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#61 Post by rcrsn51 »

PWF v2.5 can assign a static IP address to your WiFi adapter. This may be useful if you have an unstable network or hardware that experiences dhcpcd dropouts. See the instructions here.
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#62 Post by Johnny1993 »

I'm sorry I need to configure PWF to use my belkin F7D4101 v1, but there is no PWF icon in my lupu 528, nor in the network menu nor in the desktop... Where can I find it to begin with the configuration?

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#63 Post by rcrsn51 »

Have you installed it? There is a PET for you to download at the end of the main post.
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#64 Post by Johnny1993 »

Excuse me but I'm italian, I don't know what a main post is... Could you please post a link. I'm sorry, I'll be very gratefull!!
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#65 Post by rcrsn51 »

Go to Page 1 at the start of this section. I have already given you the link in a message from your other thread.

#66 Post by gcmartin »

Johnny1993 wrote:...what a main post?
Hello @Johnny1993

"Opening post" = "1st post" = "main post"

Trying to help
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#67 Post by Johnny1993 »

I found the PET and installed it on my computer.

I put on my computer also the driver for the belkin.

I went on the network menu and opened PWF connection manager and tried to follow your istructions to configure it. Here I had some problems...
1) I clicked the I/F button and a window appeared in which "Your possible interface wlan0" was written, so i guessed my interface is that one.
I junped to step 4.
4) I clicked status and on the window that i opened war written:"Interface wlan0 is not active. Kernel module: acx_pci"
Than i don't understand b. and c. (b. Check for any RFkill blocking.
c. If your adapter is hard blocked, locate the physical switch or key combination on your computer that enables WiFi.).
Could you please explane them to me?

Anyway, my computer don't detect the Belkin F7D4101 v1 so I guessed I have to install windows driver I had downloaded from where you had told me. I opened the win tab of peasywifi 2.5 and tried to follow your istructions.
1) I clicked status to check for kernel modules. My kernel module is acx_pci.
2) I ran sistem>BootManager and blacklist. But I had another problem: In the BootManager: Module blacklist manager there was no acx_pci in the left pane that I could have mover to the right side. What does It means?

Thank you so much!
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#68 Post by rcrsn51 »

Ignore the blacklisting step and start installing the Windows driver.

[Edit] You said that you are running Lupu 528, but I cannot find the kernel module acx_pci in it. So I don't know what you are doing.
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#69 Post by Johnny1993 »

I've istalled the windows driver (and I succeeded), then I configured PWF following your istructions and my belkin works now!! I can surf in the internet!!

Thanks to everyone, in particular to rcrsn51!
Wonderful forum!
See you soon guys
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static IP addresses

#70 Post by Marv »

I'm about a week out now using static IP addresses on my laptops with the somewhat problematic ipw2200 wireless. Running under X-slacko 2.1 and Carolite 1.2 with Battleshooters 3.15 kernel swap. No dropout problems at all, sets up the sometimes troublesome WPA2/ipw2200 combination with no fiddling required, and blazingly fast connection times with TIMEOUT of 1 sec. I'm using the profile switcher from ... 786#791786 on my wifes laptop that also sees a public wifi spot and straight PWF 2.5 static setup on my house laptop.

In summary; it is simple, flexible, works well, has a little learning curve but excellent help. Makes a nice teaching tool about what actually happens when you make a wireless connection for new (or old :shock:) puppians. Oh, and one less daemon running hence lower cpu use on old kit.. a personal obsession.

Pups currently in kennel :D Older LxPupSc and X-slacko-4.4 for my users; LxPupSc, LxPupSc64 and upupEF for me. All good pups indeed, and all running savefiles for look'n'feel only. Browsers, etc. solely from SFS.
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#71 Post by rcrsn51 »

Thanks for testing. PWF v2.6 has an undocumented feature. Some public WiFi sites are password-protected, but regularly change their passphrase. If you create a profile with the PSK value "always-ask", PWF will pop-up a password entry box when you connect.
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#72 Post by Scooby »

Where is source of peasywifi_tray?
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#73 Post by rcrsn51 »

Scooby wrote:Where is source of peasywifi_tray?
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#74 Post by Scooby »

Thank you

Did a port to alphaos, not sure you are interested but
notes on port
1. depends on Xdialog and ndiswrapper, install
2. uses defaulttexteditor, add
3. change combox to comboboxtext for gtk3
4. symlink rox to spacefm
5. symlink gtdialog3 to gtkdialog
6. change status info gathering, ifconfig output not the same
7. add icon-name="peasywifi-48" to window header of main gtkdialog script
8. symlink /usr/share/pixmaps/peasywifi-48.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/peasywifi-48.png
9. recompile peasywifi_tray for gtk3 and 64-bit system
killed of frisbee and ran peasywifi.
Changed config of interface name, restarted
scanned for open networks, found mine
made a profile and set it to autostart
at boot time

Got connection and not especially difficult

1. being able to copy label of Xdialog from button "status"
maybe a --textbox instead of --msgbox?

2. restart automagically after config file edit
Maybe you could edit file with Xdialog and make it modal
when Xdialog exits, restart
rcrsn51 wrote: The problem is that the drop-down Profiles list cannot be updated on-the-fly in Gtkdialog3.
Checkout example at the bottom of
Perhaps PROFILELIST could be stored in a file and then updated after new one added as in example?
Then I believe it would be possible to update Profileslist on-the-fly


1. In what scenario do you use abort button?
if it hangs? I saw it was a kill -9

My status:

Code: Select all

IP on wlp3s0: XXX.XX.X.XX

Kernel module: iwlwifi


	Soft blocked: no
	Hard blocked: no
Last edited by Scooby on Sat 09 Aug 2014, 19:39, edited 3 times in total.
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#75 Post by greengeek »

Can I throw in a 'want' aswell please? I would be keen to see a desktop icon called 'reconnect' for use in situations where you know that the router has been reset and you know that all that is required is for PWF to retry the connection.

I know I can click the PWF tray icon and select connect, but I would like to make it dirt simple for my family - if I had a desktop icon that triggered the 'reconnect' phase (without bringing up the PWF window which I haven't taught my family how to use yet...) that would be a nice feature.

ps: I haven't tested the last couple of versions yet so not sure if this already exists...
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#76 Post by Scooby »

greengeek wrote:I would be keen to see a desktop icon called 'reconnect' for use in situations where you know that the router has been reset and you know that all that is required is for PWF to retry the connection.
You could easily make one yourself if you are using the feature on the "Auto" tab

In puppy apparently you use rox to create a shortcut on desktop
drag peasywifi_auto from your Startup folder onto to the desktop

I use a different desktop manager so I tried it using a slightly different approach
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#77 Post by rcrsn51 »

Scooby wrote:Got connection and not especially difficult
Excellent. Thank you for this report.
being able to copy label of Xdialog from button "status" maybe a --textbox instead of --msgbox?
What do you want to copy out of that box?
restart automagically after config file edit...Maybe you could edit file with Xdialog and make it modal .. when Xdialog exits, restart
I wanted PWF to be backwards compatible with old Puppies, so it only uses basic gtkdialog3 features. With the current method, it's just two clicks - one to quit and one to restart. Could you suggest some alternate code? I could put a Restart button on the toolbar.
In what scenario do you use abort button? if it hangs?
Yes. Particularly during the dhcpcd stage of connection.
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#78 Post by rcrsn51 »

Scooby wrote:In puppy apparently you use rox to create a shortcut on desktop
drag peasywifi_auto from your Startup folder onto to the desktop
Exactly. There is a nice big icon in /usr/share/pixmaps.
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#79 Post by Scooby »

rcrsn51 wrote: What do you want to copy out of that box?
I thought of a scenario where you were helping other users
and it would be beneficial for them to copy paste status
so you could get an idea what was happening.
(IP, Kernel Module, Firmware, Rfkill status)
rcrsn51 wrote: I wanted PWF to be backwards compatible with old Puppies, so it only uses basic gtkdialog3 features. With the current method, it's just two clicks - one to quit and one to restart. Could you suggest some alternate code? I could put a Restart button on the toolbar.
Okay I edited earlier post but will add my suggestion here also
rcrsn51 wrote: The problem is that the drop-down Profiles list cannot be updated on-the-fly in Gtkdialog3.
Checkout example at the bottom of
Perhaps PROFILELIST could be stored in a file and then updated after new one added as in example?
Then I believe it would be possible to update Profileslist on-the-fly

If you like I could try coding it according to above and see if it's possible
It would be nice to do it without restart, right?
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#80 Post by rcrsn51 »

There are two scenarios that require a restart - after changing the configuration and after creating a profile.

I have always tried to keep PWF simple and avoid using advanced gtkdialog features.

At this stage of the project, I am not really interested in major changes. So I am going to release v2.7 with a Restart button on the toolbar. That should be good enough.
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