Puppeee-4.4 again

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Puppeee-4.4 again

#1 Post by Mike7 »

Hi, all.

Yes, it's me back once more, making a pest of myself about fixing Puppeee-4.4 so that I don't have to stop using it.

There's really only one major issue: Pwireless2 won't accept WEP passwords. This is now a big problem for me as my neighbor, who has offered me his wi-fi password, uses WEP protection.

The idea that I may have to ditch Puppeee-4.4 just for this, after using it for a year and falling in love with it, is terrible. I know I'm never going to find a distro, of Puppy or anything else, that suits my netbook or my needs as well as Puppeee-4.4.

No Frisbee is gonna work with Puppeee-4.4 so forget that.

I can't believe that fixing Pwireless2 could be that difficult for someone who knows their way around these things (I don't).

Plus Puppeee-4.4 is worth fixing and preserving in its own right,. It's Jemimah's jewel. It has more applications packed into its 127mb than any other Linux distro bar none, I believe. Chrome works perfectly. So do Abiword, Goggles, Geanie, Nicoedit, Pupradio, XFMedia, Pfind, Osmo, Roxfiler, and on and on. . .

You guys just can't let this happen to me, and to this brilliant operating system.

All it takes is a fix of Pwireless2.

Please? Pretty please? Pretty pretty please???

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Re: Puppeee-4.4 again

#2 Post by ardvark »

Mike7 wrote:This is now a big problem for me as my neighbor, who has offered me his wi-fi password, uses WEP protection.
Hi Mike...

Take my advice: Purchase your own internet plan or use a public hotspot. Your neighbor giving you his password is most likely against his provider's TOS and possibly illegal. Also, with your own plan, although certainly not advisable, you could run the network unsecured (if it won't accept WPA/WPA2) so that you could keep Puppeee. It might be possible to hide the network so that, hopefully, not many people get wind that there is a "free" network to connect to. :wink:

Our Lord and Savior [url=http://peacewithgod.jesus.net/]Jesus Christ[/url] loves and cares about you most of all!

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#3 Post by Volhout »

Hi Mike7,

Are you sure you have Pupeee 4.4 ? Not Puppeee 1.0 ?
One of the major changes in the 4.4 series was that Jemimah added her own Wireless tool, Frisbeee.

I have used Puppeee 4.4 (up until RC2) and Frisbeee worked for me. It only had one flaw for me (I travel a lot). After 6 months of frequent used on multiple accespoints (airports, Mc Donalds, Hotels) it refused to connect. There was some log file or something overflowing.

After removing the save file all worked again (You loose everything, this is not desired, but this is how far I got with finding out what is wrong).

I know there was something different in the way Frisbee worked, compared to Pwireless or SNS (Barry's). It used different libraries or so. My memory is not that good to know what.

Resume: Frisbee worked for me in Puppeee 4.4 RC2 on a eeePC 1001HA.


P.S. You could inform your neighbour that WEP is not overly secure. Unless his accespoint has other protection mechanism's, using "backtrack linux", "beini linux" or something, it is hacked in 15 minutes to few hours.. WPA and WPA2 are much more secure. This may convince him to use WPA....
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#4 Post by rokytnji »

Maybe add to what you have in pwireless. You can always uninstall pets in ppm if no worky.

I sold my eeepcs and moved on to M&A Companion Netbooks. :?


Sorry Bro. I'm sick with flu so you might have to Sherlock Holmes yourself on this one.

Maybe Barrys simple network manager pet is somewhere for 4 series of Puppy?
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Re: Frisbeee

#5 Post by Mike7 »

Hi, Volhout. Thanks for replying.
Are you sure you have Pupeee 4.4 ? Not Puppeee 1.0 ?
One of the major changes in the 4.4 series was that Jemimah added her own Wireless tool, Frisbeee.
The download was Atom-4-4-tar-bz2 from http://ubuntuone.com/03spbbxEXin5IN44Qn1xNx. Could there have been a mistake? It's possible, but I don't think so.

Do you have another link for Puppeee-4.4-Atom? Or to the pet of Frisbee-for-Puppeee-4.4 (if it was ever turned into a pet)?
I have used Puppeee 4.4 (up until RC2) and Frisbeee worked for me. It only had one flaw for me (I travel a lot). After 6 months of frequent used on multiple accespoints (airports, Mc Donalds, Hotels) it refused to connect. There was some log file or something overflowing.
Yes, I remember that from another thread, the long one about Frisbee. It didn't sound like a serious drawback.
I know there was something different in the way Frisbee worked, compared to Pwireless or SNS (Barry's). It used different libraries or so. My memory is not that good to know what.
From what I could gather from that long Frisbee thread, it needs to be adapted for each version of Puppy, and has some hairy dependencies. I am not up to tackling it.
Resume: Frisbee worked for me in Puppeee 4.4 RC2 on a eeePC 1001HA.
I'm not sure what the RC2 version is, but maybe Jemimah only did Frisbee for RC2, and not for the Atom build..
WPA and WPA2 are much more secure. This may convince him to use WPA.
I asked him to reconfigure his router for WAP. That would be another solution (until the day that I run into another WEP-protected access point).

Thanks for your suggestions. And if you can straighten out the Puppeee version/Frisbee question, that would help.

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#6 Post by Mike7 »

Hi, Rok.
Maybe add to what you have in pwireless. You can always uninstall pets in ppm if no worky.
What pet(s) were you suggesting I add to Pwireless2? I read the whole thread at your link, and it looks to me like Pwireless2 was the last network manager that Jemimah made and that it was intended to solve the problems with wpa_gui, her previous one for the eee PCs. So I don't know what to add to Pw2. Going back to wpa_gui doesn't make much sense, although it's always possible that it handled WEP encryption better than Pw2.
I sold my eeepcs and moved on to M&A Companion Netbooks. :?
Betrayal! <grin>
Sorry Bro. I'm sick with flu so you might have to Sherlock Holmes yourself on this one.
Uy, I've got the flu myself so I know just how you feel.
Maybe Barrys simple network manager pet is somewhere for 4 series of Puppy?
The hassles with SNM, to judge from the lengthy threads on it, were even worse than with wpa_gui. So that's out.

I'm afraid the the only solution is a Pw2 fix. And no one except Jemimah would be willing to do it, especially at this late date. Grrr.

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#7 Post by Mike7 »


Still hoping for a reply from you to my 03 April post.


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#8 Post by Volhout »

Sorry, misplaced the answer in the wrong thread. Look at (currently) last posts in the Thinslacko thread.

You can download the rc2 iso (Ally is hostng it). Again, I never downloaded Frisbeee, it is included.


http://archive.org/download/PuppyLinuxP ... 4.4rc2.iso
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#9 Post by Mike7 »


Thanks very much for the link to the Puppeee page at archive.org and the download link for Puppeee4.4-rc2.

Coupla questions:

- What exactly is the rc2 version? What does rc2 mean?
- Is it earlier or later than Puppeee4.4-atom?
- Do you know if it will run okay on the atom pcu?
- Any idea where there's a download of the Frisbee version that's in Puppeee4.4-rc2?

It would be nice if I could get the Frisbee from -rc2 and put it into my -atom. Failing that, I will try to make another flash drive of -rc2 and see how it works on my machine. (Not sure -rc2 has the same installation procedure as -atom.)

Anyway, if you can answer any of the above questions, that will help me.

Cheers, and thanks again.

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#10 Post by Volhout »


This RC2 (release candidate 2) is the last version of puppeee that was released. I am not sure what you are running (4.4-atom) but in a normal development cycle ther is only 1 release after RC2.... And that is the final release. But Jemimah was not able to finish Puppeee 4.4 (burn out).

Since all original work was lost when Jemimah's website went down, I have no option to rebuild that version of frisbeee.

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#11 Post by ally »

hey volhout

I recovered all the pets and sfs files from the dead puppeee website using the archive wayback machine

http://archive.org/download/PuppyLinuxP ... efix-2.pet

there are others too: http://archive.org/details/PuppyLinuxPuppeee

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Re: Rc2

#12 Post by Mike7 »

Hi, Volhout.
This RC2 (release candidate 2) is the last version of puppeee that was released.
Okay, that probably means that Jemimah put it together after Puppeee4.4-atom. And since she didn't make two versions of rc2 - one for the atom pcu and one for the celeron pcu - it stands to reason that she meant rc2 to work with either one. Just guesswork, but it's logical.

So, I'll download rc2 and see if I can install it on a flash drive and boot it. That's something of an issue, because a nice thing about 4.4-atom is that it can be installed from Windows directly without any installer program, by simply copying the files from the opened iso to a FAT32 flash and running a bootinst.bat file.

I still don't know how to install Puppy to a flash drive any other way, like from an exisiting Puppy OS. Any ideas on installing rc2 to a new flash drive? (ISO booter never worked for me.)

It would be great if rc2 solved my wifi problems (and didn't create new ones for the Atom cpu <grin>).


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#13 Post by Mike7 »

Hi, Ally.
I recovered all the pets and sfs files from the dead puppeee website using the archive wayback machine
Volhout gave me the URL to your archive of Puppeee. You're doing a good service there.

One question about the Puppeee4.4rc2.iso you're hosting. On the page https://archive.org/details/PuppyLinuxPuppeee there's a link on the left for this iso (CD/DVD) that says 115.5M. But the rc2 iso in Index of /34/items/PuppyLinuxPuppeee/ says 121M. Are these the same file? If not, do you know what's different about them?


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#14 Post by Mike7 »


I forgot to tell you that I don't have a CD drive, which makes installing to flash kinda tricky.

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Installing from windows

#15 Post by Volhout »


Copy your current USB stick to a second USB stick.
Keep the original ... in a safe

On the second stick
Copy the complete iso file to the second USB stick
Remove save file

Boot the second USB stick. You are running puppeee-atom without save file.

Open the iso on the USB stick with ROX
Open sdb1 (uour USB stick) with ROX

Copy the puppeee......sfs file from the iso to sdb1, overwriting the original sfs file (make sure the name is the same, so you actually overwrite the original). This works since puppeee is ful running in RAM, and doesn't mind you killing it's mother untile you reboot...

Reboot, without saving....

Voila, you have puppeee 4.4 RC2....in a dirty way....

If this works up to now .....

Now try if RC2 frisbeee does what you expect from it. If it does, and you are happy, you can can try to recover your original save file to RC2. This may or may not work....

Insert the original USB stick, and reboot (without saving) the PC.
Select to boot from the original puppeee-atom.

Running puppeee-atom, copy the save file from USB stick 1 to 2, and shutdown puppeee-atom.

Get your puppeee-atom stick out, and reboot into puppeee RC2.
You may be lucky, and your data will be accepted by puppeee RC2.
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Re: Installing from windows

#16 Post by Mike7 »

Hi, Volhout.

I like it, and I will try it as soon as I have a chance to buy a new USB stick.

Let's make sure I've got all this straight:
Copy your current USB stick to a second USB stick.
What would be the preferred method of making the copy? Just <cp sdb sdc>? Or <dd sdb sdc>? Or copy the files over one by one?

Keep in mind that the current stick was made in Windows, and that it has a a bunch of boot file things on it, including a little program (bootinst.bat) that created a partition table and MBR (I think).
Copy the complete iso file to the second USB stick
The unopened rc2 iso, right?
Remove save file.

Boot the second USB stick. You are running puppeee-atom without save file.

Open the iso on the USB stick with ROX
How do I do that, by double-clicking it?

Will ROXfiler be working without the save file?

Or should I use Filmnt or ISO master (if they are working without the save file)?
Open sdb1 (your USB stick) with ROX
Well, I would have to do this before opening the rc2 iso, right?
Copy the puppeee......sfs file from the iso to sdb1, overwriting the original sfs file (make sure the name is the same, so you actually overwrite the original). This works since puppeee is ful running in RAM, and doesn't mind you killing it's mother untile you reboot...
An interesting experiment <grin>.
Reboot, without saving....
Still no save file, huh?
Voila, you have puppeee 4.4 RC2....in a dirty way....
Clever. If it works. . .
Now try if RC2 frisbeee does what you expect from it. If it does, and you are happy, you can can try to recover your original save file to RC2. This may or may not work....
That should work. I have switched between save files in 4.4-atom.
Insert the original USB stick, and reboot (without saving) the PC.
You mean shut down, without saving, the second stick with rc2 on it?
Select to boot from the original puppeee-atom.
No selection required. Puppeee-atom always boots all by itself.
Running puppeee-atom, copy the save file from USB stick 1 to 2, and shutdown puppeee-atom.
Get your puppeee-atom stick out, and reboot into puppeee RC2.
You may be lucky, and your data will be accepted by puppeee RC2.
Let's keep our fingers crossed.

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#17 Post by Mike7 »


Help! How do I shut down without saving?

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