Frisbee Network Manager - Beta 2

Configuration wizards, scanners, remote desktop, etc.
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#281 Post by Mike7 »

For testing only in puppies that already contain frisbee-1.1
My Puppeee-4.4atom doesn't contain Frisbee, so I guess that lets me out.
Reworked, standardized puppy GPRS GUI
I don't even know what GPRS is <grin>.

Listen, I went to a lot of trouble to collect and organize all those links to Puppeee and Saluki. Would you do me the favor of replying to my query about the iwconfig code? I'd really appreciate it.


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#282 Post by rerwin »

Sorry to be so long in responding. I needed to keep focused on frisbee-1.2, to get it done. Your query is not the only demand I have been stonewalling.

After looking at your early links, particularly regarding Jemimah's original posting, I am not sure which frisbee you are considering. I am responsible only for the recent versions starting with 1.0, which is my upgrade to Jemimah's beta2.

Regarding Pwireless2, I do not care to get into it at all, since it is ancient and replaced by Jemimah's frisbee, apparently. I have too much on my plate to get into that dead end. Remember that I am only a novice at wireless networking. What I have learned is mainly from getting frisbee upgraded. I am a programmer, not a user of wireless myself.

I am hoping someone more knowledgeable can provide the answer you seek. As for pupeee and frisbee, that will have to wait awhile and may become moot if interest in it wanes.

Regarding the iwconfig change, Barry seemed to have reservations about adding "open" for all users. I am not sure he ever resolved that. I suppose that fix made in Pwireless could work. But I have no special insight about it. Why not go into the pwireless code, find the appropriate iwconfig invocation and make the change? Just use an expendable pupsave so you won't lose anything valuable if it crashes.

A bit later: I had to check my advice on my EeePC and found that /usr/sbin/Pwireless lines 380 and 571 have iwconfig with the "key" argument. Try putting "open" (w/o the quotes) just before "key" in line 571, to see what happens when you test wireless. If no change, try adding it to line 380.
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#283 Post by Mike7 »

Hi, Richard.

I can well understand your not wanting to get into Pwireless2, since no one but me is using it any more, apparently.

I have all but abandoned the idea of substituting Frisbee. It would take me the rest of my life to test all the versions and their dependencies. However, if you ever hear of someone who reworked Frisbee for Puppeee-4.4atom, please let me know.
I had to check my advice on my EeePC and found that /usr/sbin/Pwireless lines 380 and 571 have iwconfig with the "key" argument. Try putting "open" (w/o the quotes) just before "key" in line 571, to see what happens when you test wireless. If no change, try adding it to line 380.
I'll give it a try.
Just use an expendable pupsave so you won't lose anything valuable if it crashes.
How exactly do I do that? (I'm still a newbie.)


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#284 Post by rerwin »

Start with booting with the parameter, pfix=ram. I am not sure how you do that with your flash installation. But you probably don't need that precaution if you are careful in editing the script file. Make a copy of it (....bak) before editing. Even if it doesn't do the job, it would not destroy your system. You could then restore the original from the ".bak" copy.
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#285 Post by Mike7 »

Start with booting with the parameter, pfix=ram. I am not sure how you do that with your flash installation.
Me neither. But Puppeee boots a flash screen with "advanced" boot options. Maybe I can stick it in there somewhere. What does it do?
you probably don't need that precaution if you are careful in editing the script file.
Very careful editing any system file. Paranoid, really. <grin>
Make a copy of it (....bak) before editing. Even if it doesn't do the job, it would not destroy your system. You could then restore the original from the ".bak" copy.
Ok. Will do.

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#286 Post by Mike7 »


I re-booted and ran through the advanced boot options. They are all in the form:

Code: Select all

/vmlinuz initrd=/initrd.gz pfix=xxx
where one of the choices for xxx is RAM. These boot codes can also be edited.

Should I use it? (I still don't know what it means.)

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#287 Post by Mike7 »


I re-booted and ran through the advanced boot options. They are all in the form:

Code: Select all

/vmlinuz initrd=/initrd.gz pfix=xxx
where one of the choices for xxx is RAM. These boot codes can also be edited.

Should I use it? (I still don't know what it means.)

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#288 Post by rerwin »

Yes. replace the xxx with ram. Instead of booting with your pupsave file (assuming there is one on your flash drive), you boot to a new pupsave (personal data) environment, just as you did initially the first time you booted your drive. Then when you reboot or power down, you can save to a new pupsave file.

That's how it works in general, from a CD or frugal installation. I do not know whether the flash drive installation handles input arguments the same way as with CDs, where you would enter "puppy pfix=ram" as soon as the initial splash screen appears. I expect that the "flash screen" should be self explanatory, since the CD startup screen is.
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#289 Post by Scooby »

I checked that this was present in
Is this the latest version of frisbee?

I'm on some earlier version of frisbee ( actually I'm on alphaos )

I think there is a bug in /etc/init.d/frisbee at the end handling restart

Code: Select all

if [[ $1 == "restart" ]] ; then
	if [[ ! -z $WIFI_IF ]] ; then
From my read $WIFI_IF will always be of zero length!

I would have it something like

Code: Select all

if [[ $1 == "restart" ]] ; then
	WIFI_IF=`cat /etc/frisbee/interface 2>/dev/null`
        [  $WIFI_IF ] && export INTERFACE=$WIFI_IF
	if [[ ! -z $WIFI_IF ]] ; then
I could use a pair of extra eyes on this though? Anyone can confirm or deny?

Maybe this doesnt matter cause in /usr/local/bin/frisbee
they dont use "/etc/init.d/frisbee restart" so it should only matter on commandline.
They use directly

Code: Select all

. /usr/local/frisbee/func
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#290 Post by Argolance »

I told you in a PM that the network tray icon popup suggests "Enable wireless network" though user currentlly has no wifi card or connection on his pc/laptop. Isn't it confusing and unseemly for user to be encouraged doing something which has no reason to be done?... and not be able to connect or disconnect from the network using this tray icon?

Do you plan to change this?

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#291 Post by rerwin »

Oops! I completely forgot about that issue during my hiatus from frisbee (to work on lupu Thanks for reminding me. I am now fixing it, to set the indicator for the wireless menu item only if a wireless interface is found.

Thanks for pointing out that fundamental error. I am fixing it but within the context of npierce's new code that waits for wpa_supplicant to be ready, before resetting dhcpcd.

Both of you, as well as npierce, please inspect my coding in the attached difference listing of /etc/init.d/frisbee. I think it is correct, but would like other eyes to verify that. Thank you.
Difference listing of frisbee initialization script with fixes for Argolance and Scooby
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#292 Post by r4dic4l »

playdayz wrote:I made a one-click Pet for Lucid 5.2 that contains frisbee, dhcpcd, xpupsay, and the wpa-supplicant--everything needed

Thanks jemimah.
Works awesome on my FDD Lucid 5.2
Thanks, playdaz.

@ jemimah:
You may have single-handedly brought me back to Linux; it's WLAN issues have plagued me. I may seem to be sucking up, but I always wanted to run Linux as main OS but couldn't stay connected to g00gle long enough to figure it out. lol

Thanks to all that have contributed.
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#293 Post by Argolance »

please inspect my coding in the attached difference listing of /etc/init.d/frisbee. I think it is correct, but would like other eyes to verify that. Thank you.
As far as I know, there is not much chance I can "verify" the quality of your code lines... More: I don't know how to use the tarball above! :oops:
I will eventually polish/finish the French translation and suggest some little things like the one above, as simple user... but I admit I cannot very likely do more!

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#294 Post by Scooby »

rerwin wrote: Both of you, as well as npierce, please inspect my coding in the attached difference listing of /etc/init.d/frisbee. I think it is correct, but would like other eyes to verify that. Thank you.
As far as I can see it looks good
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frisbee-1.2-20140303-beta uplaoded, replacing 20140209

#295 Post by rerwin »

Argolance, Scooby, npierce, frisbee fans,
I have implemented the above fixes and have made the wireless tab a bit more useful when no wireless interfaces are installed. I added tests for the presence of any such interfaces wherever a test is made regarding the current interface, which might be left over after a dongle is unplugged. Although the last-used interface name is retained, it now gets cleared (eventually) if you uncheck the "Enable Wireless" box. Now, that box and the Diagnostic button remain enabled when the rest of the wireless tab is disabled. I also added peebee's recommendation to unblock a wireless interface before using it.

Please try the new version, which I plan to include in lupu shortly (unless you find a bug): ... 398#757398
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#296 Post by Mike7 »

Hi, Richard.

Sorry to take so long in responding, but I have persnickety health issues that I have to deal with now and then.
replace the xxx with ram. . . I do not know whether the flash drive installation handles input arguments the same way as with CDs. . . I expect that the "flash screen" should be self explanatory, since the CD startup screen is.
The boot flash screen I get has a list of "advanced" boot choices, one of which is "Copy OS files to RAM for boosted performance". This is the one that writes:

Code: Select all

/vmlinuz initrd=/initrd.gz pfix=ram
I don't know if it also creates a new pupsave file, but I always click on this choice when booting so that everything runs in ram, and I have never lost any saved files by doing so. I don't think it's actually doing a virgen boot, or creating an empty pupsave file.

In any case, I frequently back up my pupsave files, and will do a special .bak backup before editing the three lines in /usr/sbin/Pwireless, as you suggest.

Thanks for your help with this. I'll let you know how it turns out.


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#297 Post by Argolance »

I admit all this became somewhat confusing now (for me but perhaps for any other user who may be interesting in testing this latest beta release): I had recently to reinstall my Puppy (further to a new laptop) and would like to know exactly what has to be installed (or not!) for things working properly. Network tray xxx? dhcpcd xxx?, wpa_supplicant xxx? While using network tray 2.7.2, the tray icon stays "dead" (though the connection is duly active) and doesn't show network activity... Something is missing?

Suggestion: Why all these different tray icons? Only 5 would be enough and much more simple/clearer, whatever is the connection mode: dead, blank, in, out and both...

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#298 Post by rerwin »

Which puppy are you starting with? With precise-5.7.1 or lucid pup or any with frisbee-1.x, you need only the 1.2 beta pet.

Note that network_tray-2.7.2 is 01micko's creation, which I have not worked with other than to conclude that it re-implements the old Frisbee icons (as I recall). What is it about 2.7.2 that makes it better than 2.7? Just curious, in case I want to steal an idea from it.

Correction: network_tray-2.7.2 adds to 2.7, "icons on rightclick menu and the IP address shown in the tooltip". Those are good features, although I chose not to take any action regarding getting it into woof. By now, it may have been incorporated into the woof-CE world -- I have not been following that effort, although I hope to join it someday.
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#299 Post by Argolance »

Hello rerwin,
rerwin wrote:Argolance,
Which puppy are you starting with? With precise-5.7.1 or lucid pup or any with frisbee-1.x, you need only the 1.2 beta pet.
I am running ToOpPy 1.0 (based on Puppy "Precise" 5.4.3)...
Note that network_tray-2.7.2 is 01micko's creation, which I have not worked with other than to conclude that it re-implements the old Frisbee icons (as I recall). What is it about 2.7.2 that makes it better than 2.7? Just curious, in case I want to steal an idea from it.
There are so many things "downloadable", and pages (in english!) to read. I don't know exactly if the 01micko's creation is better than the simple 2.7 one, I just downloaded and installed it because I thought it was the only "good" one (latest one!).

:?: Please, where could I get the latest pot file?

Thank you a lot.

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#300 Post by rerwin »

Note that frisbee-1.x was created for puppies 5.5 and later. So your 5.4.3-based pup may not be completely compatible. But Frisbee-1.x may still work with it -- but it will be an experiment.

I recommend starting by installing the packages in the "frisbee kits" available on pages 15 and 17 of this thread and then the two beta packages on page 19. To simplify the task, I have combines the kits and betas into an experimental "frisbee_kit-1.2", attached.

However, if you want to keep network_tray-2.7.2, skip installing the network_tray-2.7 package in the kit. You should install the pgprs package in the kit, for consistency with frisbee.

I have downloaded your ToOpPy 1.0, so can use it to assist you with any adaptation needed to make the kit work with ToOpPy.

Be sure to use a new pupsave file, considering this is only an experiment at this point. Good luck with it.

The network_tray-2.7 .pot file is in the network_tray-2.7 pet package, as:

I am sure that, by now, someone has already made the language files for it in precise pup 5.6.1 or 5.7.1.
Experimental consolidated frisbee kit ONLY for use in puppies that do not already contain frisbee-1.x.
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