EmSee-2nd-Edition | Ultra | 2016

For talk and support relating specifically to Puppy derivatives
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EmSee-2nd-Edition | Ultra | 2016

#1 Post by stemsee »

EDIT: February 17th 2016
See Last post

EmSee-2nd-Edition - latest= firefox, chrome, libreoffix, blender, Ardour, music apps, gimp, samba-4.09, wine-1.7.35-rt,Qemu-2.0.0 with launcher full kvm support, skype, linphone, UExtract, PackIt, Reaper, PPStream (comprehensive chinese video/tv service), Auslogics Duplicate file finder, Reaper, Internet Explorer, SARDU, Minecraft.jar, Dream Chess, Briquolo, World of Goo, neverball, neverputt, Me-Tv for dvb-t, multi-pinboard for desktop icons, , DebianDog installer! Synaptic and apt (thanx @saintless).

Featuring XBMC 13.2 Gotham running flawlessly on wine.... just like me!

Good for pc 512mb ram i686 @ 1ghz 2.4GB hdd/usb: full-install requires 8.5GB hdd/usb
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Last edited by stemsee on Wed 17 Feb 2016, 23:02, edited 33 times in total.

#2 Post by gcmartin »

Nice touch. And, can see your logic in screen layout. Looking like a potentially great Home Entertainment system with the media subsystems you provide OOTB.
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#3 Post by ally »

mirrored here:http://archive.org/download/Puppy_Linux ... _5.8.1.iso

should be in the wheezy section but I only noticed after over 1.5gb had gone up already

will move another day!



#4 Post by stemsee »

Does anyone know the way to make the icons on the desktop bottom right expand with higher resolution desktops so that they hold their relative position to the edges og the screen?? They are already sticky.

Also; I forget to add an icon from drvive_c/Program Files/SARDU/sardu.exe to the desktop.

I could provide a wine menu entry in the system tray menu.

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#5 Post by stemsee »

I just got Synaptics package manager working fully!!

I also realise I shipped the iso with the wrong kernel, but the modules for both kernels are there. So I will upload an updated iso soon adding video editor and qemu
EDIT: I have compiled kernel 3.14.5-pae using kernel-kit-ng by 01micko and initrd from 'woof-ce next' build script by Jamesbond. The re-uploaded iso will be shipped with this new combination kernel, initrd and kernel-modules.sfs ! Future upgrades will be either kernel and sfs module and/or main sfs.

Resolving issues with EmSee V2 packages.

#6 Post by gcmartin »

stemsee wrote:I just got Synaptics package manager working fully!!

I also realise I shipped the iso with the wrong kernel, but the modules for both kernels are there. So ....
You may want to include MikeB's QEMU Launcher (a PUP exclusive) along with your QEMU plans.

The SAMBA currently implemented is the older version 3. While 01Mickoo's offering is version 4+ with a more advanced Simple Management utility.

And, one change that is instituted in Slacko55+ is when the mouse hovers over the LAN taskbar icon, it should show the PC's IP address.
Edited: the prior sentence.

Maybe these are more WOOF-CE issues but I am unsure.
Last edited by gcmartin on Mon 09 Jun 2014, 17:43, edited 2 times in total.


#7 Post by stemsee »

Thanks for the feedback @gcmartin I will pay those issues some attention. I actually thought I had installed samba 4.09 but woof-ce may have picked up an old one from the host system. No matter I will sort it out, but it will take a while as I will also upgrade a few other packages, notably wine.

I have encountered some performance issues when using QQ2013 chinese version - not sure if it is the new kernel combination or other.

kernel concerns you express

#8 Post by gcmartin »

As you move forward, see this post by MikeB for 32bit implementations.

Hope this helps
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#9 Post by csipesz »

bravo, looks very serious!
so i can see it, you are a related soul :)

#10 Post by stemsee »



@gcmartin, kvm is enabled! at least on my intel hardware. Did you have a problem with video/games graphics??

#11 Post by gcmartin »

On a 64bit AMD X2 running LH64, I booted this distro in QEMU created Guest VM; No issues with video in the guest. Very snappy.

I have NOT installed any PETs. Seem most everything is already enclosed from its ISO.

Shutdown Processing update

#12 Post by gcmartin »

You had mentioned your next build. An update to shutdown processing is now available in WOOF-CE. This would be a good addition to EmSee as you go forward in packaging.

Here to help.

#13 Post by stemsee »

I couldn't get that rc.shutdown to work! Anyway, qemu V2.0.0 32bit is in, samba 4.1(01micko) is in .... needs testing

Synaptic/apt-get/dpkg fully working!! (thanks to saintless) Shuffle order of dep installs to beat the broken package dilemma. gcmartin might write a tutorial on how to get the best out of EmSee-2nd-Edition, as well as offer support and further guidance!

Kernel 3.15.0 kernel-kit-ng or 3.16-rc1

testdisk, crypt, lvm2, mda, added.

@gcmartin - if you want me to add ip on hover then please supply .pet

I will be uploading this iso tonight and previous one will be deleted.

EmSee-2nd-Edition warrants LTS (at least 3 months ... okay okay maybe 6) status once out of beta.

#14 Post by stemsee »

Here is a new iso for second round of testing.


I will now do a full install and repair further issues, and add any requests.

Edit: EmSeeV2.2 incremental update pending!
Last edited by stemsee on Thu 31 Jul 2014, 08:22, edited 1 time in total.

#15 Post by gcmartin »

Tested today and found some issues, probably minor. See screen below where I "launched" a VM guest to boot EmSeeV2b2. But upon its desktop arrival, it was missing couple items.

Also, I did not see "FirstRUN" at boot-time to allow some simple settings for various needs.

Code: Select all

sh-4.1# uname -a
Linux puppypc9160 3.15.0 #1 SMP Wed Jun 11 03:57:12 GMT-8 2014 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux

sh-4.1# free
             total         used         free       shared      buffers
Mem:       2068820       345660      1723160            0        54204
-/+ buffers:             291456      1777364
Swap:      5242872            0      5242872
Hope this is helpful
EmSeeV2b2-network software.jpg
No LAN definition at boot, and SAMBA missing components. Menu>Network>Samba Simple Mangement isn't starting to allow setup of the smb.conf at this stage.
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#16 Post by stemsee »

I see you have guest machine set to x86_64 and it works.

so libgnutls.so.28 and qemu launcher need attention. Did you try synaptic package manager?

Today I made improvements 'openshot depends (installed anew using synaptic) and found another 2 bugs. One when making a full install, it installs to folder /mnt/sda* without mounting /dev/sda* on that folder first! Second after creating savefile it copies/creates /root/Choices/Rox-Filer/PuppyPin which remembers desktop icon placement, however all wine prog icons disappear. So need to copy original PuppyPin to savefile.

1st Welcome is easily fixed I can add script in startup or remaster. Frisbee is broken at the moment.

Anything else?

#17 Post by gcmartin »

stemsee wrote:@GCMARTIN
I see you have guest machine set to x86_64 and it works. ...
That QEMU screen configures the VM hardware peripherals (kinda like building a "real" PC). 64bit x86 PCs will boot either 32bit/4bit operating system/distros.
So, just as you can natively boot 32bit OSes on a real 64bit PC, you can also do the same on a virtual guest machine.
Also, of course, the virtual guest can also boot 64bit OSes, too. So, I use that simple item to boot all of the PUPs I now test, no matter 32bit or 64bit.

Picture, below, shows a virtual PC (Guest) with its defined peripherals.

#18 Post by gcmartin »

QEMU for 32bit systems are provided by @MikeB. Be sure to get BOTH the QEMU & QEMU Launcher GUI. This would allow EmSeeV2 to configure and run any virtual PC's hardware requirements.

Tried to use PPM to get gnutls, but, failed as it only allowed "Local" for download selection.

Also, I tested XBMC. Limited test OK. But, there is a bug fix point-release out.

#19 Post by stemsee »

I have uninstalled the qemu versions listed in ppm. XBMC-13.1 will be added (it is a bit smoother in performance). I could make an sfs of it with wine and wine prefix included! It would be huge however! Getting XBMC-13.1 natively on linux was so much hassle compared to the ease and exactly the same performance of loading it on wine. I may also upgrade wine to 1.7.20 or 1.7.21. But that will be enough for V2. It is never ending the making of improvements. The functionality it now supports is way beyond the average joe's needs, and expert users will invariably make changes to suit their own use and perceived advantage. I have learnt so much during this time piecing V2 together, that V3 will get the total benefit of it! I don't know any puppy user who sticks to only one pup for everything, but I am getting ready a pup that is fully capable of it (such as lazy but without the bling!). And easy to upgrade modular boot files. V3 aims to exist in 32bit, 64bit, variants.
I have the new combo qemu/launcher pet. I am also looking to include some scripts from RSH's Lassie, as he gave the nod, or maybe in V3.

If you can gather all the necessary pets for the additions you would like to see that would be a great help!

#20 Post by stemsee »

I have written a simple script which takes care of desktop icons placement according to screen resolution. They are presets for 1366, 1440, 1650 and 1920. Simply open a terminal and type your horizontal resolution ie 1366 the icons will be placed correcty and wm will be restarted to show the change.
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