 1024x768.

Xvesa works (grey instead of black background) except for up arrow:
(1) jwm menu, does nothing
(2) in rxvt or Seamonkey loads MtPaint - most annoying esp. when I hit several up arrows and have to delete several MtPaints complete with exit menu.

ndiswrapper worked perfectly - it did not in wary 5.5

Very nice speedy OS for 1.4GHz 512MB 2005 laptop.

I copied over the framebuffer console modules from 4.3.1 of the same kernel number and they won't insert - why? Are the correct modules available some place?
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Re: Up arrow not working in Xvesa on DELL 2200.

#654 Post by greengeek »

sindi wrote:(1) jwm menu, does nothing
Hi sindi - can you expand on this please? Do you mean rightclicking the desktop fails to show the main menu?
(2) in rxvt or Seamonkey loads MtPaint
I would like to try to test this - can you explain a little more please? cheers
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Re: Up arrow not working in Xvesa on DELL 2200.

#655 Post by sindi »

greengeek wrote:
sindi wrote:(1) jwm menu, does nothing
Hi sindi - can you expand on this please? Do you mean rightclicking the desktop fails to show the main menu?
(2) in rxvt or Seamonkey loads MtPaint
I would like to try to test this - can you explain a little more please? cheers
The up arrow 'does nothing' in the jwm menu.

Alt-F1 or right click produces menu, but I cannot arrow up within the menu, only down or sideways (to right).
The down, left and right arrows work normally in rxvt, but up arrow loads MtPaint.

Xvesa works even worse on here with Pulp (4.1.2-based). The text in the menu is scrambled.
It worked better with Wary 5.5, I think.

I have up arrow problems in Xvesa on a 1996 computer where Xorg does not work (in Puppy 1.07 I think).
It is not a problem here - I can use Xorg.

Are there fbcon (framebuffer console) modules for Turbopup?
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Re: Up arrow not working in Xvesa on DELL 2200.

#656 Post by greengeek »

sindi wrote:Are there fbcon (framebuffer console) modules for Turbopup?
Sorry I have no idea about framebuffer stuff at all.
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More modules for Turbopup?

#657 Post by sindi »

greengeek wrote:
sindi wrote:Are there fbcon (framebuffer console)
modules for Turbopup?
Sorry I have no idea about framebuffer
stuff at all.
Were modules removed from full 4.20 to make Turbopup? If so I will
look for them there. Something is different about the 4.3.1 modules for
the same kernel - compiled with different gcc? They are not seen.
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Re: More modules for Turbopup?

#658 Post by greengeek »

sindi wrote:Were modules removed from full 4.20 to make Turbopup
Unfortunately 'synth' is no longer around for us to ask him how he built Turbopup. However, I have seen various comments in other threads indicating that some drivers / modules seemed to disappear between pup 4.12 and pup 4.20 so it is possible that the missing items had been left out of 4.20 even before synth started chopping other things out...

Could 4.12 be a suitable source for what you are seeking?
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Re: More modules for Turbopup? ( kernel)

#659 Post by sindi »

greengeek wrote:
sindi wrote:Were modules removed from full 4.20 to make Turbopup
Unfortunately 'synth' is no longer around for us to ask him how he built Turbopup. However, I have seen various comments in other threads indicating that some drivers / modules seemed to disappear between pup 4.12 and pup 4.20 so it is possible that the missing items had been left out of 4.20 even before synth started chopping other things out...

Could 4.12 be a suitable source for what you are seeking?
I checked download site. kernel was used in 4.1.2 (but retro
4.1.2 and pulp used from 4.0) and in regular 4.2.1 and a
'special' 4.3.1 (whose modules are not recognized here). Pulp did not
have the modules - pizzasgood provided them.

Does someone have regular 4.1.2 or 4.2.1 to check for
/drivers/video/console/fbcon.ko etc.?

Grub lets several puppy 4's with same-named save file share a drive.
Lilo did not. I look forward to comparing turbopup with pulp.
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#660 Post by tommy »

Sindi, I have had the 'up arrow opens mtPaint' issue.
Look here for the solution provided by MikeMT.

As for Orinoco Pcmcia, I use a Orinoco silver Lucent pcmcia in an old Acer 355 notebook using puppy 2.01r2 barebones. I have to do this to initialize it: open a console and
-modprobe i82365 (your notebook might have different pcmcia chip and need different module)
-cardctl reset 0 (if pcmcia is in slot 0, else do a cardctl reset 1)
-cardmgr (to initialise pcmcia)

Then you can iwconfig and dhcpcd your wifi interface.
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