laptop startup problem

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laptop startup problem

#1 Post by kurtchristie »

I am trying to get the Puppy running on an older
Toshiba laptop (Satellete 4030CDT). I have tried both video options and get the following:

0X0111 640X480X16k
Starting X with video mode 0X0111 and mouse psaux...

Those two lines of text are followed by a flashing cursor.

Is there something I can type at the cursor to get Puppy running? Have I missed something basic?

TIA for any help.

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Re: laptop startup problem

#2 Post by WhoDo »

kurtchristie wrote:I am trying to get the Puppy running on an older
Toshiba laptop (Satellete 4030CDT). I have tried both video options and get the following:

0X0111 640X480X16k
Starting X with video mode 0X0111 and mouse psaux...

Those two lines of text are followed by a flashing cursor.

Is there something I can type at the cursor to get Puppy running? Have I missed something basic?

TIA for any help.

Sounds like it's trying to start with a lowest default setting for Xvesa.

The message is telling you that your screen resolution will be 640x480 with 16 colours, I think (? Could be 16k colours but I doubt that as the jump is usually 16 to 256 to 32k). If that doesn't suit your laptop display then select a different resolution and try again.

Here's another thought - how much RAM does your laptop have? If it's less than 64Mb, and you have no swap partition configured, then you won't have enough memory to run X. If so download a copy of GParted from the net on another machine, burn to CD and boot from that so you can preset your partitions to include a swap partition. That way the LiveCD will use swap for extra faux RAM.

Hope this helps

Re: laptop startup problem

#3 Post by Guest »

kurtchristie wrote:I am trying to get the Puppy running on an older
Toshiba laptop (Satellete 4030CDT). I have tried both video options and get the following:

0X0111 640X480X16K
Starting X with video mode 0X0111 and mouse psaux...

Those two lines of text are followed by a flashing cursor.

Is there something I can type at the cursor to get Puppy running? Have I missed something basic?

TIA for any help.

I have gotten Puppy to work on severall Toshiba lappys, the 4030,4090, 4300 ...
If you read this thread, and pay attention to "MY" post with the two links, you shpould be able to get the 4030 up and running just fine....
You just need to know the particulars of your lappy,

1) vidram used (4 meg ?)
2) vid chipset (trident ?)
It should be a screen size of 1024/768/16 at 60hz

Also, if you have 64M ram or less, you need to somehow get a 256m swap partition on the hd...
For a hd I would run a partiton schema of this;

hda1 256M linux swap
hda2 1000M linux reiser for install of Puppy
hda3 all else in a reiser for a data storage area

I have a Toshiba 100CS that as soon as I get a 32M ram card 40M total, I will put puppy on it....Just for a email/browser/wordprocessor lappy..

Bob 8)
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#4 Post by kurtchristie »

Thanks for the tips, guys.

You have given me enough info to get this problem solved, so I will work on it during the coming week as time permits.

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#5 Post by marksouth2000 »

I have Puppy 2.02 running on a Toshiba Satellite 4010CDT as I write this. Everything works, including sound. Note the XVESA driver DOES NOT work on this machine though, I had to use Xorg.

It would help if you post some more system details, such as RAM and HD setup. It shouldn't be so different from mine that it won't work at all.

Mark 8)
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#6 Post by SnowDog »

Hi kurtchristie.
If you can boot puppy, you can make it work on than machine.
when you get to xserver choices screen do it like this:
choose xorg,
select 1024x768,
select 1024x768x16,
select test xorg,
when the "if you can see this click here" window appears (it'll take a minute or two) hit ctrl+alt+backspace,
then done,
then finished,
this will get you into a desktop environment (that you can see...not all green)
now, assuming you want to install puppy as the only os on the laptop, you'll need to partition the hard drive.
How you do this, depends on a few things, like how big the drive is, how much ram you have, etc. If you need more help with this part, just say so.
Thanks for trying Puppy and good luck.
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#7 Post by kurtchristie »

The help you guys are giving is heart-warming. I hope I can pass on assistance to other newbies when I get some mileage under my belt.

Mark requested a bit more info on the Toshiba Satellite 4030CDT:

CPU is Celron A 300 Mhz - plenty fast for Puppy
HD is 4 GB - although I want to run live
RAM is 196 MB - maxed out for this lappy
Vidram is 2.5 MB
Screen is 1024 x 768 x 16 svga
Video card is Trident 9525DVD

At this point I do not know the following (don't have the Trident manual and can't locate to IT dept at work has produced no reply as yet -I am out of the office for this week):
1. Horizontal Sync ??
2. Vertical refresh ??
3. Depth ??

If I get these last three pieces of info, I think I can get the gui going.

Perhaps someone will be kind enough to post?

Leads from previous thoughtful replies should get this going!

Thanks to everyone.

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#8 Post by SnowDog »

Hey kurtchristie, did you get your machine going?
I forgot to mention before, that after (if) you install Puppy to the hard drive... when you re-boot, you'll have to do the xorg ctrl+alt+backspace thing once more, then it should stay for future re-boots.
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