WiFi will NOT stay connected [SOLVED I had gimpy adapters]

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WiFi will NOT stay connected [SOLVED I had gimpy adapters]

#1 Post by starhawk »

Acer Aspire 5532
Turion64 X2 2.0GHz
4gb RAM
X-Slacko 1.1
Chromium31 w/ PepperFlash (chromium31+pepper dotPET from this forum)
Connect Wizard of choice = SNS

This is driving me absolutely NUTS.

I'm using a USB WiFi adapter right now (Rosewill RNX-N600UBE, rt2800usb driver) because the internal card is worse... see below for that.

With the *external* card, I can browse just fine for between a half-hour and an hour. Then, all of a sudden with no warning, even though the little tray icon says everything is just ducky, the connection dies. Nothing will load and gmail tries endlessly (and unsuccessfully) to reconnect.

With the internal card, it connects to the network on the third or fourth retry -- if it connects at all. It dies the same way, though -- however, it happens almost instantly instead of taking longer.

This started midday yesterday. I did not install or remove anything around that time, so we can eliminate that. I have NEVER installed any anything to do with wireless stuff on this computer at all, in fact. Not even a driver.

Late last night I replaced the internal card and that did not affect anything in terms of wireless behavior.

A reboot fixes things 100% of the time... until the network dies *again*. Sometimes SNS will let me disconnect from the network and let me delete the profile and start all over again, and that seems to fix things as well. More often, when I go to do that, SNS either freezes (button darkens and then it just sits there until I force close and reboot) or crashes upon reconnect request (orange GTK box "Please Wait" then that and the SNS box disappear from the screen). A simple CTRL+ALT+BKSP does NOT fix.

I don't know how to go about diagnosing this thing, let alone fixing it. What I do know is that I'm going to end up either with Win7 or in a loony bin somewhere if it ISN'T fixed, fast. I don't want that.

Last edited by starhawk on Tue 13 May 2014, 00:53, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by starhawk »

One other funny thing. The more I use it, the faster it dies. If I leave it sitting and go off to do something else, two hours later it's still just fine.

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#3 Post by Semme »

Saying it's not the device, perhaps experiment with MTU values..

Code: Select all

ifconfig <your_interface> mtu <value>
Does your ISP offer a default value?
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#4 Post by starhawk »

No idea.

ISP is Verizon Wireless. The router (also the modem) is a Novatel MiFi 4620LE. It has not given us any trouble of this kind before, on my computer or either of my mother's. Further, her computers don't have this problem. It's specific to my Acer.

Considering it *just* started yesterday out of the blue, with an existing MiFi (not a brand new one) I really don't see it being MTUs. Could be wrong, been it before -- but that just doesn't sound right to me.
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#5 Post by Semme »

Considering electronics isn't an *exacting* science, could be something in the chain had a stroke. I'll leave the door open..
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#6 Post by starhawk »

Considering it's happened with three adapters (two internal, one external) I think we can exonerate the hardware.

That's why I'm here, instead of my local tech shop -- where I'll be tomorrow, probably with the Acer...
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#7 Post by Semme »

As I'm no expert, accept these as nothing more than friendly fire considerations..

This and the whole bit below it.

Hands-on here.
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#8 Post by starhawk »

Not sure if those will help. We'll see. Right now, nothing 'clicks'...

One other thing. When I try to disconnect and SNS freezes... if I physically unplug the adapter I get a kernel panic. I recently replaced my digital camera with a slightly better one (Mom's that she isn't using) but I should be able to get a legible photo if I can figure out the right settings... not that hard, just gotta futz with it ;)
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Power management?

#9 Post by ozsouth »

Once connected, try (in terminal, assuming wlan0) iwconfig wlan0 power off
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#10 Post by starhawk »

ozsouth, I'll try that in a minute -- I had thought about that, particularly because this laptop has a hardware WLAN on/off switch (that doesn't appear to be the issue -- it has an LED that's on when the WLAN is, and that light never goes off, *and* I'm using an external card anyways so that switch wouldn't matter).

One other thought. This one is definitely quite firmly in "just a hunch" territory.

This error feels to me like something getting 'filled up' so that it can't receive/process/handle/etc any more data -- it only happens after a period of some meaningful browser activity (gmail pinging itself doesn't seem to count), it takes a while to manifest (at least thirty minutes), and it resets upon reboot (as if someone empties a virtual bucket somewhere, at that point). Maybe there's a pre-cache somewhere within Puppy for handling network data, between adapter and browser...? Maybe. I don't know. I'm not a software person.

...but when I think about this, I get the distinct impression of /something/ in the network handling software within Puppy eventually saying "I'm full, I can't do any more" and going home to take a digestive nap ;)

The only thing throwing me off about that is that, on the occasion that I can get it to work, replacing the profile seems to fix it as well... more often than not, though, that *doesn't* work.

Very strange, all round.
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#11 Post by starhawk »

@ozsouth -- that command gives me a new # prompt with no effect on my connection.
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#12 Post by starhawk »

Another few pieces of information. When I go to reboot Puppy after the 'Net dies... it will not start the 'saving to savefile' part until I unplug the adapter. (The internal adapter doesn't have that problem.)

More interestingly, I just noticed on this latest reboot that the adapter had (either on its own or --more likely, to me-- otherwise) shut off -- it has a little blue LED that is on when it's on, blinking when data is transferring... and off when the problem happens.

If this was one specific adapter, I'd conclude a faulty adapter. But it's /three/...

What the HECK is going on with this...?
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Driver / kernel?

#13 Post by ozsouth »

My earlier posted command turns off wifi power management - if wifi still drops out that obviously didn't help. Suggest trying other pups to see if it's a driver / kernel problem. I dropped slacko pae versions due to issues I had - non-pae is ok - not necessarily logical, but it works. I'm using Upup Precise (non-pae) now.
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#14 Post by rokytnji »

This error feels to me like something getting 'filled up' so that it can't receive/process/handle/etc any more data -- it only happens after a period of some meaningful browser activity (gmail pinging itself doesn't seem to count), it takes a while to manifest (at least thirty minutes), and it resets upon reboot (as if someone empties a virtual bucket somewhere, at that point). Maybe there's a pre-cache somewhere within Puppy for handling network data, between adapter and browser...? Maybe. I don't know. I'm not a software person.

Sounds like you live in my neck of the woods where the server for my ISP
has a stroke and I just shutdown for a while before going back online after
mainstream internet traffic has died down.

My Acer Aspire 5534 that I sold used to do just what you describe and drove me nuts till I figured out it was not my gears fault or software but that the problem was further up the line.

Now if your other gear does not exhibit the same problem at the same time. Then ignore my post.

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 015#565015
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#15 Post by starhawk »

As stated, my mother's two systems hum along fine even when mine's gone all flat.

'Taint upstream.

I wish it were, quite honestly, since I get a lot of grief from Verizon's equipment and I'd much sooner be able to blame this on them. I /like/ Puppy. Verizon... well, not so much!
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#16 Post by rokytnji »

My bad then. I guess my next step would be a live usb (Acer bios sux for SD card boot) of a non puppy distro to rule out hardware, without the usb wifi.
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#17 Post by starhawk »

Posting from the netbook.

This time the light didn't go out. It stayed steady.

I chose to shutdown the Acer... tomorrow I'm taking it to my local tech shop; the owner is both a linux guru and a very good friend of mine. We'll see what he can come up with... I'll report results when I have them.
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#18 Post by jafadmin »

Does the same thing happen if you boot puppy pfix=ram?
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#19 Post by Fossil »

starhawk. Is your computer in the same area as your mother's; or, is it somewhere else in the house? What happens if you move it to another location? Do you have any other electrical appliances - including radio, tv, music centre and especially microwave devices - phone, etc, close by?
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#20 Post by starhawk »

@jafadmin -- didn't try that, but I would assume not. Three different adapters, all with similar issues = not hardware for sure.

@Fossil -- physically different room. Moving it almost certainly doesn't matter... although I hadn't tried that, either. Moving a laptop with power brick and wifi-card-on-a-lanyard is a real PITA when you don't have four hands. FWIW -- room contents (other than lamps) include a Dell speaker setup, several other laptops, and a CRT monitor that is turned on once in a blue moon. The speakers were turned on and plugged into the system, but no music was coming out of them (or trying to, for that matter), nor was anything else electronic turned on. Room has three light fixtures -- a ceiling lamp and two desk lamps (one per desk) -- all CFL, but it'd be a real stretch to say that IR interference from old well-used CFLs is causing /wireless/ problems. That's two totally different parts of the spectrum...
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