My first Puppy Linux experience

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My first Puppy Linux experience

#1 Post by bark_bark_bark »

It was an early 2012 that I first tried Puppy Linux. I chose Slacko 5.3.1, as that was the latest version at the time. It was a bit different, but I went with it. As well I had my first time using SeaMonkey. Both firsts were pretty good.

Puppy Linux still has some impact on me still as it had opened my linux side a bit more. Before I had played with linux a little bit, but Puppy was the first I used long term.

At first for a while I wasn't completely hooked on SeaMonkey, but now I have been regularly using it along side Firefox and Thunderbird.

Ultimately, Thank you Puppy Linux.
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#2 Post by nic007 »

I was using Windows 98 SE up and till the end of 2008. Loved it, everything worked and of course one had figured out all the difficulties of that system by then and it was hard to let go. Then got a smartphone and wanted to use its modem for my desktop connection. No driver for Windows 98 SE and this is when I started to look around for alternatives. Stumbled upon Puppy Linux and downloaded Puppy 412. It was the size of the system that drew my attention. Well, I was pleasantly surprised. Everything worked out of the box (except for the printer that has no linux driver, so not Puppy's fault). Five years later and still using a customized version of Puppy 412 as my day to day system ( have used later puppies but Puppy 412 works best for me). Also have Windows XP Pro on my machine to cater for printing when I need it. Most of my favourite windows programs now run on Puppy via WINE. Puppy is just fun to use
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#3 Post by mikeb »

Was trying several distros since a couple of years previously someone said 'try linux' and i was bored...was happily using NT4 and 2000.
Pclinuxos, dsl, feather and featherweight linux, etc and puppy 1.09 was in there. It struck me as ugly and jumpy... only pclinuxos could use my modem but the machine was low on memory....i left linux for another year.

Well you did ask.

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#4 Post by starhawk »

This was my first post: ... 636#469636

I had a similar post on the forum for WattOS... IIRC, they were just getting started. Several folks on my other forum (a computer enthusiast place) had been recommending Puppy and nobody'd ever heard of WattOS. I'd never really heard of either, and was willing to give both a try, but I wanted to make sure, first, that it would work.

WattOS ignored my post for a full week (and then got a nasty note and I never went back), whereas you folks jumped in and helped immediately -- I had the first reply in less than an hour, and it was highly encouraging. The rest, as they say, was history...

Gave that thin client to a friend, years ago... don't know what he did with it, but he never brought it back... now I have two more thin clients that I'm reforming -- I guess I never learn :P One is a thoroughly modified Neoware CA19, and the other a WYSE VX0-series V90. The CA19 is the better one by far ;)
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Colonel Panic
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#5 Post by Colonel Panic »

My story with Puppy starts around September 2006. Having not long before installed Vector 5.1 (one of the very first distros I ever used) to my hard drive, one day I found myself unable to get online with it for some reason. (Those were the days of dialup, when Internet connectivity was much more hit and miss than it is now).

Luckily I had a copy of 2.00 (Seamonkey) which I'd downloaded and then burnt to CD at my local library about three months before, and I was able to use that to get online for the next three months when Vector couldn't do it. I've been a Puppy user ever since.

BTW, my first post is at the bottom of this thread;

but the first post of this thread was one of my very early posts and shows me wondering why I can't boot up from a Puppy CD; there was a simple explanation :)

PizzaPup was great btw. I hope Pizzasgood (whose work it was) is doing well now as he hasn't updated his site for a while.
Gigabyte M68MT-52P motherboard, AMD Athlon II X4 630, 5.8 GB of DDR3 RAM and a 250 GB Hitachi hard drive running Ubuntu 16.04.6, MX-19.2, Peppermint 10, PCLinuxOS 20.02, LXLE 18.04.3, Pardus 19.2, exGENT 200119, Bionic Pup 8.0 and Xenial CE 7.5 XL.
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