Pcdripper (PBcdripper) - version 2.9 posted

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#41 Post by Flash »

Huh, no /etc/cdromdevice. I don't remember doing anything that would have deleted it. Are you using Puppy 2.11?
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#42 Post by plinej »

Yes, I'm running 2.11. You may have to run Barry's Puppy CD/DVD drive wizard and choose your cdrom reader even though the default may be right. I thought the defaults automatically are written to /etc/ but maybe they aren't. I'll have to look into that and possibly come up with a fix. I could just have a script that looks for /etc/cdromdevice and if it doesn't find it then it will write it with a default hdb. I'll do that tonight if I've got time.
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#43 Post by plinej »

What I'll do is if it can't find that file it will just use /dev/cdrom as the default.
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#44 Post by MU »

I think Flash uses a multisession-CD , and has no harddisk.

Maybe for this reason there is no /dev/cdromdevice.
Maybe it just appears, if Pup_save.3fs is on a harddisk (not on a CD).
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#45 Post by plinej »

1.3 update will be up in a minute. I changed the scripts around to read the cdrom device from /tmp/pbripper-cdromdevice which will be written by pbcdripper.

if [ "`ls /etc/cdromdevice`" = "" ]
echo cdrom > /tmp/pbripper-cdromdevice
cat /etc/cdromdevice > /tmp/pbripper-cdromdevice

That should fix the problem of having no /etc/cdromdevice and will just use the default /dev/cdrom that puppy will automatically symlink to. You of course can run Barry's wizard to create /etc/cdromdevice too.
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#46 Post by Flash »

Yes, I'm running Puppy from a multisession DVD with no hard drive. I see that I'm actually running 2.10, not 2.11, but I doubt that makes any difference. I ran the Menu -> Setup -> CD/DVD drive wizard, but nothing changed. I will await your version 1.3. :) Thanks.
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#47 Post by Flash »

Okay, it sees the CD reader now. Boy, what settings did you use for ripping? RipperX is a snail by comparison. :) Unfortunately, something seems to have gone wrong with the mp3 conversion. It seems to think it converted the wav files but there's nothing in the resulting mp3 files.
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#48 Post by plinej »

First off the ripping is much faster when you disable paranoia and/or extra paranoia which will make cdparanoia rip like cdda2wav. cdda2wav is faster but cdparanoia is better because it does more checks and therefore should give you an exact copy everytime. As for the mp3 issue I'm really not sure, It still works fine for me. I just set up PBcdripper exactly like you did in the picture and my files encoded and play fine. Anyone else?
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#49 Post by plinej »

It could be an issue with using your ram to store the ripped files, maybe it filled up and caused errors. If you don't have an internal hard drive to rip to, do you have an external drive? You may also want to just try and rip and encode one track instead of the whole cd to see if it possibly is an issue with filling up your ram or if you're somehow missing a library or executable. You may want to reboot before you try and rip the single track so you can clear out your ram and start fresh. I've got to get to bed but I'll check back in the morning.
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#50 Post by Flash »

I did think to try just one track before I shut down last night. It rips and encodes a single track perfectly.

I seem to remember this happening with RipperX too. I don't remember what I did, if anything, to make it work but I kept tinkering and finally it did.

I'm pretty sure I experimented with turning off paranoia, in an attempt to speed up ripping in RipperX, but I was still disappointed.

There's certainly enough RAM in the computer. Freemem showed 1.8G when I started.

How can I change the program so that if "encode to mp3" is checked, it encodes each track (and then discards the wav) before ripping the next track? That would be more in keeping with Puppy's low-resource philosophy. :)

Again, thanks for the great program.
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#51 Post by plinej »

With that much ram left you should've been fine ripping the whole cd and then converting. I'm really not sure why it would do that. I'd have to think about a 1 at a time solution.
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#52 Post by plinej »

You could try ripping a range of tracks, say for example 1-10 and when you're done with that 11-20, and so on. I know that'd be more steps but to do a rip and then encode to mp3 then delete the wav and on to the next track may be a pretty tall order. I'd have to scan the disc for track information, grep the number of tracks, and write a script that would rip 1 track at a time, encode and then move to the next. I'll see if I can come up with something, maybe if the keep wavs box isn't checked I can try to make it run like that.
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#53 Post by Flash »

For what it might be worth, here are some screenshots of what I did in RipperX. Maybe you can see something in the settings.
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#54 Post by plinej »

Flash, I think I came up with something, if keep wavs and rip full cd are checked I'll have an alternate script to run. I've just come up with an idea that should work so now it's time to work on it.
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#55 Post by plinej »

I'm testing out my new script now but I think I have it working. I'll post 1.4 soon if that's the case.
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#56 Post by plinej »

There you go Flash, 1.4 is posted. Let me know if works for you. Seemed to work fine for me so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
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#57 Post by Flash »

No joy, plinej. :(

I've only had time to try it once. I stuck in a CD with 96 tracks and ripped the whole thing using the same settings as before. PBcdripper looks like it's trying to do exactly what I want. I can see the ripping seems to be going fine, but when the encoding runs, the numbers in the orange screen stay on zero and at the end the folder where the mp3s should be is empty. Not even empty files, as there were before.

Everything happens too rapidly for me to tell what's going on. Is it possible the Sempron 2800+ is so blazing fast that the program can't keep up? :lol: Seriously, I'll try to freeze the screen with ctrl-s while it's encoding and take a screenshot if that will help. One question: where does it put the wav files? The same place as the mp3s?

I can't think of anything else to add until I've done more tinkering. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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#58 Post by plinej »

That is weird Flash, it works perfectly for me. I really can't think what the issue may be. Yes the wav files rip to the same directory as the mp3s. A shot of the terminal when encoding may help. It really has me stumped if you can rip and encode one track at a time why it won't work for you to rip and encode the entire disc.
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#59 Post by plinej »

Flash, the next time you try to run it could you copy all of the /tmp/pbripper* files and put them in a tarball and post them along with a screen shot if you can get one? That may help me figure out what's going on too.
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#60 Post by Flash »

Ctrl-s and ctrl-q stop and start the orange window. I got a screenshot of what I hope was a representative part of it. Is there anything else you want me to add to the screenshot I post?

I haven't made a tarball before. I assume that's the "tar.gz" I can make with the pupzip icon.
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