Successful build of ZoneMinder 1.27 on UPUP

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Successful build of ZoneMinder 1.27 on UPUP

#1 Post by rockedge »

After some initial trials and errors and a lot of time I have finally successfully built a fully functional ZoneMinder version 1.27 on the UPUP Raring Ringtail Puppy Linux. I have also successfully repeated the operation on 2 other machines as well. This is on an older IBM ThinkPad T42 with no functioning hard drive using a 4 gig Flash Stick for the save file. This was a project I wanted to complete since I could never get zoneminder to work installing finished builds. I have experimented with Wary Watcher and wanted to get the newest version running.
Now I am heading towards a way to make a squash file to contain the Apache,MySQL,PHP server and zoneminder AND/OR make a remaster of the OS so that I could later install a version on another machine easily.

Does anyone have a tip to which direction I should look to achieve this. I am headed towards learning to make a SFS of this and edit such a file system and really would appreciate any pointers from the Dog Park.........

So far ZoneMinder on this Distro of Puppy Linux is running very well.
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#2 Post by rockedge »

I have tried to compile a build of ZoneMinder 1.26.5 and 1,27 on Lucid Puppy and on LUPU Super4 ( which almost works. the 'make install' runs into errors I have not been able to resolve. The entire process of installing the Apache2 PHP and MySQL with phpMyAdmin 4.1.11 went much smoother then on UPUP This is because I could not shutdown and make a save file with UPUP which on Lucid 5.2.8 worked very well. I also got a version to run on UPUP with an install of XAMPP 1.8.1 although I could not get ZoneMinder to stream a camera local or remote, everything seemed to run but no joy.

I am scanning this fantastic forum for more info on creating a squash file of this project. There is so much good information on this forum and in the Puppy Linux community in General that making advances in learning to do cool stuff is fun.
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ZoneMinder 1.27 successfully installed using XAMP 1.8.1

#3 Post by rockedge »

Update for those interested: I was able to install and run ZoneMinder 1.27 on XAMPP 1.8.1. Built from source I configured zoneminder to install under the LAMP folder. I ran into a snag or 2 that was fixed with symlinks of the mysql sock from XAMPP's location to the one zoneminder expects in /var/run/mysqld and by renaming /lampp/lib to /lampp/lib_bak and symlinking /usr/lib in /lampp. Also setting the webcam to the user nobody ZoneMinder is streaming 2 feeds. The over all setup is pretty fast, now to go back and try to remember all the tweaks to get it going.........
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ZoneMinder running in XAMPP

#4 Post by rockedge »

After building ZoneMinder 1.27 downloaded from GitHub to run specifiably using the XAMPP 1.8.1 LAMP stack and all the little tweaks it took it finally is streaming a local webcam and receiving a remote feed and motion detection with event recording working I have a small problem. ZoneMinder starts OK and the web console runs well and the local camera starts BUT no video stream and no images. After examining all the logs zoneminder was looking for Libs in /opt/lampp/lib that exist in /usr/lib. So I created a symlink to /usr/lib in /opt/lampp and suddenly everything worked! Only now to shut down XAMPP normally I need to return to the original /opt/lampp/lib, so rename the symlink to /usr/lib.
I have tried to merge the two directories and have tried to compile zoneminder using the --with-libarch option to point to the XAMPP lib directory but so far no luck getting XAMPP to start. Only by starting XAMPP then switching to the symlink to /usr/lib will Zoneminder run completely. When it does run it is fast and stable.
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#5 Post by rockedge »

After running ZoneMinder 24 hours in the XAMPP stack I found I needed to revert to the original /opt/lampp/lib directory to successfully shut down the XAMPP Apache component. On reboot suddenly the X server fails. Reboot was okay and everything seems to work from the command line but trying XWIN and/or running xorgwizard did not restore X. So far it is not an easy way to get ZoneMinder to run considering the swapping of library directories in between starting XAMPP and running ZoneMinder and then on restart no GUI........It has been an excellent learning exercise in tweaking this OS and seeing how robust Puppy Linux is overall with the all the changes and repeated crashes I caused and still starts!

This Dog is pretty scrappy for it's size.
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#6 Post by rockedge »

looking into why ZoneMinder will run perfectly after renaming the /opt/lampp/lib directory to /opt/lampp/lib-orig and then symlinking /usr/lib in /opt/lampp, I think it may be the PERL modules that are added using

Code: Select all

#cpanm Date::Manip
for example, that need to be installed to successfully build ZoneMinder. It must be that the modules are installed outside of the XAMPP directories. Would the fix be to use CPAN that is in XAMPP? I began to to try this but so far no good. Or is it possible to merge /usr/lib and /opt/lampp/lib? All attempts so far to do this have either caused the X server to crash or not worked. The only thing not working is the camera stream when using the XAMPP /lib. The local camera starts but can't show video. camera permissions are set. How can I combine these 2 library directories?

Any help or tip would be greatly appreciated.

This install is using XAMPP and ZoneMinder 1.27 operating system is UPUP Raring Ringtail.
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#7 Post by rockedge »

Finally after examining the logs it came down to a replacing a symlink in /opt/lampp/lib to target /usr/lib/
Now everything in ZoneMinder is working and I can start/stop the XAMPP stack from a control panel GUI.

XAMPP 1.8.3-3
ZoneMinder v1.27
operating system: Upup Raring with non-PAE 3.9.9 kernel

symlink /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock to target /opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock

symlink /opt/lampp/lib/ to target /usr/lib/

ZoneMinder in /opt/lampp/cgi-bin and /opt/lampp/htdocs/zm also /usr/local/bin

a quick install for a fully functional ZoneMinder v1.27
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#8 Post by splot »

I'm waiting for the doors to open so I can get my copy. :)
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Successful build of ZoneMinder 1.27 on UPUP

#9 Post by bill »

I am waiting as is Splot in hoping to find a link to Successful build of ZoneMinder 1.27 on UPUP anyone have a link ? Thanks
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Successful build of ZoneMinder 1.27 on UPUP

#10 Post by bill » ... aring3992/

looks like I will do much better since I cleaned my glasses :oops:..... :?
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#11 Post by rockedge »

I am working on putting together a complete package of zone minder and servers. I have 3 versions, all use zone minder 1.27. A Hiawatha 9.6,Apache 2.2 and one built on XAMPP. All based on UPUP Raring I am kind of new to putting it all together as an ISO file but should soon have something that works and a link to download soon!
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ZoneMinder 1.27 on UPUP

#12 Post by bill »

Thanks rockedge,looking forward to your link.regards
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links to files

#13 Post by rockedge »

I have finished 2 files that will turn a fresh install of UPUP into a complete ZoneMinder 1.27 system. It will run either Apache 2.2 and MySQL with phpMyAdmin 4.0.5 or Hiawatha 9.6 as the web server. Down load
and install UPUP from here ... aring3992/
Download the 3 files:
1) puppyserver.sfs
2) devx_raring_3.9.9.2.sfs ... aring3992/
3) raringsave-zserver.2fs

copy these to /mnt/home and load the pupppyserver.sfs and devx_raring_3.9.9.2.sfs then use raringsave-zserver.2fs as the save file then reboot

the save file can be resized. I copy everything to 4gig flash drive or bigger then resize.

controls are possible from a terminal :

#/etc/init.d/apache2 start/stop/restart
#/etc/init.d/hiawatha start/stop/restart or #hiawatha , #killall hiawatha

#zoneminder start/stop/restart/status
#killall mysqld (sets local camera permission)
#serveroff (script to shutdown zoneminder, Apache and MySQL)

on boot everything should start with a script(s) in /root/startup
these are very simple.
in /root/my-applications/bin are which is used to set the permissions of the camera.
Remember either Apache OR Hiawatha as webserver. The document root is /root/Web-Server.

there are 2 users added www-data and mysql
root password is 'puppy'
There is a copy of inadyn in /root/my-applications/bin
the config file inadyn.conf is in /etc.

http://localhost/phpmyadmin starts phpMyAdmin 4.0.5
login is:
Username = root
Password = puppy

I am still refining the system. The save file is large and I imagine things could be trimmed down.
As I figure out what I am doing I will be more proficient in creating a better package. Any tips will be appreciated!

fastCGI is possible with Hiawatha by changing the config although I could not get zoneminder to show views of live streams when using fastCGI. Something does not access the alias for /usr/lib/cgi-bin for some reason so nginx does the same. Otherwise everything works.

control the fastCGI daemon.
#killall php5-fpm

Once again any tips will be appreciated!
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