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Puppy is an artist : last distros for photo and video 2014

#141 Post by Pelo »

A German one has been issued 2013 I am looking for it. RSH would help us, he has the answer. When i get the name, i will write it here.
The answer is just here above : Lupen.
we cannot buy in euro.
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Re: PAW no mouse cursor

#142 Post by greengeek »

sindi wrote:Is there some newer Puppy intended for photo editing?
Depending on the type of work you need to do it might be worth looking at Vincent Van Pup here

When I first tried PAW I stopped using it because of icon overlap problems when using 800x600 resolution but then I realised that it is fixable by changing the grid step variable in Rox. PAW is less taxing on the hardware than some of the more modern heavier pups.
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meownplanet.net domain showing expired may 18

#143 Post by scsijon »

Has anyone got a copy of PAW already loaded up there in the either somewhere?

It seems that meownplanet.net domain expired back on may 18 and i have a short term job PAW will fill.

(I think russoodle has the meownplanet.net bit in hand.)

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#144 Post by tubeguy »

[b]Tahr Pup 6 on desktop, Lucid 3HD on lappie[/b]
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#145 Post by scsijon »

thank you tubeguy, mission accomplished, another user moved from w$ to puppy!
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#146 Post by tubeguy »

Happy to help! :D
[b]Tahr Pup 6 on desktop, Lucid 3HD on lappie[/b]
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#147 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
I can still access it.
http://puppylinuxstuff.meownplanet.net/ ... W_RC-2.iso
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#148 Post by scsijon »

sorry puppyluvr, site was back when russoodle sorted the site access out, by which time I had already d/l tubeguy's and helped the w$ person to change over. I didn't expect an answer.
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#149 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
No problem, I'm glad you were able to get it.
Nice to know to tubeguy has it mirrored!
Hope your user enjoys it!!
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#150 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »


no audio

#151 Post by Pelo »

A renewed version would be in progress, Facebook is the first place to know that.
I got the old puppy. I trying to get audio working
Jean-yves Lefort released newer versions for streamtuner, didn't he ?
"I am no longer working on streamtuner. At the time of this writing (December 3, 2007), the latest release still works well (except for the Live365 support), but it is unlikely that there will be another release of streamtuner in its current form. " Misère, we could unsderstand the how-to, written in french :(
See Nightingale (Java needed) for replacement.
try this SFS streamtuner, for your Puppy.
Last edited by Pelo on Sat 18 Mar 2017, 10:00, edited 6 times in total.

This old puppy has brand new applications

#152 Post by Pelo »

This old puppy has brand new applications kept for the future in my tool box.
Appli web site seems dead since 2011
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#153 Post by puppyluvr »

Yes, Phatch was cool, but took an amazing amount of python to pull off. Hence the python ide and dev kit.
Please keep in mind that PAW is many years old now, so many new functionalities may not be possible. However, it will run on almost anything. But getting glx for nvidia is next to impossible.
I have an updated kernel version, with my 1000hz 3.6.2 kernel.
But glibc is another hurdle.
Maybe a complete recompile is in order, but the last time took months, which I dont have now.
I guess I just need to bite the bullet and get to work. ⌛
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Ok well noticed.

#154 Post by Pelo »

Ok well noticed.
About old applications, if they marry with my old computers, there would be no problems. Tried on the new one born 2012.
More the olds applications ( really don't care age of things) i am looking for functionalities,
Nightingale does the job for music, there are a lot, and in fact apps on line like deezer make them redundant.

Puppyluver i am registered on your facebook site, and i thank you for having created that. For me the Murga forum is help desk, and facebook like a cup of tea between people having Puppy has hobby.
However i regret that users don't register more in the Murga forum, the language perhaps is to much technical 'jargon'. (for me too, and in english, it's not easy)

available archives.org

#155 Post by Pelo »

paw included in Puppy Linux editPup here
A Puppy Linux combination puplet by puppyluvr.
this build includes P.A.W (puppy artists workshop) for photo editing, Pupitup for audio editing and Mediapup for video editing wrapped up in one handy ISO

unusual for a puppy to be this large but it does contain 3 operating systems!

Vincent Van Pup 3992

#156 Post by Pelo »

VanPup created for painting by Starhawk needs customers. This Puppy had some bugs . Greengeek gave it the final touch..
A lot of experts were there to help Starhawk, now this Puppy needs users..
Take a glance at it here Vincent Van Pup 3992 :!:
Vincent Van Pup 3992 is full featured with libs, just install your preferred apps, my paint is yet available (and running well)
Notre meilleur gendarme, in NewYork
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Too many MBs for office apps and browsers,

#157 Post by hamoudoudou »

Musher0 is studying Vanpup the artist's Puppy
It's big one... But Too many MBs for office apps and browsers, and not enough for graphical ones :!:
Greengeek released a version.. But where is it ?
PS : Mediafire here
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