Chinese Language Pets

For efforts in internationalising Puppy and solving problems in this area
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Chinese Language Pets

#121 Post by icake »

Further to my posting on Jan 26, 2014 about slacko64, an updated slacko64 version 5.8.8 was released on Feb 6, 2014.

For more information:

To download slacko64-5.8.8.iso (198M): or

I have made 2 new Chinese Language pets for slacko64 5.8.8:
Traditional Chinese: (0.7 mb)
Simplified Chinese: (1.2 mb)

To use them:
a. first install one of the 64bit half-Chinese Language pets (to obtain Chinese fonts and Chinese input platform) :
1. for fcitx input platform: (6.7 mb) or
2. for SCIM input platform: (10 mb)

For more details about these 64bit half-Chinese Language pets, see the posting on Jan 22, 2014

b. then install either one of the above Chinaese Language pets to get the Chinese desktop, menus and sub-menus (Traditional or Simplified Chinese)

I have also updated the pdf documentation file for the 64bit Chinese Language pets:
64bit.ChineseLanguagePetsBriefing_简介中文包簡介.2014Feb26 (0.3 mb)

These new pets and pdf files are now available for download from the public sharing folder (see first post of this subject for the download addresses)
Posts: 556
Joined: Fri 27 Jul 2012, 00:58

Chinese Language Pets

#122 Post by icake »

slacko 5.7 final was released on Mar 9, 2014 by 01micko

more information:

download slacko 5.7 iso (161 mb):

I have updated the Chinese Language pets to handle slacko 5.7, the new pets are: (1.7 mb)for Traditional Chinese (1.9 mb)for Simplified Chinese

Please note that starting from version 8.0.0, the Chinese Language pets do not include Chinese font file and Chinese Input Method Platform. The recommended method to use these Chinese Language pets is to install the universal half-Chinese Language pets. The latest versions of universal half-Chinese Language pets are: for fcitx Chinese Input Method platform for SCIM Chinese Input Method platform

All the above Chinese Language pets and universal half-Chinese Language pets are available to download from the public sharing folders. Please see the first post of this subject for the download addresses.
Posts: 556
Joined: Fri 27 Jul 2012, 00:58

Chinese Language Pets

#123 Post by icake »

Simplicity is one of the Puppy system derivatives developed by the simplicity team lead by David Purse.

Version 14.1 was recently released on Jan 28, 2014. Its based on Slacko 5.6 with LXD.

14.1 comes with 3 sub-versions targetting different user groups:

Netbook 14.1
comes with Firefox ESR 24.0 and Flash
designed to be a quick booting distro working from a USB key connecting to the Internet from a netbook device or laptop

Desktop 14.1
has the fullest features
including Skype, Libre Office, Java, Flash, Mplayer, Firefox 24.0 ESR, OnLive, Wine and others

Media 14.1
for those who use x86 machines connected to TVs
latest release version of XBMC, with a lot of add-ons preinstalled

more information: ... -released/

Desktop141Release.iso (538 mb); Netbook141Release.iso (271 mb); Media141Release.iso (530 mb) ... .1release/

I have updated the Chinese Language pets to handle simplicity 14.1 (Desktop and Netbook only) and the new pets are:
Desktop 14.1 (Traditional Chinese 17.6 mb) (Simplified Chinese 18.3 mb)
Netbook 14.1 (Traditional Chinese 2.2 mb) (Simplified Chinese 3.0 mb)

Please note that starting from version 8.0.0, the Chinese Language pets do not include Chinese font file and Chinese Input Method Platform. The recommended method to use these Chinese Language pets is to install the universal half-Chinese Language pets. The latest versions of universal half-Chinese Language pets are: for fcitx Chinese Input Method platform for SCIM Chinese Input Method platform

All the above Chinese Language pets and universal half-Chinese Language pets are available to download from the public sharing folders. Please see the first post of this subject for the download addresses.
Posts: 556
Joined: Fri 27 Jul 2012, 00:58

Chinese Language Pets

#124 Post by icake »

Recently, alextome posted a message in the Puppy Linux Chinese Forum pointing out that after applying the Chinese Language pet for quirky-tahr-6.0.3, seamonkey cannot start.

The reason? When I created the Chinese Language pets for quirky-tahr, both fcitx and SCIM Chinese Input Platforms cannot start in quirky-tahr. I then discovered that some of the gtk programs used in quirky were missing from quirky-tahr. Therefore I simply added those missing quirky gtk programs into quirky-tahr and the problem was gone. I posted this finding in the quirky-tahr forum and hope that future versions of quirky-tahr will include enough gtk programs to give a more user friendly environment for the Chinese Language pets. The author of quirky-tahr, Barry Kauler replied shortly to my posting and pointed out that my quick fix method inserts gtk programs from quirky, which is based on gtk version 2.20.1 into the quirky-tahr system, which is based on gtk 2.24.x. This mixing of gtk versions might cause certain applications unable to run. (For details, please see : ... &start=570, Posting on Thu 13 Feb 2014)

After reading that comment, I tried to put together a new gtk patch based purely on gtk version 2.24.x but found it too time consuming. I decided to drop that idea because I was not aware of any applications that cannot start. This reason for doing nothing cannot be used now.

To solve the seamonkey problem, the best approach is to replace the files in with gtk version 2.24.x files. But this takes time. A temporary solution is to use another browser. I tried and found that firefox can start in quirky-tahr after applying the Chinese Language pets. You can download more recent versions of firefox from the web. My test used and this pet was uploaded to the public sharing folder: Other Applications/ Additional pets 其他應用程
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Chinese Language Pets

#125 Post by icake »

workhorseos is a Puppy derivative based on Dpup Squeeze 009 created by darry1966. Version 1 was released on Jan 21, 2014.

Programs included:
Libreoffice 4.03, Xmms (Slaxer version), VLC, QT, Latest Seamonkey, Audacity

more info:
download workhorseosa1.iso (379 mb): ... rkhorseos/

I have updated the Chinese Language pets to handle workhorse 1 and the new pets are: (Traditional Chinese 3.3 mb) (Simplified Chinese 3.7 mb)

Please note that starting from version 8.0.0, the Chinese Language pets do not include Chinese font file and Chinese Input Method Platform. The recommended method to use these Chinese Language pets is to install the universal half-Chinese Language pets. The latest versions of universal half-Chinese Language pets are:
fcitx Chinese Input Method (12 mb)
SCIM Chinese Input Method (20 mb)

All the above Chinese Language pets and universal half-Chinese Language pets are available to download from the public sharing folders. Please see the first post of this subject for the download addresses.
Posts: 556
Joined: Fri 27 Jul 2012, 00:58

Chinese Language Pets

#126 Post by icake »

After slacko 5.7 was released on 9 Mar 2014, rufwoof created an expanded version, Slacko-5.7-Office on 11 Mar 2014. It includes:

Standard Slacko 5.7
wireless usb Belkin F5d6050
OpenOffice whole suite replacing abiword, gnumeric and inchscape
evince replacing epdfview
PupSaveHotBackup (live run backup of savefile)
Thunar (file manager) added in alonside ROX-Filer
GIMP (images)
mplayer fixed so full screens
xvidcap (video capture of desktop)
Audacity (sound editing)
OpenShot (video editing)
Avidmux (simpler/smaller video editor)

more information: ... 14-torrent

download: Slacko-5.7-Office-NON-PAE.iso (540 mb) ... ON-PAE.iso

I have updated the Chinese Language pets to handle slacko-5.7-office and the new pets are: (Traditional Chinese 15.3 mb) (Simplified Chinese 15.4 mb)

Please note that starting from version 8.0.0, the Chinese Language pets do not include Chinese font file and Chinese Input Method Platform. The recommended method to use these Chinese Language pets is to install the universal half-Chinese Language pets. The latest versions of universal half-Chinese Language pets are:
fcitx Chinese Input Method (12 mb)
SCIM Chinese Input Method (20 mb)

All the above Chinese Language pets and universal half-Chinese Language pets are available to download from the public sharing folders. Please see the first post of this subject for the download addresses.
Posts: 556
Joined: Fri 27 Jul 2012, 00:58

Chinese Language Pets

#127 Post by icake »

A super fat remaster of precise 5.7.1-retro was released by csipesz on Jan 16 2014

list of pre-installed applications in system sfs:

1.xvkbd virtual keyboard,
2.openbox with extras 005,
3.xbmc media center,
4.guvcview webcamera-app.,
5.mixxx dj-mixer,
6.vlc mediaplayer,
7.audacious music player + winamp-skins,
8.bluez - basic bluetooth support,
11.gpicview runtime,
13.ballz - a retro-game,
14.avidemux video-editor,
15.zynaddsubfx software synthesizer,
16.acrobat reader pdf viewer,
18.bleachbit system-cleaner,
19.grooveoff - search/download mp3-s,
20.xvidcap for recording what happen on your desktop,
21.xdtv television app - not support all of cards...
22.lingot guitar tuner,
23.easy mp3 gain, earth,
29.puzzles-r8853-i386: 31 different puzzle minigames,
30.s.y.a.sokoban - a retro-game,
31.xrick - a retro-game,
32.xscavenger - a retro-game,
33.startmount drives and programs mounting utility,
34.pupcontrol control panel,
35.virtual box,
38.Dougal Puppy Live CD-maker (HUN!)
39.xjigsaw, portable jigsaw puzzle game,
40.Double Commander Portable.
41-44.Portable DOS-apps and games in root/FM folder:
ANDROUTE, EUKVIZ, Rescue Rover 1 and 2.
Portable win apps in root/.wine/drive_c/Program Files folder:
DemoHelper - with this you can drawing on your desktop-screen, esc button clear your draw,
45.PhotoFiltre, photo-editor/paint app,
46.Total Commander,
47.w32chaos, an older fraktal-drawing app,
50.Finally: plus mouse cursors, icon-themes, wallpapers, gtk, jwm and openbox themes.

more details:

download iso: precise-5.7.1-retro-fatty-2014-feb-csipesz.iso (3.8 G) ... sipesz.iso

In order to provide Chinese Language support for precise 5.7.1 retro fatty, I have updated the Chinese Language pets as follows:

A. zh patch for precise 5.7.1 fatty
In order to run either fcitx or SCIM input platforms, precise 5.7.1 retro fatty requires a special zh patch: (1.1 mb)

This pet is kept separate from the universal half-Chinese pets because it is only needed for precise 5.7.1 retro fatty and the size is too large to be absorbed into the universal half-Chinese Language pets

B. Universal half-Chinese Language pets:
The universal half-Chinese Language pets are required to give Chinese font file and Chinese input platform to precise 5.7.1 retro fatty. The latest pets are:
fcitx input platform: (11.9 mb)
SCIM input platform: (19.6 mb)

C. Chinese Language pets
Chinese Language pets will provide Chinese desktop and menus for precise 5.7.1 retro fatty, the names of the new pets are:
Traditional Chinese: (1.4 mb)
Simplified Chinese: (2.2 mb)

To use these pets:
1. To have Chinese fonts and Chinese input platform for precise 5.7.1 retro fatty
a. install the zh patch pet in A above,and
b. install either the fictx or SCIM universal half-Chinese Language fonts in B above

2. To have Chinese fonts, Chinese input platform, Chinese desktop and menus for precise 5.7.1 retro fatty
c. install 1a and 1b above,and
d. install either the Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese Language pets in C above

These pets are now available for download from the public sharing folder. Please see the first post of this subject for the download
Posts: 556
Joined: Fri 27 Jul 2012, 00:58

Chinese Language Pets

#128 Post by icake »

Further to the release of precise 5.7.1 retro fatty (3.8G) on Jan 16 2014, csipesz released precise 5.7.1 retro slimmy (695 mb) on Mar 14, 2014.

included applications:
bluez_4.98 basic bluetooth support
portable dos apps in /root/FM/
portable win apps in /root/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/
xjigsaw and Digger portable games

Removed apps:
gnome mplayer
original games
original opera

more information:

download precise-5.7.1-retro-slimmy-2014-march-csipesz.iso (695 mb): ... sipesz.iso

In order to provide Chinese Language support for precise 5.7.1 retro slimmy, I have updated the Chinese Language pets as follows:

A. zh patch for precise 5.7.1 slimmy
In order to run either fcitx or SCIM input platforms, precise 5.7.1 retro slimmy requires a special zh patch: (1.1 mb) (same patch file as for precise 5.7.1 retro fatty)
This pet is kept separate from the universal half-Chinese pets because it is only needed for precise 5.7.1 retro fatty/slimmy and the size is too large to be absorbed into the universal half-Chinese Language pets

B. Universal half-Chinese Language pets:
The universal half-Chinese Language pets are required to give Chinese font file and Chinese input platform to precise 5.7.1 retro slimmy. The latest pets are:
fcitx input platform: (11.9 mb)
SCIM input platform: (19.6 mb)

C. Chinese Language pets
Chinese Language pets will provide Chinese desktop and menus for precise 5.7.1 retro slimmy, the names of the new pets are:
Traditional Chinese: (1.4 mb)
Simplified Chinese: (2.2 mb)

To use these pets:
1. To have Chinese fonts and Chinese input platform for precise 5.7.1 retro slimmy
a. install the zh patch pet in A above,and
b. install either the fictx or SCIM universal half-Chinese Language fonts in B above

2. To have Chinese fonts, Chinese input platform, Chinese desktop and menus for precise 5.7.1 retro slimmy
c. install 1a and 1b above,and
d. install either the Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese Language pets in C above

These pets are now available for download from the public sharing folder. Please see the first post of this subject for the download addresses
Posts: 556
Joined: Fri 27 Jul 2012, 00:58

Chinese Language Pets

#129 Post by icake »

We have recently looked at 2 precise 5.7.1 variations done by csipesz. Before the csipesz fever is over, let us also look at another puppy released by the same author - an xp like puppy based on lucid 528 released on Mar 23, 2014.

more information:

download iso: lupu-528-yet-another-xp-puppy-2014-march-csipesz.iso (685 mb) ... r-xp-puppy

In order to provide Chinese Language support for lupu-528-xp-like, I have updated the Chinese Language pets as follows:

A. zh patch for lupu-528-xp-like
In order to run either fcitx or SCIM input platforms, lupu-528-xp-like requires a special zh patch: (1.1 mb) (same patch file as for precise 5.7.1 retro fatty)
This pet is kept separate from the universal half-Chinese pets because it is only needed for precise 5.7.1 retro fatty/slimmy/lupu-528-xp-like and the size is too large to be absorbed into the universal half-Chinese Language pets

B. Universal half-Chinese Language pets:
The universal half-Chinese Language pets are required to give Chinese font file and Chinese input platform to lupu-528-xp-like. The latest pets are:
fcitx input platform: (11.9 mb)
SCIM input platform: (19.6 mb)

C. Chinese Language pets
Chinese Language pets will provide Chinese desktop and menus for lupu-528-xp-like, the names of the new pets are:
Traditional Chinese: (1.4 mb)
Simplified Chinese: (2.2 mb)

To use these pets:
1. To have Chinese fonts and Chinese input platform for lupu-528-xp-like
a. install the zh patch pet in A above,and
b. install either the fictx or SCIM universal half-Chinese Language fonts in B above

2. To have Chinese fonts, Chinese input platform, Chinese desktop and menus for lupu-528-xp-like
c. install 1a and 1b above,and
d. install either the Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese Language pets in C above

These pets are now available for download from the public sharing folder. Please see the first post of this subject for the download addresses
Posts: 556
Joined: Fri 27 Jul 2012, 00:58

Chinese Language Pets

#130 Post by icake »

Version 2.3 of x-precise was released on Mar 22, 2014 by rg66.

more information: ... 4ed7e43cdc

download: X-precise-2.3.iso 178 mb

I have upgraded my Chinese Language pets to handle x-precise 2.3 and the 2 new pets are: (2.8 mb) (Traditional Chinese) (2.6 mb) (Simplified Chinese)

Please note that starting from version 8.0.0, the Chinese Language pets do not include Chinese input method platform nor Chinese fonts. The recommend method to use these pets is to install a half-Chinese Language pet prior to install the above pets, the latest half-Chinese Language pet are: (12 mb) for the fcitx input platform or (20 mb) for the SCIM input platform

These Chinese Language and half-Chinese Language pets can be downloaded from the public sharing folder. Please see first post of this subject for the download addresses.
Posts: 556
Joined: Fri 27 Jul 2012, 00:58

Chinese Language Pets

#131 Post by icake »

Having seen the 2 modified versions (fatty and slimmy) of precise 5.7.1 created by csipesz, I found 01micko has done similar work for slacko (Phat and thin).
Thin slacko 5.5.01 was first released by 01micko on Mar 31, 2013. The latest version is 5.5.04.

Major features:
based on slacko 5.5
Adrive aware, in a separate file, not in iso
optimised for pentium III cpu, can run on 600MHz with 256MB RAM, NO PAE
minimal programs, only links browser and most of the basic puppy gtkdialog gui
2 iso images, one XZ compressed (122MB), the other GZ compressed (145MB)

more information:

download ThinSlacko-5.5.01-SCSI-XZ.iso and the delta files to upgrade it to 5.5.03 and 5.5.04
ThinSlacko-5.5.01-SCSI-XZ.iso (122 mb) (23.8 mb) (20.2 mb)
from here: ... ko-5.5.01/

I have updated the Chinese Language pets to handle thin slacko 5.5.04 and the new pets are: (1.7 mb) for Traditional Chinese (2.1 mb) for Simplified Chinese

Please note that starting from version 8.0.0, the Chinese Language pets do not include Chinese font file and Chinese Input Method Platform. The recommended method to use these Chinese Language pets is to install the universal half-Chinese Language pets. The latest versions of universal half-Chinese Language pets are:
fcitx Chinese Input Method (12 mb)
SCIM Chinese Input Method (20 mb)

All the above Chinese Language pets and universal half-Chinese Language pets are available to download from the public sharing folders. Please see the first post of this subject for the download addresses.
Posts: 556
Joined: Fri 27 Jul 2012, 00:58

Chinese Language Pets

#132 Post by icake »

Further to the previous announcement about thin slacko 5.5.04, here is the one for phat slacko.

PHAT Slacko is another modified slacko 5.5 by 01micko released on Mar 11, 2013. Latest version is 5.5.02

Main features:
based on slacko 5.5
System Requirements : pentium i686 class processor, with the PAE instruction, 2GHz single core, 1 GHz dual core, 1 GB RAM, preferably with swap.
designed for production not for old machines
3.8.2 PAE kernel
can run on USB stick, using f2fs (aka Flash Friendly File System).
LibreOffice 4.0.1 - full office suite
Samba 4.0 - serving files accross the network with the SMB (MS) protocol.
VLC 2.0.5 - watching DVD's and videos
Audacious 3.3.4 - default for mp3's and CD's. Pmusic is also available
Kompozer - HTML editing
Transmission 2.77 - with GTK+3 libraries, also required by Audacious.
JRE 1.7Update17 - no browser plugin enabled
Ipscan 0.3 - Angry IP Scanner, uses Java.

more information :

download PHATSlacko-5.5.02-ORIGINAL.iso (410 mb) ... IGINAL.iso

I have updated the Chinese Language pets to handle PHAT slacko 5.5.02 and the new pets are: (3.3 mb) for Traditional Chinese (3.7 mb) for Simplified Chinese

Please note that starting from version 8.0.0, the Chinese Language pets do not include Chinese font file and Chinese Input Method Platform. The recommended method to use these Chinese Language pets is to install the universal half-Chinese Language pets. The latest versions of universal half-Chinese Language pets are:
fcitx Chinese Input Method (12 mb)
SCIM Chinese Input Method (20 mb)

All the above Chinese Language pets and universal half-Chinese Language pets are available to download from the public sharing folders. Please see the first post of this subject for the download addresses.
Posts: 556
Joined: Fri 27 Jul 2012, 00:58

Chinese Language Pets

#133 Post by icake »

Besides thin and PHAT, slacko 5.5 has another modified version - slacko 5.5 XL created by Christos Koulaxizis and released on Aug 14, 2013. The idea behind slacko 5.5 XL is a self contained, full-featured, cd-sized Puppy OS without the need to download more internet software packages.

Main changes from the basic slacko 5.5 Puppy system:
- JWM -> Openbox plus extras 1.5.3 (lxpanel)
- Abiword & Gnumeric -> Libre Office 4.0.0
- Mtpaint -> Gimp 2.8.2
- Screeny -> Pupsnap 2.2
- Pplog -> Perligram 1.0

- Picpuz
- Rubix
- Xsoldier
- Galculator
- E3 editor

- Obmenu 1.0
- Obkey 1.0
- Bleachbit 0.8.8
- Openshot 1.4.3
- Skype
- APR 0.2
- Dropbox 1.1.43
- Simplebox 0.5a
- GTK Theme Maker 1.4
- Bombic 0.0.1
- Pipewalker 0.9.4
- Scummvm 1.6.0
- Castlevox 1.2
- YAD 0.12.4
- JRE 1-7.0-15
- CBViewer 0.8
- QT 4.8.2
- JWildFire 0.67r3
- Adobe Air 2.6
- DevX file
- Slacko ascii
- Potenza iconset
- Sphere iconset
- Tron iconset
- Dandelion wall
- Cursor themes
- Greeting message

- Firefox 19.0 -> Firefox 23.0

more information:

download: puppy_slacko_5.5_XL 627 mb ... o/download

I have updated the Chinese Language pets to handle slacko 5.5 XL and the new pets are: (3.0 mb) for Traditional Chinese (3.8 mb) for Simplified Chinese

Please note that starting from version 8.0.0, the Chinese Language pets do not include Chinese font file and Chinese Input Method Platform. The recommended method to use these Chinese Language pets is to install the universal half-Chinese Language pets. The latest versions of universal half-Chinese Language pets are:
fcitx Chinese Input Method (12 mb)
SCIM Chinese Input Method (20 mb)

All the above Chinese Language pets and universal half-Chinese Language pets are available to download from the public sharing folders. Please see the first post of this subject for the download addresses.
Posts: 556
Joined: Fri 27 Jul 2012, 00:58

Chinese Language Pets

#134 Post by icake »

I saw an earlier post by zyhx (on the Chinese Puppy forum)about amipup 1.0.1 and decided to create the Chinese Language pets for amipup 1.0.1.

AmiPUP is built on the Slacko Puppy Linux. The primary purpose of AmiPUP is to act as a portable host for AmiKIT, Amiga Forever, or your own emulated Amiga/AROS system.

more information: or

download amipup_1.0.1.iso (172 mb) ... 1.0.1.iso/

The Chinese Language pets created to handle amipup 1.0.1 are: (1.8 mb) for Traditional Chinese (2.1 mb) for Simplified Chinese

Please note that starting from version 8.0.0, the Chinese Language pets do not include Chinese font file and Chinese Input Method Platform. The recommended method to use these Chinese Language pets is to install the universal half-Chinese Language pets. The latest versions of universal half-Chinese Language pets are:
fcitx Chinese Input Method (12 mb)
SCIM Chinese Input Method (20 mb)

All the above Chinese Language pets and universal half-Chinese Language pets are available to download from the public sharing folders. Please see the first post of this subject for the download addresses.
Posts: 556
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Chinese Language Pets

#135 Post by icake »

LxPup is a derivative of Puppy using LXDE desktop, its designed for low-end computers and old hardwares. The latest version is 14.03 released on Mar 10, 2014.

Main features:

LXDE desktop
PCManFM file manager
Mozilla Firefox web browser
Sylpheed email client
PuppyPhone internet telephone
PMirrorget website downloader
gFTP FTP client
XChat IRC client
GNOME MPlayer video player
pMusic audio player
Gnumeric spreadsheet editor

more information: or ... 2891.shtml

download lxpup 1403 iso: LxPup-14.03-s-nopae (176 mb) ... o/download

The Chinese Language pets created to handle lxpup 14.03 are: (2.6 mb) for Traditional Chinese (3.0 mb) for Simplified Chinese

Please note that starting from version 8.0.0, the Chinese Language pets do not include Chinese font file and Chinese Input Method Platform. The recommended method to use these Chinese Language pets is to install the universal half-Chinese Language pets. The latest versions of universal half-Chinese Language pets are:
fcitx Chinese Input Method (12 mb)
SCIM Chinese Input Method (20 mb)

All the above Chinese Language pets and universal half-Chinese Language pets are available to download from the public sharing folders. Please see the first post of this subject for the download addresses.
Posts: 556
Joined: Fri 27 Jul 2012, 00:58

Chinese Language Pets

#136 Post by icake »

The official Puppy Linux Precise 5.7.1 was first released on Aug 3, 2013 with kernel 3.9.11 (retro version kernel 3.2.48 ). On Aug 5, 2013 I posted a message saying that the Chinese Language pets for precise 5.7: can handle precise 5.7.1 already.

I have just created these new Chinese Language pets for precise 5.7.1: (2.7 mb) for Traditional Chinese (2.7 mb) for Simplified Chinese

Please note that starting from version 8.0.0, the Chinese Language pets do not include Chinese font file and Chinese Input Method Platform. The recommended method to use these Chinese Language pets is to install the universal half-Chinese Language pets. The latest versions of universal half-Chinese Language pets are:
fcitx Chinese Input Method (12 mb)
SCIM Chinese Input Method (20 mb)

All the above Chinese Language pets and universal half-Chinese Language pets are available to download from the public sharing folders. Please see the first post of this subject for the download addresses.
Posts: 556
Joined: Fri 27 Jul 2012, 00:58

Chinese Language Pets

#137 Post by icake »

Further to my post on Feb 25, 2014 about Fatdog64 630 final, version 631 was released by Kirk and James on May 12, 2014.

Changes from 630:


* Firefox-29.0
* Seamonkey-2.26
* Flashplayer-

New Features:

* Multisession now also supports device:label:uuid (old format still supported)
* option to create ext4 without journal (thanks mavrothal)
* Add options to boot Fatdog on low memory machines (kernel boot param: rootfstype=ramfs)
* Edit acpi action scripts add switch debounce and shutdown confirm dialog.
* Disable auto connect to unknown open network in wpa_supplicant.conf

more information:

download fatdog64-631.iso (248 mb):

I have made 2 new Chinese Language pets for fatdog64 631:

Traditional Chinese: (0.7 mb)
Simplified Chinese: mb)

These were uploaded to the public sharing folder (see first post of this subject for the download addresses)

To use them:

1. first install one of the 64bit half-Chinese Language pets (to obtain Chinese fonts and Chinese input platform) :

a. for fcitx input platform: (6.6 mb)or

b. for SCIM input platform: mb)

For more details about these 64bit half-Chinese Language pets, see the posting on Jan 22, 2014

2. then install either one of the above Chinaese Language pets to get the Chinese desktop, menus and sub-menus (Traditional or Simplified Chinese)
Posts: 556
Joined: Fri 27 Jul 2012, 00:58

Chinese Language Pets

#138 Post by icake »

On Jan 26, 2014, stemsee released a number of puppy precise 5.7.1 systems. The smallest one is just a recompile of precise 5.7.1 using kernel 3.13.9 (official version is using kernel 3.9.11 and retro version 3.2.48 )

more information : ... inux-EmSee

download iso (369.5 mb) : ... tEmSee.iso

I have created these new Chinese Language pets for precise 5.7.1-stemsee: (2.7 mb) for Traditional Chinese (2.7 mb) for Simplified Chinese

Please note that starting from version 8.0.0, the Chinese Language pets do not include Chinese font file and Chinese Input Method Platform. The recommended method to use these Chinese Language pets is to install the universal half-Chinese Language pets. The latest versions of universal half-Chinese Language pets are:
fcitx Chinese Input Method (12 mb)
SCIM Chinese Input Method (20 mb)

All the above Chinese Language pets and universal half-Chinese Language pets are available to download from the public sharing folders. Please see the first post of this subject for the download addresses.
Posts: 556
Joined: Fri 27 Jul 2012, 00:58

Chinese Language Pets

#139 Post by icake »

This is a follow up of my posting on 14 June about stemsee's precise 5.7.1 systems. On top of the basic precise 5.7.1 compiled on newer kernel, there were 2 other huge remaster isoes (2.7 gb and 3.0 gb) for stemsee precise 5.7.1. These systems were built from precise 5.7.1 and include the following extras:

Audio workstation! Ardour-3.5.74-dbg Jamin Hydrogen Jack Rack Audacity Scollily Rosegarden Patchage Jack Keyboard GXTuner LADSP Rakarrack Zynaddsubfx Qsampler Reaper ... plus much more
XBMC 12.2
Unetbootin (debian version shows all drives)
Wine 1.7.6 (two prefixes)
LibreOffice 4.1
Sweet Home 3D
Gimp 2.8

Games: Osmos Zaz World of Goo Briquolo SuperTuxKart Extremetuxracer Foobillard

Automatic ramdisk and ramdisksave created and maintained in /mnt/home/

more information : ... inux-EmSee

download iso (same address as above)
Puppy-Linux-EmSee-1st-Edition.iso (3.0 G)
Puppy-Linux-EmSee571.iso (2.7 G)

I have created these new Chinese Language pets to handle these 2 (both 3g and 2.7g) precise 5.7.1-stemsee remaster isoes, and I added "stemplus" in their names : (4.3 mb) for Traditional Chinese (4.3 mb) for Simplified Chinese

Please note that starting from version 8.0.0, the Chinese Language pets do not include Chinese font file and Chinese Input Method Platform. The recommended method to use these Chinese Language pets is to install the universal half-Chinese Language pets. The latest versions of universal half-Chinese Language pets are:
fcitx Chinese Input Method (12 mb)
SCIM Chinese Input Method (20 mb)

All the above Chinese Language pets and universal half-Chinese Language pets are available to download from the public sharing folders. Please see the first post of this subject for the download addresses.
Posts: 556
Joined: Fri 27 Jul 2012, 00:58

Chinese Language Pets

#140 Post by icake »

Besides recompiled precise 5.7.1, stemsee also compiled debian wheezy using woof ce, using kernel 3.13.9-emsee-pae.

more information:

download Wheezy- (188 mb): ... edit?usp=1

I have created these new Chinese Language pets for wheezy by stemsee: (2.5 mb) for Traditional Chinese (2.5 mb) for Simplified Chinese

Please note that starting from version 8.0.0, the Chinese Language pets do not include Chinese font file and Chinese Input Method Platform. The recommended method to use these Chinese Language pets is to install the universal half-Chinese Language pets. The latest versions of universal half-Chinese Language pets are:
fcitx Chinese Input Method (12 mb)
SCIM Chinese Input Method (20 mb)

All the above Chinese Language pets and universal half-Chinese Language pets are available to download from the public sharing folders. Please see the first post of this subject for the download addresses.
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