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#3001 Post by saintless »

fredx181 wrote:Hi Toni,
Just for info, don't know a solution yet:
When installing your modified x11-xserver-utils package it is suddenly (after doing apt-get update) one of the "upgradable" packages I see in synaptic.

Hi, Fred.
Try this one (latest sid version): ... 2_i386.deb
Removed cpp from dependencies and libxrandr2 changed to point stable version (>= 2: I see no problems with this but I will test it few days.
I think we should do something similar with xdm package.

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#3002 Post by saintless »

mcewanw wrote:This test file contains a mix of playlist types (using | and # as separators). I've not tested it myself yet (since on different machine) and haven't tried testing such mixture, but I think it should work...
Thanks, William.
It generates working playlist inside $HOME/.xhippo/playlists and I can play it with right click option from xhippo. Tested with root and puppy user. Works for both.

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#3003 Post by saintless »

Hi, Fred.
Here is the fix for xdm and x11-xserver-utils upgradable issue:

1. Remove xdm if it is installed.

2. Install this one (it is sid latest version not upgradable. Only cpp removed from dependencies):: ... 2_i386.deb

3. Extract this xdm package and change the content with the files from OpenBox setup in /etc/X11/xdm and /usr/share/X11/xdm ... -IceWm.deb
Now xdm is also not upgradable.

The changes from the original stable version xdm deb:
a) Removed only cpp dependency. All others left inside control file as it should be.
b) The version number change at the end (2 instead 1). There is no such version actually but this is the only way I found to prevent upgrade. I don't think this will make troubles later.
c) Changed confuguration files and pictures in /etc/X11/xdm and /usr/share/X11/xdm with thefiles from Jwm version setup.

4. Repack and install this new xdm package.

Last edited by saintless on Fri 13 Jun 2014, 10:19, edited 2 times in total.
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#3004 Post by saintless »

For information what I'm working on now: ... n.html#513
Live-Snapshot is different persistent method in cpio.gz archive instead live-rw save file.
This is something Sergey pointed few times in the beginning but I did not have time to test it proper. Any information from anyone about this is welcome but it works with live-boot-2x on JWM version from quick test. Unfortunately it is not very well documented or at least not clear enough for me yet.
ForOpenBox version some files from live-boot-2 will be needed inside the system. I will get back with details later.
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#3005 Post by fredx181 »

Hi, Fred.
Here is the fix for xdm and x11-xserver-utils upgradable issue:
Thanks Toni!

About xdm I'm not sure yet to include because I still can't solve the complications it brings.

Here's what I think what the common updates for new version are:
When I'm not sure there's comment/question otherwise it's ok
Can you write your comments/answers between the lines? Then I have complete sight.

- Replace gmplayer with gnome-mplayer-1.0.7 and mplayer2:
Not include configuration for it in $HOME

- kernel upgrade pinning:
Shall we upgrade the kernel to latest: version 3.2.57-3+deb7u1 ?
Then content of /etc/apt/preferences should be:

Code: Select all

Package: linux-image-3.2.0-4-486
Pin: version 3.2.57-3+deb7u1
Pin-Priority: 1001
I won't forget then that vmlinuz1 needs to be replaced. :)

- Pup-Volume-monitor umount configuration change

- Remove dhcpclient and install new Frisbee .deb (also install the custom x11-xserver-utils from SID deb you made)

- FFMpeg scripts:
My choice to include is:
-- video2audio-gui-x (make .desktop file to show in menu)
-- video2audio-x (As an option from right-click menu to open video files)

- New apt2sfs version

- Scripts to change frisbee to SNS
(CLI option to replace Frisbee with SNS from local deb package)
-- Add to menu?: my vote is yes

- FFConvert + Pavrecord
Just install the debs from the site I guess.

- adduser puppy video + adduser puppy cdrom

- MakeDeb (replace right-click "build deb" ?)

- Remove swapon from live-boot-3x and add mount-swap script
where is mount-swap script? (to be honest I didn't search yet for it)

- DoMyCommand and DoMyFile script
Just install the debs from the site I guess.

- pet2sfs and pet2deb (I'll add to right-click menu)

- apt-get install xinput

- apt-get install apt-rdepends

- Script to activate touchpad tapping ??

- X11-Xserver-Utils (mentioned already above)

- xhippo update (not sure yet)

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#3006 Post by saintless »

Hi, Fred.
About xdm I'm not sure yet to include because I still can't solve the complications it brings.
No problem. I just gave the fix in case you need it.
- Replace gmplayer with gnome-mplayer-1.0.7 and mplayer2:
Not include configuration for it in $HOME
- kernel upgrade pinning:
Shall we upgrade the kernel to latest: version 3.2.57-3+deb7u1 ?
Then content of /etc/apt/preferences should be:

Code: Select all

Package: linux-image-3.2.0-4-486
Pin: version 3.2.57-3+deb7u1
Pin-Priority: 1001
I prefer not to upgrade the kernel. It will not be the last upgrade with sure and to be safe we will have to rebuild the initrd files again. For example after latest upgrade of 3.12 separate module it does not start X anymore on my old hardware but the old 3.12 separate module on the site does start X fine. I'm not sure upgrading is the best choice without proper testing first. And I will have to rebuild the default kernel module on the site again or to remove it. Pinning the current kernel version is what I prefer.
- Pup-Volume-monitor umount configuration change
Yes, I already tested this long enough and works OK.
- Remove dhcpclient and install new Frisbee .deb (also install the custom x11-xserver-utils from SID deb you made)
- FFMpeg scripts:
My choice to include is:
-- video2audio-gui-x (make .desktop file to show in menu)
-- video2audio-x (As an option from right-click menu to open video files)
OK, I will do the same. Not sure about the right click option but I will try.
- New apt2sfs version
- Scripts to change frisbee to SNS
(CLI option to replace Frisbee with SNS from local deb package)
-- Add to menu?: my vote is yes
OK, menu entry.
- FFConvert + Pavrecord
Just install the debs from the site I guess.
- adduser puppy video + adduser puppy cdrom
Running from puppy user with sudo in terminal the commands, logout and login again before remaster. Just to make sure the change groups are active from first login after remaster.
- MakeDeb (replace right-click "build deb" ?)
No, I will not change right click redeb option in Jwm version. I still need to test and add some options to make-deb-package like automatic package size control entry and the names of the packages to be generated different way. I will upload deb package for testing in a few days but I will add it in JWM as option to use from terminal. But make your choice as you like for OpenBox, Fred.
- Remove swapon from live-boot-3x and add mount-swap script
where is mount-swap script? (to be honest I didn't search yet for it)
It is from mountlink if I remember correct. You will find it here. I will add it in /opt/bin: ... pts.tar.gz
- DoMyCommand and DoMyFile script
Just install the debs from the site I guess.
Yes, but if you do not make the changes for xhippo better do not install DoMyFile. It depends on this changes.
- pet2sfs and pet2deb (I'll add to right-click menu)
Yes, but I will use separate call scripts for single file convertion and all files from folder conversion. I can upload my setup if you like to do the same.
- apt-get install xinput
- apt-get install apt-rdepends
Both are very small and useful.
- Script to activate touchpad tapping ??
You can download it from here. I will just put it in /opt/bin The user will decide to symlink it in $HOME/Startup or not.
- xhippo update (not sure yet)
If not - skip DoMyFile.

More changes to come later, Fred. With sure I will add live-snapshot for live-boot-2x but not ready to set it up as I like yet.

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#3007 Post by saintless »

Hi, Fred.

First problem with SNS. Gftp fails after entering the correct password:

Code: Select all

PASS xxxx
530 Login authentication failed
I will test more tomorrow with remstered version with SNS instead frisbee.

Edit: The problem is only with the previous version from you, Fred.
The last one works and the first one that was only base and didn't work for you also works for Gftp. I will test more tomorrow but I think the last SNS version works fine for me.

Edit2: Actually the problem turns to be not exactly a problem. Changing frisbee with sns last version works fo Gftp password connection all the time. The previous version worked once the same way and 3 times with the error login message. But after running SNS setup from menu I get working Gftp connection with previous sns version also.

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#3008 Post by mcewanw »

saintless wrote: Yes, but if you do not make the changes for xhippo better do not install DoMyFile. It depends on this changes.
Toni, just a slight clarification to your above comment:

DoMyFile itself does not depend on the changes to xhippo. DoMyFile itself just depends on bash and gtkdialog being installed. Only the first command provided in DoMyFile needs make-xhippo-playlist installed; but any of the provided DoMyFile commands can be deleted (or altered) by the user (or the installer) if xhippo is not being used or is not being updated (in the form of updates to the backend xhplay and the radio streaming playlist convertor make-xhippo-playlist).

It is up to yourself Fred, if you find DoMyFile useful. It can be used to duplicate a few of the functionalities in your own ffmpeg scripts, and other file processing commands can be user added anytime, but again, these commandlines are editable or be removed from DoMyFile command list prior to installation if they are duplicating any functionality you don't want. DoMyFile has been available to Puppy for years really, though I used to call it Pfetch, and have updated that somewhat and renamed more appropriately, I feel, as DoMyFile. I actually used the program a lot when I was originally developing pavrecord, since it allowed my to test lots of the ffmpeg commandlines ultimately used in pavrecord. It is a separate matter if you are updating xhippo or not. If you are installing xhippo, you definitely should update it, since it is not just the ability to play streaming radio that is improved, but some fixes to the xhippo.config file allow some other media types to be played by it. The new commandline script make-xhippo-playlist is generally useful should xhippo be installed whether DoMyFile is installed or not (just using DoMyFile as a simple GUI for make-xhippo-playlist, but the latter can also be run from the commandline direct of course.

As far as streaming radio is concerned, xhippo can convert any of the Simple GTK Radio playlists and use them happily. However, xhippo does not include a search facility for those who wish to use large playlists; for that Simple GTK Radio is better (though I only personally use a couple of dozen streaming radio stations so xhippo is best for me for that since using lower a bit less RAM resources than a gtkdialog frontend such as Simple GTK Radio (though the additional RAM usage of Simple GTK Radio is a minor issue on most modern systems and it is only a small addition for those who want both).

I've been testing xhippo changes on current openbox debiandog too, and they seem to be all working fine.

Cheers, William

Note: Actually, xhippo binary is itself only a control program, which I'm happening to use via specially configured xhippo.config to control various underlying standalone player utilities. In fact xhplay and xhrecord are standalone commandline players that do not themselves depend on xhippo binary being installed (xhplay depends on alsa utils only for some of its audio playing capabilities, and mplayer if used also for video and streaming media playback. xhrecord just depends on alsa utils, in particular arecord and also lame for mp3 recording (albeit without stop, start, pause buttons etc if xhippo itself is not installed).
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#3009 Post by saintless »

Thanks for explaining this, William.
My comment about DoMyFile was misleading.

Fred, the menu entry for changing frisbee could be "System" -> "Replace Frisbee with Simple-Network-Setup"
Or different if you have other suggestion, but I think we should add the same name in the same menu section for both versions.

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#3010 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Toni, William,
Thanks for the clear explanations!
About xdm I'm not sure yet to include because I still can't solve the complications it brings.

No problem. I just gave the fix in case you need it.
Btw, I found that the "working autologin" with XDM we discussed earlier is sort of fake:
When /etc/inittab stays the same you just autologin on tty3 like before but on tty7 there's xdm idle waiting to get a loginname and password.
I prefer not to upgrade the kernel. It will not be the last upgrade with sure and to be safe we will have to rebuild the initrd files again.
Ok, just for info; I now downgraded the kernel to v 3.2.51-1 (I had 3.2.54 in openbox version) so both versions will have the same then.
No, I will not change right click redeb option in Jwm version. I still need to test and add some options to make-deb-package like automatic package size control entry and the names of the packages to be generated different way.
Maybe you like new version I made more:
Attached makedebpackage_0.0.3_i386.deb.tar (remove dummy .tar)
It inserts automatic package size control entry and the name (in folder: <name>_newbuild) generated is exactly the same way as redeb does.
Also added fakeroot before dpkg-deb -b command which is very important in case the package is build by unprivileged user.
Needs very small package "fakeroot" installed though (not sure if you have it already on JWM version)

Now, excuse me, I have work to do on new iso :)

Fred, the menu entry for changing frisbee could be "System" -> "Replace Frisbee with Simple-Network-Setup"
I'll do exactly that.
New makedebpackage
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#3011 Post by fredx181 »

Toni wrote:Yes, but I will use separate call scripts for single file convertion and all files from folder conversion. I can upload my setup if you like to do the same.
Yes, please upload your pet2sfs and pet2deb setup.

One thing is not clear yet:
I do want to include DoMyFile, does xhippo need updated? and how?

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#3012 Post by saintless »

Hi, Fred.

Extract the scripts in /opt/bin: ... pts.tar.gz

Then use symlink for right click option to:
pet2deb-convert - pet2deb for single pet file.
pet2deb-dir-convert - pet2deb for all pet files in directory.
pet2sfs-convert - pet2sfs for single pet file.
pet2sfs-dir-convert - pet2sfs for all pet files in directory.

The scripts are simple but work fine for me. Test them with small pets just to be sure all works.

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#3013 Post by saintless »

Hi, Fred.

I think we should replace ipinfo inside deb packages for frisbee and sns with the one attached in this post: ... 110#781110
Any objections?

William wrote DoMyFile will work without xhippo upgrade for other commands.
About xhippo updates I think it is best William to explain it again in one post when he has time. I followed the instruction here: ... 735#782735 ... 739#782739 ... 745#782745 ... 758#782758 ... 761#782761

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#3014 Post by fredx181 »

saintless wrote:Hi, Fred.

I think we should replace ipinfo inside deb packages for frisbee and sns with the one attached in this post: ... 110#781110
Any objections?

William wrote DoMyFile will work without xhippo upgrade for other commands.
About xhippo updates I think it is best William to explain it again in one post when he has time. I followed the instruction here: ... 735#782735 ... 739#782739 ... 745#782745 ... 758#782758 ... 761#782761

I just tried that ipinfo and there are errors (you'll probably see them also when running frisbee from terminal and clicking "network status")
Some files are missing.
Btw, the occurrence of gawk needs changed to awk in ipinfo, also in new included frisbee.
Thanks for the pet2... scripts!

William, any chance you make a package for updating xhippo?

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#3015 Post by saintless »

fredx181 wrote:I just tried that ipinfo and there are errors (you'll probably see them also when running frisbee from terminal and clicking "network status")
Some files are missing.
Extract the attached one. Should be fine now. I really prefer this one if it works for you.

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#3016 Post by fredx181 »

saintless wrote:
fredx181 wrote:I just tried that ipinfo and there are errors (you'll probably see them also when running frisbee from terminal and clicking "network status")
Some files are missing.
Extract the attached one. Should be fine now. I really prefer this one if it works for you.

Yes, works now and it's ok by me to include.
You change the deb or do we just replace the file?
And why you prefer this one?

Testing you pet to ... scripts now, nice job!
One Q.
There's a line:

Code: Select all

cp -f /opt/docs/postinst ./DEBIAN
What does that do? There is no such file.

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#3017 Post by saintless »

Hi, Fred.
Just replace ipinfo in /usr/bin
I will replace the packages on the site later.
Download link for sns deb with rebuilded ipinfo inside and postinstall for pet2deb scripts. ... ff/
fredx181 wrote: There's a line:

Code: Select all

cp -f /opt/docs/postinst ./DEBIAN
What does that do? There is no such file.
Sorry, I fogot to add it. It is in the archive from the above link. It is update menus script. Most pets have desktop file and it will auto-appear if postinst is included.

Edit: I prefer this ipinfo because it gives checkbox to activate an option that is default setup in all other puppy ipinfo scripts. I can't say if it is good or bad option but I prefer to have choice.

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#3018 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Toni,
Just replace ipinfo in /usr/bin
I will replace the packages on the site later.
Download link for sns deb with rebuilded ipinfo inside and postinstall for pet2deb scripts.
Thanks, it's ok now.
When I tested the "change-frisbee to SNS" script I noticed that it doesn't bring back the network connection after SNS is installed.
Manually purging frisbee and after that installing SNS works well though.
The thing is I think that the dhcpcd pid needs some time to quit so putting in a sleep in the script would help.
But to be sure I put a "kill `pidof dhcpcd`" inside the script and that works well for me:

Code: Select all


echo ###
echo "Confirm removing Frisbee and installing SNS or close this window to exit."
echo ###
apt-get purge frisbee

echo ###
echo "Frisbee removed. Installing SNS..."
echo ###
kill `pidof dhcpcd` # Give it a fresh start for SNS to establish a new network connection.
dpkg -i /opt/apps/sns_2.1.1-1.deb

Xdialog --title "Change-Frisbee2SNS" --msgbox " Simple_Network_Setup is installed." 0 0
exit 0
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#3019 Post by saintless »

fredx181 wrote: But to be sure I put a "" inside the script and that works well for me:
It has opposite result for me, Fred. I see this in the output and I do not have connection without starting and setting up sns.

Code: Select all

kill: usage: kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobspec ... or kill -l [sigspec]
Without kill `pidof dhcpcd` iI get working connection without further actions.

I can test sleep 5 or 10 for example if it works for you.

I think it will be good to put also this after apt-get purge frisbee line:

Code: Select all

rm -fr /etc/frisbee
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#3020 Post by fredx181 »

Toni wrote:It has opposite result for me, Fred. I see this in the output and I do not have connection without starting and setting up sns.
kill: usage: kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobspec ... or kill -l [sigspec]
Hmm.. strange, looks like the dhcpcd pid is already killed for you.
To avoid misunderstanding:
I used your script with the new frisbee already installed.
Could make a difference.
I'll test more also with adding sleep before installing SNS.

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