
Paint programs, vector editors, 3d modelers, animation editors, etc.
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#1 Post by robwoj44 »
Image editor, like PaintBrush or Paint.Net, written in Lazarus (Free Pascal). Includes BGRABitmap, a set of drawing routines.

Works in Puppy Linux 4.12 based distros

#2 Post by darry1966 »

Works really well and fast on my Anitaos 4.12 derivative.

Many thanks

Text : how to scale your text ?

#3 Post by Pelo »

Text : how to scale your text ?

Seems wonderful. By default on Triton . Installed on Saluki without problems, except 'how to use it' !
Slacko 5.5 too
Postcard to toronto ? No.
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Last edited by Pelo on Sat 30 Sep 2017, 08:32, edited 9 times in total.

#4 Post by oui »

Bonjour circular
circular wrote:Bonjour,

Je suis l'auteur de LazPaint. Content que mon logiciel ait votre attention.

Comme je developpe sous Windows, je ne peux pas faire beaucoup de test pour Linux. J'ai un emulateur Oracle VirtualBox, mais cela rame beaucoup.

Si vous avez des remarques a propos de la version Linux, des choses qui ne fonctionnnent pas, je peux faire des modifications specifiques pour ameliorer la compatibilite.

Par exemple, il y avait des problemes avec les fenetres multiples, avec le navigateur de fichiers (nouveau dans la version 6.0), etc.

Comme cela est fait avec Lazarus, en theorie, vous pouvez recompiler le programme, desactiver des morceaux qui ne fonctionne pas sous Puppy Linux, etc. Si cela vous interesse, le detail de la liste des paquets Pascal a utiliser se trouve sur le fil de discussion principal de LazPaint: ... #msg153774

D'un point de vue utilisation memoire, ce logiciel n'en utilise pas beaucoup. Le undo/redo est sauvegarde sur le disque dur dans un repertoire temporaire, il n'y a en gros donc que l'image actuelle qui est en memoire et divers buffers de dessin.

La version 6.0 est plus rapide, tant au niveau du dessin a la main que pour la rotation des calques. Cela reste du rendu logiciel, donc pas hyper rapide. Cela dit, c'est aussi le principe du logiciel et de la librairie BGRABitmap, de faire tout le dessin en Pascal et un peu d'assembleur.

Bienvenue sur ce forum et dans le monde souterrain linuxien ignoré des spécialistes de windows.

Cette distro est du Linux un peu spécial: Son auteur, Barry Kauler, programma un programme windowien de dessin faisant 87 kB (et faisant pourtant des merveilles dans les versions de windows adéquate)


cela devrait te le rendre sympathique, avant que de créer ce qui est devenu l'une des distros de Linux les plus connues et les plus utilisées, le fameux Puppy Linux...

(tu y verras aussi que Barry Kauler publia un traité d'assembleur pour la programmation système sous Windows :roll: , et, qu'en ce qui concerne son programme génial eveWEB, il est désormais domaine public et open sources...)

mais si tu veux optimiser ton programme pour Linux, pourquoi ne ferais-tu pas tes essais toi-même en Linux?

il faut savoir que tu n'as pas du tout besoin d'installer Puppy Linux sur ton PC pour l'utiliser ni d'y changer quoi que ce soit!

par exemple lancé du CD!

il te suffit de graver le CD, de l'insérer et de redémarrer... et Puppy Linux apparait et ne touchera à rien dans l'installation de ton ordi! et si tu veux faire des tests sur plusieurs versions, y compris compiler sous Linux avec lazarus, ceci reste entièrement valable (il existe même une version appelée LazY Pup, en référence à Lazarus, faite pour utiliser Lazarus!)

et il n'y a à priori pas beaucoup à apprendre: tout est étalé sur le bureau...

et en plus tu connais de toute manière d'ores et déjà ce forum, où on reçoit de l'aide à la pelle (on se querelle même parfois avec la bonne intention que de ne donner de l'aide :lol: )!

la seule chose à maîtriser: savoir graver un CD en tant que fichier ISO...

(ou utiliser l'une de ces méthodes plus modernes clef USB etc.)


PS: à circular et aux autres:
existe-t-il un comparatif assez rigoureux entre ce que mTpaint, notre standard, nous propose, et LazPaint?
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#5 Post by circular »

Interessant tout cela. Amusant le programme eveWEB.

J'ai essaye de temps a autres Linux, et je constate qu'il y a une amelioration progressive de la facilite d'utilisation. Et puis, avec Windows 8 il est temps de passer vraiment a Linux comme faire se peut.

Je vais essayer avec des cles USB cette fois.

LazY Pup me semble une tres bonne idee!


(en) This is interesting. eveWEB program is a quite funny.

I try from times to time Linux and I can see a progressive improvement of ease of use. And also, with Windows 8, it is time to really switch to Linux as far as possible.

I will try with USB keys this time.

LazY Pup seems a very good idea!

Last edited by circular on Mon 11 Aug 2014, 11:15, edited 1 time in total.

Lazpaint description

#6 Post by Pelo »

LazPaint is an image editor with layers. It can interoperate with
other layered editors via OpenRaster format. Rendering is done with
antialiasing and gamma correction.
It can read/write usual image formats. It imports Paint.NET files (with their
layer structure) and Photoshop files (as flattened images). Also
you can import 3d objects in Wavefront (.obj) format.
It provides many color manipulation functions, complex selection functions,
various filters and rendering of textures.
It's still under development.
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éditeurs graphiques_graphic apps

#7 Post by labbe5 »

LazPaint fait partie des nombreuses applications qui améliorent l'offre en éditeurs graphiques, dans Linux.
Les programmeurs ont constaté que le besoin est là, car l'offre était un peu faible à une certaine époque, pour les photographes, entre autres. Depuis Gmic, par de successifs développements, a rendu Gimp beaucoup plus intéressant, auquel s'ajoute Beautify. Les convertisseurs de fichiers raw, sous Linux, ont rapidement grimpé dans l'estime des photographes, car toute une série d'améliorations les ont rendus aussi bons qu'il est possible de les faire, dans l'état des connaissances actuel.
En plus, Wine permet de faire rouler quelques applications qui n'ont pas d'équivalents dans Linux, plus spécialisées, par exemple dans le redressement des perspectives, tel ShiftN.
Bref, l'offre est là, il suffit de chercher. Et pour qui se sent une fibre morale exemplaire, il est toujours possible de faire un généreux don à l'auteur d'un programme, surtout si l'on en fait un usage commercial et intensif.

Sorry for using french in the english forum. It is a mistake from my part.
What i wrote is that rapid progress is made in creating new versions of old graphic apps, and new ones are created, and that graphic artists of all kind benefit from that progress, not having to stick to Windows operating systems anymore to have things done, even commercial work. Linux Raw converters are becoming as good as commercial ones, and Gimp is rapidly evolving to become a big item for anyone dealing with graphic arts, especially because of Gmic, and more recently Beautify, and a few older plugins. There is no excuse anymore, in my point of view, to prefer Windows apps, because of that progress, and for the more specialised apps, such as ShiftN, with which one can address optical problems from lens, there is Wine, that is such a big help in allaviating the transition between old habits from Windows and new ones, when one makes the switch to Linux and Puppy. And i was ending by writing that anyone liking an app, especially for commercial work, should think about donating money to the author(s). Not being commercial doesn't mean it doesn't cost anything to make an app. And it helps to make further progress.
Last edited by labbe5 on Mon 11 Aug 2014, 18:15, edited 1 time in total.
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#8 Post by RSH »


thought this here is a topic in the EN Forum.

Could anyone of those french Users be that kind to add a EN translation to their posts?

Less People do speak french here!
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#9 Post by oui »

I am sorry Rainer but the live is to short...

I did never learn English (although my the mother of my grand'ma was an English wife, but it was an of the frequent English families living on the continent between Calais and Lille / Gent, and I did grow in the Easten of France where in the past German did be more teatched perhaps because of the frequent German invasions...) and nobody did ever translate somewhat for me. I did spend hours or sometimes days to translate for me some infos concerning Puppy:

You did explain in the past that you were able to disgest all the technic of Linux and Puppy within a few month and laught about some other person not willing to do that. It is the same with foreign language. All foreign languages are seemly easy and fast to learn and it is proved: All language can be learnd by babies between an extremly short time and the same thing did never happen with «bash» etc. :roll: .

I did seduce the new Puppy forum member «circular» to appear here in the forum category "Advanced topic" / Graphics because he is the programmer having created the app LazPaint and I am happy that he did really appear here, present itself as that author of this application, and continue in French (no matter for internet user: Google speaks French! On electronic and computer thematic better as on other excepted perhaps actual news in the world) because we have to much French programmers forgetting completely the needs of their compartriots: A lot of good apps are directly comming from France (Qemu, video plugins, VLC, kompoZer from Seamonkey, Instantbird, Amaya from W3C etc.) but it is usually terribly difficult for us to find adequates informations in our tongue!

and you know that:

my son is more than 30 years old and did grow in Germany. different from France, since about his young all German people get the possibility to learn English equivalent to German! English is the only one stuff teatched in German Kindergarten! And since 3 decennies all children can do it, and continue more and more without interruption until they finish their formation! There are a lot of School having completely English spoken subdivisions!

And, look at the forum of Puppy: All Puppyist are not immediately able to understand the stuff of the Puppy forum on English and the theoretically after 3 decennies efforts bi-languaged German folks are really happy to find a group speaking German in that forum, an absolutely nonsens as German and English belong to the same language familly and Germans so long time are all learning English from the Kindergarten! the success of this long efforts of all the German people is in my eyes: Nothing, zero...

so we have to live with different languages and to use Google translator or Chome!

(would you install Chrome in your Puplets, you would never have encountre such problems :wink: !)
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#10 Post by RSH »

Thank you oui for the reply - especially because of life is too short.

Though this effort would have a better use of it, if it would have been used to post a quick-shot of a google-translate. Not everyone wants to use google and some of us (like me) are on 4 KB/s to 8 KB/s online when on the forum.

To try to visit other pages even doesn't make any sense then...
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#11 Post by don570 »

you can paste the address into the translate box at

This gives you another address to go to that is translated.

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#12 Post by RSH »

don570 wrote:you can paste the address into the translate box at

This gives you another address to go to that is translated.

I assume, on 4 KB/s up to 8 KB/s, this will be as fast as learning French? :lol: :wink:
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#13 Post by circular »

What about improving your connection?
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#14 Post by RSH »

circular wrote:What about improving your connection?
What about just using English Language inside of Topics of the English Forum?

What's the Problem with that?

What about if I do some of my replies in German Language or shinobar posting in Japanese Language?

What will the English Forum become of?

So, again:

What about just using English Language inside of Topics of the English Forum?
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#15 Post by circular »

Oh no don't cry! There is no problem with speaking English.

I don't mind if you post in German. Wir konnen Deutsch sprechen wenn du willst.

Note: personally I was a bit confused about what was the language of the forum as part of it is in French.
Last edited by circular on Mon 11 Aug 2014, 13:07, edited 2 times in total.
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#16 Post by circular »

SFS/PET: ... precise5xx

A new version 6.2 is available. It seems very much compatible with Slackware Puppy, Precise Puppy and Linux Mint.

Thanks to ASRI éducation that has provided packages for Puppy:

(fr) Une nouvelle version 6.2 est disponible. Elle semble tres compatible avec Puppy Slackware, Puppy Precise et Linux Mint.

Merci a ASRI éducation qui a fourni les paquets pour Puppy. Lien vers le fil de discussion en francais :

(de) Eine neue Version 6.2 verfügbar ist. Es scheint sehr kompatibel mit Slackware Puppy, Precise Puppy und Linux Mint.

Danke ASRI éducation. Er hat die Pakete für Puppy zur Verfügung gestellt.
Screenshot of LazPaint with Slackware Puppy.
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Open/save fails

#17 Post by gjuhasz »

circular wrote:A new version 6.2 is available. It seems very much compatible with Slackware Puppy, Precise Puppy and Linux Mint.
It not only crashes when trying to open and/or save any file in Upup Precise, non-PAE kernel ( ... 9ca404eca3) but jumps to the console thus X shall be restarted.

Same for lazpaint 5.6.

Any idea?

Winter is the Lazpaint season (tarpup)

#18 Post by Pelo »

Feed back soon comming today (on test with tahrpup 5.8.3)
Manuel d'utilisation à lire ici

translation of filter names :

Radial blur : flou non directionnel
Motion blur : flou directionnel
Custom blur : flou à partir d'un masque

Sharpen : faire ressortir les contours, fonction complémentaire à Smooth
Smooth : adouci légèrement l'image, fonction complémentaire à Sharpen
Median : calcule la médiane des couleurs autour de chaque pixel, ce qui arrondi les coins

Contour : dessine les contours sur fond blanc (comme un dessin au crayon)
Emboss : dessine les contours selon un ombrage

Sphere : projection sphérique
Cylinder : projection cylindrique
Clouds : ajoute des nuages de la couleur du pinceau actuel
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#19 Post by circular »


A new version 6.4.1 is to be tested, compiled and put into packages.

Here are the new features:
- Loading 3d models with texture (two example models are provided)
- Added "brush tool": you can specify the shape of the brush, load it from a file
- Added "clone tool": right click to set source location, and left click to duplicate
- Added palette toolbar: load/save palettes in various formats, posterize or dither image
- In color window: add color to the palette, preview of current color
- Less toolbars by default: right-click on top-left toolbar to add/remove toolbars
- Toolbox is docking inside the main window (left or right side)
- Save file as PNG/JPG/BMP: choose color depth and preview image & file size
- Added "rain" rendering (menu Render)

More info on the new tools:

Here are the binaries that are already available:
(for now win32, win64, linux32 and puppy32)

Someone told they could make linux64 binaries soon.

The macOs version is kind of buggy mainly because of some GUI components that are not working properly (Lazarus is kind of experimental on this platform).

Enjoy and please gimme some feedbacks!


development thread: ... #msg173419
Clone tool
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Brush tool
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Last edited by circular on Tue 07 Apr 2015, 19:54, edited 1 time in total.
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#20 Post by HoerMirAuf »

.... a very nice programm ... really !

packed the last development build to a pet: (3MB)
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