Skype Fails to Start

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Skype Fails to Start

#1 Post by bcs »

I am running Puppy Crypt 5.2.8 from a bootable Flash drive with personal save file. This version came preloaded with Skype which I activated during initial set up. It worked great, no problems. I was running then on 7 year old HP desktop with 2gb ram from a bootable flash drive. I shutdown and saved the session to a partition on that same drive without apparent problem. But the next day when I booted from the flash and mounted the save file when I tried to start Skype from the start menu, just like the previous day, it initially came up with the Skype sign in but then disappeared. When I start from the ROX terminal the same thing happens and I get this message:

sh-4.1# skype
socket(): Address family not supported by protocol
socket(): Address family not supported by protocol

I assume a file got changed. I also booted and saved from several different machines without accessing Skype between the successful initial Skype use and the second time when it failed. I intend to use this bootable drive as a portable personal OS so maybe booting and saving sessions from different machines will be a problem? IDK.

What do I need to do to get Skype to work again? And how can I avoid screwing it up when switching from various machines - if that is a problem?

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#2 Post by bigpup »

I intend to use this bootable drive as a portable personal OS so maybe booting and saving sessions from different machines will be a problem? IDK.
Yes it will, because the save file contains specific settings for the hardware it was made on.
Networking/internet connection hardware seems to always need specific settings and setup.
No two are the same.

The best thing that works is to make a save file for each computer.

To do this.
Boot Puppy.
At the boot screen hit F2 key.
Use boot option puppy pfix=ram.
this will boot like a fresh clean start with no save file.
When asked to make save file, give it a name to identify what computer it is for.
After it boots again, now using the save file you just made, make the setting changes you need.
Now you have specific settings for this computer.

When the USB drive is used on a different computer, do the same procedure to make a specific save file for it.

When you boot Puppy, it will give you option screen to choose which save file to use.
Last edited by bigpup on Sat 19 Jul 2014, 06:03, edited 1 time in total.
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#3 Post by bigpup »

What do I need to do to get Skype to work again?
Easy answer is delete the save file and make a fresh new one on the computer it worked on.

The hard answer is trying to figure out what got messed up.

If using a Vfat 16 or 32 format on this drive. For Linux it would be better to use a Linux format.
Ext 2 is recommended for USB flash drives, because it does not write so often, However it is easier to get corrupted than ext 3 or 4
Ext 3 and 4 are self correcting, but need to write more to accomplish this.
The Puppy F2 boot options do have options to check and correct the file system.

When run from a USB flash drive. Puppy does have built-in processes to limit the amount of writing.

With todays USB flash drives. I do not think how often they get written to is a big problem.

If it concerns you:
Life cycle info USB Flash Drives. ... ash-drive/
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Skype Fails to Start

#4 Post by bcs »

OK, Thanks for the replies. I didn't mention that the FD I use is formatted in ext2. It sounded like it was best choice. Before I go on, the Puppy Crypt 528 distro was really great out of the box. Very complete and user friendly for the newbie. Plus security items to boot.

I'm sure starting fresh with a new save file will work because booting from the live CD allows Skype to work. But I had several days of work getting all the other settings I needed on the save file. Starting a new save file for every computer is disappointing and goes a long way to defeat the purpose of the program, for me at least. I travel in countries where carrying a flash drive in your pocket is a lot safer than schlepping around an IPad, laptop, or even a smart phone but then you end up using various rented or borrowed machines, usually older PC's with all the attendant risk. And yeah, they are all different to an extent. I can deal with making new wired/wireless/wi fi Internet connections as I go but obviously I'm not savvy enough to fix the disruption caused to the various files in the system to use one "universal" save file on various machines. To start completely new each time isn't what I had in mind but that sounds like the best option. Why even have a save file in the first place? I wouldn't necessarily ever see the same machine again. And don't even get me going about the "Cloud" but that may be where I'm heading. I saw a Puppy Cloud app preloaded - progress and security? Right.

I can save docs/pics on a separate file as I go and just never save a session on the road. I have four different machines at home in use. That is a lot of save files to keep straight just at home but that sounds like the best plan. I'll have to get a bigger flash drive though.

Thanks for the direction.

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#5 Post by bigpup »

If you make a very basic setup save file.
Time zone
Type keyboard
Firewall active
Do nothing to graphics setup from what is initially detected. Auto-detect should work with this for other computers.

That save file should work on most hardware OK.

There is no way to get around having to setup network connection specific to what is being used at the time.

For the computers you have at home.
You could setup a specific profile in network manager. That should be the same for all computers.

Puppy may or may not auto-detect and setup the network hardware on initial boot for each one.
Really depends on what the hardware is.
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Skype Fails to Start

#6 Post by bcs »

Making a simple save file for the road sounds OK but I will need to configure Skype etc as I go. That really is no big deal since these all seemed to work well but then how do I go about NOT saving those configs at shutdown? I didn't see an option at shut down to "not save" when already using save file. If that could be done it WOULD save some time and prevent possible scrambling. And most of the machines are either Windows 7 or XP. Maybe a save file fore each system would be enough. The machines that scrambled my save file were 1) XP desktop & 2)Me desktop. Like you said, individual save files for those two will not be a be a problem since they are mine to begin with. And maybe that XP desktop save file will stay OK when used on my netbook and old laptop since they are all XP? I'll make a backup and try it.

I should have anticipated the problem when switching machines but honestly all the stuff works well enough that a clean set up only takes 5 or 6 minutes for surfing anyway. It's only dealing with the scrambling that takes the time.

My old Me machine works great with the 528 packaged Skype, which it couldn't do for years with later skype versions. This is really a very useful distro for what I need.

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#7 Post by watchdog »

When skype fails to start have you tried to delete /root/.Skype and /root/.config/Skype?
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#8 Post by bcs »

No, I haven't tried that. In general is that the way to reset configs? That would be something to try.
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Skype Fails to Start

#9 Post by bcs »

OK, the proposition that changing machines was causing this problem is now proven incorrect. I have been using machine specific save files and once again the 2.2 Beta version of Skype that was bundled with this latest 5.2.8 distribution. will not start. It worked great last time I booted up and today when I tried to sign in it I get the message that "server connect failed" and that my network will not support Skype access. But my network has not changed, I am connected via the same simple wired ethernet router that this machine has used in the past when Skype started normally. I can access the Internet and nothing tangible has changed from the last time Skype started. I am sure that I could start over with a new save file, AGAIN, and abandon 2 weeks worth of incremental changes and additions but that is simply unacceptable. If there is no way to repair what has happened then I will just have to get by without Skype. For that matter I could learn to get by with starting from the CD and never creating a save file. It will make using it an ordeal though.

All other data is the same as the first post in this thread except that this time no other machine was used for this particular save file.

BTW this suggestion was made above: "When skype fails to start have you tried to delete /root/.Skype and /root/.config/Skype?"

I deleted /root/.Skype with no effect and I could not find: /root/.config/Skype

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#10 Post by perdido »

Seems microsoft recently disabled connecting for all versions of Linux Skype except version 4.3, looks to be a bugger to get working.

Here are a couple of currently hot threads about it.[/url]

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#11 Post by Latitude »

Hi bcs,
At one point you asked:
Making a simple save file for the road sounds OK but I will need to configure Skype etc as I go. That really is no big deal since these all seemed to work well but then how do I go about NOT saving those configs at shutdown? I didn't see an option at shut down to "not save" when already using save file. If that could be done it WOULD save some time and prevent possible scrambling.
There is a way to NOT save to your savefile when booting from a USB Flash Drive. To switch off the periodic "save" that usually occurs during a Session, open the Puppy Event Manager and set the Save Interval from 30 (the default setting) to 0.

To give yourself the option of NOT saving at the end of the Session, refer to this info: ... e-savefile

Hope this helps.
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Skype Fails to Start

#12 Post by bcs »

Ok, I guess the Skype induced change finally caught up. This happened over a week ago on my Windows machine but at that time Skype 2.2beta still started and connected on Crypto Puppy 5.2.8. In fact that's how I knew it was still working because I didn't have time to download 4.3 on my windows OS and was using it on the old machine with Puppy as late as 29 Jul. I finally downloaded 4.3 on the newer machine but last I checked, which was probably 31 Jul 2.2, was still working. I'll try to get by without it until a later puppy friendly Skype 4.3 is available. I think the linked instruction on adapting 4.3 is above my ability right now. I'll monitor the referenced threads on that issue.

And thanks to Latitude on non-save file updating instructions. That will come in handy. Apparently in this case Skype was the villain and not file scrambling as session files were updated. But once I get a usable save file for each of my machines I will stop updates on the save file except for occasional changes per the links provided. No need to save every key stroke and session the way I see it.

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