mkkde: create your custom KDE 3.5.5

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mkkde: create your custom KDE 3.5.5

#1 Post by MU »

This script creates for you a squashfs-file with KDE 3.5.5, and a small dotpup.
This might work with all versions of Puppy 2, but NOT 1!
I tested it in Puppy 2.10 alpha.

Screenshot: customized KDE in german, built with this script, running the Konqueror webbrowser and Kaudiocreator.
The panel "kicker" displays KDE programs and the ones from Puppy.
It uses the Icewm-ultra windowmanager with Black-vista theme.


First, install the dependencies: ... d-mu06.pup

Then download and extract this file to a Linux-drive with a lot of space (some 100 MB): (7.6 MB)
It includes QT-3.3.6 and xinelibs and ruby and kppp.

If you use Muppy006, use this file: ... ppy006.tgz

Now download some slackware-packages from here to the folder mkkde/tgz: ... kware/10.2
Amarok 1.4.3 there is unstable, use this one instead: ... i486-1.tgz

If you want a localized KDE, also the file for your country from here: ... are/noarch

If you want a english KDE only, edit
mkkde/mkkde, and change the line
Then the script will delete all locale-files to save space.
Especially amarok has many.
(note for me: should add an option to remove the helpfiles, too)

create KDE Dotpup

Now cd in a consolewindow to the new folder mkkde, and type:

You will see many messages.
After a while, the dotpup-wizard starts.
Choose these options:
yes - typical standard
Create the list now? - no
Please choose executable: Kicker
XDG-category: Utility (then close leafpad to continue)

create KDE squashfs

After the dotpup was created, the squashfs-file is built.
This can take an hour or so, depending on what packages you want.
The file is called
You must rename it for your Puppy.
If you use Puppy 2.10, call it:

install your new KDE

Now UN-install in Pupget a KDE-3.5.5.pup you had installed before.
Move KDE355mini_210.sfs to /mnt/home and reboot.
Then install the new

If this was the first time you installed KDE, you must reboot now when told to do by the dotpup.

Now type in a consolewindow "Kicker" to test your KDE.
If you get errors about missing libraries, you must add the corresponding .tgz and do everything again.


If you install these packages, the resulting squashfs is around 100 MB:

What do you need?
Minimum is kdelibs-3.5.5-i486-1.tgz
You also should use arts-1.5.5-i486-1.tgz, that is required by many multimedia-applications.

Last edited by MU on Tue 12 Dec 2006, 13:30, edited 3 times in total.
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#2 Post by MU »

If you want to add koffice:

Version 1.5: ... kware/10.2
Locale-files: ... are/noarch

Version 1.6:
not compiled yet, see here in the next days: ... fice-1.6.0

I did not try it myself yet, but in theory you should be able to simply add it to your KDE by saving these files to mkkde/tgz where your other KDE-downloads are, and then running the script mkkde again.

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#3 Post by MU »

It seems my archive was broken, uploaded it again now.
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#4 Post by MU »

I uploaded the dotpup again.

added libpython and libxmms, they are required by superkaramba.
Those additional libs now are in /opt/kde/lib.
As this folder is searched after /usr/lib, your own libs will be used if available.

I modified the post-installscript of the generated KDE-3.3.5.pup.
It will delete any .wh.__dir_opaque files in the installationfolders.
Those files can be left over from a previous installation due to bugs in Unionfs.
Beem reported this, and I encountered the same today.

I also added my selfcompiled theme-libraries, that hopefully work better with the included

I created a KDE for Puppy 2.11 today.
Downloaded 190 MB slackware-packages, the resulting squashfs was 180 MB.
It took only 20 minutes to create the final squashfs and dotpup.
Extracted the files would be 493 MB (so you really need a lot of free space temporarily, in my case around 1.2 Gigabyte.).

Koffice 1.5.2 finally started without problems.

I did not use the now modified dotpup yet, as it is a result of the experiences I made today.
Hopefully it fixes all problematic issues I had to fix "by hand" today.

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#5 Post by the_spudster »

Looking forward to seeing the kde for 2.11.
I am enjoying your Kde mini at the moment although i have not installed it correctly (running in 2.11)
Would love to see a mini version for 2.11
Suits me perfectly!
One thing I have noticed, and this applies to the previous version also, is that MUT will only open one rox file window at a time ( I think this only applies if you are running in a Kde desktop)
To open another rox file window you have to open another instance of MUT.
Not a big deal, but thought you might want to know.
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#6 Post by MU »

Tomorrow I have a free day, so I will be back in Puppy 2.11 on monday at work.
Then I will test my dotpup again by building a miniKDE.
Of course you can create one on your own before, it is very simply.

Download from the slackwareserver:


Then run mkkde.
Some minutes later you have a new dotpup and .sfs.
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#7 Post by the_spudster »

Hi Mark
Just thought I would let you know that I tried your mkkde.......Wow!
How easy was that!
Very cool to just choose the components you want.
Have seen that you have created a version of kde-mini for 2.11.
Would urge anyone to try this even just for the Amarok player, or give the mkkde a go just for the fun of it!

Anyhow I just wanted to congratulate you on your good work.

Many thanks
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#8 Post by the_spudster »

Hi Mark
Just wondering if you can help.
I have a problem with using Amarok in the 2.11 version of kde-mini.
The application starts, runs and plays music ok, but is unable to find any media when I 'rescan collection'.
This feature worked ok in your previous version for 2.10
The only difference I see at the moment is that the mini-kde for 2.10 used Amarok version 1.4.1, and the new uses Version 1.4.3.
Any ideas?
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#9 Post by MU »

hmm, yes, can confirm that.
A difference is, that in my Puppy 210 I have hundrets of libraries and programs installed.
I will rebuild a KDE in 210 later with the new Amarok, to test, if it works there.

In 211 I found no messages that gave me hints, what might be missing.
Did you run Amarok 1.4.1 on the same Puppy before? Did that work?
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#10 Post by the_spudster »

Yes 1.4.1 runs perfectly in 2.10, and in 2.11 when you copy the files across.
The main difference I can see is that in 1.4.1 when you first start the program it runs a wizard that asks what kind of database you want to use i.e sql lite sql etc (i cant remember exactly)
There seems to be no wizard in 1.4.3
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#11 Post by the_spudster »

Hi Mark
Seen some reports that 1.4.3 may need mysql 5 for the database.
Looked at some of the slackware downloads and it looks quite large at 15mb.
Also for some of the other mutimedia apps and kde sounds to work i.e juk, noatin etc the '' is required.
Installed the dotpup and the these all work now.
Will try a new kde-mini with the mysql 5 and see if this works.
Otherwise it might be wise to stick with Amarok 1.4.1 if it is still available. (does not seem to be much difference)

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#12 Post by MU »

I just tried Amarok 1.4.4 from gslapt:

Also had to install

But when these were installed, it also insisted on mysql.
I did not want to try that.
So I installed amarok-1.4.3-4 with it. ... i486-4.tgz
That one scans my testfolder /usr/share/audio, but gives an error that it cannot process illegal_move.ogg.
When I add /opt to the folders to scan, amarok crashes during the scan.

It might be worth to do more tests with mysql, or 1.4.3-4, but only if one is willing to experiment.
So everyone who needs a quick running version without experimenting should use the old, stable one (I mirror it, as KDE 3.5.4 was already removed from the Berlin-server): ... i486-1.tgz

I'll stop my tests for the moment, as I need to fix a Bug in Muppy.
Please keep me informed about your results.
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Kde mini in 2.12

#13 Post by the_spudster »

Just letting people know that you can make your own Kde_mini work for puppy version 2.12 by using files from Slackware 11.0. You will also need to add 'attr-2.4.32_1-i486-1.tgz' and 'acl-2.2.39_1-i486-1.tgz' to the kde packages that you choose to build.

The packages are available at: ... ware/11.0/ ... lackware/a

Make sure that for the time being you use the Amarok version 1.4.1

Hope that this is useful to someone.

Also wondering if anyone can help with using the kde graphics package.
It all seems to work ok except for Kolourpaint and kview does not want to open jpeg images.

Would appreciate any help!

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#14 Post by MU »

Nice, thanks for the info :)

run kolourpaint from a consolewindow, and look for errors.

Gimp requires /usr/lib/ for jpeg, and will not run in Puppy 2.10.
The solution was to use a symlink to the existing lib:
ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

Maybe with kolourpaint the solution is as simple, too.

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#15 Post by the_spudster »

Thanks for the info Mark
will give it a go
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#16 Post by the_spudster »

Hi Mark
Just checked the symlink and it has already been made.
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#17 Post by the_spudster »

Still no joy with Kolourpaint..............not too worried though.
A quick question for MU, do you think it would be possible to use the mkkde program to make a .sfs for Mythtv or is there a better way, and do you think that Puppy would be a suitable Os.
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#18 Post by fitzhugh »

Ah - too cool Mark! Once again you pull it off. I will be itching to try it till I get a chance, which won't be for a bit yet :(
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#19 Post by lickthefrog2 »


I tried the mkkde thing with no luck. I'm sure it's my own ignorance about the very complicated things that are going on.

When I try to launch Kicker it tells me:

Code: Select all

kicker: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I tried to add BasKet (the primary reason why I'm trying mkkde). It shows in the menu items but doesn't work, and trying to launch it from the command prompt tells me:

Code: Select all

basket: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I saw the earlier post about creating symlinks, but I don't know what I'm supposed to link from.

Strangely, my IceWM settings got screwed up from this attempt (I think). When I rebooted, I lost my desktop image and the choice of background images is fewer, plus the top toolbar that used to be there isn't there.

So I'm poking around trying to figure it out. I don't mind, of course, because every time something goes wrong, I learn.

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#20 Post by MU »

please type these command, and report what results you get:

ls -al /usr/lib | grep qt
readlink /usr/lib/qt

Which Puppy do you use?
Howdid you install BasKet?
I'd try it myself, but need a downloadlink.

Is icewm working correct again, when you remove the kde.sfs?

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