Puppy 4.31 as wireless gateway

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Broadcom 43 with Puppy 4.12

#61 Post by sindi »

mikeb wrote:http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 942#251942
wl driver for 4.12 kernel...

Thanks very much - I may try it but ndiswrapper is working perfectly with Pulp (4.1.2 based) and it even blacklisted
bcm43xx for me. (In 4.2 I put rmmod in rc.local). I am now online with Pulp, fbcon (framebuffer console modules
supplied by Pizzasgood). I copied the modules from 4.3.1 of the same kernel to turbopup but they were not recognized.
I use mostly console so will stick with Pulp.

Iptables works with pulp on the 2200, and I am actually typing in a DOS box after using putty in XP, crossover cable
between computers. Network Connections, set the wired connection to gateway DNS servers of my
choosing. My partner can use XP (in a DOS box) while I use Pulp or Turbopup with ndiswrapper (once I enter the WPA2
key). I wanted Wary for GTK-Youtube-Viewer (needs something in Puppy 5 to work) but SMPlayer plays Youtube.

I can watch Youtube on the 2002 small screen in 2008 XP while typing email on the 2005 large screen with 2009 linux.

If NTFS shrinks properly on here, I can reverse the order.
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#62 Post by mikeb »

All sounds like progress.

I use the browser addon to grab you tube ... does the job and the mp4s seem to play on anything.

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Youtube downloaders and compressed NTFS

#63 Post by sindi »

mikeb wrote:All sounds like progress.1;2c1;2c

I use the browser addon to grab you tube ... does the job and the mp4s seem to play on anything.


One giant step backwards. The C400 that would not let me run GRLDR from
NTFS probably because it is compressed (18GB drive) also won't let me
shrink the NTFS partition - same program that worked on the other drive.
The resize part is greyed out. GRLDR might well have worked in NTFS
instead of FAT32 on the computer that I shrank NTFS on.

I will put the larger laptop (with useless screen but larger antenna )
on the windowsill and hope nobody walks into it, plug keyboard and
external monitor into it to use on the table, and leave the XP-only one
(with bad arrow keys) on the table (with Onscreen Keyboard) for CAD and
to access internet with XP via crossover cable via Puppy 4.1.2 wireless

I can maybe ssh from XP to linux and try to run lynx in a DOS box.
I have an old dropbear for glibc 2.2.5, and putty for XP.
Is there another sshd for puppy 4.1.2?
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browser addons for youtube download

#64 Post by sindi »

mikeb wrote:All sounds like progress.

I use the browser addon to grab you tube ... does the job and the mp4s seem to play on anything.

It takes me 10 min to download a 40 min MP4 at 360p. Most of our old laptops do not have enough cpu power to download and play at the same time. GTK-Youtube-Viewer works without a browser. I can also use standalone youtube-dl or movgrab and start playing the partial file with mplayer, but this means hunting for the URL first and typing it in. I watched 240p flv at 233Mhz - about 40% average cpu use for mplayer. Mplayer offline uses almost no memory. Flash uses more than 100% of memory.

It appears to be impossible to compress an NTFS system partition but maybe someone compressed it before installing XP. I also could not make Windows let go of 768MB of pagefile.sys.

If grub4dos did not work, turbopup.exe (self-install) won't .

I can ssh to sdf.org from XP to use CLI linux programs. I forgot how to set up dropbear. It needs a key.

This has been a good project for record cold weather.

Thanks for the help and encouragement.
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#65 Post by mikeb »

This is a sfs i made of the files needed to have sshd and sshfs on puppy 4.12 ....
edit.....an empty space......

Its started as a daemon from the /etc/init.d/sshd script in the usual way and should generate key on the first run.

Not sure about sshfs clients on windows ..netdrive could do it from memory but I have got a server for sshd/sshfs.

Last edited by mikeb on Sat 08 Feb 2014, 23:44, edited 1 time in total.
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how to use sshd and sfs in puppy linux

#66 Post by sindi »

mikeb wrote:This is a sfs i made of the files needed to have sshd and
sshfs on puppy 4.12 ....
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/110 ... h_test.sfs

Its started as a daemon from the /etc/init.d/sshd script in the usual
way and should generate key on the first run.

Not sure about sshfs clients on windows ..netdrive could do it from
memory but I have got a server for sshd/sshfs.


Putty for windows does ssh.

Your response reminds me of what happens if I speak Albanian
without much accent. I have done too good an imitation of networkese.

Can you explain for dummies how to install/unpack/? use your sfs sshd

I typed filemnt *.sfs (uses loop; the sfs and 2fs are already mounted)

mount: wrong fs type, bad option......

I tried mount -o loop and it did not like any file types.

I have dropbear 0.52 (glibc 2.2.5) that I compiled about 10 years ago
and my comments at basiclinux forum that you need an account with
password and to delete shadow because it looks there wrongly. ???
Presumably I had it working. 'Just type dropbear'. No key.

Sorry about the delay - got sidetracked learning to boot Puppies 1 and 2
(4 could not find pcmcia cards in a 1998 Omnibook 5500CT, 2 could not
find sound, 1 needed Smart Boot Manager to boot from CD), and fixing a
bad ethernet cable. Onebone Puppy 2.10 might work as gateway, though a
computer old enough to need it (1996) has no inscreen antenna to sense
the weak signal.
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#67 Post by mikeb »

Hmm I might have made it as a slax module since my 4.12 can load them... sorry for that.

Here's a more generic tar.gz that just needs extracting to '/'

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Using xhost and export DISPLAY to share a fast computer

#68 Post by sindi »

mikeb wrote:Hmm I might have made it as a slax module since my 4.12 can load them... sorry for that.

Here's a more generic tar.gz that just needs extracting to '/'

I may still need help using your ssh package.

You can supposedly do X via ssh.

In the meantime I looked up xhost and export DISPLAY.

The 133MHz Omnibook with Onebone 2.10 is now a dedicated radio so I
hooked together the previous radio, a 475MHZ Compaq Presario 1200 AMD K6
with 64+128MB memory and 475MHz) as client (on left), and the 233MHz
Trek 2 with 256MB on the right, crossover cable between two ethernet
cards, Trek 2 online via wireless - that part all works.

Opera 9 on the Compaq, Opera 11 on the Trek 2, both frugal 4.1.2 pulp.

The Compaq is twice the speed, but too little memory to run even Opera
9, also it is AMD-K6, which another puppy user said crashes with flash.

So I set it to display X programs run on the Trek 2.

Compaq ethernet IP
Trek 2

On Compaq (client) you need xhost to set access permissions
(or maybe it can be done some other way)
xhost +
(allows use of X by that IP computer)

On Trek (server) - with X running (may not be necessary)
export DISPLAY=
(0.0 is the first of 1 X. Programs started in X display on ....3.2.)

Type on Trek


The rxvt appears on the Compaq.


mouse on Compaq works on program that is running on Trek.


Opera 11 appears on the Compaq and tries to play a 144p
Youtube video (computer is too slow). I can download the video on the
Trek 2 and view it on Compaq screen with mplayer (run on Trek 2).

Put 'fast' (1.4GHz) laptop with cracked screen on the windowsill, and
plug in a 233MHz/64MB laptop on table, instead of keyboard and monitor.
(Keep a monitor around to set up the gateway computer with, or to use
both linux computers at once, with another keyboard also on the table).
The XP computer can use the same crossover cable or a hub or switch.

My partner is interested in using two connected laptops, one sitting on
its side, to display photos without rotating the sideways ones.
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Re: Using xhost and export DISPLAY to share a fast computer

#69 Post by sindi »

sindi wrote:
mikeb wrote:Hmm I might have made it as a slax module since my 4.12 can load them... sorry for that.

Here's a more generic tar.gz that just needs extracting to '/'

I may still need help using your ssh package.

You can supposedly do X via ssh.

In the meantime I looked up xhost and export DISPLAY.

The 133MHz Omnibook with Onebone 2.10 is now a dedicated radio so I
hooked together the previous radio, a 475MHZ Compaq Presario 1200 AMD K6
with 64+128MB memory and 475MHz) as client (on left), and the 233MHz
Trek 2 with 256MB on the right, crossover cable between two ethernet
cards, Trek 2 online via wireless - that part all works.

Opera 9 on the Compaq, Opera 11 on the Trek 2, both frugal 4.1.2 pulp.

The Compaq is twice the speed, but too little memory to run even Opera
9, also it is AMD-K6, which another puppy user said crashes with flash.

So I set it to display X programs run on the Trek 2.

Compaq ethernet IP
Trek 2

On Compaq (client) you need xhost to set access permissions
(or maybe it can be done some other way)
xhost +
(allows use of X by that IP computer)

On Trek (server) - with X running (may not be necessary)
export DISPLAY=
(0.0 is the first of 1 X. Programs started in X display on ....3.2.)

Type on Trek


The rxvt appears on the Compaq.

Type ON COMPAQ (in the rxvt) [edited to add this line]


mouse on Compaq works on program that is running on Trek.


Opera 11 appears on the Compaq and tries to play a 144p
Youtube video (computer is too slow). I can download the video on the
Trek 2 and view it on Compaq screen with mplayer (run on Trek 2).

Put 'fast' (1.4GHz) laptop with cracked screen on the windowsill, and
plug in a 233MHz/64MB laptop on table, instead of keyboard and monitor.
(Keep a monitor around to set up the gateway computer with, or to use
both linux computers at once, with another keyboard also on the table).
The XP computer can use the same crossover cable or a hub or switch.

My partner is interested in using two connected laptops, one sitting on
its side, to display photos without rotating the sideways ones.
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Re: Using xhost and export DISPLAY to share a fast computer

#70 Post by sindi »

I downloaded to the faster laptop (Compaq) an flv (despite asking
movgrab for an mp4 - and it said it was downloading the 3gp).

I played it on the Compaq with mplayer - used 29% of cpu and 16% of RAM.
Looked pretty good.

I exported DISPLAY to the Trek and played the same video - uses exactly
half as much CPU and the same RAM. Looks awful and mplayer says
my computer is too slow. Sound stays on the Compaq, video on the Trek.

This is not a good way to watch movies on a slow computer.

Maybe SSH -X would work better? sshd is about 3X the size of dropbear.
Is there any reason to use keys or passwords on a wired very local LAN?
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#71 Post by mikeb »

hmm..not sure if there is a non authenticated way to use ssh but by its nature its supposed to be secure...not sure how much it affects overhead.

sshd ...well not exactly huge either and it does include sshfs which is magnitudes smaller than samba.

No, trying to do flash via remote X will not work well..actually did try it...but the source machine is still doing all the work and then there is the added overhead of relaying the data (which is x11 screen data...and then sound needs forwarding separately.
I do use remote x as described but for say remotely controlling a fast machine to convert a video for example or access its pop emails.

movgrab DOES have a proxy option it seems ...I wonder if it could be used to relay vids from you tube...though direct access would do a similar job.

Or get it to download via sshfs.
My movgrab tests do show that you don't always get the wanted format or anything at all at times... the download button on firefox is consistant however but I am unsure of why there would be a difference. I also found the 3gp option when available does give very light performance but acceptable results.
There is a current thread on you tube performance here...
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 276#757276
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running X programs on a very slow computer as thin client

#72 Post by sindi »

mikeb wrote:hmm..not sure if there is a non authenticated way to use ssh but by its nature its supposed to be secure...not sure how much it affects overhead.

sshd ...well not exactly huge either and it does include sshfs which is magnitudes smaller than samba.

Do I need security on a wired LAN used by only two of us? The iptables setup should keep others out (firewall).

No, trying to do flash via remote X will not work well..actually did try it...but the source machine is still doing all the work and then there is the added overhead of relaying the data (which is x11 screen data...and then sound needs forwarding separately.
I do use remote x as described but for say remotely controlling a fast machine to convert a video for example or access its pop emails.
If the source machine were 1.4GHz instead of 475MB K6 mplayer should at least work (for 240p flv). I tested this by playing a video on a machine where sound works (475MHz) but the display is poor quality, and displaying it on a machine (233MHz) where the display is excellent but there is no sound. With a faster first machine this would have been usable.

movgrab DOES have a proxy option it seems ...I wonder if it could be used to relay vids from you tube...though direct access would do a similar job.
Please explain this or try it and report back.
What is sshfs?


Or get it to download via sshfs.

My movgrab tests do show that you don't always get the wanted format or anything at all at times... the download button on firefox is consistant however but I am unsure of why there would be a difference. I also found the 3gp option when available does give very light performance but acceptable results.
There is a current thread on you tube performance here...
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 276#757276
I might try playing a 3gp on this 133MHz Omnibook but I already have a WM5 PocketPC 320x240 resolution that will do better and plays Youtube directly.

The thread is interesting.

I am currently using another method of using X programs remotely, provided in basiclinux, which does not have a library needed by xhost.

Instead of xhost use the script 'startxt' (specific to BaslicLinux BL3.50).
It assumes use of Xvesa and an XConfig to start X and it is run from CLI not rxvt. Exports mouse. http://keesan.freeshell.org/bl/startxt.

Then export DISPLAY=IP:0 (not 0.0)

On the omnibook: mplayer is using 41% of cpu and 9% of 64MB memory,
while displaying Opera in Xvesa, which is using 1.7% of cpu and 8% of memory. I could be doing a few other things at the same time on here,
such as watching a video (without sound - how do I export that?).
The mplayer I compiled for p54c has no video support.
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#73 Post by mikeb »

export sound over ssh...esd.... perhaps but its not fun...

movgrab can forward streams effectively....

sshfs is remote file access .... mount a remote filesystem like NFS and samba.

ssh is for use anywhere..eg th einternet...but again might be possible to disable authentication

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Wireless gateway in use, works!

#74 Post by sindi »

15" monitor of DELL 2200 with Pulp03 and dead screen picks up the weak signal while sitting on the table, while the DELL C400 with 12" or 13" screen (and bad keyboard) only picks up the signal from the windowsill where you can't see the good monitor so I have a crossover cable between them feeding the wired signal from linux to XP, with a monitor plugged into the DELL on another table and a keyboard and mouse plugged into C400.
I made a phone call with zoiper (and plugged-in mike).
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