Light-Debian-Core-Live-CD-Wheezy + Porteus-Wheezy

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#2401 Post by saintless »

Hi, Terry, Fred, William and all interested from JWM Themes.

Here is simple JWM GUI Theme Changer: ... 1_i386.deb

Start it from Settings -> Change JWM Theme to start the GUI and follow the screen instructions. 12 new themes added in /opt/docs/jwm-themes

Terry, it is actually your mk-save.gtkdlg I used to make this one.

Any suggestions, improovements are welcome.
Edit: Created deb package. Just install it with right click Install/upgrade or from command line (example in /root):

Code: Select all

dpkg -i /root/change-jwm-theme_1.0.0-1_i386.deb
Last edited by saintless on Mon 21 Apr 2014, 06:19, edited 1 time in total.
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#2402 Post by francois.E »


Thanks for providing the necessary package. There is a problem. I loose the capability of keeping the changes to the actual session.

Maybe because of:

Code: Select all

apt-get purge obshutdown
There is no shutdown button and no save session message when I use the series of command you provided.

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#2403 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Toni, All

Here some nice bugs I found specially for Easter :)

First, when making new setup with the changed extension to .squashfs for porteus-boot I forgot to change one script: /usr/bin/snapmergepuppy (it searches still for .xzm mountpoints instead of .squashfs)
When "changes=EXIT:/..." boot option is used it really doesn't work as expected,(e.g delete a file or uninstall package, and it appears again after reboot).
Corrected snapmergepuppy in attached

Another thing I found (it affects debdog-install, remastercow and remasterdog):
I changed the whole system to my locale and noticed that e.g. remasterdog didn't work.
This is because of the command "grep total" in the progress-bar section, which works with english locale but "total" is different in every language so it fails when using other than english locale.
Corrected 3 scripts in the attached zip.

Because there's difference in applications installed in openbox/xfce version here's 00-locale-files-openbox_xfce.squashfs: ... sp=sharing

New DebianDog-Porteus-openbox_xfce-beta.iso with all corrections:
Also changed default browser to (portable) firefox instead of iceweasel.(It runs smoother than Iceweasel, don't know why)
Size is a bit smaller because of removed locale files. ... sp=sharing

firefox-portable_28.0.0.0_i386.deb: ... sp=sharing

Sorry again for the inconvenience, Toni.

Corrected new-scripts
(16.57 KiB) Downloaded 184 times
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#2404 Post by fredx181 »

Hi francois.E

Can you look at the below and give as much as possible info about what you did and did not?
Also which version of Porteus-Wheezy.
I guess only then I can help.

fredx181 wrote:Hi francois.E
The solution you propose is exactly what I am looking for.

With the xfce4-session-settings command in XFCE you get a gui called session and startup that propose to save automatically sessions on logout under its general tab, but also to add applications at bootup under the application autostart tab.
Here's new obshutdown-porteuswheezy_0.1.1-1_i386.deb. ... sp=sharing

I think you said you use Porteus-Wheezy, the one with kernel 3.9.11-porteus , right?
In that case you need to uninstall the obshutdown package first:

Code: Select all

apt-get purge obshutdown
Then open a terminal in the folder where you downloaded the deb and do:

Code: Select all

dpkg -i obshutdown-porteuswheezy_0.1.1-1_i386.deb
Then you can install xfce4-session without failiure.

Note that the window-manager that is running is "openbox" with some xfce components added.
This means that installing xfce4-session alone doesn't work because xfce has no "control".
What I would do is: install a minimal xfce4, like this:

Code: Select all

apt-get install xfce4-session xfwm4 xfce4-utils
And then change in /root/.xsession the line:

Code: Select all

exec openbox-session

Code: Select all

exec startxfce4
Then logout and back in.
Tell me if you need more help.

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#2405 Post by sfs »

Like the size and functionality of your 'gmplayer' . Prompt keys. /
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#2406 Post by saintless »

fredx181 wrote:Here some nice bugs I found specially for Easter :)
Hi, Fred. Thank you!
I'm not sure I will have time today but tomorrow I will upload new iso version + information in first and last post. I will upload the fixed scripts also to give option not to download again the iso.

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#2407 Post by saintless »

[quote="sfs"]Like the size and functionality of your 'gmplayer' . Prompt keys. /
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#2408 Post by saintless »

Hi, Fred.

Just for information what is /opt/bin/load script for?

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#2409 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Toni
Just for information what is /opt/bin/load script for?
Yes, I forgot to say.
It may give a greater chance to work right for a module that is created with apt2sfs or from puppy.
That is: when loaded at boot.
It's part of the loadmodule script where it does things like:
gtk-update-icon-cache --force /usr/share/icons/hicolor and
glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas.

It could be run at boot from rc.local if you want.

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lxrandr not remembering saved config

#2410 Post by mcewanw »

When using lxrandr with JWM->Settings->Monitor Settings the saved setting is not being preserved between boots (unless this has been fixed on latest updated beta iso - I'm just using first beta on here just now)

A 'solution' is to exec the command in ~/.config/autostart/lxrandr-autostart. Problem is you cannot run desktop file from the commandline (works if you click it from say Rox). A solution to that is to put the following awk script in /opt/bin, exec_desktopfile.awk (make it executable for all):

Code: Select all

#!/bin/awk -f

BEGIN    { 
And put the following shell script (exec_lxrandr-autostart) in ~/Startup (and in /etc/skel/Startup and /home/puppy/Startup); (make it executable for all):

Code: Select all

exec exec_desktopfile.awk ~/.config/autostart/lxrandr-autostart.desktop
Could be combined into a single awk script in ~/Startup, but I feel it is better to have the /opt/bin version since it can be used at the commandline to exec any desktop file.

I found the appropriate awk line at the following link (where there are some alternative solutions to running a desktopfile at the commandline, though I think this is the current best one for our needs): ... 2476#52476
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#2411 Post by francois.E »


Worked on it a few more times. And figured it out.

Thanks a lot. porteus-wheezy-xfce4 works like a charm. :D
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#2412 Post by fredx181 »

Hi William
I'm just using first beta on here just now)
If you still use porteus-boot with "Save on Exit only" I'd advise you to use the latest iso because I forgot to change a line in /usr/bin/snapmergepuppy which is crucial to make save on exit work properly.

Or you can also edit snapmergepuppy manually:
Change line 73 from this:

Code: Select all

SFSPoints=$( egrep -o "/mnt/live/memory/images/.*xzm|/mnt/live/memory/images/changes-exit" /proc/mounts |sort -u ) #110206 Dougal: get a list of the sfs mountpoints
To this:

Code: Select all

SFSPoints=$( egrep -o "/mnt/live/memory/images/.*squashfs|/mnt/live/memory/images/changes-exit" /proc/mounts |sort -u ) #110206 Dougal: get a list of the sfs mountpoints
The "rootcopy" folder can be used to to make changes that will override everything, including the changes in savefile/folder.
In this case create usr/bin in the rootcopy folder and put the edited snapmergepuppy in there.

Nice solution for lxrandr,btw!

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#2413 Post by fredx181 »

francois.E wrote:@fred:

Worked on it a few more times. And figured it out.

Thanks a lot. porteus-wheezy-xfce4 works like a charm. :D
That's great! , but it would be nice if you tell us how you made it work.

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Re: lxrandr not remembering saved config

#2414 Post by saintless »

mcewanw wrote:When using lxrandr with JWM->Settings->Monitor Settings the saved setting is not being preserved between boots (unless this has been fixed on latest updated beta iso - I'm just using first beta on here just now)

A 'solution' is to exec the command in . Problem is you cannot run desktop file from the commandline (works if you click it from say Rox). A solution to that is to put the following awk script in /opt/bin, exec_desktopfile.awk (make it executable for all):

Code: Select all

#!/bin/awk -f

BEGIN    { 
And put the following shell script (exec_lxrandr-autostart) in ~/Startup (and in /etc/skel/Startup and /home/puppy/Startup); (make it executable for all):

Code: Select all

exec exec_desktopfile.awk ~/.config/autostart/lxrandr-autostart.desktop
Could be combined into a single awk script in ~/Startup, but I feel it is better to have the /opt/bin version since it can be used at the commandline to exec any desktop file.

I found the appropriate awk line at the following link (where there are some alternative solutions to running a desktopfile at the commandline, though I think this is the current best one for our needs): ... 2476#52476
Thank you, William!
I made a deb package for this fix but it does not work for me yet. Can you give me some more information where ~/.config/autostart/lxrandr-autostart comes from? Changing screen resolution with lxrandr does not auto-create such file.

I get this error:

Code: Select all

root@debian:~# /root/Startup/exec_lxrandr-autostart
awk: /root/.config/autostart/lxrandr-autostart.desktop: No such file or directory
I see some examples like this one:

Code: Select all

$ cat $HOME/.config/autostart/lxrandr-autostart.desktop

[Desktop Entry]
Name=LXRandR autostart
Comment=Start xrandr with settings done in LXRandR --then manually tweaked
Exec=xrandr --output DVI-0 --mode 1920x1200 --rate 60.0 --output LVDS --off --output VGA-0 --primary --mode 1920x1200 --left-of DVI-0
If the user has to create it manual then we should add some information how to do it to make the fix work.

This might have something to do with Terry's problem getting higher resolution with xorg.conf file.

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#2415 Post by fredx181 »

Toni wrote:I get this error:
root@debian:~# /root/Startup/exec_lxrandr-autostart
awk: /root/.config/autostart/lxrandr-autostart.desktop: No such file or directory
Looks like you didn't click on the "Save" button in lxrandr. :wink:

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#2416 Post by saintless »

fredx181 wrote:Looks like you didn't click on the "Save" button in lxrandr. :wink:
Thanks, Fred! Shame on me :) I use Applay button and after this lxrandr window does not appear any more.

I will upload the fix deb package soon as I make it work.

Edit; Here is the deb package: ... 0_i386.deb
Tested with root and user and seems fine to me.
Thank you, William!

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#2417 Post by francois.E »

fredx181 wrote:Hi francois.E

Can you look at the below and give as much as possible info about what you did and did not?
Also which version of Porteus-Wheezy.
I guess only then I can help.

fredx181 wrote:Hi francois.E
The solution you propose is exactly what I am looking for.

With the xfce4-session-settings command in XFCE you get a gui called session and startup that propose to save automatically sessions on logout under its general tab, but also to add applications at bootup under the application autostart tab.
Here's new obshutdown-porteuswheezy_0.1.1-1_i386.deb. ... sp=sharing

I think you said you use Porteus-Wheezy, the one with kernel 3.9.11-porteus , right?
In that case you need to uninstall the obshutdown package first:

Code: Select all

apt-get purge obshutdown
Then open a terminal in the folder where you downloaded the deb and do:

Code: Select all

dpkg -i obshutdown-porteuswheezy_0.1.1-1_i386.deb
Then you can install xfce4-session without failiure.

Note that the window-manager that is running is "openbox" with some xfce components added.
This means that installing xfce4-session alone doesn't work because xfce has no "control".
What I would do is: install a minimal xfce4, like this:

Code: Select all

apt-get install xfce4-session xfwm4 xfce4-utils
And then change in /root/.xsession the line:

Code: Select all

exec openbox-session

Code: Select all

exec startxfce4
Then logout and back in.
Tell me if you need more help.

Following these steps is what you have to do.

My difficulty was with the last step:
Then logout and back in.
1) There is the logout entry in the xfce menu. Choosing it to logout would not work, yielding an error message which :

Code: Select all

Failed to receive a reply from the session manager
2) There is a second logout entry in the xfce menu under the internet entry. The logout button at the right of the panel is also good. Select the exit x option and save file, the use startx to resume X environment (or just completely reboot the computer with restart x and save file). Then when back in the xfce desktop select :
menu > settings > session and startup > automatically save session at logout.

Thus your last changes will be kept for next reboot. Bingo.

Thanks once more.
Last edited by francois.E on Sat 24 May 2014, 03:23, edited 1 time in total.
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#2418 Post by fredx181 »

Thanks francois.E, good to know it's possible.

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#2419 Post by Chili Dog »

I was excited to try this when I loaded it up on my old POS computer, but I ran out of ram quickly installing stuff. So I tried it on my brand new laptop with uefi, but couldn't get it to boot. Not sure if what I have to do to make it work.
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#2420 Post by francois.E »

ON A SECOND INSTALLATION, IT DOES NOT WORK??? I will have to sort this out.

I will have to look at it in the following days.
Last edited by francois.E on Thu 24 Apr 2014, 14:58, edited 2 times in total.
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