
Audio editors, music players, video players, burning software, etc.
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#1 Post by robwoj44 »
DeaDBeeF (as in 0xDEADBEEF) is an audio player for GNU/Linux systems with X11.
Plugin Summary:
stdio: yes - Standard IO plugin
gme: yes - chiptune music player based on GME
dumb: yes - module player based on DUMB library
nullout: yes - NULL output
alsa: yes - ALSA output
sid: yes - SID player based on libsidplay2
ffap: yes - Monkey's audio (APE) decoder
lastfm: yes - scrobbler
mpgmad: yes - mpeg player based on libmad
vorbis: yes - ogg vorbis player
flac: yes - flac player
wavpack: yes - wavpack player
sndfile: yes - PCM (wav,aiff,etc) player based on libsndfile
vtx: yes - vtx file player (ay8910/12 emulation)
adplug: yes - adplug player (OPL2/OPL3 emulation)
vfs_curl: yes - http/ftp streaming support
cdda: yes - cd audio player
gtkui: yes - GTK user interface
hotkeys: yes - Global hotkeys support
ffmpeg: yes - ffmpeg codecs
oss: yes - oss output plugin
pulse: no - PulseAudio output plugin
artwork: yes - Cover art plugin
supereq: yes - Equalizer based on Super EQ library by Naoki Shibata
notify: no - notification-daemon support plugin
shellexec: yes - shell commands plugin
musepack: yes - musepack player plugin
wildmidi: yes - WildMidi player plugin
tta: yes - TTA player plugin
dca: yes - libdca (DTS Audio) player plugin
aac: yes - AAC player (m4a, aac, mp4) based on FAAD2
mms: yes - mms streaming support
shn: yes - shorten player based on xmms-shn
ao: yes - psf1/psf2/spu/ssf player using Audio Overload

The dependencies:
libmms from ... 569#459569
wavpack from ... 750#264750
Last edited by robwoj44 on Wed 17 Nov 2010, 20:39, edited 6 times in total.
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#2 Post by ecomoney »

Hi thanks for posting this. Just what is needed! It seems very basic and simple (like most of my clients!). Also very small and light (unlike many!).

Only one problem, I cannot seem to drag mp3/wma files to the main playlist window. I do get a black line "insertion point", however the file does not appear in the playlist when I let go of the mouse in the "drag" operation. Im using ICEWM/ROX if thats relevant.
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#3 Post by disciple »

It is quite a new project, ecomoney, so it may have bugs that need reporting. But it seems a lot less buggy than certain other players did after they had been around for a lot longer :)

ICEWM will not make a difference, and I am pretty sure ROX won't either.
Do you know a good gtkdialog program? Please post a link here

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#4 Post by eden6000 »

just wanted to thank robwoj44 for the updated package...and one more thing: why is this topic under the "Unsorted" section? It should be under the "Multimedia" one....
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#5 Post by eden6000 »

Mmm...strange thing...deadbeef crashes when dragging files or by adding seems to do it with files that have an id3tag, but I can't fully confirm it...this is the output from terminal:

Code: Select all

Segmentation Fault
backtrace() returned 11 addresses
deadbeef() [0x804a041]
deadbeef() [0x80596a4]
deadbeef() [0x8059a85]
/usr/local/lib/deadbeef/ [0xb5f3e844]
deadbeef() [0x8051fd5]
deadbeef() [0x8052246]
/usr/local/lib/deadbeef/ [0xb6a93a29]
/usr/local/lib/deadbeef/ [0xb6a93b35]
/lib/ [0xb768f7f0]
/lib/ [0xb76103de]
handling atexit.
Vesion 0.4.1 worked well...any idea?
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#6 Post by HiDeHo »

What i would like to know is where to get presets for the eq. stuff like most music players come with by default. jazz, rock, country, classical, bass, etc
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#7 Post by OscarTalks »


I am using version 0.5.5 of DeaDBeef. I don't see any of the pre-defined presets in there, but those things (when they exist) are just equalizer settings that someone else has defined and named at some point. There is no guarantee that they are "correct" for certain types of music or audio content.

What I think is better (and what you CAN do with DeaDBeef) is play around with the settings yourself and when you find something which is to your liking or suitable for a specific purpose on your apparatus you can save it and name it yourself as a preset and then load it whenever you want to.
Oscar in England

deadBeef parfait

#8 Post by Pelo »

petit, bien, sauf que il ne marchait pas !
astuce : modifier la sortie voir Screenshot.

But i had to modify as shown in the screenshot. it's OK, very OK

output changed to oss output plugin

Strange that Pmusic does not work on Lucid 510 ???

Looping : where to stop it
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#9 Post by robwoj44 »

Quoi ne marche pas? deadbeef? Peux tu ecrire un peu plus?
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Unable to download

#10 Post by oligin10 »

Hi robwoj44, just wanted to let you know we are unable to download this? Could you possibly post this somewhere to download or email me the .pet and I will be glad to post it for you. Thanks, Rob

Gslapt for package DeaDBeef from Slackware 64

#11 Post by Pelo »

Gslapt for package DeaDBeef from Slackware 64
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#12 Post by robwoj44 »

Deadbeef 0.6.1 compiled in racy 5.5

DeadBeef 0.6.1 ok Precise 5.7.1

#13 Post by Papy »

DeadBeef 0.6.1 ok Precise 5.7.1
Gnome Mplayer reads better (volume)
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Gnome Mplayer and Aqualung are the best

#14 Post by Pelo »

Papi agree Gnome Mplayer and Aqualung are the best
Gnome Mplayer because it runs videos too
DeadBeef ok, is the minimum Vital
Last edited by Pelo on Thu 23 Jun 2016, 10:34, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Gnome Mplayer and Aqualung are the best

#15 Post by jlst »

Pelo wrote:Papi agree Gnome Mplayer and Aqualung are the best
Gnome Mplayer because it runs videos too
DeadBeef ok, is the minimum Vital
Apparently you have no idea what you're saying. Deadbeef is in the same league as foobar2000, the acclaimed Windows audio player.

It still has bugs, but for advanced users is a blessing that such an avanced app exists in Linux. Quite lightweight, I use no other player for audio files.

In french, DeadBeaf boucle sur lui même.

#16 Post by Pelo »

Hox do you stop DeaDBeef singing, working. Even when i Shut it, song goes on playing (pupjibaro wheezy)
In french, DeadBeaf boucle sur lui même.
topic Deadbeaf created here
Version 0.7.1 assembled as .pet package for various Pups including Wheezy, Precise, Slackware 14.0 Slackos. Installs under /usr/local/deadbeef
Show album artwork
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#17 Post by Burn_IT »

Kill buffers and service.
"Just think of it as leaving early to avoid the rush" - T Pratchett

#18 Post by jlst »

Pet packages of official deadbeef static builds

i686: works fine in precise puppy onwards. segfaults in wary


Musher0 is happy to provide you DeaDBeef 7.2

#19 Post by Pelo »

Musher0 is able to provide DeaDBeef version 7.2 (vu sur le forum Francophone) just click the blue
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#20 Post by musher0 »

"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
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