EmSeeV2.2iso Full featured pup! 06 August 2014

For talk and support relating specifically to Puppy derivatives

EmSeeV2.2iso Full featured pup! 06 August 2014

#1 Post by stemsee »

Supported Minimum: EmSee V2.2 System Requirements

CPU: i686@1ghz
RAM: 512MB physical RAM (1 GB recommended)
Disk Space: 2.5GB for a Frugal/8GB for a Full installation
Sound and Graphics Card: Most modern cards are supported
Live Boot media:DVD

Summary:EmSeeV2.2 is an incremental update of EmSeeV2

Full featured pup: full libreoffice, office, skype, QQ, Qemu-2, Testdisk latest, Openshot, Ardour, audio aps, vlc, wine, Steam, 3d games, Bluetooth apps, Synaptic, Apt, PPM, Git, development files included, icons per res (open term and type one of these; 1024, 1366, 1440, 1650, 1920, 2560), Chrome, firefox, ie, lxterminal, arandr, zarfy, sardu, reaper, xbmc 13.1, me-tv for usb dvb-t, lots of firmware and hardware support, gimp 2.8, F2FS full usb installer.

EDIT: incremental update 16/07/14, wine 1.7.22, espeak, bleachbit, unattendedremaster, Viacam, XBMC-13.2, savefile included in root of iso, synaptic refined. other stuff.

EDIT: #getting ready for EMSeeV2.2 incremental update

Here it is EmSeeV2.2.iso Incremental updates.

I recommend users run 'shutdownconfig' from a terminal before first shutdown to create a reliably loaded savefile. Pupsaveconfig is there but....try it.

New Kernel 3.15.8-pae

EmSeeV2.2 MD5
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4GhZV ... sp=sharing

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4GhZV ... sp=sharing
(15.23 KiB) Downloaded 1260 times
(32.53 KiB) Downloaded 1500 times
(48.22 KiB) Downloaded 1431 times
(30.81 KiB) Downloaded 2231 times
Last edited by stemsee on Wed 03 Sep 2014, 05:56, edited 11 times in total.

#2 Post by stemsee »

XBMC 13.1 on wine
(30.71 KiB) Downloaded 1954 times

#3 Post by stemsee »

screeny span laptop @1366 and external monitor @1650 displays

running qemu 2.0.0 with kvm, DebianDog-Jessie.iso!
(20.86 KiB) Downloaded 2069 times
Posts: 47
Joined: Tue 15 Jan 2013, 01:18

#4 Post by Satori »

I tried the previous build, and liked what you had put together.

However, I'm having problems downloading the iso off google, after downloading the entire
2.1g file, it stops and displays 0 b/sec but never completes the close.

Eventually the download is killed, the file is lost and a message of 'download aborted due to netword inactivily'.
All three attempts, ended this way.

System is dPup 3.5.2, using chrome 35.0

hmmm.... copied the stuck download file to another partition, renamed it '.ISO' and it opens...

Cool.. I've been waiting for an updated debian pup, as the older dPup 3.5.2's GCC 2.13 was
starting to limit what apps can be installed.

#5 Post by stemsee »


your pc is as unpredictable as mine! It seems they are determined to catch us out from time to time!!

Glad you are trying it, please report any bugs and even a first impressions review would be nice.
nancy reagan
Posts: 544
Joined: Thu 22 Jan 2009, 14:20

nox ?

#6 Post by nancy reagan »

Just because so many devs here get little to no attention to their hard work I choose yours for a try.

Unbelievable, so heavily stuffed and yet so smoothly running. (Being a no-gamer just had look at Goo something, what a beautiful graphics on this old horse, synaptic also many games (for my nephew).

Yes early impressions.

Did not expect it to run on my old 2g, and yes, later I read "will work on 512".

Even I don't know the use of f2f system tried. it, but do not understand, come back to that later. Makefile and save to session as well ?

Q for the moment is: so tried it on my 1G old computer, loads, but, black screen at the end of the boot process, with pfix=nox.

This happens all the time with newer puppies in this machine.

And thus I cannot get into the wizard for screen res.

On a quick glimpse it reports something 1520x ? (newer tv monitor) while the computer probably does not support this one. (Ati card) I can run Tuxxx's and latest 4.3 allright for they present the xorgwizard where I use xvesa.

My question for the moment = "how can I get into the setup wizard with a black screen with "puppy pfix=nox" ?".

For your information: I am a certified noob, so please not too technical.

#7 Post by stemsee »

@Nancy Reagan

Does The Black scxreen sport a prompt? #
if yes type xorgwizard

Also I will try to supply a kernel with modules.sfs for your 1G pc.
Posts: 47
Joined: Tue 15 Jan 2013, 01:18

#8 Post by Satori »

Copied the ISO files to an existing set of puppy directories, using Grub as the bootmanager.
Booted ok, and I let it make a savefile upon a shutdown.

- on startup, there was no old WizardWizard, which lets you do a common setup.

Thus, the keyboard started in UK mode, which for my keyboard has the " andthe @ keys reversed...
through me for a sec until I checked the keyboard setting.

- Even tho the savefile is new, every boot gives a warning that the save was used by a previous
5.8.1 version and needs updating. Has no real effect on things, other than the Lock icon returns
to it's original screen position after I had move it.

- On reboot, SNS wifi main window pops up saying it's connected. Kinda annoying to always have
to close it on every reboot, it usually stays silent in the tray icon.

- no XBMC icon on the desktop, found it in the drive_C and put in on the desk, starts up and runs well,
even with Noveau drivers. I also put the drive_C on the desktop, as well.

- Redid the Downloads directories for puppy and Wine, as sym-links to the home partition.

- Started Steam install.. had to find where steam was installing it's updates, so as to move it out of the
savefile and into the home partition, since steam will do a 1.2gb download!

Once installed, it allowed me to start a new user account and run the steam screens. But 'Big Picture'
seems to have no effect, perhaps it needs a real Nvidia driver.

I found the kernel 3.15 sources on another site, and will try installing the Nvidia blob.

Machine: Dell E6510, I7Q, 4G ram, 1TB hd, nvdia 3100M, 1600x900 screen.

Hmmm... a Out house sink dPup! Now I can go play Quake Live. They went Windows Only.


More Info:

When using a savefile that's not on the boot partition, the home partition sets up correctly but the boot
partition shows up on the desktop as 'system mounted', much like the home partition.

#9 Post by stemsee »

@ satori
Thanks for your feedback.

For desktop icons did you type in terminal 1650? or 1440? default is 1366.

if you want a clean pinboard type in term rox -p=1600 this will give a clean desktop with only home folder!

There should have been a setup gui at fist tartup which removes itself from ~/Startup... pfix=ram should allow it to start. You can delete sns startup in /root/Startup/sns

But there is a bug with the new savefile and ~/Choices/PuppyPin (s)... working on it!

@Nancy Reagan

Try this 3.2.61-EmSeeV2-retro @300mhz 2 cpu 4g aufs builtin, vmlinux and kernel-modules.sfs with your 1G pc.

https://drive.google.com/folderview?id= ... sp=sharing
nancy reagan
Posts: 544
Joined: Thu 22 Jan 2009, 14:20

#10 Post by nancy reagan »

@Nancy Reagan

Try this 3.2.61-EmSeeV2-retro @300mhz 2 cpu 4g aufs builtin, vmlinux and kernel-modules.sfs with your 1G pc.

https://drive.google.com/folderview?id= ... sp=sharing[/quote]

Hi Stemsee,

I will try that.

Meanwhile I did after googling around "puppy pfix=ram,nox radeon.modeset=0" and got to the prompt.
(Micko's http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=80180)

Chose (in the end) vesa which worked, but not as smooth as the 2G horse.

Do not know what options KMS signify ?


#11 Post by stemsee »

kms = accelerated graphics. Kernel Mode Switching

you chose mesa? surely ati kms would be best!

@ for everyone with a 64bit cpu here is 3.15.5-EmSeeV2-64
boots 32bit or 64bit OSes and on 32 bit OS qemu kvm boots 64bit OSes too (I am running fatdog64 on EmSeeV2 32bit OS! Just replace vmlinuz and kernel-modules.sfs

https://drive.google.com/folderview?id= ... sp=sharing
nancy reagan
Posts: 544
Joined: Thu 22 Jan 2009, 14:20

#12 Post by nancy reagan »

stemsee wrote:kms = accelerated graphics. Kernel Mode Switching

you chose mesa? surely ati kms would be best!

@ for everyone with a 64bit cpu here is 3.15.5-EmSeeV2-64
boots 32bit or 64bit OSes and on 32 bit OS qemu kvm boots 64bit OSes too (I am running fatdog64 on EmSeeV2 32bit OS! Just replace vmlinuz and kernel-modules.sfs

https://drive.google.com/folderview?id= ... sp=sharing
Still running from dvd. Made a savefile in order to run KMS.

1. However on reboot it does not see the savefile, while it sees the swap.

2. When "running" KMS it prompts choices with "vesa", is that meant to be ?

3. Is installing the sfs and vmlinuz suppose a frufal install, not workable with dvd ?

#13 Post by stemsee »

Frugal install is basically copying from the dvd or iso the initrd.gz, vmlinuz, kernel-modules.sfs and EmSeeV2.sfs. Copy to your harddrive or a folder on your harddrive then run >menu>setup>Grub4Dos BootLoader Config. After installing boot and on shutdown create savefile.
nancy reagan
Posts: 544
Joined: Thu 22 Jan 2009, 14:20

#14 Post by nancy reagan »

stemsee wrote:Frugal install is basically copying from the dvd or iso the initrd.gz, vmlinuz, kernel-modules.sfs and EmSeeV2.sfs. Copy to your harddrive or a folder on your harddrive then run >menu>setup>Grub4Dos BootLoader Config. After installing boot and on shutdown create savefile.
1. But why does it not see the savefile I created on the same partition as the swap ?

(I thinkj it makes no difference when it is frugal or not)

2. Is it usual when you run KMS setup you are prompted with vesa ?

#15 Post by stemsee »

1. Same partition as swap or same harddrive as swap? You shouldn't create a savefile on a swap partition!

2. You mean xorgwizard setup? Then choose kms, then let xorg guess resolution, then test, then finished then type xwin?

I didn't burn this iso to dvd as i test it in qemu only. Also I hae never used a savefile with a dvd. But EmSeeV2 is based on Dpup Wheezy so you can search the forum for info there.

Maybe this will help. http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=29356
nancy reagan
Posts: 544
Joined: Thu 22 Jan 2009, 14:20

#16 Post by nancy reagan »

stemsee wrote:1. Same partition as swap or same harddrive as swap? You shouldn't create a savefile on a swap partition!

same drive

2. You mean xorgwizard setup? Then choose kms, then let xorg guess resolution, then test, then finished then type xwin?

did that several times, also with your other sfs's, after pup ran kms and clicking finish it totally disappears etc.

I didn't burn this iso to dvd as i test it in qemu only. Also I hae never used a savefile with a dvd. But EmSeeV2 is based on Dpup Wheezy so you can search the forum for info there.

Maybe this will help. http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=29356

It does not matter whether from dvd or frugal: savefile can always be made. Also with a frugal it does not see the savefile, which is very essential..

I'll give up on this for a while till more sophisticated people than me come up with their more valuable feedback.

#17 Post by gcmartin »

SAMBA problems using pristine EmSeeV2

Code: Select all

sh-4.1# samba -V
samba: error while loading shared libraries: libcli_smb_common.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
sh-4.1# smbd -V
sh: smbd: command not found
sh-4.1# smbd --version
sh: smbd: command not found
sh-4.1# samba --version
samba: error while loading shared libraries: libcli_smb_common.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
sh-4.1# samba --version

sh-4.1# smblient --version
sh: smblient: command not found
sh-4.1# smblient 
sh: smblient: command not found
sh-4.1# which smbd
sh-4.1# which samba
Go here, to see filesystem references expected for a SAMBA installation

Here to help
Edited: Very last sentence-pointer.
Last edited by gcmartin on Wed 16 Jul 2014, 01:11, edited 1 time in total.

#18 Post by stemsee »

On the desktop bottom right corner click setup > gui opens next click internet , another gui opens.... on the bottom right of that gui is the hostname, type any hostname in the field and click the big green tick! There hostname resolved!

#19 Post by gcmartin »

Barry, Shinobar and others went thru an awful lot of interaction to correct and resolve subsystem behavior such that FirstRUN resolve this and other problems for users at system's initial starts. It is discussed at length, here.

Every Puppy system which does NOT use FirstRUN has this problem and another. I only ask because users need not have the problem, considering that was solved for PUP distro development by BarryK, et al.

Picture, below to see the EmSeeV2 example of the bug. All of PUPs fields DO NOT MATCH as they should when hostname is proper. An ordinary user would never suspect the system didnt handled it nor the LAN adjustments necessary. (There is a LAN adjustment that FirstRUN also handles in background)

Test for yourself to verify. This is the reason I've been appealing to bring attention for helping.

Hope this helps understanding. If you would like to get more detail from me on this, send me a PM.

How to use ISOmaster to make a 64bit EmSeeV2

#20 Post by gcmartin »

Tested EmSeeV2 64bit using the ISOmaster utility to create the 64bit ISO (see below for ISOmaster procedure). When complete and the ISO booted, the following command shows the 64bit kernel in play.

Code: Select all

sh-4.1# uname -r
Very nice!
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