My report on Quirky 6.0

For talk and support relating specifically to Puppy derivatives

#681 Post by Jasper »

It doesn't really matter which (although I suspect the former predominates).
Just see for yourself. Quirky has disappeared again from the DW PHR whilst the 'conventional' .iso mode for Slacko5.7 sits at No.4 (7days)
The DW is the best guide to what's happening amongst the willing troops. No good shooting the messenger whatever it's limitations and shortcomings - that's the way it is. It's an enormous challenge to wean the devil's camp followers away from Armageddon. Just have to capitalise on what folks are willing and able to cope with. Learning new tricks restricts the audience amongst those with busy lives outside the cosy cabal.
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#682 Post by Sage »

Just what are you trying to prove:
44 SteamOS 326<
apart from you're a complete tw*t. Why don't you just go away and take your nasty comments with you. You don't belong here.

#683 Post by Jasper »

Reductio ad absurdum would be my favourite weapon of proof, but I made no comment, I merely provided a picture and quoted your words with some added emphasis.
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#684 Post by slavvo67 »

Quirky 6.1.4 Pet Packages:

I noticed, yesterday that 6.1.4 would not allow the reinstall of a pet package over the top of an already installed package. I believe other puppies allow for that. I know that I can remove and reinstall but I wasn't expecting that change. Was it by design?

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suspend/fail-to-resume on quirky 614

#685 Post by mmmrr »

edit note: formerly in quirky thread, moved here for more readers: ... 370#767370

cheers, mm
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Rodney Byne
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#686 Post by Rodney Byne »

Hi to eowens2,

I'm completely new to this subject openvpn and
what it's purpose is, although I read the Wikipedia
article and found it hard going to understand.

I read your post and have questions if you could
please assist to gain more knowledge.

First, when you download openvpn_2.3.2, silly
question, do you download all the dependencies?
One of them to do with ips in the repo, is missing
as you can see for yourself if you look.
Is this file vital?

After then downloading your pet, could you detail
step by step exactly what to do in the gui.
Does it recognise the existence of the file(s)
previously downloaded?
I tried just downloading openvpn_2.3.2 on its own
and your pet can't find it?

It may be straightforward to you, but I would
welcome complete guidance.

Many thanks in advance.
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Request for help.

#687 Post by ETP »

Whilst working on Blue Pup a derivative of QT 6.0.5 I have seen the following error in the bootkernel.log across PCs which relates to the loading order of kernel modules and I think can, under certain circumstances, prevent the successful detection of USB devices or partitions on them.

Barry’s original guidance on this matter can be found here:

QT is however a very different beast as detailed in this post: ... ky-6.x.htm

(In particular using eudev, without rules)

My questions are:
1. Is anyone else seeing this in their QT log?

2. Is there a quick fix to correct the loading order?


Edit: 29th March.
Thanks to Rodney Byne for confirming this bug.
I am not certain of my ground here, but it would appear that the kernel loads fotg210_hcd and that it cannot be corrected by editing rc.sysinit or any other config file. It looks like a matter for BK.

Whilst examining rc.sysinit I noted a possible issue with the detection of swap partitions on GPT disks which most new PCs are likely to have.
Fdisk does not support GPT so will not detect or use them. I am not clear why gdisk was dropped at least for this aspect.
Another matter for BK?
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Regards ETP
Rodney Byne
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bootkernel.log in QT

#688 Post by Rodney Byne »


In answer to your question 1
Yes, I am seeing these lines:

2.272269] Warning! fusbh200_hcd should always be loaded before uhci_hcd and ohci_hcd, not after

2.272279] 4Warning! fotg210_hcd should always be loaded before uhci_hcd and ohci_hcd, not after

Can't answer your question 2 though
as I don't know anything about code.

So it's likely this error? is common to everybody's QT and
had possibly been overlooked in the compiling process.

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Problem Installing Tahr to 2Gb USB

#689 Post by Country Bumkin »

I am trying to Install Quirky Tahr 6.0.5 to a 2Gb USB stick using Ubuntu 14.04 Beta Live CD

Output as below

Code: Select all

ubuntu-gnome@ubuntu-gnome:~/Downloads$ sudo ./

This script will install Quirky to an entire drive, and make it bootable
abort if a missing utility is essential.

Press ENTER key to continue (CTRL-C to abort): 

1 tahr-6.0.5.usfs.xz

Type a number from the left column: 1
...ok, have chosen tahr-6.0.5.usfs.xz

Testing integrity of compressed file, please wait...

Plug in a USB Flash drive, 2GB size, or greater, right now.
Also, please be sure that it is unmounted.
Note, 2GB is sufficient, however for a satisfactory ongoing experience
using Quirky, it is recommended to use a 4GB or greater drive. If you intend
to keep using this installation on a daily basis, to allow for plenty of
package installations, upgrades, downloads, etc., a much bigger drive is
recommended, at least 8GB.

WARNING: Many Linux distros will auto-mount a drive when it is plugged
         in. You will have to unmount it BEFORE CONTINUING!!!
         (if you are unsure about this, don't worry, the script will
          check again later, after you have chosen the drive)

Have you plugged in the drive? Then press ENTER key: 

As you are not using a Puppy-derivative, you do not have the excellent
'probedisk' utility, which reports all drives. So, falling back to giving you
a simple list:

These are all of the drives found in your PC:
sda sdb sdc 

Choose the drive to install to...
1 sda
2 sdb
3 sdc

Type a number from left column: 3
...ok, have chosen sdc

Uncompressing tahr-6.0.5.usfs.xz to tahr-6.0.5.usfs...

Final sanity check: 'sdc' is correct? (ENTER if OK, CTRL-C abort): 

Some preliminaries on the sdc...
Size of drive=1912MB

Would you like to zeroize the entire drive before installation?
ENTER only to decline, (any other char to zeroize drive): 

It is necessary to zeroize a small part of the drive, the beginning
and the end. The end, because if the drive previously had a GPT secondary
partition on it, this has to be wiped.
Zeroizing only first 20MB and last 20MB of drive...
5+0 records in
5+0 records out
20971520 bytes (21 MB) copied, 2.95874 s, 7.1 MB/s

Creating 16MB FAT-16 first partition...
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
440 bytes (440 B) copied, 0.0775162 s, 5.7 kB/s
mkfs.fat 3.0.25 (2014-01-17)
mkfs.fat: warning - lowercase labels might not work properly with DOS or Windows
/dev/sdc1: No such file or directory
Installing syslinux in 1st partition, sdc1...
syslinux: /dev/sdc1: No such file or directory
Creating 2nd partition, size 1832MB...

Please choose whether to create a ext2, ext4, of f2fs filesystem in the
second partition. For Flash media, f2fs is very highly recommended.

1 f2fs (best choice for Flash)
2 ext4-without-journal (2nd best choice for Flash)
3 ext2
4 ext4 with journal (recommended for hard drives)

Type a number from left column: 1
...ok, have chosen f2fs

Creating f2fs in 2nd partition...

	F2FS-tools: mkfs.f2fs Ver: 1.2.0 (2013-10-25)

Info: Label = quirky2
	Error: Failed to open the device!

Creating tahr-6.0.5.sfs
This will be copied to /audit/reference in the target drive, and
may be used in future for recovery purposes. Creating now...
./ 416: ./ mksquashfs: not found

Populating 1st partition, sdc1...
mount: special device /dev/sdc1 does not exist

Error, failed to mount first partition, sdc1. Aborting
Problems seem to start around mkfs.fat, suggestions welcome.

Regards CB
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#690 Post by mmmrr »

hi cb,

i remember the quirky [and puppy] developer,
barry kauler, writing that 2gb was absolute minimum
possibly problematic in some cases. do you have even
a 4 gb you could try to see if it makes a difference?

'Some preliminaries on the sdc...
Size of drive=1912MB'

1912mb is never going to be 2gb

system installation takes more space than operation
because unpacking and installing cannot use the space
required for the installed system.

cheers, mmi
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#691 Post by eowens2 »

Hey Rodney Byne,

I replied to your message about openvpn, but I hit "new topic" instead of "post reply"! The message went here:


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#692 Post by don570 »

to Country Bumkin :

Make sure you install from precise Puppy 5.7.1 i.e. run the script
while in Precise Puppy 5.7.1

You will experience strange problems if you do not.
Country Bumkin
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#693 Post by Country Bumkin »

To don570..

The use of a Puppy distro appears to be necessary, despite the release notes offering this advice..
and be running a very recent Linux distribution (that understands f2fs
for example with Ubuntu you might need to install 'mtools', 'syslinux' and 'f2fs-tools' -- if the latter is not in the repo, then the distro is too old!)
from ... ky-6.x.htm

Regards CB
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#694 Post by don570 »

Country Bumkin wrote:and be running a very recent Linux distribution
That's odd :(

In a previous install note Barry clearly recommended
Precise 5.7.1. He seems to have changed the wording
in his install notes.
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#695 Post by slavvo67 »

Yes, 5.7.1 was the clearly the recommended choice. I guess as newer puppies came out, he changed the wording. I've been using the 5.7.1 for f2fs without any noticeable issues.



Quirky-Tahr or BlutPUP USB stick creation

#696 Post by gcmartin »

Request for understanding
I must ask this question for some understanding. If the process for 8GB stick creation merely uses "xz" utility for getting to the bootable full-install on USB, WHY do I need to have any system that has "f2fs"? Reason: "xz" decompression step uses "dd" comannd-type approach to stream the datablocks needed to the USB.-in fact, the process to create the full-install doesn't care what's on the USB stick when it is run. "xz" is going to over-write whatever exist in the first 8GB on that USB.

Code: Select all

xz --decompress --stdout quirky-6.1-8gb.img.xz > /dev/sdb
Currently, I trying to understand the need for Precise 5.7.1 to get to the running full-install on the USB stick using "xz".

Help if you can shed some light on this.
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#697 Post by anikin »

I think, you started the process of understanding from the wrong end - xz, that is.
Read this first:
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#698 Post by slavvo67 »

Can I suggest reading Barry's Blog and search by content for f2fs?

I hope this helps.


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My report on Quirky 6.0

#699 Post by Billtoo »

I did 3 Quirky Tahr 6.0.5 installs today, 1 16gb flashdrive, 1 16gb
SDHC card, and 1 8gb flashdrive.
The 16gb installs used the install to drive script and the 8gb used the
# xz --decompress --stdout quirky-6.0.5-8gb.img.xz > /dev/sdX
# sync
All 3 work great.

video-info-glx 1.5.3 Tue 1 Apr 2014 on Quirky Tahr 6.0.5 Linux 3.12.6 i686
2.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)
oem: Intel(r)Q33/Q35/G33 Graphics Chip Accelerated VGA BIOS
product: Intel(r)Q33/Q35/G33 Graphics Controller Hardware Version 0.0

X Server: Xorg Driver: intel
X.Org version: 1.15.0
dimensions: 1920x1080 pixels (507x285 millimeters)
depth of root window: 24 planes

direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: SGI
server glx version string: 1.4
OpenGL vendor string: Intel Open Source Technology Center
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) G33 x86/MMX/SSE2
OpenGL version string: 1.4 Mesa 10.0.1

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E4500 @ 2.20GHz
Core 0: @1200 1: @1200 MHz

I wonder if there will be a new release soon?
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Re: Quirky-Tahr or BlutPUP USB stick creation

#700 Post by cinclus_cinclus »

Using information from: ... ky-6.x.htm
gcmartin wrote:Request for understanding
I must ask this question for some understanding. If the process for 8GB stick creation merely uses "xz" utility for getting to the bootable full-install on USB,
In this case you are using "Method D: 8GB image"
WHY do I need to have any system that has "f2fs"?
You don't when installing by "Method D"
Reason: "xz" decompression step uses "dd" comannd-type approach to stream the datablocks needed to the USB.-in fact, the process to create the full-install doesn't care what's on the USB stick when it is run. "xz" is going to over-write whatever exist in the first 8GB on that USB.

Code: Select all

xz --decompress --stdout quirky-6.1-8gb.img.xz > /dev/sdb
This command unsquashes the image


before writing it to the flash-drive. It contains a partition with f2fs-filesystem.
Currently, I trying to understand the need for Precise 5.7.1
... or any distribution having the 'f2fs-tools'.

You only need 'f2fs-tools', when using

"Method A: install to any size Flash drive"

where 'mkfs.f2fs' is needed to make a partition with f2fs-filesystem. Please look into the install-script for "Method A":

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